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Inheriting A Mafia

Page 12

by K. L Hart

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Fucking let us out!” I punch the big metal door that holds me and Enzo prisoner.

  “Give up Matty, were not getting out of here unless they want us to or were rescued!” Enzo says as he runs his hands down his face. I take a seat next to him on the floor, and my head hits the wall. I stare at the ceiling, having no idea what to do for the second time in my life!

  “I have to get back to her!” I say.

  “I know!” All I can do is think about Sienna and how she is going to react to this, I fucking prey she doesn’t breakdown or even worse come after us! At least my boys and Sam are with her to protect her, that is the only bit of peace I have right now!

  “I think this is Grandfathers doing! This don’t seem like Russians to me!” Enzo suggests,

  “I agree, but what's his end game? He has just locked up his only heirs to his empire!”

  “Exactly he can take back control now!”

  “No, he can't, it defaults to Sienna as she is a valid heir through marriage!”

  “Your right, so what the hell does he want? Unless, he is going to ransom us for his place as head of the family back!”

  “There is one major flaw with that plan, what's stopping us and the other boss’s taking him out when he gets what he wants?”

  “Maybe he thinks we won't because he has regained power!”

  “Let's hope that his plan is this mundane, what if he goes after Sienna next?” I see the look of determination in Enzo’s eyes.

  “We will kill him before he even tries!” I look at my brother and see the face I'm so used to! He is planning and he is brilliantly savage when he needs to be so I stay quiet and let him think, I look back to the ceiling of our concrete cell and replay every memory I have of Sienna, if anything can get me through and give me hope it's her! Her smile, her silvery blue eyes that call out to me, her soft skin and her platinum blonde hair that combines to make the most beautiful human alive! Pair that with her kind soul, big heart and fearless, smart, crazy attitude and she is a fucking goddess!

  Hours turn into days as we both sit here, lost in thought and getting barely any sleep! We have had no water or food in what has to be forty-eight hours and I'm starving!

  “He’s weaking us, why?” I blurt, Enzo looks at me and frowns.

  “He wants to talk to us, but he won't do it until he is sure we are so weak we can't fight him! Whatever he wants to say he doesn’t want the men to know! I have seen him do this before!”

  “Go to sleep, conserve your energy!” I try to fight it but I fall back into the darkness of unconsciousness.

  Cold water jolts me awake, and I shiver from being drenched in it, I open my eyes to find Grandfather sat in a chair in front of me, looking like a smug prick.

  “What do you want from us?” Enzo growls as he sits up properly.

  “My two disappointments I call Grandsons! Look what you have made me do!” He tuts as he shakes his head.

  “We didn’t make you do anything, you outdated methods and evil choices put yourself in this position!” I say,

  “Why not just retire, and live out the rest of your life in peace?” Enzo asks.

  “I would but you two have shamed my name and that bitch Vellucci has to be dealt with!”

  “You will not touch her!” I growl as I try to stand but I'm too weak and fall straight back down. Grandfather laughs and I bristle.

  “When you two relearn where your loyalties lie and get the little whore out of your system, I will welcome you back with open arms, until then prepare to be beaten into submission!” With that he stands and opens the door, two men walk in ones I don’t recognize, I see the canes in their hands! They strike us, the cane connects with my face and it hurts, we don’t scream even though we want too. I focus on watching Grandfathers face who watches with satisfaction, he smiles evilly before shutting the door and leaving his only family to be tortured!

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Come on Sienna, come home, you need to eat, you're working yourself into an early grave!” Casey pleads with me, but I don’t want to go home, I don’t want to sleep in the bed Matteo should be sharing with me. I just want to forget and work allows me to do that if only for a while! I shake my head trying my best to ignore her, I don’t want to deal with her emotions right now I can't even deal with mine. She sighs and I see Sam pull her from my office from the corner of my eye, I put my head in my hands and take a deep breath. Matteo’s face pops into my head and the grief overwhelms me, I push it aside and look back to the excel sheet I was working on.

  “Sienna wake up, we have something!” A voice gets clearer and louder as I slowly wake up from my slumber on my desk. I open my eyes and see Jay to the side of me. I sit up,

  “What? What do you have?” I ask rubbing my eyes,

  “We have a confirmed sighting of Nicoletti! Wherever he is he can lead us to them!” My heart stutters at the thought of hope, it's been months since they were taken, can they still be out there!

  “Where?” I ask,


  “I'll get a plane, be ready to leave in two hours, get Casey to pack me a bag, meet me at the airport! Jay squeezes my shoulder,

  “We will find them!” I nod.

  I step off the plane eighteen hours after getting on it, I pull my coat tighter around me, its freezing here! I get into the car that’s waiting and wait for Jay and Sam to get in. The others stayed behind to watch over my turf and Casey, The Russians are still around and they can strike at any minute.

  “Don't you find it strange we spot Nicoletti so close to Russia?” Sam says what I was thinking earlier,

  “If he is working with them the Boss’s will take him out!” I say,

  “Is he really that stupid?” Jay asks and I shrug,

  “But maybe he is that desperate!” I say.

  “So, the cameras picked him up getting into a car in the town of Izyum, which is a small secluded town surrounded by lots of countryside! We have the license plate and can start recon work when we get to the cottage!” Sam says and I nod.

  “Did Henderson give you everything you need?” I ask,

  “Yeah, we have everything!”

  We pull up to the little cottage in the middle of nowhere and I fumble with the key because I'm so cold, we soon get in and jay lights the wood fireplace, and I sit in front of it trying to get warm. Sam grabs me a big blanket and drapes it over my shoulders.

  “You need to eat; you have lost so much weight since they got taken! You can't save them if you're too weak!” Jay says.

  “I know! Ok! I know!” I say, I can't help it my appetite is nonexistent and when I do eat, I just feel sick! I move to the sofa when I've warmed up enough and I curl up in its corner.

  “What's happening with you and Casey?” I ask Sam as he brings me a hot chocolate, I take it and he sits next to me.

  “Not a lot, everything just kind of stopped when Matteo and Lorenzo were taken, I think she felt bad if she carried on seeing me when you are so sad.” He shrugs,

  “Well, that’s stupid!” I say with a roll of my eyes,

  “So is ignoring your best friend, but you’ve been doing that for months!”

  “She makes me feel stuff I don’t want to; I'll make it up to her when I don’t feel so torn apart!” I say truthfully.

  “There’s nothing to do tonight so get some food, some actual sleep and we will start the hard work tomorrow!” Jay says as he brings me a sandwich, a very large sandwich!

  I wake up feeling very hot! I open my eyes and see the flames surrounding me, shit the fire! I never put it out, it must have spread, I climb over the back of the Sofa but the flames are everywhere, I cough and splutter as the smoke enters my lungs, I pull my top over my nose and mouth and try and find a way out!

  “Sam! Jay!” I shout as loudly as I can! I cough more and I jump when I'm burned by the fire which is closing in around me, I hear footsteps from
above me,

  “Shit, Sienna!” I hear Sam calling,

  “I'm here!” I shout back, I can't see them, I can't see anything but the bright burning of the flames!

  “We can't get to her!” Jay says, I hear the smashing of a window and the air makes the flames roar even more, hopeless, I have never felt so hopeless! I start to find it harder to breathe and I feel the darkness trying to pull me under! I feel the flames licking my skin burning me but I struggle to move anymore, coughing so much its stopping everything else! Sam shakes me and I open my eyes, he's thrown off his blanket that protected him from the flames.

  “Come on Sienna, let's try to get you out of here!” he coughs and splutters just like I do but he manages to lift me into his arms, I cry out in pain when another flame burns my arm! The coughing takes over and I pass out!

  Chapter Thirty


  I hear the crack of my tooth as the man Infront of me punches me over and over again while I'm starved and tied to this fucking chair! Matteo passed out a while ago so he is being left alone for now, but he is not doing well at all, he looks like he may even scar from the torture! When the guy stops to give his fists a break, I spit out a mixture of blood and one of my back teeth. I see him grin out of the eye that is swollen shut. The guy backhands Matteo which jolts him awake, he pulls a switch blade out of his pocket and pulls the blade out, he trails it down Matteo’s face cutting him, blood pours out of the new wound and Matteo cries out in pain.

  “No! Do it to me! Leave him, do it to me!” I scream at our tormentor. He faces me and snickers as he cuts my brother again! I struggle in the chair when I hear Matteo cry out again. I hear the door swing open behind me!

  “Enough! Leave!” My grandfather's authoritative voice booms from the doorway. The man does as he is ordered and promptly leaves the room. Grandfather strolls around our chairs to stand in front of us, he has a wicked grin on his face.

  “Let him go, do what you want to me, but let him go!” I plead.

  “Stop!” he booms and I do, “You will be let free soon enough, especially now the Vellucci girl has been dealt with!”

  “Your lying!” Matteo shouts at him but the panic is clear on his face.

  “Why would I lie? But I did bring some proof! We intercepted and recorded a phone call after a very tragic fire!” Grandfather pulls out his phone and plays a recording on speaker.

  “Hello?” Casey’s voice is clear through the phone.

  “Casey, it’s Jay! Are you with the others?”

  “Yeah, hold on I'll put you on speaker!”

  “Jay! Did you find them?” Kegan asks,

  “I have some bad news, there was a fire!” Jay’s voice cracks, he clears his throat, “Sienna and Sam didn’t make it out!” I hear the despair in Casey’s cry and I feel the same despair in my heart, I look to Matteo who has tears running down his face! I watch as the light fades from his eyes. Grandfather laughs and exits the room. The pain I feel just intensifies when Matteo cry's out and struggles against the rope tying him to the chair, he tips over and I listen to him cry out. I can't do anything to help him, no one can! The only person we all love more than anything has been taken from us and Matteo is the one who will suffer the most, I watch him break on the floor and my heart tears in two, not only for my grief but for my brother who deserved every fucking bit of happiness life had to give!

  “She was looking for us!” Matteo’s broken voice, kills me inside.

  “I know, I'm so fucking sorry!” He shakes his head,

  “It’s all my fault, I was too selfish with her, she should have gone through with the marriage to you, I killed her!” He sobs and I just want to do or say something that will make him feel better but I can't!

  “We will get our revenge; we will kill him as soon as we can!”

  “I will kill him! I will avenge my wife if it fucking sends me to the grave with her!”

  About The Author

  K.L Hart

  Social Media

  Bookbub: K.L Hart

  Goodreads: K.L Hart

  Instagram: @Kerrylhart

  Twitter: @Kerry1hart

  Books By This Author

  The Storm Legacy

  Nine years ago, I was cast aside because I was female! My own parents adopted me out to another member of Storm Corporations board members as they could not produce an heir, I had a twin who was a boy so they kept him and gave me away. I am one of five heirs destined with a legacy that means we all have to be trained to survive! I can kill a man with my heel, make a headshot from great distances, crack safes and run a company, but the four boys that watched me be dragged from them will be what brings me down, especially when it would be so easy for me to fall in love with one of them.

  I can deal with the threats and I have been trained to survive captivity but will I have too. Going back to Jefferson falls could be my biggest mistake!

  The Storm Legacy Broken

  Last year I went back to Jefferson Falls and re-opened my heart to the boys who let me down all them years ago, I fought by their side, protected them and sacrificed myself so they can be safe!

  Problem is im now stuck in captivity, beaten, starved and tortured and no one is coming for me!

  I am one of five heirs for Storm Corperations a corrupt company that own the world! for me to have been here for months means that even there reach cant find me or they have let me be taken again just like they did when I was Eight! Do I even want to escape, I am ruined for the one person I have ever loved or will ever love and there is no way he will have me now.

  But my captors are letting me go! they want me to distance myself from the other heirs. why? to break Storm from the inside, to ruin the united front Storm have had for generations? too make us weak. The boys are not going to accept this without a fight, so a fight is what I shall give them and I will find out who is the mastermind behind all of this!

  not only do I have to deal with the four overbearing heirs that do not take a hint, I have missions to take out terrorists, parents who are plain crazy, a tour (did I forget to mention that im also a singer for Storm records). someone trying to take us out who is hiding so deep higher powers couldnt find them and Ash's pshyco ex is back! FML!

  The Storm Legacy Destroyed

  The Third instalment of the Storm Legacy Series,

  Kassi and Ash’s hot and heavy romance finally exploded and the world around them is blown into disaster. There is an unknown enemy playing a powerful game and The heirs have no moves left! When one of them goes rogue what happens to the others?

  Kassi:- I’m a complete mess, my life has gone to shit! I’m trying to hold everything together but I’m it’s becoming more and more impossible! For the first time in my life I don’t know how to solve this, I am going to fail the only mission that truly matters -family!

  Ash:- I have woke up with no memories! No idea who I am or who these people are! I have been shown the footage from my wedding and I can’t help but feel disappointed in myself. Married at this young what was I thinking! Kassi seems nice enough and yeah she is hot as hell but as she tries to work my muscle memory by beating me to a pulp in what she calls training I can’t help but regret marrying such a fucking psycho! Who knows this shit! What the fuck is Storm Corp and why do I feel like I need to get the fuck out and get as far away from my so called family as possible!

  The Divine Academy

  Aurora turned seventeen less than ten minutes ago when she was brutally murdered on her way home from work!

  She wakes up in heaven and when her powers are released in the unbinding ceremony the real problems start, not only is she the only person to ever have all ten Archangels powers, Lucifer is determined to make her the princess of hell!

  Aurora Is prophosised to end the ragin war between the Angels and the Demons but which side will she help?

  with colour changing wings, crazy powers and A god of man she has fell in love with how will she get through year on
e of the Academy!

  Welcome to the Divine Academy,

  In year one you will be learning about the angelic history and powers, we will start your magic, battle and other training to give you the best possible start to being a junior Angel. If you do not pass the first year and prove your soul is pure then you will be sent back to earth to live another life. If you pass and prove yourself you will officially become a junior angel and your powers will greatly increase, you will then discover your unique skill set and will be assigned a career path which will be more focused on in years three and four.


  Does everyone come to heaven?

  No everyone under the age of eighteen automatically comes here, if you are nineteen or over you would have had to prove your goodness and your pure soul in life.

  What happens to people who do not come here?

  They are reincarnated and their soul gets another chance to prove themselves with a new life.

  Is hell real?

  Hell is very much real, but people are not sent there, demons live there with their ruler and maker Lucifer.

  Are angel's immortal.

  Yes, unless you are sent back to earth in your first year and stripped of your angelic gifts, you are immortal.

  Can we speak to loved ones on earth?

  No, you may never have contact with your loved ones until they arrive here.

  Contains, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Warewolves, witches, Warlocks, fae and much more!!


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