Page 19
His heart skipped a beat as he absorbed her scent, her heat, the feel of her body against his. His arms instinctively pulled her even closer, a contented sound in his throat.
Altheia woke to the feel of his arms hugging her tight—arms that gave her a peace of mind and sense of safety—and she lay there, reveling in the sensation. Then she stretched sinuously.
Michael growled and held her tighter. “Keep that up, wife, and your first dinner will go bad before we get to it,” he told her passionately.
"Oh no,” she said as she pushed away from him so she could sit up. “I put too much work into it. You can just reconcile yourself to eating dinner before anything else."
"You're heartless,” he groaned as he grabbed for her. But she slipped out the other side of the bed.
"No I'm not. I'm just hungry. All this loving is wearing me out.” Turning away, she went to see about dinner.
Michael guiltily wondered if maybe it was his lustful demands that were causing her to fall ill. He had noticed a change in her scent lately, but it hadn't seemed like illness that was causing it. Usually he could tell when someone was sick, but with his mate, it was different. He had thought it had to do with their intimacy. Perhaps in a way it did. Maybe he should try restraining his libido and see if she got better, even though not mating with her would tear him apart.
He glanced over at her as she removed a roast from the pan. Just being in the same space was enough to excite him. He watched her mixing flour with water to make gravy. She was going to spoil him. He thought he just might like that.
With lithesome grace he rose from the bed and made his way quietly to stand behind her. When she paused, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her possessively against his body. His lips dropped down her throat, bringing a sigh from her in response.
"I missed you today,” he murmured. “I like having you where I can touch you."
"I missed you too,” she answered as she turned her head and placed a kiss on his temple.
"It smells good.” He gestured toward the food.
"Thank you. Now go wash up while I get it on the table.” She shrugged out of his embrace and stirred the gravy.
A few minutes later, she set a heaping plate of pot roast and gravy with carrots and potatoes in front of him and dropped into her seat.
"I hope you enjoy it,” she said hopefully.
Michael smiled at her and then looked at his plate. For a moment, the food sitting in front of him did not register beyond the enticing aroma that triggered his hunger. Then suddenly he noticed the vegetables. He didn't have any vegetables in the house.
"Where in the hell did this come from!” he exclaimed. Altheia jumped at the anger in his tone. “You went out of the cabin?"
She was suddenly afraid of the man sitting across from her. His eyes blazed with rage and his hands were clenched, as if trying to control the impulse to strike out at something or someone.
"I only went to my place..."
"You what!” he interrupted with a shout. “Of all the places you could have gone, that has to be the worst. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"No!” she yelled back, anger rising at the way he was berating her. He acted like she was a recalcitrant child who couldn't be trusted to know how to take care of herself.
"I was perfectly safe. It was broad daylight and I checked before I left the woods.” She was a little hurt that he had completely forgotten about the dinner that she had put so much work into. “And besides, I took your shotgun.” She burst into tears. Throwing her napkin on the table, she jumped up and ran outside.
Michael blinked in astonishment. She'd taken his gun with her? He watched the tears run down her face just before she ran out.
Damn, he thought, I was only concerned with her welfare. Doesn't she realize I'd die if anything happened to her?
She was life itself. All these years he'd just existed, marking time, waiting for something to bring him to life. And then she showed up in Jefferson. He could never bear to go back to that existence. It would destroy him.
His gaze fell on the dish in front of him. She had made pot roast with carrots and onions and potatoes, smothered in gravy. Despite the fear he had felt when he realized she had left the cabin, he could still recognize the hunger for the food she had fixed him. She had done it for him as well as for herself.
He knew he often ate only meat, even though he knew he should eat better. But he hadn't thought of her. She needed nourishing foods to stay healthy. And she'd been ill recently. He hadn't thought to bring any food home for her. Suddenly he felt sick and guilty.
He lurched out of the chair, knocking it to the floor. He left it where it lay and went to the door, wrenching it open.
"Altheia!” It was dark! Where had she gone? If anything happened to her because he'd foolishly chased her out, he'd never forgive himself. He stumbled off the porch, looking frantically around.
"I'm right here,” came a soft voice from the darkness of the porch.
He jerked around at the sound of her voice. He could just make her out, sitting on the floor, back in the far corner, almost out of sight. He wouldn't have noticed her if she hadn't answered him. With a growl, he swiftly reached her side. Dropping to his knees, he gathered her gently in his arms. He could feel her shiver.
"Oh God, baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to holler. I was just so scared. You could have been hurt.” He rocked her back and forth in his arms. He didn't ever want to let her go. “I was wrong. I didn't think. If anything had happened, I would have died with you. Forgive me."
Michael was holding her so tightly she could barely breathe. She sniffled. His face was buried in her hair and he was murmuring endearments. She couldn't stay mad at him; she had gone out after he made her promise not to. But she was still hurt at his reaction and disregard of why. Actually, he hadn't even asked why. He'd just blown up at her.
"I was careful,” she whispered. “You didn't have any food except meat. What did you think I was supposed to eat? Or fix for dinner?"
"I'm sorry, baby.” He pulled back so he could look down at her. “I didn't think about food. And if I had thought about dinner at all, I suppose I would have suggested we go out. Usually I just fix a steak or go out to eat. I never thought about you and I can't tell you how guilty I feel. Nobody's thought about me for a few years, and I never had to think about a mate until now. I guess I blew it big time."
Altheia sat as he rocked her in his arms. She guessed they'd just had their first fight. Actually, both of them had been a little in the wrong.
"My dinner,” she cried, as she remembered. “It's getting cold."
"I'd eat it even if it was burnt. If it's cold, it's my fault. You went to so much trouble and I ruined it. Damn it, Altheia, forgive me.” He hugged her even tighter, causing her to gasp for breath. “Are you all right? Did I hurt you?” he asked anxiously as he released her.
"I'm fine as long as you let me breathe,” she joked.
He looked at her carefully for a moment, wanting to be sure she was all right.
"Let's go in out of the chill. I don't want you getting sick again.” He lifted her gently to her feet and let her precede him into the cabin.
Altheia felt a moment of guilt about not telling him that she was still not well, but shook it off. She didn't want him to worry over what was surely just a stomach virus.
The gravy had congealed on the plates. She picked up the dishes when he stayed her hand.
"I mean it. I can eat it like that,” he said quietly.
"What's left in the pan is still warm. I can fix that. Maybe Koani would like this.
He stared at her for a moment. After everything he had just said and done, she could still treat him civilly. And she could somehow think of others. He nodded and released her hand. She never ceased to amaze him.
It took just a few minutes to warm up the remaining meat and vegetables in the leftover gravy. When she again placed a plate in front of Michael, he smile
d at her a little sadly. She smiled back.
"This is really good,” he said sincerely after a few bites.
Altheia acknowledged with a nod of her head as Michael went back to finish his meal with gusto.
"I must admit, this is a benefit of marriage I hadn't considered,” he said as he sat back in his chair, “but most definitely an appreciated one. You're really a good cook."
"Thank you.” Altheia couldn't help but glow with the compliment. She enjoyed pleasing him. She stood up and began to clear the table.
"I'll do that.” He took the plates from her hands. “You look tired. Why don't you go sit while I take care of these?"
"Why don't you take the leftovers out for Koani?” she countered.
"It was your idea, you can feed her. It will be good for both of you to learn to be friends. You are the two most important females in my life, you know,” he said with a grin.
She found a pan for the food while Michael quickly washed the dishes.
"How will she know to come?” she wanted to know.
"Come on.” He dried his hands and then took her outside.
The yard was dark with only the stars for illumination. She couldn't see anything in the deep shadows at the edge of the forest.
Michael pulled her to the bottom of the steps. Making a sound with his tongue, he pointed to the right. A few seconds later, Koani slowly emerged from the shadows, a black form against the darker night.
"She was right here?” she asked in surprise.
"Almost always near, this time of the night,” he acknowledged. “Talk softly and set the pan down. Then go sit on the steps.
She did as he said and watched him go to the she-wolf. The wolf greeted him with a wagging tail and body rubs against his legs. He communicated with her in his own way for a moment, running his hands affectionately through her fur, then turned back to the porch.
He sat down beside Altheia on the steps, taking her hand in his. Koani watched them for a moment before cautiously, quietly advancing. She sniffed the offering and looked toward Michael.
Michael nodded almost imperceptibly and the she-wolf began to eat ravenously.
"My God, she must be starved,” Altheia whispered.
"Not quite. Wolves eat when they can. You don't know when the food will be gone, or be chased away. But she is old and doesn't hunt as efficiently as she once did. I usually make sure she doesn't go hungry.” He turned to look at Altheia.
"I'm sorry,” he said softly.
"Sorry? Sorry for what?” She was confused. What had he done?
"I went off today and didn't even think you might need anything, like real food.” He gestured, “You know ... veggies, fruit, milk. Things like that. I didn't bring anything home. I didn't even call to see if you wanted me to bring anything."
"That's okay. I didn't think to ask."
"There's no excuse. I'm supposed to take care of my mate."
"I'm sure you will and you have to remember that I'm not helpless. You're just not used to having me around yet."
He reached out and laid his hand along the side of her face.
"Oh, I'm used to it. I could never go back to living alone. Don't ever leave me,” he pleaded. He leaned over and brushed his lips softly against hers. Her eyes stayed closed for a second after he pulled away. He could feel the desire for her burst into flame. With an internal sigh, he tamped down on his need.
He sat back and watched her eyes open. Her love for him shone clearly in their depths and he was awed that anyone could love him, knowing what he was. She was a very special lady. He smiled warmly at her.
Hearing a sound, he turned toward Koani. She had finished the food and moved a little closer to him before hesitating. He reached out to her with the hand that still clasped Altheia's.
When she came closer, she allowed both of them to pet her for a few minutes and then turned and disappeared into the dark.
"Come on, I don't want you to get chilled.” Gently he led Altheia back inside, drawing her down on his lap in the chair by the fireplace. They sat quietly for a time.
"Do you want me to go to the store for some things?"
"I can go tomorrow,” she answered.
"No. Make me a list. I'll run out now and tomorrow night we can go shopping if we're going to stay. Take a shower and I'll be back before you know it."
After making sure the cabin was secure and the shotgun was in reach if she needed it, he left. Koani was nearby like he had told her and would chase off any trespassers.
Only a half hour had passed when he returned. He didn't like leaving her alone.
"I want you to come with me tomorrow,” he told her.
"No. I can't follow you around all my life. And besides, no one knows I'm here."
He tried, but there was no swaying her. God, she could be stubborn. Well, after tomorrow, he wasn't going to leave her alone until he was sure she was safe.
She was more tired than she would admit, and her body knew better; she had barely laid her head on the pillow before she was fast asleep. After locking up and turning off the lights, he slipped in with her. Pulling her gently into his arms, he tucked her head under his chin and went to sleep.
The cellular phone rang in the remote farmhouse and the man picked it up on the first ring.
"They're home,” Jack stated without even saying hello.
"Good,” the man replied. “Do it tonight,” he said tersely and terminated the call.
* * * *
Altheia woke up, sick to her stomach again. She couldn't continue like this. After several calls, she found a doctor willing to see her this afternoon. Now what was she going to tell Michael?
By 11:00 a.m. she was feeling better. Calling Michael, she got him to agree to let her come into town and have lunch with him. She figured she could stop at the doctor's on her way home and he would never suspect.
Though her appetite was still off, she managed to eat enough to keep Michael from thinking anything was wrong. When he tried to get her to stay till he was ready to return home, she convinced him that she would be fine. She said she wanted to pick up a few female things and this way she could have dinner waiting for him when he arrived home.
* * * *
The doctor could find nothing wrong with her. After checking her medical history, he suddenly asked her if it was possible for her to be pregnant.
"Pregnant? But I'm sterile,” she exclaimed.
"Are you sure?” he asked.
She explained how she had tried to get pregnant earlier and that her husband had checked out fine.
"But you never had any tests yourself?"
"No. But we figured since he was okay, it had to be me. Right?” she questioned.
"Not necessarily” he argued. “It could very well have been a temporary aberration. Mother Nature is remarkably adept at correcting her mistakes."
He made a few notes in her file. “I could take a blood test, but it will take me several days to get the results. I suggest you pick up any of those home testing kits at the pharmacy and you can know in the morning. If you're not pregnant, call back for an appointment and we'll set up some tests and try to track down the problem."
Altheia was stunned. Pregnant? Could it be possible? Dear God, what would Michael do? What would she do?
After stopping at the pharmacy, she started home. She'd just have enough time to fix something quick for dinner before Michael came home. She figured there was no cause to cry over spilt milk, until you actually saw the spill.
* * * *
Michael left for home not long after Altheia had left town. He'd concluded his business and was free for the immediate future. He was going to suggest that they just pack up the van and head south in the general direction of New Orleans, stopping wherever they felt like it, detouring as desired. Eventually they had to go see his grandfather, but he was in no hurry.
God, he missed her. He missed her warmth, her scent, the feel of her body against his. Although it
had only been a few hours since he'd seen her, he missed her something fierce. He needed her ... wanted her. Tonight, he thought. The hell with dinner. His foot unconsciously pressed the gas pedal a little harder.
* * * *
Needless to say, Altheia's mind was somewhat numb when she reached home. Distracted, she grabbed the bag from the pharmacy and her pocketbook and went in.
She had to find someplace to hide the test kit before Michael came home. She didn't want to worry him needlessly if she wasn't really pregnant. They could cross that bridge if they reached it.
Pulling the key from the lock, she stepped into the cabin.
Suddenly she was grabbed from behind! Someone had been hiding behind the door. An arm pulled her up against an unyielding body and a hand covered her mouth, stifling a gasp of surprise. Her pocketbook and package fell to the floor.
"Hi Baby. I'm home,” a terrifyingly familiar voice spoke in her ear.
She could feel the blood rush from her face. It was Him! She struggled but he held her effortlessly. Then she could feel him grind his sudden hardness against her back.
"I told you I'd be back,” he chuckled.
His hand released her mouth to paw at her breasts, his breath hot and damp against her neck.
"How did you find me?"
He laughed, “Real easy, Baby. I caught your wedding announcement in the paper. That wasn't very nice of you to pick that wimp mechanic over me. I thought we were getting along really well.” His hand was working its way beneath her sweater.
"No. Please!” she begged. “My husband will be home soon. You don't want to be here when he arrives."
"Sure I do Baby. I want him too."
Fear flooded through her. Michael would not be expecting him anymore than she had. She wondered frantically how she could warn him. Suddenly she heard his van pull in the yard. She started to scream.
"Yeah, Baby. I told you I like screamers,” he laughed as his fingers painfully mauled her breast. He removed his hand, turned with her still in his arms and grabbed a strange looking gun from the table behind them. She screamed louder.
Michael was glad to be home. Anticipation of his mate's warm, willing body excited him, inflamed him. Opening his door, he froze. Altheia, he thought when he heard her screams. Leaping from the van, he started toward the cabin, then slid to a halt as a strange man came through the door.