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I.N.E.T 5

Page 13

by Brenda Cothern

  “Let me get a look at that.” Randy nodded toward the chair Lita had occupied for dinner.

  “Sure.” Lita grinned, sat down, and pulled the T-shirt away from his bicep.

  Randy hissed. The gouge in Lita’s arm was more than a graze. A decent chunk of flesh had been carved out of his arm. How he hadn’t realized the extent earlier could only be blamed on his lack of sleep. Randy replaced the T-shirt and met Lita’s gaze after his partner resumed applying pressure. How the man wasn’t displaying the pain he must feel was beyond him.

  “Graze my ass.”

  Lita just shrugged his uninjured shoulder. “I’ve had worse.”

  Randy just shook his head. “I’ll get the medical supplies.”

  Lita didn’t reply. Randy walked back into the kitchen and only glanced at his partner once before he opened the door to the basement. He grabbed one of the flashlights on the small shelf to his left. It only took him a moment to pull batteries from out of a package on the same shelf and put them in the flashlight. There was a light in the basement, but it had been so long since he’d walked down into the dark and blindly could find the string under the bare bulb he didn’t want to risk breaking his neck.

  Randy pulled the string on the light and it snapped off. He wasn’t surprised the damn thing was dry rotted. Thankfully, he was tall enough to reach the dangling metal beaded string that was attached to at the base of the light. Randy turned off the flashlight once the basement was flooded with the dim light from the bare bulb. He stuck it in his back pocket and looked around.

  Memories flooded his mind like a slideshow. Anywhere he looked held a memory of his father. This storage depot was just one of several that filled his childhood memories. His parents’ houses may have been different above ground, but every single one of them was identical below ground. The tunnels were laid out the same as well, even though their length might differ.

  “Why are all our houses set up the same, dad?”

  “It makes it easier to find what we need, son, especially if it’s something important that we need fast.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, if one of us gets hurt, we need to get to the first-aid supplies quick and if we are attacked, we want to be able to defend ourselves with the weapons before someone breaches the house.”

  “Will that happen?”

  “Eventually. Come here, son.” Randy walked over to his father who squatted down in front of him. “People will want what we have once they lose everything they’ve ever known. But you won’t have to worry about that for a long time if we are lucky. That doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared, though. Understand?”

  Randy didn’t. His ten-year-old mind just couldn’t grasp the world his father prepared them for, but he nodded anyway.

  “Good. Now grab your rifle. We will be out for three days.”

  Randy did as he was told. He didn’t really like his dad’s lessons away from the house. Playing in the woods was totally different than being left alone and told to make his way home on his own. He knew his father was always close even if he couldn’t see him, but his dad never helped him.

  “Dinner,” his mom called from the top of the stairs.

  Randy followed his dad upstairs and they had dinner with his mom before they left.

  Randy gave his head a physical shake. He hadn’t known at the time that that would be the last time they’d share a meal as a family. It didn’t really matter, though; because there wouldn’t have been anything he could do other than follow his father into the woods. Randy shook off the memory and walked to the big black bin against the far wall. He opened the medical supplies and retrieved what he needed to stitch up Lita’s arm. Randy closed the bin and was about to turn off the light when his eye caught the metal shelving unit on the far wall. Another memory assaulted him when he looked directly at the dented metal.

  “This is the last time I am coming here, dad.”

  His dad glared at him. “What the hell are you talking about, boy?”

  Randy went from ‘son’ to ‘boy’ after his mother died and he was pretty sure his father didn’t even realize the change in how he addressed him.

  “I’m not doing this anymore.” Randy waved his hand around to encompass all the shit his father had stockpiled in preparation for the end of the world.

  “I never should have let you go into the military. I thought it would help you when the end comes. Instead, they just warped your mind,” his father spat out.

  Randy bristled. “The Corps didn’t fucking warp me. They made me a man who can think for himself and know the difference between right and wrong. And all of this? It’s wrong. There isn’t going to be a damn end of the world!”

  “This is wrong? Boy, you don’t know shit. Even your mama knew the truth and we raised you knowing it as well. It’s a good thing she ain’t around to hear you spouting this shit they convinced you is the truth.”

  “Don’t you dare fucking talk about her.”

  “I’ll talk about your mama. You were her pride and joy, but I don’t doubt she’s rolling over in her grave hearing you spout the shit they’ve brainwashed you with. If she were here…”

  “If she were here?” Randy interrupted harshly. “Maybe she fucking would be if you hadn’t been so focused on teaching me all this bullshit that I’ll never need. If we were here, she wouldn’t be fucking dead!”

  Randy was so pissed off at his father. If they hadn’t left for the man to ensure he could survive on his own, they would have been at the house when she had her heart attack. They could’ve used all the medical shit to save her. There was a fucking defibrillator in the damn bin, but they weren’t there when she fell to the floor and her heart stopped.

  “It’s your fucking fault she’s dead!” Randy yelled and when his father took a step toward him, rage radiating through him, Randy grabbed the can off the shelf next to him. He threw the 28 ounce can of tomato sauce as hard as he could into the shelves across the room. As much as he wanted to throw the damn thing at his father, he didn’t. The can hit the shelf hard enough to dent both the can and the shelf frame before several items on the shelf crashed to the floor.

  He returned his father’s frown with the glare. “I’m done with this shit. It’s bad enough I didn’t have a normal childhood, but I won’t let you ruin the rest of my life.”

  “You’ll need this place one day, boy, mark my words!” His father’s words followed him as he stormed up the stairs.

  That was the last time he’d seen his father before he identified the man at the morgue who’d raised him until he was eighteen. Randy could admit that not all of his memories spending time at the houses were bad. However, the majority of good memories were from before his mother died.

  “Hey, are you okay down there?” Lita’s tone of voice wasn’t overly concerned, but still managed to pull Randy’s focus back where it belonged.

  “Yeah. Coming up now,” Randy replied.

  Randy pulled the flashlight from his back pocket. He turned it on and then pulled the small piece of metal to turn off the bare bulb. When he reached the top of the stairs, he didn’t bother removing the batteries from the flashlight. If they were leaving the house, he would have, but they would be here long enough to need it again so he didn’t bother. Instead, he returned it to the shelf and closed the basement door behind him. Lita was standing a few feet away from him in the kitchen. His partner looked him over and Randy ignored the man’s gaze.

  “Let’s get that taken care of.” Randy nodded to Lita’s his arm

  Lita only looked his partner over once more before he returned to the table. Randy’s demeanor had changed since he went to retrieve the medical supplies. Lita could only think of two reasons that would cause such a drastic change: his partner didn’t like enclosed spaces which was sincerely doubtful since he grew up in houses with basements which were sure to be just like the one beneath his feet. Or, the man was assaulted by memories.

  He could only imagine what type of childhood m
emories Randy may have after being raised by conspiracy theorists. Lita wouldn’t ask, though. Instead, he removed the T-shirt from his bicep. His wound had stopped bleeding freely, but his attention was more focused on the medical supplies Randy placed on the table: gloves, a suture kit, a syringe, a vial of lidocaine, a transparent dressing, gauze pads, several alcohol and Betadine pads, and two packs of pills.

  “Damn,” Lita said and briefly thought about making a field hospital joke.

  “The antibiotics are military grade so they wouldn’t expire as quickly as the over-the-counter stuff.” Randy glanced at the vacuum sealed foil sheets. “They were expired as of 2015, but a double dose will be better than nothing.”

  Lita didn’t say anything. He had seen military field medication before, so recognized the packaging. Instead, he watched as Randy ripped open six alcohol pads and set them aside. He did the same with the Betadine pads before he opened the syringe.

  “You’ve done this before?” Lita asked as he watched his partner filling the syringe.

  Randy couldn’t help but grin. Lita had asked the same thing when he was putting his partner’s shoulder back where it belonged. He gave the same answer.

  “Had it done.”

  Lita laughed. At least his partner was honest. Plus, he’d take any attempt to numb his wound over suffering through stitches with nothing at all.

  “Guess that’ll have to do.”

  Randy continued to grin as he put on the gloves. “Ready?” He tapped the syringe to get the air bubbles out, and when Lita nodded he proceeded to inject the lidocaine in several places around the wound.

  Randy dropped the syringe on the table and picked up the alcohol wipes. He gave the lidocaine a chance to kick in before he swabbed Lita’s bullet wound. It bled, but Randy ignored the blood. He picked up the Betadine pads and wiped in and around the wound before dropping them on the table next to the rest of the medical trash. It only took him a moment to open the suture kit and prep the needle. He gave Lita one more glance then set to work closing up the gash on his partner’s arm. Fifteen stitches later he was done.

  Randy was totally focused on his arm. It gave Lita time to study the man again. Randy’s short, dark brown hair looked almost totally black in the minimal light. His lips were pressed in a thin line as he concentrated and Lita forced himself to shift his inspection to the man’s eyes. Still, studying the flecks of gold, green, and amber which made up Randy’s hazel eyes didn’t distract him enough to shake thoughts of the kiss they shared from his mind.

  The longer he looked at his partner, the more he wanted to taste the man again. His mind knew it was a bad idea. Totally unprofessional and a temptation he should definitely not indulge. His libido, on the other hand, didn’t care about the fact he was practically undercover and supposed to be assisting the Marshal in protecting Burke from the cartel.

  “All done,” Randy informed and Lita hadn’t even realized his partner had finished stitching him up let alone had dressed the wound.

  Randy spoke at the same time he looked back at Lita’s face. He barely prevented himself from sucking in a breath when he met the stunning green-eyed gaze of his partner. Randy may not have been in a relationship, or hell, even had sex in a long, long time, but just as he could recognize a flirty tone when he heard one he could recognize lust when it was leveled on him.

  His mouth went dry. He told himself to look away. To clean up the medical supply mess. To get the hell away from his partner before he did something stupid. Something inappropriate while they were supposed to be working. Something like let the sexy as sin man whose arm still rested on his thigh kiss the hell out of him again. But, damn if he didn’t want exactly that to happen.

  Lita watched Randy’s pupils dilate with desire as he was sure his were blown wide with his want for the man. All he wanted to do was lean forward and taste Randy’s lips again. When Randy licked his lips, Lita clenched the fist of his arm resting on his partner’s thigh and pulled it back. His movement caused his forearm to brush against Randy’s groin.

  Randy felt Lita’s arm move and he wanted to be sure his partner hadn’t intentionally brushed against his hard cock which was straining against the zipper of his jeans. The hiss at Lita’s innocent touch brought the unbidden sound to escape from his lips. Lita reacted to his inhale of breath by halting his movement. Randy wanted nothing more than to push into his partner’s arm which was now pressing against his throbbing cock intentionally.

  Randy’s sudden inhale when he moved and felt the man’s hardness caused Lita to pause. Not only pause, but push against what he could feel of Randy’s hard-on with his forearm. He was in the same state and wanted nothing more than to provide them both the relief they wanted. Hell, needed. So, without moving his arm or lessening the pressure he was applying, Lita leaned forward. He slowly raised his other hand toward Randy’s face and gave the man plenty of time to stop his obvious intention to touch.

  Randy felt like a deer caught in headlights. Those headlights were the burning clover green gaze which belonged to his partner’s stunning eyes. The gaze that not only reflected the same desire he had for his partner, but also projected the man’s intent. From his peripheral vision, Randy saw Lita’s hand that had rested on the table lift. He should’ve stopped his partner. Should have broken the green-eyed gaze full of desire that matched his own and made him feel like he was drowning in want. Should have pulled back at the very least.

  Instead, he sat frozen, wanting Lita’s touch and ignoring every warning his professional mind screamed at him. Lita’s large hand cupped his cheek and his partner’s thumb caressed his lower lip. Randy tried to lie to himself about leaning into the caress. He tried to lie to himself about how much he enjoyed the touch. He tried to lie to himself about how much he wanted to feel Lita’s lips against his again.

  He was never good at lying to himself which was why he did nothing to stop his partner when the man leaned in closer.


  Chapter Eleven

  Lita couldn’t help but enjoy the scruff under the palm of his hand. He couldn’t resist caressing the full lip under his thumb, either. Still, he kept his movements slow when he leaned toward his partner. All he really wanted to do was pull Randy closer and kiss the fuck out of the man. He resisted his urge, though, and gave Randy every opportunity to stop him.

  Instead, Randy’s tongue slipped out and licked the pad of his thumb. Whether the man did it on purpose or not didn’t matter because it snapped the tenuous thread which was Lita’s restraint. His hand moved from Randy stubbled cheek to the nape of his neck at the same time he grasped his partner’s hip with his other hand.

  His chair screeched over the bare wood floor when he pushed away from the table and pulled with both hands. Thankfully, both their chairs were at an angle or when he pulled his action would’ve caused his partner to sprawl across the table littered with medical supplies.

  Lita’s intention to kiss him was clear. However, when his partner moved and yanked on his neck and hip at the same time, Randy flailed. He wasn’t expecting the sudden shift in position, but before he had time to counter Lita’s pull on him, his partner’s mouth crashed against his lips. The taste of Lita’s mouth again made his brain short circuit. He returned the harsh kiss instinctively and had no functioning brain cells to determine which one of them moaned softly into the kiss. The sound was swallowed, regardless.

  Randy’s body was one large raw nerve of lust as he pressed closer to his partner. Somewhere in the back of his mind his conscious was screaming for him to put a stop to this. It was screaming he had a job to do and indulging in his desire for his partner was not part of that job. The roar of want and desire in his ears drowned out that voice of reason.

  Lita clutched Randy against him. One hand still grasped the nape of the man’s neck to prevent him from pulling away even though Lita didn’t think Randy had any desire to stop kissing him. His partner was devouring his mouth as enthusiastically as he was devouring Randy’s. His ot
her arm was wrapped tightly around Randy’s waist and preventing Randy from moving out of his straddled position. If his arm wasn’t still numb, Lita was sure he’d feel pain shooting up to his neck. Not that pain would have stopped him from holding Randy close or grinding his aching cock up against Randy’s obvious hardness.

  Randy’s hands were buried in his hair. They sometimes clenched and pulled, but the slight bite of pain only spurred Lita on. So much so, that he let go of Randy’s nape and dragged his hand down the sexy man’s side until he could get between them. There was no space between them and Lita growled into their kiss.

  The sound Lita uttered into their kiss prompted Randy to barely become conscious of two things simultaneously: he was straddling his huge hot as fuck partner and Lita was attempting to reach between them. Once more his mind screamed at him to put a stop to this. To not go down this path that was sure to cause nothing but complications. Randy pushed that voice into the same ‘fucked up shit’ box he created in his mind for everything to do with this house and his parents.

  Right now, he felt too fucking good and wanted to worry about nothing but the man beneath him potentially stopping. Randy lifted his hips up and back only enough for Lita to squeeze his hand between them. As much as he wanted to feel Lita take him in hand, he didn’t want to abandon the feeling of pressing against the hard fucking muscles that made up his partner’s chest. And, he sure as hell wasn’t going to retreat from the duel he was engaging in with Lita’s tongue.

  Well, that was his thought and desire, but the moment his brain registered Lita’s hand wrapped around his throbbing cock and the silky steel hardness of his partner thrusting against him, his intention to taste as much of Lita’s mouth as possible flew straight out the proverbial window. Randy’s hips thrust forward into the heat which totally surrounded his cock at the same time his head dropped to Lita’s shoulder.


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