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Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

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by Sindra van Yssel

  Bondage Ranch 5:


  Sindra van Yssel

  Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

  Copyright © December 2013 by Sindra van Yssel

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781623006051

  Editor: Jana Armstrong

  Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 809

  San Francisco CA 94104-0809

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Chapter One

  The first time Emma had gone to Bondage Ranch, she had just watched. She had worn a medium-length black dress, with just a hint of cleavage so as not to look too prudish. She had stood on the edge of the big dungeon most of the weekend, seeing women and men get tied up, flogged, and teased to the limit of their endurance. She felt a little guilty just watching. The doms and subs weren’t playing for her entertainment. But she didn’t like to dive in headfirst. She liked to study and make a plan.

  This time, Emma had dressed more provocatively. “You’ve got to flash the goods to get some action,” her friend Valerie had said. So Emma had done her best. She wore a push-up bra under a deep V-neck top to show off her cleavage. She had a purple skirt that flounced out nicely to disguise her slightly too-wide hips, with a hem that showed the top of her stockings when the skirt swung. Her heels made her taller. Maybe she wasn’t as sexy as Valerie, but she thought she was fetching enough, and she’d gotten a thrill out of walking in public wearing such an outfit. Nonetheless, she once again stood at the edge of the room, leaning back against the wall, her arms crossed under her chest. Watching, and drinking water from a clear plastic cup. She’d tried some wine earlier in the evening, and one was enough. She didn’t want to be too impaired to play if she got a chance, but she needed to be doing something, and occasionally taking a sip was the perfect fidget.

  While she thought she was showing a lot of skin, some people in the room weren’t wearing anything at all. If she had been walking down the street, the amount of cleavage she was showing would have gotten her stares. At Bondage Ranch, she felt invisible. I’m not just watching this time. If the right opportunity comes, I’ll go for it.

  A woman caught her eye. She was definitely “flashing the goods,” although she was already on the arm of a very attractive and tall blond man. Her breasts were bare, and from each of her nipples dangled a beautiful teardrop-shaped ruby, surrounded by glittering diamonds. The jewels were swinging as she walked. At first Emma thought the woman’s nipples were pierced, but as the woman got closer, Emma realized they attached to clamps that pinched tightly around each hard peak. Ouch. But the clamps were beautiful, and she had a twinge of jealousy. It would be worth it, to be pinched like that, to display such beautiful stones. Actually, maybe the clamps made it more beautiful. Suffering and art went together somehow.

  The couple walked on by.

  She saw Valerie come in, look around, and head toward her. It seemed only a few minutes ago that Valerie had gone out into the woods with a hunky guy. She shouldn’t be back yet, and she shouldn’t be alone.

  When she’d told Valerie she wanted to go back to Bondage Ranch and find out whether being submissive was really for her, Valerie had offered to be her top for the weekend. “Although I usually try to hook up with more than one person at these things, this weekend I’d be happy just to show you around,” she’d said. “And if you find someone you sync with, you can feel free to ditch me.” It had been a generous offer, but Emma had politely declined. The problem was that the physical attraction went entirely one way. Emma just liked Valerie as a friend. She had been curious about flogging and had let Valerie demonstrate on her once, but she could tell Val would have been happy to take it further. Emma, on the other hand, had been closing her eyes pretending a big handsome man was holding the whip.

  Now that she was facing a weekend alone in a crowd, however, Valerie’s offer was almost tempting.

  “I want you to meet someone,” Valerie said when she arrived. She took Emma’s arm, and Emma knew that if she didn’t start moving she’d be dragged. There was a reason she was a copywriter and Valerie worked in sales. Emma liked to be by herself and think things out. Valerie wasn’t happy unless she was socializing.

  “What happened to your date?”

  “Didn’t work out. He wanted to do some things that I don’t do.”

  Emma blinked. She hadn’t been aware there was anything Valerie didn’t do. Not anything fun, anyway. She tried to imagine what it might be but decided she was better off not. She would ask if she could get a word in edgewise. Valerie steered her toward where a petite domme dressed in black rubber thigh-high boots and a short matching rubber dress held a handsome man with a shaved head on a leash. The man was on his knees, wearing nothing but a leather jockstrap and a collar. Not my scene. With them stood Alex Allison, a curvy woman in a tight gold minidress.

  “Hi, Alex.” Emma had met Alex before and liked the woman.

  “So good to see you again, Emma.” Alex smiled warmly.

  “Sue, this is Emma. Emma, this is Mistress Sue.” Valerie gestured to the domme. Emma expected a stare or a glare or whatever dominants did, but instead she got a welcoming smile and an outstretched hand. Emma shook it gratefully. “And I don’t think I know your new pet.”

  If he wasn’t on his hands and knees, he’d be damn sexy. As it is, he’s not my type.

  Sue looked down at her sub. “This is Keith. Say hello to Valerie and Emma, Keith.”

  “Hello, Miss Valerie. Hello, Miss Emma,” said Keith obediently, looking up with big puppy-dog eyes.

  Nope. Definitely not. Alpha wolves, yes; puppies, no.

  “Emma’s new to all this,” Valerie said. “So let’s help her feel at home.”

  Sue grinned. “I’m about to have some fun with Keith, Emma. Would you like to help? I’m sure he’d be happy to have another beautiful woman torturing him.”

  I’m sure he would. “No, thank you.”

  “You should try it,” said Valerie. “That’s what you’re here for, right? To try things? Go for it.”

  “No, thank
you,” said Emma firmly. She wasn’t going to hold out for the dream guy, and she might be new, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have some idea of what she wanted and what she didn’t want. Emma had put a lot of thought into the weekend. She’d imagined a hundred scenarios. She wasn’t a domme, and if she was to play that role, it would have to be with a man who was willing to help walk her through it. And whatever experiences she had, she wanted them to be one-on-one. More than a tête-à-tête was confusing enough in conversation. Trying to make sure two people were happy in any sort of sexual activity sounded more stressful than fun.

  “Don’t do anything you don’t want to, Emma,” said Alex softly.

  “I’ll pitch in, if you like,” said Valerie.

  “Would love to have you, Valerie. Wouldn’t you love to have her help me, Keith?” Sue tugged on Keith’s leash.

  “Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Miss Valerie.”

  Valerie crouched down and rubbed Keith’s bald head. “Good boy.” She stood up and looked at Sue. “So what’s the plan?”

  Sue grinned. “We’re going to make him beg. One of the crosses is free. Let’s grab it.” Without waiting for a response, Sue headed across the room toward one of the large wooden crosses that were set up in the huge ballroom that had been converted into a “dungeon” for the Bondage Ranch weekend. Keith started crawling the moment Sue turned, but soon his leash was taut.

  Emma didn’t think it would be very hard to get Keith to beg. Probably all Sue had to do was to tell him to, but whatever. Valerie waved and was hurrying to join Sue. Two peas in a pod, thought Emma. But she changed her mind. Valerie was going to have fun, for sure. And Sue looked like the perfect dominatrix. But there was something about Sue that suggested to Emma maybe she wasn’t enjoying herself quite as much as she was pretending to. Emma knew the look because she’d used it herself at numerous parties, when she knew she was supposed to be having fun but she simply wasn’t. The secret was to stay so busy you didn’t think about it.

  “What are you thinking, Emma?” asked Alex.

  “Looks like fun,” Emma said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

  “If you thought that, you would have joined them,” said Alex.

  “Two’s company. Three’s a crowd,” she said. “Four—I don’t know what four is.”

  “An orgy.” Alex giggled. “So what do you want?”

  “Some one-on-one with the right dom. In public.” Emma blushed. “Not because I’m an exhibitionist or anything! But because it’s safe.” And the idea does kind of turn me on.

  “They’re out there,” said Alex. “Be patient.”

  “Oh, that’s what I do best.”

  “Did you not join them because you’re not into being on top? Or because they’re a group, and that’s not your thing?”

  “Both, honestly, but especially the group.”

  “That’s fine,” said Alex. “We had a guy who used to come here who just liked to watch, and we had to ask him to leave.”

  “Play or perish?” asked Emma, trying to keep it light. She had a fellowship to get a doctorate once upon a time, in English Literature. She opted to work writing advertising copy instead. There was still plenty of pressure, but it wasn’t the kind of pressure she saw her friends in academia deal with.

  “Well, no. But my dear husband pointed out that we should have the same rules for both genders, although frankly I think it’s the guys that are the problem. No one minds a pretty girl watching, really. At some of the clubs, voyeurs can be a real issue, though, and we don’t want that to happen here.”

  “Of course.” Emma took a sip from the plastic cup in hand and then realized it was empty.

  She didn’t feel empty at all, which was the problem with drinking so much water, even though it was supposed to be healthy. “Excuse me,” she said.

  “Everything all right?” asked Alex.

  “Yep. Just need to make a pit stop. I’ll be back.” She moved away, not wanting Alex to do what Valerie always did and offer to go with.

  DIEGO ACOSTA WATCHED the pretty brunette from across the room. He’d been watching her off and on for a while. She was stacked up top, and he liked the way her breasts bounced. He enjoyed the occasional glimpse of her stockings and the way her hips moved. She looked like fun with all those curves. When she smiled, which wasn’t very often, it turned her face from pretty to stunning.

  It hadn’t been the best of evenings. He’d had a date lined up, a tall willowy blonde named Laurie who was too thin to be his type but who was classically beautiful and had enough interests in common for a good scene. They’d negotiated a flogging, and he’d had her tied up to a St. Andrew’s cross. “Careful not to mark me,” she’d said.

  “Of course.” He knew what he was doing with a flogger and would never leave marks on a woman unless he’d negotiated it beforehand. It wasn’t his thing anyway. A bruise shouldn’t last longer than a relationship, as far as he was concerned, and the two of them were just ships passing in the night.

  “My husband doesn’t know I’m here, so I can’t make him suspicious.”

  He’d untied her and let her go. It hadn’t taken her long to find a new partner, one who didn’t know or didn’t care that she was married and cheating on her spouse. Maybe even one who got a thrill out of it. Diego tried not to judge, but he knew where his own boundaries were.

  He decided he’d watched long enough. Whoever the brunette was, she didn’t seem to be with anyone. He’d walk over, get an introduction from Alex, and see if she was single and wanted to play. But as soon as he started in that direction, the woman turned and walked briskly from the dungeon. He didn’t think he’d been spotted watching, so she wasn’t running away. He just had bad timing.

  He crossed the room, detouring around a waxing table where Arthur was dripping red wax onto his wife, a squirming blonde named Samantha. Samantha was a bit like Laurie, he thought, blonde and thin. And married, but to the man she was playing with. He grinned at Arthur as he walked by. It was nice to see a happy couple. He’d thought that it might work out that way for him once, long ago, but he’d been young, too young, and foolish.

  Alex was also married, although her husband Dylan was welcoming visitors in the living room while Alex kept watch over the dungeon. “Hi, Alex.”

  “Hi, Diego.” Alex smiled. “Anything I should know?”

  He shook his head. She’d probably seen the abrupt ending to his scene with Laurie, but it wasn’t his job to spread rumors. Besides, Laurie had been honest about her situation, even if she’d left it late. I should have asked. “I came over to introduce myself to the woman you were talking to.”

  “She said she’d be back. She just stepped out to freshen up.”

  “Would you do me the kindness of an introduction?” He had an inward chuckle at his own formality. He’d met Alex and Dylan first not in the context of Bondage Ranch, but at the dance parties and lessons that were the Allisons’ regular source of income. Most of the year the dungeon was a fancy ballroom, often filled with men and women in Regency costumes. His daughter, Consuela, worked for Alex on those parties and stayed well away from the kinky events.

  “You’ve never been shy about introducing yourself,” observed Alex.

  Diego nodded. That wasn’t entirely true. He had been painfully shy once. When he was in his midteens, he’d never found the courage to ask a girl for a date. But he’d learned that if nice guys finished last, shy ones didn’t even start, so he’d forced himself to overcome it. It had been easier once his body had started to fill out, and after he’d began lifting weights and had made the soccer team. He’d made friends then, and had even picked up a girlfriend, although hormones had made too many decisions he should have made with his brain. “Well, I don’t think chasing her to the bathroom is the right move. If she doesn’t come back in a few minutes, I’ll see if she went to the living room.”

  “Her name’s Emma,” offered Alex. “She’s a friend of Valerie’s.” She nodded across the hall.

e followed her gaze. He knew Valerie. Everyone knew Valerie. Tall and with long hair that was currently red, Valerie was half spilling over the top of a leather bustier and standing next to the same cross he’d been about to use earlier. She and Mistress Sue were teasing some hapless guy tied to the cross, stroking his hard cock and then letting it go every time he approached his release. Edging, it was called. He never did that to a woman for as long as Sue and Valerie were doing it to the man. He’d rather make her come—and then work on making her come again. But Sue and Valerie seemed to be enjoying themselves. He wasn’t going to interrupt to pump Valerie for information about her friend.

  “Is Emma single?” Diego asked.

  “I haven’t seen her with anyone here,” Alex said. “But you know we don’t ask, nor do I share anyone’s secrets. Including yours. Maybe you should ask?”

  “I will when I get a chance.”

  “I don’t know if she’s your type.”

  Diego studied Alex for a moment. He’d watched her in action before, trying to set up people who she thought matched. Alex was up to something, and he wouldn’t put a little reverse psychology past her. “Oh, I think she is. Curves in all the right places.” Diego grinned.

  “I don’t mean physically.” Alex rolled her eyes. “Men! I mean temperament. I think she’s very quiet. Reflective.”

  “And shy isn’t my type?” he asked.

  “Well, no. You’re more out there. I mean, not as out there as Valerie, maybe, but—”

  “Who is?” asked Diego.

  “Well, no one. Certainly not here. Bondage Ranch wouldn’t be big enough. The point is, you are most definitely an E.”

  “An E?” Diego asked.

  “Sorry, Myers-Briggs talk. An extrovert.”

  My, do I ever have people fooled. Diego chuckled and decided to see if Alex was bluffing. “You’re probably right. I’ll try my luck elsewhere.”

  “Then again,” Alex said, a bit too quickly, “sometimes opposites attract.”


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