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Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

Page 6

by Sindra van Yssel

  It took her a moment to realize that a window meant more than just cold.

  “Are there people out there?” she asked, panicked.

  “You’re safe.”

  “You promised.”

  “Not to take you from this room. I didn’t promise not to give you what you want. Right now, though, no one is in position to see you.”

  She relaxed. And once she did she realized she felt vaguely disappointed. Here she was, being fucked by this gorgeous man. She might not be worth watching, but he was. Of course, by pressing her against the window, he’d made her the main event.

  And just because no one could see them now didn’t mean that no one would. The idea of being caught played with her mind. She shouldn’t want it. But it was exciting. The window opened onto the back. There was a set of swings she had seen, and if she’d looked almost straight down, she would have seen the stocks. Both were popular play areas. If she could see them, anyone who wandered there could certainly see her, if they bothered to look up.

  The curtains had been pulled closed so they could sleep in more easily. He must have opened them. The rustling sound she’d heard earlier made sense now. He wanted her to be visible. Wanted people to have at least a chance to see that he was fucking her. The worse thing was, the more she thought about it, the more turned on she was. She bucked against him desperately, not sure whether she was trying to push back from the window or fuck him harder, but she knew she was right on the edge. If he kept this up, she would come. And anyone could see it, who happened to be walking by or playing.

  “Well, there might be a couple on the swings,” he said. As he said it, he wiggled his finger against her clit and thrust in her hard.

  She screamed. Her pussy clamped down on his cock, spasming out of control. She shook so hard the window vibrated. He pulled on her hips, fucking her faster, his breathing revealing his own urgency. She turned her head, pushing her forehead against the window so she’d have better leverage and could meet his thrusts. Even the glass felt good on her breasts right now. She wanted to be touched and filled before the pleasure rippling through her subsided.

  She hoped the couple on the swings were getting an eyeful. Hell, she hoped they were calling to their friends, telling them to watch her getting fucked by this gorgeous man. Hopefully they’d see his face when he came, even if she couldn’t.

  He let out a low moan when it hit him. His cock pulsed inside her, joining the vibrations of her pussy. She reached to hold him inside, but her wrists wouldn’t separate. He pulled her up from the glass, holding her tight.

  “The window turned you on, didn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Thought it would.” God, he sounded smug.

  “Hold me?” she pleaded.

  “Yes.” He slipped out of her and turned her around. He kissed her deeply, holding her against his warm, naked body. He had taken off all his clothes. She hadn’t been sure, until now. His chest was warm and firm against her breasts, and his arms so strong.

  “Now do you know what you like?” he asked.

  She frowned. He’d given her wonderful pleasure, but she still felt she ought to protest. “You had no right. You should have negotiated, before you exposed me like that.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” He surprised her by agreeing easily, and she didn’t know what else she could say.

  He moved forward, pressing her back against the window, which was warmer than it had been. Her back leaned against the glass once more, and she wiggled her butt, trying to find the window sill, thinking that maybe she could use it to semisit. But it wasn’t there. She frowned, confused, and then it slowly dawned on her. It wasn’t a window at all.

  “It’s just the mirror, love. I wouldn’t strip you in front of people without negotiation. But you have to admit, you loved it.” He lifted the blindfold off her eyes, shading them from the overhead light in the room with his hand.

  He was smiling at her, but it wasn’t a triumphant, smug smile. He looked, well, proud of her. Which was crazy, because she was rather embarrassed.

  The other thing she noticed right away was that he was built. His chest was well-defined, his shoulders broad, his abdomen a rippling six-pack. And even half-erect, his cock was as big as any she’d had the pleasure to see up close. He’d disposed of the condom at some point, but she could see the wrapper on the floor.

  “It’s okay,” he said, brushing a stray lock of hair that had headed for her eyes the moment the blindfold cleared the way. “Your desires are okay, Emma. And you felt fantastic when you came. I’d like to do that again. Soon.”

  Of course she’d know it was the mirror next time, but she supposed he didn’t mean that specifically. Next time, he’d want to do it for real. And yes, it had most definitely turned her on. It was hot, being exposed. The problem was meeting people’s eyes afterward, but maybe at Bondage Ranch, she could let herself go some. She didn’t have to deal with any of the people here the rest of her life, except for Valerie.

  But dealing with Valerie was bad enough. And she didn’t like being tricked. When Emma was turned on, she was excited to think there was an audience. That didn’t mean that defined her. It just meant her libido was a bit twisted. It didn’t prove a thing.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again,” she said, glaring at him.

  “With a mirror?”

  “With a mirror or a window. You have no idea what a shy person I am. To let you even see me naked gives me jitters. To let other people—you just have no idea.”

  “Oh. I know a few things about shyness.”

  His look of utter sincerity took her in for a moment, but then she remembered what Valerie had said about seeing him with a handful of women. “Yeah. Right. You do this sort of thing all the time.”

  He took a step back from her. For a moment she thought he was going to deny it. But instead he shrugged. “Yeah. Well, now and then. But it’s not the same with everyone. Each person is different. And I’ve only done this sort of thing once with you. Well, twice.”

  When he said different, she was pretty sure he meant that she was being more difficult than most. But she didn’t know how to back down and wasn’t sure she wanted to. “You tricked me.”


  “Don’t you feel you should apologize for that?”

  “No. Not this time. I did the best thing I could do, to turn on my sub, and keep her safe at the same time. To give you your fantasy without the consequences. No, Emma, I’m not going to apologize.”

  They looked fixedly at each other until Emma realized there was no way she was going to win a staring contest. What he said was fair enough. “Please don’t trick me again.”

  He smiled slightly. “Is that a limit?”

  “Yes, I do believe it is.”

  “Very well. I suggest you keep it a soft limit, but I will observe it. A lot of BDSM play relies on expectation being different, possibly scarier, than what actually happens. But there is still a lot we can do. Someday, if you’re with someone you trust, let them play with your head a little. But I will not.”

  She caught the implication. Was he accusing her of not trusting him, or just stating a fact? She decided she didn’t have to be defensive. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He smiled and moved a half step closer. She looked up at him. He was so tall, she’d have to stand on tiptoes to kiss him if he didn’t bend over. Even then, he’d have to tilt his head down. “And thank you for tricking me this once,” she murmured, not at all sure it was a good concession to make. But she had to admit she’d been turned on. She arched her feet, and he bent down, his lips meeting hers. She melted. And then her tummy rumbled, loudly.

  “Didn’t have breakfast?” Diego asked.

  “Um, oops. It kind of got lost in the shuffle.”

  “They usually have doughnuts and bagels and the like in the dungeon until noon.” He reached for his pants. “C’mon, we’ll get something. You can come as you are.”

  “Um, no, I can’t,” s
he said, picking up her panties from the floor.

  He grabbed her hand and peeled them from her fingers.

  “I am not going out there nude,” she insisted. She wasn’t, either. Whatever he thought. It was one thing to be doing it as part of a scene, another to just go in stark naked to get breakfast.

  “You can wear your skirt and your blouse,” he said. “But not your panties. They’ll just be in the way later.”

  “In the way of—oh.” She felt she must have blushed crimson. But going without underwear was something she thought she could do.

  She picked her skirt up and slid it up her legs. It shouldn’t feel that different, but she was hyperaware of having nothing on underneath. Possibly because he knew. It wasn’t the first time she’d noticed that the world seemed so much more real to her when she shared her experiences with other people. Even though she loved to be alone reading or even playing games on the computer, other people validated her experiences—which was why she always preferred the kind of games involving lots of players connected online. The combination of being alone in her room, and yet with others, was perfect. Almost.

  It could never stand in for what she’d done in the past twenty-four hours, and she knew it. Damn him.

  She got her bra and looked over at him, afraid he’d say he couldn’t have that either. But the blouse was too filmy to be worn without one, and in any case, she liked the look of her breasts much better with some support. He just smiled and watched, saying nothing. She put on the blouse next. When she had her arms in it, he crossed the distance to her and started buttoning her up. She smiled at his unexpected tenderness.

  “One more,” she said, when he stopped without quite covering the middle of her bra in the front. “Never mind. I’ll get it.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” he said.

  How was she going to argue with him? She wanted the button closed, but he didn’t look like he was going to brook any dissent. It wasn’t worth saying a safe word over. Maybe.

  He took her left hand in his left and wrapped his right arm behind her waist, steering her to the door. I don’t have any choice, really. The thought was surprisingly comforting. It was, after all, a nice bra, and if she could show off her underwear anywhere, it was at Bondage Ranch.

  Chapter Four

  Diego felt good. Emma looked fine on his arm. He took a sidelong peek and admired her cleavage but ended up looking at her face. Tender, innocent. He’d have to be careful with her. I have to take care of her. She might be special.

  He tried to shrug off the thought. All women are special. He believed that. Emma just seemed extra vulnerable somehow. He wanted to protect her. Most of all, he wanted to make her brave.

  He saw Sue in the hallway. He always saw the domme dressed in fetish apparel, with full makeup, so for a moment, he didn’t recognize her wrapped in a towel, with another towel bunched over her head. But when she swore, her voice was recognizable, even if they weren’t the usual words he heard her say. She tugged at the doorknob and sighed.

  As much as he wanted to get Emma some food, he couldn’t just walk past. “What’s up, Sue?” Emma stopped with him.

  Sue turned. “That’s Mi— Never mind. Hi, Emma. I just forgot my key, that’s all, and I pushed the lock button to keep my stuff safe. I’ll go ask Alex to let me in. It’s just a wee bit embarrassing is all. I’m not dressed for the living room.”

  He knew Sue cared a lot about keeping up appearances. He didn’t think she needed to. He was quite sure she could find subs who’d adore her with or without all the leather and vinyl. And if they didn’t, what was the point? But he could and would help, anyway. “Your key is in your room?”


  “Do you mind a detour, Emma? I have a set of lockpicks in my truck, and I think I could get Sue’s door open for her without making her go bother Alex.”

  Emma smiled. “Sue can hide out in my room while you do that.”

  “Oh, thank you so much!” said Sue.

  Good. Diego watched the two women go back into Emma’s room. He headed for the exit. One of the things about introverts he knew from personal experience was that life was much easier once they knew people, and he got the impression Emma didn’t know hardly anyone at Bondage Ranch. This was a good opportunity for her, a social situation more awkward for Sue than it was for Emma. With someone to take care of, it was likely Emma could put her shyness aside for a while. Sue knew a lot of people and could find the right contacts for Emma.

  He walked through the Allisons’ living room, waving to people. There were a half-dozen kinksters there, but no Dylan or Alex. That was a shame because asking the Allisons for a spare key would be easier than trying to pick the lock, and if he asked, there wouldn’t be any embarrassment to Sue. He should have thought of that first, but he’d wanted to show off in front of Emma.

  She’s not going to be that impressed that you can unlock doors, anyway. Locksmith, handyman—useful skills and a decent living, but chicks didn’t dig that. They liked uniforms, or better yet doctors, lawyers, bankers. Wealth, and the promise of Caribbean vacations. I can’t provide that. Haven’t even been back to Puerto Rico to see Abuela for a couple of years.

  But Sue still needed her door opened, and he could do it. A moment earlier he’d been thinking that Sue shouldn’t care so much about appearances, and now he was wondering how he looked to Emma. It didn’t matter what people thought, as long as he did the right thing.

  Emma is really getting to me.

  He came back with the lockpicks in hand. There was a small crowd in the hallway now, and he recognized a few of them: John, one of the regular doms, and Ginger, a redheaded sub. He ignored them. He’d picked a lot of locks for people, and there were often people on the street who wondered what he was doing at their neighbor’s house. A few times, they’d called the cops, which is why he tried to have the owner right there with him whenever possible, but he’d found that if he looked like he had nothing to hide, most people accepted his presence. The whole point was to spare Sue the indignity of standing outside her door dressed in a towel.

  As expected, Sue’s door was easy. He walked back to Emma’s door, across the hall and one door down, and opened it. Emma and Sue were sitting on the edge of Emma’s bed, talking.

  “All clear, door’s open,” he said.

  “Thank you, Diego!” Sue leaped up and grabbed her towel just in time to stop it from slipping. “Um, mind if I hug him?” she asked Emma.

  “Maybe when you’re dressed?” said Emma doubtfully. She rose in less of a hurry.

  Sue laughed. “Fair enough. Then hug him for me.”

  Emma grinned and ran forward to hug Diego. “Thank you for helping out my friend Sue.”

  Friend now, hmm? Diego smiled. “A pleasure.”

  Sue chuckled. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds in peace.” She skipped off through the door and down the hallway.

  Diego was glad his face was over Emma’s shoulder, so she couldn’t see his expression. Lovebirds. They were having fun playing, but he wasn’t in love. Hadn’t been in love since Maria. Never would be. Sure, he loved every woman he played with, but that was a different matter. That was just decency, an ability to empathize with a woman he was doing wicked things to. People who didn’t let themselves love that much were dangerous.

  A bunch of people came in to the hall, led by a fast-walking Alex Allison. Her heels clicked loudly on the floor. He let go of Emma to see what was going on. Alex was wearing a shiny golden minidress that hugged every curve, and her matching heels provided her some height, but neither of those were what gave the presence to get everyone’s attention. Behind her were John and Ginger. A few other people filtered in to the hallway, trying badly to look like they weren’t watching the drama. The only one of them he recognized was Laurie.

  “What’s up?” he asked. Alex didn’t look happy.

  Alex glanced at John. “Say what you said to me,” she said.

  John nodded and then turned to glare at
Diego. “We saw you break into Sue’s room.”

  Diego looked back and forth between John and Alex. He could understand John thinking the worst; he barely knew the man. But he’d known Alex for years. Alex shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions.

  Maybe it was a mistake, though, to think that Anglos would ever really get over their instinctive suspicion of him. He shrugged, slowly. “Sue locked her key in her room. I looked for you but couldn’t find you, so I helped her get back in.” He lifted the ring of lockpicks and dangled them. He had nothing to hide. “With these.” He glared at John, daring the man to suggest something was wrong with that, but it was Alex he was hurt by, and he moved his gaze quickly to look at her.

  “Oh. Makes sense. Thanks, Diego.” She smiled. “You might want to not do that again for a bit, though, until we find Constance’s jewels. It makes people nervous.”

  “Constance’s jewels?” Emma repeated.

  “They were stolen from her room last night after she took them off. Real rubies and diamonds too. I would have thought they were glass, but apparently not.”

  “Someone got into her locked room last night,” said John, taking a step forward. “Somehow. I wonder how?” The man’s gaze was a challenge; his voice an accusation.

  “They are pretty easy locks to pick,” said Diego. “Took me about ten seconds. Even an amateur could do it in a few minutes.” He didn’t dare look at Emma. What she thought mattered.

  “Let’s stop playing amateur detectives. James and Selena are trying to figure out what happened, and they’ll do a much better job than any of us.” Alex made shooing gestures toward the onlookers.

  “But—” Emma said.


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