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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 3

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel reached in her top desk drawer. “Here is our contract,” she said, taking out a copy of the contract and a price list and pushing them across the desk toward Stacie. Stacie stood up and moved forward to take them from her, glancing over the paper as Angel continued speaking. She picked up the half glass of wine from the table and stood at the desk, scrutinising the contract.

  “You’ll note the clause stating no emotional involvement with your tutor or tutors. This is strictly forbidden. They are here to teach you only. You sign here…” Angel said, pointing on the contract where to sign. Angel watched her glance over the contract, and then sit back down on the sofa, sipping her wine.

  “The prices are listed on the second sheet. You can decide whether to book a whole course in one go, or book individual sessions. There is a discount for block bookings, but I expect you’ll want to see how it goes first of all. See how you feel later once you’ve met your tutor. I have put on your sheet that you need to start from scratch, which includes masturbation. Is that okay with you?” Angel asked staring hard at Stacie, who nodded.

  “It also states there will be no secret meetings with any of your tutors. Anything said outside could lead to court action. Payment is either up front or you can set up an account, which one of the girls can take you through later if you prefer. All equipment and all relevant instruments must be left on these premises unless you have permission from your tutor to have them. All items need to be signed out. Does that seem fair to you?”


  Angel stood up looking down at Stacie, struck again by how beautiful the woman was. She hoped to dear God she had not just made the biggest mistake of her life. “I’ll just let you have a look through those. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She left the room. Her heart ached—she felt positively sick to the core. She needed to see Dan. She headed to the reception area which was now filled with clients old and new, buzzing with excitement. Angel took her time greeting her guests, hoping to delay Stacie even more. She made her way through the crowd, planting kisses on cheeks here, accepting a friendly bottom pinch there. One cheeky chap even grabbed her from behind, placing his hands firmly over her boobs. Normally she revelled in this kind of attention, but tonight she wasn’t in the mood. She turned with a smile anyway, walking her fingers down his chest, then gently pushing him away from her.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, got business to attend to. Maybe later.”

  She turned away from his disappointed face and walked slowly up the staircase, her heart thudding. Angel arrived at the top of the stairs. Was it too late to quickly change Stacie’s tutor. From her attitude, the woman might need many sessions. The whole thought worried her. But then, if Stacie was the type of woman she thought she was, she’d probably be so horrified by what she saw at Desires, she wouldn’t last more than one day.

  She approached room twenty-two. She stopped and drew in a deep breath. She ached like never before, wondering if there was another way around the situation. She had never minded sharing Dan with clients before. Why was this woman so different? Not acknowledging the answer that lurked in her mind, Angel knocked on the door.

  It opened and her pussy fluttered seeing him standing there looking so divine. Without wasting a second, she walked in the room and grabbed him, kissing him firmly on the lips. She pressed her hand on the back of his neck, drawing him closer. Angel lost herself in the moment, inhaling his scent, the Lynx Dark Temptation body spray he preferred that smelled of chocolate and spices. She let her fingers drop to his crotch and brush his cock before reluctantly releasing him.

  “Did anyone ever tell you you’re an amazing kisser?” Dan raised an eyebrow and took a step back, that unreadable look on his face again. “Anyway, I am here on business,” she continued, slightly nonplussed. “I have interviewed your new client. She is very beautiful, so you shouldn’t have any problems in that department. She is very self-conscious, abusive husband, made to feel shitty yada yada. She needs to go right back to the start, getting to know her body. This one needs plenty of help so try to get a good few sessions out of her. Here is her clipboard.”

  “Thanks,” he replied, taking the clipboard from her and walking the few steps to the bed. He perched on the edge, scanning the pages. Angel walked back to him and leaned over, lifting up his chin. When he looked up from the clipboard, she grabbed the back of his head and pressed her lips against his. She dipped her tongue in his mouth, tasting him while filling her hand with his cock through his jeans. She used her teeth to grip his lip and pull lightly.

  “I want you later.”

  “Do you?” he asked, a teasing note in his voice.

  “Yes…and I will have you,” she told him, staring deeply into his gorgeous brown eyes.

  Angel reluctantly left the room. Dan was divine, twenty-three years old, his dark hair medium cut and a little curly, his sexy brown eyes glimmering with warmth. He was six foot tall, not overly muscular, but tight and taut. Angel usually preferred men with muscle, but Dan was something else. He was special in his own way.

  Angel arrived back at the office, feeling a little more centred having seen Dan. A piece of paper lay on her desk. She glanced down at it. It was Stacie’s signed contract. She smiled. She sat in her leather chair, feeling the pit of her stomach aching when she looked again at the fragile beauty of the woman.

  “Welcome to the Desires family. I’m so happy to have you with us. Okay. I’ll talk to you briefly about what you will encounter and then I’ll assign you your tutor. Firstly, you need help and guidance with understanding your body sexually and finding your way around it. You will learn your own likes and dislikes, how your body works, your turn-ons and turn-offs and, most importantly, your tutor will help you gain confidence. Each time you achieve a goal, you and your tutor will have a meeting and together you will make the decision on the next stage.”

  Stacey just nodded.

  “If there’s anything you feel unsure about, just tell your tutor and he will advise or talk you through anything you don’t understand. Any questions?”

  “No, not at the moment.”

  “Well if you think of anything please do not hesitate to ask either myself or your tutor—”

  As Angel was speaking, Stacie burst out a question. “Will I be treated like a whore?”

  “Absolutely not.” Angel smiled inwardly, thinking of a certain other rather popular female member of Desires who loved to be treated exactly that way. “Well, not unless you want to be.”

  “Want to be! Why would anyone want that?”

  No, Stacie would never want that, Angel mused. Far too Little Miss Prissy. “As I said, everyone likes different things. But, from what you’ve said, that’s not your thing. Your tutor will look after you through your journey here at Desires and make sure you get the best treatment,” Angel reassured her.

  “What if I don’t like my tutor?”

  “You will, trust me. But if you don’t, I’ll assign you someone else.” Please feel free to hate him. She opened the second desk drawer and grabbed a leaflet from a pile of identical leaflets. “Here’s an information booklet I need you to read.” She passed it to Stacie. “It’s just some information about the building and where the fire escapes are, that sort of thing. Health and safety, you know. I’ll leave you for a few minutes while I talk to your tutor. I will give him your details and make sure the room is ready,” Angel said. She stood up and headed for the door, pausing to give Stacie a reassuring smile before leaving the room.

  Angel stood outside the office door, unable to breathe, struggling with Stacie’s beauty. Maybe she should change her tutor. But Dan had her information now, no doubt was planning the best ways to help her. Her mouth was dry. She raced down the corridor to reception. She headed to the back office, filling a paper cup from the water cooler and gulping it down.

  “You okay, Angel?” Bailey asked, popping her head round the door.

  “I’m fine…just…um…dry-mouthed…too much talking,” she s
aid, smiling tremulously at Bailey.

  She inhaled a deep breath and decided she had to confront Stacie, trying to think about the money and not who her tutor was.

  Angel strode down the corridor and re-entered the office. Stacie glanced at her and she stood tall, trying to find that inner poise that usually came so naturally.

  “I’ve met with your tutor,” she said, resting her curvaceous bottom on the edge of her desk. She saw Stacie’s expression change, her eyes widening with apprehension. “He’s twenty-three years old and called Dan.” Stacie frowned a little. “Is there a problem?” Angel said, hoping there was.

  “Don’t you think he’s too young?” Oh boy. Now was the perfect time to agree, take Dan off her, find her someone older. But the club needed Stacie’s money, and none of the other guys had the sensitivity Stacie needed.

  “No, not at all. He’s exactly what you need. Dan’s not your typical young immature man. If you have a problem with him, I will select someone else. But I wouldn’t worry. Dan is perfect for you. Trust me,” she said, grinding the words out through her teeth. Stacie still didn’t look convinced. Time to get it over with. “Are you ready to meet him?” Angel said, standing up and walking toward the door.

  “I guess.”

  “You don’t sound keen.” Angel turned back.

  “Sorry…I’m just concerned.”

  “Don’t worry. If you don’t like Dan, I can assign you someone else, or you can just leave. I won’t tie you down. Unless you want me to.” Angel had a sudden vision of Stacie tied up in the dungeons, being whipped till she bled. She waggled her eyebrows and Stacie smiled.

  Angel watched Stacie inhale a deep anxious breath. Angel held the door open for her and the two women left the office.

  She arrived at the reception area and smiled at both the girls. Angel felt apprehension fill her as they continued the journey onto the first level. They arrived to the top of the stairs and Angel checked Stacie was behind her, although she wouldn’t have cared if Stacie had turned tail and fled. But, no, she was still there. They made their way down the corridor. Angel saw Stacie looking at the walls on which hung explicit pictures highlighted with small wall lights. There were no other lights in the corridor, so the effect was warm and calming. Halfway down the corridor was one of Angel’s favourite pieces she’d had shipped from Hong Kong. It was a white marble-effect statue of a couple embracing. The man’s hands caressed the woman’s breasts. One of her hands surrounded his impressive cock while the other was twined round his neck. Angel saw Stacie’s neck crane as she stared at it while walking.

  Angel carried on walking to Dan’s room. She stopped at the door and closed her eyes, trying to muster up the courage to open the door. Come on, you can do this, she told herself, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She was jerked out of her thoughts when Stacie collided into her.

  “You, okay?” Angel asked, trying not to show her annoyance.

  “Sorry, just admiring the artwork.” Stacie flushed a little.

  “No problem. Are you ready?”

  “I guess so,” Stacie said. She looked terrified.

  Angel opened the door and called out his name. “Dan.”

  “Hello,” Angel heard him reply. She took a step into the room and saw him coming from the bathroom. A smile illuminated his face and he raised his eyebrows as if in inquiry.

  “Dan, I would like you to meet your new client, Stacie,” Angel said. She opened the door wide enough for Stacie to come in. However, she just stood in the doorway, as if struck immobile, staring into the room. Dan turned his attention to the new arrival. Angel did not miss the appreciative look on his face as he took Stacie in and smiled at her.

  Angel turned round to see Stacie smiling weakly back at him, her eyes huge.

  Angel continued the introduction. “Stacie, this is Dan, your tutor. I think you’ll be happy but, if you have any concerns, you know where I am.”

  Stacie took a tiny step across the threshold, holding her head low.

  Angel looked at Dan, looking at Stacie. Her heart hurt. Unable to bear thinking about what was about to happen, she left the room without another word, shutting the door behind her. Every limb ached. She inhaled a deep breath, closing her eyes tight, aware that somehow she needed to remain focused on the club, her empire.

  Pull yourself together, Angel, she told herself sharply. You don’t get jealous. He’s just a man. Men get jealous over you, not the other way round.

  But Stacie was a beautiful woman. At least she had signed the contract agreeing to no emotional attachment. And, given the state of her when Angel had left the pair of them, she might not even make it through the evening. Dan preferred his women more adventurous. Little Miss Prim surely wasn’t his type, no matter how pretty her face.

  Angel made her way back downstairs. Two of her best customers were waiting in reception. They had been coming to the club for years, well before she took over the place. So, putting on a brave smile, she went to greet them. “Good evening and how are you both?”

  “We are both very well, thank you, Angel,” the man answered. Robert was forty-three, tall, carrying a little weight around his tummy, and covered in tattoos. He enjoyed watching his wife having sex with other men or women. His wife, Emma, was forty. She wasn’t the prettiest of women, a little on the large side, short and stumpy, with short dark hair and crooked teeth. Angel did sometimes wonder how they afforded Desires, but they always paid up and that was the main thing. It wasn’t for her to question how her customers afforded her prices.

  “What can I do for you tonight?”

  “We were wondering if you had that young man available, the one you mentioned the last time we were here. Dan, was it?” Robert asked, turning to Emma for confirmation. Emma nodded, her eyes lighting up with anticipation.

  Angel remembered the conversation. They had asked about a younger man full of energy for Emma to have. Angel had suggested Dan without a qualm. She didn’t mind him having sex with other women. That was what he was here for, after all. Why did she feel so insecure about this one?

  “Angel?” Emma’s voice interrupted her thoughts. She brought herself back.

  “I’m sorry, Dan is already booked tonight,” Angel said.

  Emma looked upset. “That’s a shame. I was looking forward to a younger man.”

  “I could always arrange someone else, we do have other men that would fit the criteria.”

  They agreed and Angel looked through the computer system, which showed her who was in the building and available. Sean would do. He was an energetic young man who kept himself in shape. She texted him—it was easier to text workers than try to track them down if they were not with a client—and he was there within five minutes. They all headed off with Emma giving Angel the thumbs up. Angel smiled as Emma pinched Sean’s bottom. At least someone was happy.

  She went back to her office and sat back at her desk, wondering how long Dan would be with Stacie. She was eager to have her pussy filled with his cock. She tried to do some work, but found herself staring into mid-air unable to concentrate on anything. Angel decided to distract her thoughts and take a brief walk around the club. Everywhere she saw people, couples, groups, having lovely, happy, delightful sex. She could have joined in—she had several invitations. On a normal night, she might have, if she wasn't busy. But not tonight, she just wasn't in the mood. There was only one cock she wanted, and it was currently otherwise engaged.

  Angel continued her prowl, ending up at the conservatory restaurant. She headed for the bar. Without her having to ask, the barman brought her a glass of white wine. She sat at the end of the bar, looking around the room. This was one of her favourite rooms. The combination of elegance and class, set in the middle of a sex club, appealed to her sense of irony. Vanessa, the pianist, sat serenely at the large black grand piano, effortlessly producing the soothing background music from beneath her long fingers. She was dressed, as always, in one of the long flowing fitted gowns she favoured. Angel wond
ered if it was worth asking her again if she would consider performing naked, or at least in lingerie. So far, Vanessa had gently but firmly refused, even turning down a substantial bonus. But, as Angel had failed to find anyone good who would play naked, Vanessa would have to do…for now. And, she was a good pianist and was totally unfazed by the erotic shenanigans which went on around her every night.

  The chairs shaped as musical notes were arranged around perfectly-set tables. A candle was placed on each table and larger candles were strategically arranged around the room, giving the place a cosy feel. The restaurant was decorated in fetching colours—the low walls beneath the windows were covered with dark purple wallpaper, patterned with large silver leaves. A few lights shaped as women’s basques hung from the ceiling. She’d bought those in a little shop in Covent Garden. They were erotic, yet with a hint of elegance.

  The aroma of fabulous food filled her nostrils. Her chef was one of the best—she’d stolen him from a five-star restaurant, doubled his pay, and offered him nightly blowjobs to seal the deal. Not personally delivered of course, one of her girls was happy to oblige.

  A few guests were dining, some dressed up and others naked, all enjoying their food. Others were enjoying each other while waiting for their food to arrive.

  Angel sat sipping her wine, enjoying the acknowledgements from her happy guests. Then Bailey poked her worried head around the door, glancing around the room. When her gaze lit on Angel sitting at the bar, she almost ran over to her.

  “We have a payment problem,” she explained in a low voice.

  Angel gulped down the wine and stood up, following Bailey out of the room.

  “Who?” she demanded as they walked down the corridor.

  “It’s one of the regulars, Keith Smith,” Bailey said, bobbing worriedly along in her wake. Angel frowned. Keith had been coming for a long time, and was trusted enough to be invoiced retrospectively, not in advance like new clients were.


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