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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 14

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel screamed out with pure pleasure and abandon. She tightened her vaginal muscles around him, although there was no need, he filled her utterly. Dexter paused then, pulling slowly out, breathing deeply. He lay down, his cock rising up perpendicular to his tight belly. It swayed, long and tempting. Angel’s mouth watered and she needed no bidding to climb aboard. She sat across his lap to ride him, facing away from him. This room had full-length mirrors opposite the end of the bed and she revelled in her reflection in the mirror, seeing her tight, hot body, her firm heavy breasts, and flat belly. Dexter’s brown legs stretched out before her in the flesh, and reflected in the mirror and she watched his long cock disappear inside her as she impaled herself on him. Her face twisted with pleasure as she began to ride him. She dropped her head back, her hair brushing his chest. He reached up to cup her breasts with his hands. She was mesmerized by the contrast of his brown hands on her white breasts in the mirror. He began to squeeze and pinch, murmuring obscenities at her as she rode him.

  Angel felt her orgasm begin to build. She dropped her hand to her clitoris, rubbing and slapping, the pain of Dexter pinching her breasts melding with the pleasure of her manipulations to create a blissful fusion of sensation. She screamed, watching her own face in the mirror, contorting with pleasure, her mouth open, her eyes half-lidded, her expression one of utter rapture. Her body shuddered. Her universe consisted of this man’s shaft of pleasure within her quivering cunt. Panting, she leaned forward, resting her hands on the cover between Dexter’s legs. Her heart thudded and her breathing came raggedly.

  Angel lifted herself off him, thrilling to the feeling of his still-stiff cock sliding out of her hyper-sensitive tissues. She lay on her back. He moved rapidly between her thighs, sliding his cock deep in her soaking pussy. He lifted her legs into the air, hooking them over his shoulders, sinking into her hard and fast, staring down into her face. She wriggled under him, altering her position slightly, so the tip of his cock hit her most sensitive spot deep within. He grabbed her breasts and fucked her harder. Angel reached behind her, grabbing the headboard, arching her back and screaming as her second fierce orgasm shook her body.

  She dropped her legs onto the bed. Dexter moved quickly up and over her body, positioning his cock over her face and pulling off the condom. Angel didn’t protest. She had read in his report how he preferred to come, if the lady did not mind. He took hold of his dick, running his hand up and down his thick, hard shaft. He moaned and called out, warning her. He squeezed the tip of his dick hard as he came, ejaculating all over her face, watching as the white liquid spurted out over her eyes and mouth. Angel opened her mouth, licking up what she could reach with her tongue, licking the purple end which still dribbled fluid. Dexter gasped and groaned, his body slumping as she sucked him dry.

  Spent, he moved off Angel, lying down alongside her. She could feel her own juices dribbling down her thighs onto the cover beneath them. They did not speak. She lay catching her breath for a few seconds before climbing off the bed and heading to the bathroom. She cleaned herself and got a drink of water, before going back in the bedroom to re-join Dexter.

  He was still lying on the bed. He smiled at her as she came back in. She watched his chest moving up and down as he breathed. His muscles rippled with every movement and shone in the subtle light. He was truly a magnificent specimen. He opened out one arm in a tacit invitation. Angel climbed on the bed, snuggling up, and closed her eyes, telling herself it was just for a moment.

  * * * *

  Angel woke up, disoriented. She was not in her own bed. Staring up at the ceiling, she remembered bringing Dexter to the room. She sat up and looked over. At some point, Dexter had folded over his side of the duvet to cover her as she had gone to sleep on top of it. He was covered by one of the spare blankets from the wardrobes. She glanced over to the clock on the wall. It was seven o’clock! She’d slept all night! She slid out from under the duvet, covering Dexter back up with the half he’d covered her with. He snuggled under it and muttered something unintelligible before settling back to sleep. She pulled on her thong and her PVC dress and picked up her boots, tip-toeing barefoot out the room, leaving Dexter to sleep. She headed down the staircase to reception. It was empty, but she heard voices from the back office. She snuck past and managed to get to her office without anyone seeing her.

  She grabbed a quick shower. She couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep on Dexter. She had been shattered after the way the day went, but she usually tried to hang around until things quietened down, in case anything kicked off. She hoped everything had been okay. However, she had certainly needed some valuable rest, and it meant she didn’t have to see Dan and Stacie again. Instantly, the thought of that pair lowered her mood. She was going to have to do something about that woman.

  She put on her computer in the office, leaving it to load while she got ready. She dried and straightened her hair. It didn’t take much straightening—but there was a slight wave to it. It was a blessing rather than anything else because she could vary her look, from wild messy waves to poker-straight locks. She put on her subtle day-time makeup and dithered over what to wear. She decided on her skinny black jeans with a little white vest, which clung to her boobs and showed off her cleavage. She dug out a small satin bomber jacket she hadn’t worn in ages, and finished the look with a chunky gold chain, dangling between her breasts. She pushed her feet into black high-heeled boots and looked at the effect in the full-length mirror. Oh yes, she could rock the retro look!

  She checked the computer, looking briefly over the schedule for the day, who was arriving, who was leaving, seeing if there were any emails demanding her immediate attention. That done, she headed out into the quiet corridor. Much as she loved Desires when it was buzzing with activity, walking the quiet corridors was calming.

  Angel made her way to reception where Libby and Sophie, the daytime receptionists, sat in the office drinking cups of tea. She didn’t reprimand them for slacking, reception was empty and they could see if anyone was waiting at the desk.

  “Morning girls, anything to report?” she asked them.

  “No, everything is fine,” answered Libby.

  Angel looked over the reception desk, glancing at the computers. Everything seemed to be in order. She looked over to the grand hall. The cleaners were already working hard, but she decided to walk over—it didn’t hurt for the beady eye of the boss to oversee the work. The floor was being swept and the tables and chairs put back into their glitzy glamour. She looked round the hall. It was a stunning room—it would have been the ballroom in this building’s previous lifetime. Much of its old history remained, the high arched ceiling and supporting pillars were richly decorated. The chandeliers were the originals, rewired, but still the originals. They were massive, and magnificent. The dance floor was the original parquet ballroom floor. Modern touches included the dancing cages which hung from the ceiling alongside the chandeliers, the stage at one end, and the pictures on the walls. And yet, if she half-closed her eyes, she could almost see women in ball-gowns and men in suits waltzing around the floor, and hear the lilting of classical string music. Thoughts of an Elizabethan-themed erotic ball floated through her head. She wondered how much it would cost to hire a suitably open-minded classical orchestra. The idea stayed with her as she acknowledged the cleaners and headed to the bar. The bar area was being thoroughly cleaned and she nodded and carried on, pleased with the progress.

  The bar and the hall were to be transformed for next weekend’s big event, the erotic ball. The ball was held twice a year. It was always a major success, but took plenty of organizing. She had been working on it for months and it was almost ready.

  She loved to organize the erotic ball. Many erotic companies were invited, bringing displays, advertising themselves, setting up stalls, and encouraging people to have more fun with their sex lives. The event was ticket-only and people came from all over the world, not just all over the country, to attend. Angel had to make sure everyt
hing was perfect, no screw-ups accepted. All her staff had to work their butts off. Extra staff and security were brought in. She’d even booked one of the most well-known radio DJs in the country to host the event. He was a regular visitor to the club, unknown to his many world-wide fans.

  She re-entered the hall, knowing from tomorrow the room’s transformation would begin. Bailey and Shannon had their final to-do lists, those last minute details. She didn’t know what she’d do without those two—they were her stars, she thought affectionately. Angel loved working with them. They were always around for the big events and deputized for her when she had a prior engagement. They helped with orders and kept the place ticking over. They took bookings, cancellations, and made sure they knew exactly how many people were wandering around the building for fire regulations. Nothing escaped these girls, they were amazing—her own personal angels, she thought, smiling at her own whimsy. She even called them her Angel girls.

  What would she do if they left? She hoped they never would. They were her strength and kept her head above water when things went wrong. They looked after her and she looked after them, giving them a generous salary and free rein to use all Desires’ facilities.

  She left the great hall, wandering through the double doors, following her usual morning routine. When she approached the orgy room, though, her steps paused. Flashes of memory intruded in her mind, images of Dan and Stacie having sex, her cries, his moans, their final blissful moment together. Her stomach heaved and she swallowed her gorge with difficulty. She forced herself to stand at the door, watching the cleaners taking up the sheets. She looked at the spot where they had been last night, wishing she could somehow block out the cruel memories. Even when she shut her eyes, they were still there. There was no respite.

  A tear broke free from her lashes and wandered down her cheek, taking its time rounding the contours of her face. It tickled and she brushed it off, irritated at the physical betrayal of her torment. Angel walked off, deciding to forgo the rest of the inspection. She couldn’t let the staff see her like this. She was Angel, Iron Lady, tough as old boots. She didn’t cry. And she certainly didn’t let a man get to her.

  As she passed the formal restaurant, she smelled the aroma of breakfast. Her stomach rumbled, the scent drawing her in. The barman came over.

  “Good morning, Angel.”

  “Morning,” she replied. She looked around, not seeing half as many people as she expected. Clearly many were still in bed after their late evening. Her body froze when she saw Stacie sitting alone at a table in the corner. She stood for a moment wondering what do to. Should she sit alone, or go and join Stacie. She didn’t particularly want to talk to the woman, but at least she might be able to get some information from her, especially about Dan.

  Angel glanced back at her. Stacie was looking over at her, her expression one of trepidation. Stacie quickly turned her head away. Angel sensed she intimidated her, which pleased her. Deciding, Angel ordered her breakfast then walked over to Stacie’s table. “Good morning, Stacie. May I join you?” Angel looked down at the woman, loathing the sight of her, wishing she could drag her out of the club by that long hair and throw her down the steps.


  Angel folded her long legs into the chair opposite Stacie. “No Dan?” she asked.

  “No, he’s sleeping.”

  Stacie was not looking glamorous in the slightest this morning, Angel thought smugly. Her hair was thrown up in a clip and she wore no makeup. However, her boobs in the fitted T-shirt she wore looked fantastic. Angel knew Dan would love them. He had a weakness for large breasts. She wished Dan could see Stacie looking so unkempt though. No wonder she had snuck out without waking him up—she looked a mess.

  “So you’re enjoying your own company?”

  “I guess so.”

  “How are you finding Desires?” Angel asked. Stacie looked anxious at the question and paused before answering. As she pondered, the waiter brought Angel the black coffee she had ordered.

  “It’s different,” Stacie said, when the waiter had gone.

  “It certainly is, thank goodness, or I’d be out of a job! Couldn’t be doing with competition. Dan tells me you are doing very well.” Angel watched Stacie take a sip of her own coffee. “I’m really pleased to hear that,” she added.

  “Even after yesterday?” Stacie said, lowering her head.

  “You mean that whole thing with James? I wouldn’t worry about it. We’re all entitled to our own opinions. Personally, I was more bothered about what he said to Dan. He shouldn’t be judging Dan’s fantastic work.” Angel said grinding her teeth. “I don’t accept that behaviour, especially when it involves someone who works here. If Dan was bad at his job then I would have certainly looked further into the situation, in private, but as I know Dan is amazing then I don’t have to. James was badly in the wrong. If anything, he needs to be examining his own attitude.”

  “Do you actually run this place then?”

  Angel sat staring directly at her wondering why she asked such a fucking crazy, off the cuff question, but she would answer, as she wanted to ask her own questions. Keep her sweet Angel…keep her sweet. “Yes. The people who come here have been coming for years and I enjoy seeing the same people as well as meeting new people. My mother used to run it. Now she just sits in the back and watches me run around screaming the orders which amuses her. I enjoy running the place, maintaining its good reputation. And I love bossing people about,” she said, faking a laugh. God, it was hard to pretend to be civil.

  “I bet. Have you been running it long?”

  “About four years. When my mother used to run it, I spent quite a few weekends here watching her, and occasionally having the odd dabble.”

  “Did you work here?” Stacie looked surprised, shocked even.

  “I used to help out with the admin side of things, but nothing else. If I indulged, it was strictly for pleasure only,” Angel said, bristling. What right did Stacie have to be shocked after what she’d got up to last night? “I also heard that you are a bit of a dark horse yourself.” Stacie’s eyes darted about. Angel suppressed a smile, betting she was embarrassed about her behaviour. She had probably been drunk and regretted it now.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I heard you went into the orgy room last night.” Stacie’s eyes went huge and panicky. Angel sat back in the chair, satisfied with her reaction. “Don’t look so frantic, I know about everyone in this building, no one escapes my clutches, I can tell you. So what did you think?”

  “Sorry?” Stacie said, clearly floundering. Angel frowned, annoyed at her flakiness, eager to get to the truth.

  “What did you think?” Angel repeated.

  “It was okay.” She paused. “Dan joined me.”

  “So, you enjoyed it then?”

  “Yes, it was okay,” Stacie answered yet again. Angel was trying her hardest to keep very cool. Last night had been one of the hardest of her life. Watching her man fucking another woman, yet her response was merely that it was okay.

  “Tell me, Stacie,” Angel said, as the waiter arrived with a rack of toast and a small tray with little pats of butter and tiny pots of various spreads. “What turns you on the most?” Angel spread a slice of toast with jam and took a bite. Angel could see she was delaying her answer, wondering what was going through her mind.

  “I enjoy having my clitoris sucked,” Stacie answered. Angel was surprised. She hadn’t expected her to come out with that answer.

  Angel smiled. “God, yes that is fucking amazing. I have a slight confession to make,” she said, wiping her mouth with the napkin. “I have to have that at least once a day, it’s my addiction. I’m not all that bothered about cock, but the clitoris, fucking hell…what an explosion, I just love the build up and sensation, fucking hell…” she paused. “Mind blowing or what?”

  “Yes, I must admit I’d forgotten how amazing it is.”

  “I’ll tell you what, I’ll make sure Dan gives you on
e of our ‘keep it quivering’ leaflets, regardless if you come back or not.” She paused and took a sip of her coffee. “Are you coming back?” She desperately needed to ask the question. She found herself anxious for Stacie’s answer, praying Stacie would reply no, then she could have Dan back for herself. She sure as hell wouldn’t make the mistake of giving him a gorgeous female again.

  “I’m not sure.” Hmm. Not sure still wasn't yes! Maybe she could still salvage this.

  “Does all the testosterone put you off?”

  She watched Stacie almost choked on her coffee. “No.”

  “It can get too much, that’s why I’m pleased there is plenty of girl on girl action here also. Has Dan shown you around Desires?”

  “Only a little,” she replied. Angel saw Stacie’s gaze flick over Angel’s shoulder and her expression soften. She turned to see, not that she really needed to. Dan stood at the entrance to the restaurant, looking over at them.

  “Dan, come here,” Angel commanded. He obeyed with no hesitation.

  “Good morning, Dan,” Angel said, then glanced at her watch pointedly. “Only just, mind. Stacie said you needed your beauty sleep, so she left you to it.”

  “You should have woken me,” he told Stacie, taking a seat at the table to Stacie’s left.

  “Sorry, I just thought I should leave you.”

  Angel stared at them, annoyed by their easy chat. “Nah, wake him up, get his cock hard and shag him senseless for breakfast. A bit of sausage is much more appetizing than scrambled eggs.”


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