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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 18

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel smiled at everyone, her eye checking over their uniforms. Her staff was usually required to dress up in very sexy uniforms, leaving little to the imagination. But, on occasion, something slightly more restrained was necessary. This was one of those occasions. So the girls wore tight white blouses over their substantial assets, instead of just bras, skirts that came to mid-thigh, instead of skimming their bottoms, and tights instead of stockings. The men were smart in their white shirts and black ties.

  She headed back to reception. The first guests were already arriving. She stepped into action, greeting them all with a smile and a kiss on either cheek. They gathered in the reception area while Angel greeted everyone, making brief conversations, welcoming them to the club.

  Luca, one of the sex toy wholesalers, had brought a few new samples for her to look at. Desires could never have enough toys and there was always someone who would give something new a try.

  Margo, the bondage lady, arrived. She also always brought a variety of samples, handcuffs, paddles, clamps, bondage clothing and many others. Margo also sorted out the sex furniture providing the latest state of the art designs and the most exciting and dirtiest instruments possible. No doubt her stall would be exciting on the night and Angel couldn’t wait to see what was on offer.

  The man who came through the doors next, Ben, brought a look of astonishment, then a smile to Angel’s face. She watched his eyes flick round the room, clearly looking for her. Grinning, she hid behind one of the other guests, watching him as he approached. She and Ben had a rather entertaining past. Ben used to use his business as an excuse to come and play with Angel. When her mother ran the place, they had sex in as many rooms as possible, going for a full house. They never did quite manage it in every room, Angel mused. Ben’s business was selling and delivering lubricants, stimulants, edible licks, massaging oils and potions, aphrodisiacs and, as Desires always needed these products, he had a very good excuse to come and visit.

  Only eighteen at the time, Angel found the whole adventure exciting, especially as he was much older and married. Being part of an affair was fascinating and addictive. The thought that she could tempt a man away from his wife was thrilling. She always did wonder what the consequences would be if his wife ever found out. Presumably, she never did.

  She came out from behind the guest and took a few steps toward him. He spotted her and smiled, coming over to her. The eye contact was electric as he took hold of her hand, kissing it. He had amazing charm—he had easily pulled an eighteen-year-old Angel into his seduction. Ben taught her a great deal, how to impress and brainwash people, and how to be subtly manipulative, to induce people into doing what she wanted or to a certain way of thinking, without them being aware of it. She learned from him exactly how to show workers, clients and colleagues who was the boss. Over the years, she had perfected that to a fine art—Dan was the only person who was able to get away with pushing those strict boundaries.

  It was only when Angel took over Desires, and sex with Ben started to get boring in comparison to the delights she was beginning to sample, that she put a stop to the affair. Since then, he had sent his colleagues to deliver his wares and she hadn’t seen him in those four years.

  “You’re looking sensational,” he told her. “Still a very sexy woman.”

  “How are you, Ben?”

  “Can’t complain. It’s good to be back here. The place looks amazing.”

  “Thank you.” She pulled her hand away from his. The four years had not been as kind to him as they had to her, now she saw him closely. He’d looked good from a distance, but she spotted the beginnings of a little jowliness, and was that a slight paunch under the smartly tailored shirt? To her eighteen-year-old self, he’d been worldly and wonderful. Now he just looked a bit tired.

  “You’re clearly doing a good job.”

  “Thank you. Dedication pays off. Please excuse me,” she answered, seeing yet another familiar face and moving off to greet them, smiling slightly at the look of disappointment on Ben’s face.

  The faces kept coming, some familiar, some new. Angel greeted each one with a warm welcoming smile. They milled around the reception area catching up. The world of erotica was a small world and everyone knew everyone else. Angel did her best to keep everyone smiling while trying her hardest to avoid Ben. Why had he come after four years of sending minions?

  Finally, Libby quietly told her that everyone had arrived who was expected. Angel walked up a couple of steps to lift her above the heads of the crowd.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me, I think we’re about ready to start,” Angel called over the chatter.

  They followed her to the function room where they took their seats. The restaurant staff sprang into action, offering everyone food and drink. Angel accepted a cup of coffee, but refused a slice of the delicious-looking cakes. Looking around she seethed somewhat at the sight of the men, and the older women, who had evidently given in to the inevitable ravages of age and gravity, tucking into the goodies, although the slimmer women eschewed, like her. Their eyes met in sisterly communion, a mixture of smugness at their flat bellies and envy of those who happily chomped on the creamy desserts.

  Once everyone was settled, Angel composed herself, took a deep breath and then stood up. All eyes turned to her, and she put on the best smile she could muster.

  “Hi, everyone. Welcome to Desires. Firstly, thank to you all for making time out to be here. How wonderful it is to see some new faces and also the old ones who always bring Desires such delight.” As she spoke, her gaze flashed past Ben, who smirked at her annoyingly. “I look forward to getting to know all of you who are new to Desires, and hope to see you again in the future.

  “For those who are not aware of Desires’ raison d’être, allow me to give you a quick briefing. Desires is all about sex, whether it’s a romantic weekend for a couple wanting a bit of erotic fun, or singles looking to hook up for some no-strings action. We offer everything from easy sensual fun to full on bondage, no request is too small or too much. We provide a range of services as standard, but will always consider the request of any of our clients. We strive to offer the best service anywhere in the country.”

  Angel continued with all eyes on her. “Desires has a fantastic work force that provides the highest standard of work. They enjoy working here and I look after my staff. All my intimate workers are capable of dealing with pretty much any fetish requests, as well as providing sex therapy in the form of tutoring. Desires is all about fun, letting your hair down and being who you want to be. Some clients have been attending the establishment for years. We have many regulars and a steady influx of new clients.

  “All my workers remain professional and discreet. We have a significant number of celebrity clients who of course require absolute discretion. Everything that happens within this building remains in this building. All workers and clients have to sign contracts with confidentiality clauses. I also do not permit emotional relationships between clients and workers.”

  “What happens if a relationship is established?” someone asked.

  “The client’s contract is destroyed and the worker is disciplined. If they refuse to break off the relationship, they lose their job. Desires must remain professional, at all levels.”

  “Have you ever had anyone who has attempted to release details about Desires?” asked another.

  “It is sometimes threatened, but has never happened. Usually, the person has as much to lose by being exposed as a client of Desires, as the person they wish to expose. I’ve had to call the lawyers in on a couple of occasions, but usually it doesn’t come to that. And I have my own ways of handling disgruntled ex-customers.”

  The meeting continued with more questions being asked about the contracts and how the club dealt with certain eventualities. Angel answered without hesitation—her rulebook was well laid out. The next item on the agenda was the ball on Saturday night. Everyone in the room would take some part in it, either
having a stall to sell their products or offering ideas and advice. From there, the conversation turned to her themes and ideas for entertaining. Her guests chimed in enthusiastically, offering fresh new ideas which were always welcome.

  The meeting took longer than expected and they had to break for lunch before continuing. The room felt relaxed and many interesting comments and observations were made. Angel always loved to hear constructive criticism or ideas for improvement. She took all comments on board—offering the best service was essential. Of course, with service to the public, it was impossible to please everyone. There’s always the odd one who cannot help but stick a spanner in the works. The room had developed a buzz as guests chatted amongst themselves.

  “You run this establishment very well, Angel,” said Mr. Livingston, who owned an erotic publishing company and would be selling books from a stall on Saturday.

  “Thank you very much.”

  “I will certainly be bringing my wife next weekend, and if I may, use the facilities.”

  “Of course. Just let me know what you require and I will be more than happy to oblige.”

  After the meeting, a few stayed behind for a guided tour of the club. Others, who had visited previously on several occasions, left to get on with other business, bidding Angel farewell, “Until next Saturday!”

  Angel headed to the piano bar for a drink. She ordered at the bar and sat at a table, taking a long sip to unwind before spreading her notes out before her. Ideas buzzed around her head and she started to scribble a few things down that she hadn’t had chance to during the meeting. This coming weekend was going to be the biggest for Desires. Everything had to be perfect. It would be crazy, and exciting.

  “Well, well, well, how are you my sexy Angel?”

  Angel lifted her head to see Ben lowering himself into a chair next to her. She stared at him, surprised. She thought he had left with the others, but clearly not. “What can I do for you?”

  He moved closer to her, leaning across the table. She backed away. He didn’t improve with proximity. “Well, my sexy Angel, I was wondering…” he said, reaching his hand under the table to touch her upper thigh. She pulled it away. Surely he didn’t think he stood a chance? “I wouldn’t mind having some sexy fun,” he said, waggling his eyebrows up and down.

  “And what do I get out of it?”

  He moved back and looked at her strangely. “My cock.”

  She smiled. Not in a nice way. “And why should I have you, when I can have any cock in the building?”

  “You and I have history.”

  “Yes, and?”

  “Does that mean nothing to you?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Why not?”

  “Babe, I’ve moved on. To bigger cocks, and more interesting men.” The past was then and this was now and he might still be the same plonker, but she wasn’t the same silly teenage girl with a stupid crush.

  “Can we not have one for old time’s sake?”

  She looked at him and despised him. She searched her heart for some remnant of the feelings she had once felt. Back then, Angel hadn’t been able to see enough of him, but now, everything was different.

  “Look Ben, thanks, but no thanks. I really don’t need to.”

  His face dropped. Angel felt a tiny bit guilty, aware she had upset him, but tough, in this life you don’t always get what you want. It was years ago, she’d moved on. He had to, too.

  “Come on, Angel,” he said, taking hold of her hand and placing it to his mouth, kissing it. Angel pulled her hand away. The thought of him slobbering over her was repulsive. She suddenly wondered why he’d come after her again after all these years. She glanced down at his wedding finger. The ring was off. He’d always worn it when he was with her. Maybe his wife had finally found out about his philandering and thrown him out, so he thought he’d try his luck with his old flames. Well, he was out of luck with Angel. She no longer needed him in her life unless it was simply for business.

  “Angel,” he said, in what he probably thought was a persuasive tone of voice, poking his face into hers, attempting to kiss her. She turned her head and pulled back.

  “Please, Ben. I am honestly not interested. I have far too much to do. I don’t have time for sex.”

  “Oh come on, Angel. You always make the time for sex. You love it.”

  “Yes, I enjoy it when I have the time, and with a partner of my choice. Our relationship is past and gone.”

  “You never turned me away before.”

  “No, I didn’t. It was sex. I had fun and I wasn’t bothered about who I shagged.”

  “And now you are?”

  “Yes, I bloody well am. I have respect for myself,” she said, starting to get angry.

  “You seriously expect me to believe that?”

  “Believe what the hell you like. I am not interested in having sex with you.”

  “So are you telling me our past is forgotten?”

  “No, it’s not forgotten. I enjoyed our time together. It was a very special time in my life and was appreciated, but I’ve moved on. There is no us now. We’ve been over for years, Ben. You know that.”

  “Angel, I want to have you again.”

  “For goodness’ sake Ben, give it a rest. Look, I’ve tried to be nice. Now I’m telling you. I don’t want you. Please leave.”

  Angel stood up and left the restaurant. She’d heard enough of his voice. But she’d barely got more than a few yards down the corridor when she heard it again, calling her name, pleadingly. For God’s sake, did the man have no dignity? She attempted to ignore him, but he followed. She sped up her steps, but by the time they arrived at reception, he’d caught up. He grabbed hold of her arm, swinging her round and into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. “Ben, get off!” she told him, struggling to get free.

  “Come on, Angel,” he told her, holding her tight. “You know you want to.” His hand cupped her buttock and squeezed.

  “Ben, please don’t jeopardize our friendship or business relationship,” she panted, pushing hard on his chest with both hands.

  Over his shoulder she saw Libby approach. Angel pleaded with her eyes, hoping Libby would get the message.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, pitching her voice loudly and firmly.

  Angel stared long and hard in Ben’s eyes. “Don’t make me knee you in the balls,” she whispered. His face turned stiff and he released her, pushing her away hard enough to make her stumble.

  Angel looked at Libby who took her place behind the reception desk, glaring at Ben. “Yes, everything is okay, thanks. Has the tour finished?”

  “It has. Sophie’s taken them all for a drink in the restaurant. She says it went really well.”

  “Wonderful,” she replied. She turned her attention back to Ben who stood, arms folded, leaning against the reception desk.

  Angel matched his glare and he wilted. “Look Angel, I’m sorry, I really am. I thought you were just playing hard to get. I think I should leave,” he said. Relief surged through Angel that he had finally got the damn message and she sagged against the desk as she watched him head to the main front door. He stood for a second, looking back at her, a soppy, stupid, sad look on his face. She hardened her expression and glared at him until he finally left. She inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly, hating the position he had put her in. For the first time, Angel had felt afraid. It was not a good feeling. Would he have forced himself on her? Was he that type?

  Chapter Nine

  Angel spent the next few days making final preparations for the weekend. Midweek was normally quiet, and she usually took a couple of days off, but not this week. Although the closing date was supposed to be last Friday for tickets, requests were still coming in, and Angel was still selling them. The more that attended the better for Desires, and the workers. Desires would be packed out to the maximum that fire regulations would allow.

  Angel did allow herself an afternoon’s shopping to get a stunning dres
s for the evening, plus accessories of course. And a break would do her good, although her mind churned the whole time she was out with things still to do.

  She had almost given up, scouring shop after shop for the right dress when she saw one stuffed at the back of a designer shop she hardly ever went in, as it tended to be pricy. This dress was marked down to half-price, and when she tried it on, she could see why. Not because it was a poorly-made dress, or because the style was unflattering, but because it would take a certain type of woman to wear a dress like this. Luckily, Angel was that certain type of woman. She started at her reflection in the changing cubicle mirror. The dress was long and black and open at the front down to her navel. It wasn't just open, it was entirely open. Her breasts were almost totally on display. Only a wide, gem-encrusted, horizontal band covered the nipples. Narrow shoulder straps attached to the diamante band held it up and the skirt swept the floor. The skirt appeared modest, but as soon as she moved, splits opened up to her hips at the front and the sides. Her breasts looked outstanding, in a league of their own. She was turned on by her own reflection, imagining the looks of pure lust and blatant desire on the men’s faces when they looked at her.

  The amount of flesh on display, however, drew Angel’s attention to her winter-white skin. She bought the dress, then called her favourite beauty salon, booking in for a hair trim, a spray tan, plus leg wax and partial Brazilian, all on Friday, the day before the ball.

  Her happy mood was punctured slightly when she pulled up sharply in Desires’ car park, her usual parking spot being blocked by a large lorry. She parked in a different space and entered the building. Shannon stood in reception talking to a man. She turned to look at Angel.

  “Oh, Angel. This is John. He’s come with his guys to decorate the hall.”

  “Thanks, Shannon. I’ll take over now.” As if on cue, the phone started to ring, and Shannon scuttled round the desk to answer it.


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