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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 21

by Holly J. Gill

  She blew a stream of smoke at the windscreen, gazing at nothing. She had made a complete mess of the situation. How the hell had everything gone so wrong? One minute she had Dan to herself, only giving him unattractive women and then along came Stacie. Had Little Miss Boring really won his heart? She wanted to believe everything Dan had said was true, but somehow she was struggling. Her gut told her there was more to it, just by watching the way he acted with her. If last night was anything to go by, she could certainly see what Stacie would see in him.

  Angel sucked on her cigarette, enjoying the head rush. The car was becoming uncomfortably full of smoke—it stung her eyes. She got out and paced around the car park for a while, kicking at stones. She caught a movement and looked over to see the main door opening. Shannon came out, looking around for a minute before spotting Angel and coming over.

  “Would you like someone to chat to?” Shannon asked. Angel glanced at her while taking another drag.

  “No, not really.”

  “Are you sure? It’s just I have known you for years and never have I seen you act this way.”

  “Really? Well haven’t you been lucky?”

  “Angel, what is bothering you? Is it this place and the weekend?”

  “Look can you just get the fuck back to your desk and do some bloody work,” Angel snapped.

  Shannon took a step back, looking shocked.

  “I’m sorry,” Angel said, bursting into tears and dropped to the stony ground on her knees, curling into a ball.

  Angel felt Shannon place her arm around her. “Angel, tell me what’s going on. I will help the best I can,” Shannon begged Angel whilst comforting her. “I have never seen you like this. I would like to help.”

  Angel shrugged off Shannon’s arm, wiping away the tears which ran cooling down her face. She stood up, wandering further into the car park. She bent down and picked up a handful of stones, letting out a wild shriek as she hurled them at a tree. They scattered and the tree still stood, unmoved.

  Angel stared at her surroundings. The landscape looked cold and bold, standing in stark relief against the white sky. Trees swayed in the freezing wind, hopeless and naked, like her heart. She turned to look at Desires. The building was her life, it was all she ever needed. It was her home, her career, her everything. Now, it all just seemed pointless if Dan was not to be hers. How could she have found herself emotionally getting involved with a worker? She’d made that rule for a damn good reason. It was a rule that was never to be broken. And yet, she had broken it. It had crept up on her so quietly that she hadn’t even noticed herself falling in love with him. And when she did, it was too late.

  Should she confide in Shannon? Keeping it a secret was crucifying her.

  “Last night Dan was here, and he made love to me. I allowed him to make love to me. It was amazing.” She felt a silly smile creep over her face at the memory. Shannon frowned, looking confused.

  “Do you understand? I made fucking love to Dan. I allowed him to take charge. I did nothing but lie back and enjoy, and fucking hell, was it good. It was earth shatteringly good. Who the hell needs an earthquake when Dan is about? Then,” she gave a shaky sardonic laugh. “Then, I discover Stacie fucking Clifford has re-booked him for the entire weekend. Shit, shit,” she said, sniffing, as her eyes filled with fresh tears. She took another drag of her cigarette, dashing them away angrily.

  “Are you jealous?” Shannon’s quiet question reached her easily.

  “Yes, I bloody am. Stacie is gorgeous and sweet and nice…” she injected every word with venom, “and me? Well I’m a complete bitch with an attitude problem.”

  “Are you in love with Dan?” Shannon said, her tone awed.

  “I don’t know, Shannon. What the fuck is love? All I know is I have never felt this way for anyone. I think about him constantly. I dream about him.” She paused. “I’m only really happy when I’m with him,” she confessed. “My cardinal rule broken, by me. No emotional connection between workers, or clients.”

  “But, I don’t understand. Stacie is just a client. Can’t you just take him off her? Reassign someone else to her?”

  “Oh, I could do that. But that’s not the problem.”

  “Angel, you’re not making any sense.”

  The thought of saying the words was distasteful, but it had to be spelled out. “I think Dan and Stacie have developed feelings for each other.” Fresh tears fell as she spoke her greatest fear, and this time she just let them fall. “Of course he denies it, but I can tell. He looks at her differently, smiles at her, and…and he is deliberately prolonging her stay here at Desires.”

  “So he smiles at her, and he wants her to keep coming. Have you ever thought he might just be doing his job? Obviously, he’s going to encourage Stacie to come more. All the workers are told to encourage further bookings. Angel, you know that.”

  Angel did know that. She stared at her shoes, watching tears splash down onto the floor. “That’s what he says too. But, I don’t know, I can just tell something is different. Maybe I should wave her contract in her face.”

  “Then what? Get her thinking that Dan is in love with her?” Angel stared at her, not understanding the comment. Shannon explained. “Okay, I’m Stacie. I have been having a sexy young man teaching me how to have sex, and, bear in mind it’s a very emotional time for me because I’ve been in an abusive marriage. So my thoughts might already be running crazy and then you go and push the contract in my face, reminding me about no emotional involvement between worker and client. So I’m going to start wondering if Dan is having secret feelings for me and the boss is scaring me off.”

  Angel paused, thinking. Shannon was right, of course. Angel was letting her emotions do the thinking. She needed to keep her distance, try to be the nice woman. Easier said than done.

  “So you’re saying, stay away, and don’t encourage the situation?” Angel said, finishing her cigarette and throwing it to the floor, grinding it out with her foot.

  “I am saying exactly that. I have never seen you this way, Angel. Falling in love…?”

  “I never actually said it was love,” Angel hastily interjected. Shannon looked at her, a ‘yeah right’ look plain on her face. Angel swallowed. “It’s just a silly crush. I just need to explore it for a bit. I’ll get over him, then he can go back to fucking whoever I tell him to fuck. I simply want him to myself for a while, like a play toy,” she said, unsure who she was trying to convince, Shannon or herself.

  They headed back into Desires. Bailey looked at her quizzically as she passed the reception desk. She didn’t look back, but headed back to her room. She sat staring at her dressing table mirror. She needed to get her head together. There was a big meeting of as many of the workers as could come that day, to make sure everyone knew what they were doing on Saturday.

  It was guaranteed that something or someone would cause a few unwanted problems. There was no such thing as a perfect event—something had to go wrong. But if everyone was as prepared as they could possibly be, any problems would be minimized from the outset.

  If it hadn’t been for how much Desires meant to her, she would have struggled to muster up the enthusiasm. As it was, it was hard. This stupid crush, or whatever it was had set her back. She couldn’t understand where these ridiculous feelings came from. She’d never even thought herself capable of feeling like this. The love word? What the fuck! A crowd of butterflies fluttered inside her tummy, her muscles ached, she almost felt insane. But she had to pull herself together and get on with her job. She should be concentrating on the ball. Even if she was in love with Dan, she knew that men came and went. But Desires would always be here for her, and right now Desires needed her.

  She headed back into the office and collected her precious folder containing all the information about the ball. Angel made her way to reception seeing Shannon and Bailey grabbing paperwork and note pads and falling in step behind her. They all went down to the restaurant where the meeting was to be held. She took a s
eat on one of the bar stools and looked around the room. Plenty of her workers were already there, sitting comfortably or helping themselves to the generous buffet situated at the far side of the room. Stingy employers ended up with unhappy staff and high turnovers. Angel wanted neither. Shannon and Bailey took seats on the bar stools next to her, getting their paper and pens ready. Bailey placed the cordless phone from reception on the bar, in case a call came through.

  Angel placed her folder on the bar as the barman asked for her order. She ordered diet cola. It was far too early to start on the vodka. The drink came and Angel took a sip, staring around the room.

  Once all the workers had helped themselves to whatever they wanted and were seated, Angel began the meeting. Most of them already knew the drill. She went through the plan for the weekend and the schedules of all the planned events. Many of them were already booked in with clients—others were attending to be available for the ball attendees. For many, this was their dream job, socialising with like-minded people, and having lots of lovely sex with anyone they wanted. Anyone who wasn’t truly suited to this line of work didn’t last very long. There had been some who thought they would enjoy it, but discovered that being required to have sex with pretty much anyone, was very different to picking off the pretty girls or boys in a club situation. Those who thrived here truly enjoyed pleasing other people, making them happy, as well as having sex of course. They loved the unknown, being adventurous, and dealing with whatever might happen. The meeting was a success—Angel had to clarify a few points, but no one had any major concerns and everyone seemed to know what they were doing. It segued naturally into a social event, the workers eating, drinking, and gossiping between themselves.

  Angel sipped at her drink, comparing notes with Shannon and Bailey.

  “How are you feeling now?” Shannon asked.

  “Okay, actually, pretty good. I am pleased that everyone seems to be happy and excited for the ball. It makes things easier when I know the workers are happy. I need them all on my side.”

  “I didn’t mean the ball…” She paused and Angel turned, staring into her dark eyes. “I meant—”

  Angel interrupted, “I know what you meant. I don’t need to think about it right now,” she told her, gripping her pen and jotting down some detail from Bailey’s notes that she had missed.

  “I could always call Stacie and make an excuse,” Shannon offered.

  “No. Can we change the subject? I have more important things to think about,” she said, realizing that she had barely thought about Dan or Stacie Bitch-face during the entire meeting. All she had to do was keep busy with work so thoughts of them would not torture her.

  Angel made sure she kept busy for the rest of the day, working, exercising, doing the rounds of Desires, and making sure everything was spick and span. She rang a few people chasing up some invited exhibitors she had still not heard back from, which was annoying and rude. What harm would a phone call do? How hard was it to let her know they were happy to come to the event and show their stall? Well, any late confirmers would not be happy with where they’d be situated. The early birds got the best pitches.

  * * * *

  She woke up the next day after the best sleep she’d had in a while. Today was her pampering day. She had cancelled the waxes, deciding to replace them with a manicure and pedicure to accompany her spray-tan and haircut.

  She had a wonderfully relaxing three hours at the salon. They’d had an offer on for a hot stone massage as well, so she’d booked herself in. Back at Desires, she swung in the front door feeling fantastic and full of confidence. Bailey was on early today, helping Sophie and Libby with the Friday afternoon rush. Things started to get busy on Fridays early on. Clients often finished work early to come here for their long weekends. Bailey was tidying the desk while Libby was on the phone and Sophie was busy on the computer.

  “Is everything all right?” Angel asked Bailey.

  “Yes, fine. You look good,” she told Angel.

  “Thank you, I feel it,” she said. She headed to the office, strolling through to her living accommodation.

  She got changed into a knee-length tiered black chiffon dress, strapless and fitted at her breasts. It hung like a waterfall, skimming her figure. She quickly applied her evening makeup and pushed her feet into her heels. She headed back to reception where Bailey was still tidying the desk. The day girls did a decent job, but Bailey liked things immaculate. She never complained, but always made a point of sorting out the clutter they left behind.

  Exhibitors had been arriving all day, bringing in their stalls and equipment, getting ready for the big night. Angel felt a swell of excitement. It was all coming together, and it would be the biggest and best ball Desires had ever had.

  The afternoon soon disappeared. Exhibitors came and went. Clients started to arrive. One of the main exhibitors rang apologizing, but they couldn’t come until tomorrow. Angel rushed off to the exhibition room making sure access to their pitch was kept clear. It was a minor annoyance, but the firm was one of their more important suppliers so Angel was anxious to keep their business relationship sweet. Everything was going well, although tomorrow would be even more manic. Caterers and the final exhibitors would be arriving, and setting up, and Angel had to make sure they didn’t get in the clients’ way. Of course, the customers were by far the most important people in Desires. Desires would not exist without her customers.

  Angel headed back to reception. There was a steady trickle of clients and workers coming in now. Then, down the main corridor, walked an annoyingly familiar figure. Dexter swaggered in, wearing slack jeans with a baggy shirt. He dumped his bag on the floor, leaning insolently on the reception desk. He stared at Angel. She gazed back at him, waiting for him to say something. He simply smiled, letting his gaze drop to her breasts significantly. She sighed and looked down at the computer, putting his details in, then printed off his clients for the evening. He was always in demand. As he stood there, he began to unbutton his shirt, slowly uncovering more and more of his rippling chest muscles. They shone in the light and he preened.

  Angel ignored him. “Good evening, Dexter,” she said, “I have booked you in. Here is your list of clients.” She pulled the printout from the printer and held it out to him. He posed at the desk, not listening to her, placing his hands on his hips and using his shoulders to pull back his shirt, drawing her attention to his chest.

  Then he smiled oddly, looking almost feral, showing white pearly teeth. He leaned forward, staring hungrily into her eyes. Angel was more interested in the cup of coffee that Bailey had given her.

  When he made no attempt to take it, she placed the printout on the desk then went back to the computer, glancing down the list of which other workers were due in. Dan was booked in at eight o’clock. Angel stared at Stacie Clifford’s name, tensing up, feeling that hatred again that had mostly dispersed over the last couple of days, wishing Stacie would damn well disappear.

  “What are your plans for the evening?” she heard Dexter say. Angel glanced up at him where he stood, still with that odd smile and showing off his muscular chest. It looked as if he was attempting to ripple his muscles. She noticed his white teeth again.

  “Have you done something to yourself?”

  “I have. Do you like?” he asked. Angel was unsure whether her attention was meant to be on his white teeth or his chest. He’d overdone it a bit with the baby oil though. It looked as though any woman attempting anything with him would just slide off.

  “What have you done?”

  “Can you not tell?” he asked holding his shirt further back, his hands proudly resting on his hips.

  “Well, I am guessing you’ve done something with your chest, but your teeth look a bit whiter too.”

  “I have been working in the gym on my abs and pecs and poured baby oil on. I know someone who’ll be getting some serious, ‘he’s fit’ attention tonight,” he crowed, removing his hands from his hips and running them up and down his ch
est, flexing his muscles further, looking very pleased with himself. “I have been to the dentist too to have my teeth whitened. Do they look good?” he asked, moving his face closer to hers and baring his teeth at her.

  “They look amazing,” she answered, wishing he would get to his work and leave her alone.

  “What do?” He preened.

  Angel shook her head. “Dexter, your chest and teeth look wonderful. Don’t you have clients to get to?” If he wasn’t such a good and popular worker, she’d tell him to get a grip and quit being a self-loving prick. Maybe she should anyway.

  “Do they impress you?”

  “Yes, Dexter, they’re wonderful. I’m sure the girls will be dying to get their hands on you.”

  “So how about it?”

  “How about what?” she said, trying to concentrate on the computer.

  “Me and you later?”

  “I’m not sure Dexter, I will have to see.”

  “Oh right,” he answered, his face falling with disappointment.

  “It’s not that I’m not interested, it’s just I have a lot of work to do, with the ball tomorrow night.”

  “Okay. Maybe if you need me you could—”

  She interrupted, “Yes, if I need you I promise I’ll come and find you.” Angel watched him bend down to pick up his bag and finally walk away.

  “What’s Dexter done to offend you?” Bailey asked, sitting down alongside Angel.

  “Nothing really, he is sweet, but his posing and self-loving grates after a while, don’t you think?”

  Bailey didn’t reply. Angel looked at her, wondering if Bailey knew how transparent she was. Her feelings were written plainly on her face—she thought Angel had been hard on Dexter. Bailey wasn’t one for confrontations, however, if Shannon had heard that she would happily have told Angel she had been a complete bitch, which, to be fair, was the truth. Dexter had done nothing wrong, he just wasn’t for her, not now anyway. He might have been if the situation had been different, but it wasn’t—unless she used him for making Dan jealous. But then she’d tried that last weekend with zero success. Then again, maybe Dan had been engaging in a bit of game-playing, just pretending not to be bothered. Dexter might just be useful after all.


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