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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 24

by Holly J. Gill

  Angel headed back to reception, bumping into Dan on the way.

  “Hey. What are you up to,” she asked, feeling flustered at bumping into him unexpectedly.

  “Just getting my suit and Stacie’s dress for this evening,” he answered, lifting the garment bags which hung over his arm.

  “So you both are coming?”

  “Yes, definitely. I think it will do her good.”

  There was a pause. Dan started to move away. “How is she doing?” Angel blurted, desperate to have him stay with her as long as she could keep him. “It seemed to be going well before.”

  “She is doing great. I am so proud of her.” His face glowed with pride. “I can’t believe how well she is doing. I never thought for a second she would do so well. Sorry, Angel, I have to get back.” He brushed past her and trotted back up the staircase.

  “Fantastic,” she replied under her breath, her insides screaming with hatred.

  She watched him head back upstairs. Never once did he look back at her. He’d written all those amazing comments about Stacie, but there was no emotion from him for Angel herself. She had to get rid of this toxic woman. But how? Bringing Mike in hadn’t worked. She had to take more drastic action. Then, an idea crept in. She instantly pushed it away. Not even Stacie deserved that. But, once born, the idea would not leave her alone. It would work, she knew it. It would surely work. But it was wrong. So wrong, Angel was appalled at herself for even thinking it. Nevertheless, almost in a trance, she approached the reception desk.

  “When Larry turns up, could you please call me? I need a chat with him?”

  “Of course,” Bailey replied.

  By the time she reached the hall, she’d almost managed to persuade herself that the plan wasn’t so bad. After all, Desires was not the place for Stacie. She’d be doing her a favour really.

  Chapter Twelve

  Angel watched the food court being set up. The caterers were due any minute and the staff were laying the cloths on the tables, making them ready to receive their burden. She couldn’t wait to see how the food had turned out. She smiled to herself just thinking about the instructions she had given them that everything had to have an erotic theme.

  She glanced at her watch. She’d have to leave soon to get dressed and ready. She shivered with pleasure at the thought of the dress hanging up in her wardrobe. She loved the fact that here, everyone could wear exactly what they wanted to wear—or not—and not be judged.

  She helped herself to a drink from the bar, not stinting on the vodka. Tonight was going to be an absolute blast. She’d eaten nothing all day so she could partake of the food. She was just glancing at her watch again when the caterers arrived. She quickly had a few words with the boss, instructing them where she wanted everything put. She watched as the first few platters were brought in. She could see through the cling-film that the sandwiches had been cut out with penis-shaped and breast-shaped templates, with strategic olives, or circles of pepperoni on the breast-shaped ones. Cocktail sausages had been given pickled onion balls and there were small round pizzas with a central ‘nipple’ made from a slice of pepperoni and the small end slice of a black olive. There was even penis-shaped pasta in the pasta salads. Angel grinned. It was even better than she had anticipated.

  She got bored watching the room fill up with food and wandered out into the hall when she heard disco music starting. She walked through into the great hall seeing the DJs doing their sound checks.

  “Hello,” she said on approach. “How is everything?”

  The DJs smiled. “We have all the naughty tunes you requested. So bodies will be sweating, feeling as horny as hell,” one said.

  “I need the place bouncing, vibrating literally.”

  “It will,” the other answered with a naughty grin.

  Angel left them to it, noticing the time. In an hour, the guests would start to arrive. The rule for tonight was sophistication. No PVC or rubber tonight, the ball was strictly elegant—men in tuxes and women in ball gowns.

  She arrived in her room, stripping off and jumping in the shower. Afterwards, Angel blasted her hair to near-dry and put it up in rollers again. She took her time putting on her makeup, making it dark and sultry. She pulled the dress out of the wardrobe and hung it up, then perused her shoe rack, deciding on the same silver platforms she had worn before. She pulled them out and put them on the floor under the dress.

  Her phone sounded.

  “Larry is here,” Bailey said when she answered.

  “Send him down,” she said. Her heart thudded as she pulled on her robe. She pulled the rollers out of her hair and fluffed out the waves with her fingers, setting the style with a spritz of hairspray. This was her last chance to back out. But no—it had to be done, for Stacie as much as herself. If she truly was in love with Dan, he would undoubtedly break her heart. Even if he thought he had feelings for her, he would never be satisfied with one woman forever. He would get bored with her eventually and drop her for the next hot young thing. She was doing Stacie a favour.

  A knock came at the door to the office. She went out and sat on the sofa, before calling out, “Come in.”

  The door opened and Larry stood there. It was a shame that the mind and inclinations of a puerile, crude, teenage boy had been put into the body of an Adonis. Larry was a truly stunning man, one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. He was tall, dark hair, dark eyes, but his real attraction was the air of genuine interest and charm he could exude when he chose, drawing any woman he desired into his trap. He made them feel special, desired, wanted, adored, for about as long as it took him to get into their knickers and move onto the next one.

  “Hello, Angel,” he said, making her name seem like an expression of endearment. Even she, knowing him the way she did, was not totally immune to his charms. His eyes smouldered…boring into her like…Stop it, she admonished herself as her thoughts began to sound like a third rate romantic novel.

  “Come in, Larry.” She hardened her voice to pure business.

  He swaggered in. There should have been seductive Bond music as he walked, the way he sauntered across the room, not taking his eyes off her for a second. He sat next to her on the sofa, his jacket open and his bow tie undone, his foot resting on his knee.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “No problem, Angel.” Again, his voice caressed her name. “You know I love seeing you.”

  “I need to ask a favour from you,” she said. “Can I offer you a drink?”

  “Scotch, if you have it.”

  “Of course.” Angel went over to her drinks cabinet. Aware of the need to keep him sweet, she passed over the cheap blended variety and poured him a generous measure of Glenlivet.

  “So what can I do for you?” he asked as Angel handed him the glass. She watched him take a sip and make an appreciative face, before taking a longer swallow.

  Angel licked her lips in preparation. Once it was said it couldn’t be unsaid. She sat back down next to him considering her words carefully.

  “There is a woman here at Desires who I need to get rid of.”

  “Get rid of?” Larry’s eyebrows flew up in alarm and Angel instantly saw what he was thinking.

  “Not, not like that. I mean, I want her to leave Desires and not come back.

  “What has she done to you?”

  “You don’t need to know that. All you need to know is that she has to go. She is Dan’s client at the moment—he is meant to be tutoring her. I need her to be treated really, really badly, like a whore. That’s where you come in.”

  “If I touch one of Dan’s clients, he will kill me.”

  “Leave that to me. I’ll handle Dan. Anyway, if I can get Dan out of the picture, if he isn’t around, then who’s to stop Stacie from accidentally falling in with the wrong person?”

  “Meaning me?”

  “Yes you. I need you to treat her as badly as you possibly can. I will get her away from Dan, you just do the rest.”

  “I c
an do that,” he said with a smug grin. “My my, what can she have done to you for you to go to so much trouble?”

  “Never you mind. Are you with me? It could get nasty after.”

  “You know I can handle whatever is given to me.”

  He sat staring in the glass, twisting it as he considered. “What’s in it for me?”

  Angel had already anticipated this and replied instantly. “A bonus equivalent to a weekend’s wages.”

  “A week!” Larry countered.

  “Three days.”


  “Four and no more.”


  Angel smiled to herself. She had anticipated his greed also, and had deliberately started low. What he didn’t know was that she would have paid him a month’s wages just to get rid of Stacie for her.

  “You really hate this woman,” he said, looking at her.

  “You bet.”

  “I would hate to be on your bad side. So what is it that she’s done?”

  “You don’t need to know that,” Angel reminded him, not liking the intense look that came into his eyes.

  “Don’t forget you’re the one that needs the favour.” He stared at her, his eyes seeming to see right into her mind. “It’s Dan, isn’t it? She’s got her hands on Dan, and you’re jealous.”

  “Listen, I just need this favour. Why is of no matter.”

  Larry moved forward, moving closer to her on the sofa. He put the whisky on the coffee table and placed his hand on her thigh.

  “My price just went up,” he whispered in her ear.

  “How much?” she breathed.

  “Oh, Angel, Angel, I don’t want your money.”

  She felt the pit of her stomach churning, knowing exactly what was coming.

  “I will do this for you—it’s just so deliciously evil. But I want something from you too,” he replied, kissing Angel on the lips. She hesitated, but needed to keep him sweet.


  “Do I have to spell it out?”

  He slipped a hand inside her robe, squeezing her breast uncomfortably.

  “Oh, Angel, you deliciously filthy little slut,” he whispered in her ear. He undid her robe and opened it wide, looking down at her body.

  Angel tensed. She didn’t want this. But she’d been a fool not to anticipate it. Since he started working here, Larry had wanted her, the one woman he couldn’t have. And she’d just given him power over her.

  “You are one sexy bitch,” he said, running a finger between her breasts down to her navel.

  Angel didn’t answer, cringing. But if it was necessary, she would do it. Getting Stacie out of the club was paramount, and if that meant having sex with Larry, then so be it. At least she wouldn’t have to pretend to enjoy it. He would probably prefer it if she didn’t.

  He sat back on the sofa then. “Get my cock out!” he ordered her. She leaned over to do it, but he stopped her. “Naked.”

  Angel stood, shucking her robe and dropping it on the floor where it pooled about her. She knelt between Larry’s legs on the floor, looking up at him with huge eyes. He smirked and spread his legs, reaching forward to get his whisky before settling himself comfortably.

  She undid his belt, then his fly, reaching inside to pull out his cock. It was certainly big enough to please.

  “Well, it won’t suck itself, bitch,” he remarked.

  She bent over and took him in her mouth, as she had so many cocks before. Mechanically, she slid him in, relaxing her throat to take him all the way.

  “Christ Almighty!” she heard from above. If she could have smiled, she would have. The reaction from men when they realized she could deep-throat was always most gratifying. She pulled off him again, fluttering her tongue all the way up, before plunging down on him again. “Oh, yeah, baby. Suck my dick, you dirty bitch!”

  She let him take hold of her head, twisting her hair around his fist before guiding her up and down, thrusting as far as he could. Groans of delight came from over her head and she closed her eyes and let him fuck her mouth. Dribbles of saliva wet her mouth and she let them drip. He pulled her off his cock and dragged her head up to look at him, twisting her nipple in a vicious pinch.

  “Fight me,” he said in a low voice.

  “What?” Angel shook her head, not understanding.

  “I want you to fight me.” His eyes gleamed with excitement and Angel understood. He wanted to rape her. Or at least, fake rape her. It was probably his ultimate fantasy, hopefully one he had never tried out for real.

  She began to bat at his hands. “No, Larry, please. Please don’t. I don’t want this!”

  He pulled her head close to him, sticking his tongue far down her throat as his other hand pinched and twisted her breast.

  “Be quiet, whore! You’re lucky I look at you at all.” His voice oozed contempt and she wondered how much of it was role-play. He wouldn’t have much of a fight if he didn’t let her go, she thought. His hand was so tight in her hair she could barely move. He realized the same thing and let her go, throwing her to the ground before standing up, towering over her. “I’m going to do you a favour, whore. I’m going to let you receive my cock.”

  He toed off his shoes and pulled down his trousers, yanking off his jacket and shirt quicker than she would have thought possible as she writhed naked on the floor. She managed to get up, running across the room away from him.

  He closed the distance between them in a few strides, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close in a grotesque parody of intimacy. He reached down below and shoved several fingers inside her, then raised his eyebrows.

  “Well, you’re wet down here. Maybe you’re enjoying this a bit too much!”

  His thumb glanced over her clitoris and she jumped, feeling arousal flood her. To her shock, she found she was enjoying it, just a little anyway. Maybe there was something in this whole rape fantasy thing, after all.

  He wrapped his mouth around her left nipple, using his teeth to grip the nipple. Angel wailed in pain. His iron arm gripped her around the waist, held her in place—she was at his mercy, knowing nothing she could do would stop the man from taking advantage. She shivered with an odd excitement. Of course, if she could get to the panic button, she could stop this, if she wanted to. But she wasn’t entirely sure she did.

  He backed her up against a wall, grabbing her hand and forcing it down to his cock. His cock jerked as soon as she touched it and he groaned fiercely. “Oh God, I’ve got to have you,” he ground out.

  “No,” she spat at him, remembering her role and trying to twist away from him. She ran across the room and he rugby-tackled her, landing on top of her on the carpet. He held onto the back of her head and pushed it into the floor, making her gasp. He covered her body with his and used his knees to spread her legs wide. Her cunt spread wide before him, he set his cock at her opening and shoved it in. Angel gasped, and not just because of his sudden entrance, but because he was not wearing a condom. She wriggled and bucked, trying to get him off her. His weight held her down and her struggles only seemed to excite him.

  “You’re so wet. You’re loving this aren’t you. You bitches all love to be raped—you just pretend you don’t.”

  He fucked her hard and viciously, whispering vilenesses in her ear. Angel was left struggling for breath, taken aback by the fierceness of his possession. It stunned her to realize how vulnerable she might be in the instance of a true attack. If Larry, or any other man, had been genuinely trying to rape her, she was not honestly sure she would be able to fight him off. Any frisson of pleasure she might have had—and this rape fantasy might be worth pursuing in the future—came abruptly to an end when Larry groaned and orgasmed inside her.

  Luckily all her workers were required to have regular STD checks, and she was on the Pill, so hopefully there wouldn’t be a problem, but how dare he not wear a condom! It was one of the most paramount rules of Desires.

  “You fucking idiot!” she said, when he pulled o
ut and released her.

  “What?” He spread his hands, looking genuinely puzzled.

  “You didn’t put a bloody condom on, is what!”

  He smirked, not in the least repentant. “Rapists don’t wear condoms.”

  “You’re a sick fucker, Larry.”

  “So they tell me.”

  He stood up and sauntered through into her bedroom without asking. Hearing the sound of water running, she assumed her had gone through to clean up. She stood up and pulled her robe around her tightly. He wandered back and started casually pulling on his clothes. Angel glanced at the clock. She could do with him hurrying up. She needs to scrub herself clean down below and reapply her makeup.

  “The ball will be starting very soon,” she told him, trying to encourage him to leave.

  “Yes,” he answered, sitting down to put on his socks and shoes. “This Stacie…” he said.

  Angel panicked, worried he had changed his mind. “What about her?”

  “Is she beautiful? Fuckable?”

  “Yes, she is. Very fuckable. Massive breasts, a rather tasty-looking pussy. You’ll love her.”

  “I see, so not only does she have your man, but she’s a stunner.”

  “What’s your point, Larry?” she asked, annoyed about his ‘your man’ comment. The man might be a twat, but he could read her scarily accurately.

  “No point at all. I am totally pointless. So what’s the plan?”

  “I’ll get Dan out of the way then point her out to you.”

  “What if I’m not around and busy fucking another number?”

  Angel stared at him. “For the bonus you’re getting, you’d better bloody not be.”

  “Fair enough. For that, and the pleasure of fucking one of Dan’s girls, I’ll abstain just this once.” He picked up his jacket and swung it over his shoulder before walking to the door. “Bye, Angel,” he said, blowing a kiss before he finally left.

  Angel headed back to her room. Unfortunately, there was no time for a full shower. She made do, scrubbing at her genitals with a soapy washcloth. She applied her face as quickly as she dared, then stuck her feet into a spidery thong, dragging it up to her hips. She had just taken the dress off the hanger when another loud knock filtered through to the bedroom. She grabbed her robe once again and went to the door.


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