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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 27

by Holly J. Gill

  The phone in her hand buzzed, indicating a text. Angel froze on the spot, looking at the screen.

  It was from Larry and said simply—The deed is done!

  Oh God! She was too late. Her heart began to pound. What had she done?

  She stood for a second, for once in her life having no clue what to do. There was no point rushing to find Stacie now. If she responded before being told about what had happened, it would appear suspicious. No doubt at some point in the very near future, she would be informed and then she would have to react as though she knew nothing about it. The best thing she could do now was to act totally normal. She headed toward the piano bar and ordered a large vodka and orange, sitting at the bar and picking at a bowl of peanuts. They stuck in her throat.

  She made small talk with the barman, and listened to Vanessa’s calming music, trying to ease the drumming of her heart. She watched the hands of the music-themed clock on the wall tick around slowly. Instead of numbers, the clock had musical notes and symbols. It was almost half past crotchet when her phone buzzed again. She grabbed it.

  Come to reception. Urgent.

  It was from Shannon. Quickly, Angel stood, draining the last drops of her drink. She rushed out and down the darkened corridor, picking her way round couples up against walls and even lying on the floor.

  She paused at the double doors, taking a deep breath to calm herself before pushing them open. Bailey stood at the reception desk, looking worried, and as Angel approached, she saw Stacie wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt, her face scrubbed, her hair down, and a look of utter despair on her face.

  “What’s wrong?” Angel said.

  “Larry got to Stacie!” Bailey replied, her face hard.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure. Dan’s going after Larry,” Bailey told her, frantic. “We need to move fast and catch Dan up or he’ll knock seven bells out of him.”

  “I saw Dan go into the ballroom a few minutes ago,” Shannon said, looking from Angel to Bailey.

  “Right, you two stay here,” Angel said to Bailey, then turned to include Stacie in her instruction. “Call security,” she said to Shannon who nodded and picked up a walkie-talkie. Angel spun and rushed into the ballroom.

  Angel ran inside the hall, looking frantically around. The smell of hot sex dominated the room and naked or semi-naked bodies were everywhere. She didn’t bother looking at faces—Dan wouldn’t be bothered about sex. She looked for a clothed man who would be moving fast through the crowd, or worse, signs of a fight. She quickly ran through the hall and poked her head in the food court. Nothing. She ran back through the hall, the image of Stacie as she had just seen her plaguing her.

  It was a very different Stacie who stood in reception now, distressed and upset, her beauty drained, replaced by anguish and horror, her eyes red raw with crying. Drowning in the sea of guilt and remorse, a tiny thought bobbed up. At least now Dan would be hers.

  Unable to see Dan in the hall, she emerged back into the reception area. Stacie had sat down on one of the sofas, her face gaunt and her eyes rimmed with dark circles. She went over and sat next to her.

  “I need to know exactly what happened. Where did he take you?” Angel demanded.

  “Down that corridor on the right,” she answered in a whisper.


  “He had sex with me, look I didn’t know. I just—”

  “It’s okay, Stacie. But I need the information.”

  “We were having sex—”

  “Was it consensual?”


  “Did you agree to have sex with him?”

  “I guess, at first, but then he got a bit too rough.”

  “Did you ask him to stop?”

  “No,” Stacie answered in a tiny voice. “I figured it would just be easier to get it over with.”

  “What happened then?”

  “Then he wanted me to suck his mate’s cock, I hadn’t even agreed for the mate to be there in the first place. He walked in on us when I was naked. I didn’t want to do that, so I started to fight him off and told him to stop.”

  “Did he stop?”

  “Yes, but then he got nasty, saying I’m a whore and a slut and that they’ll find number nine,” Stacie said, tears coming to her eyes at the memory.

  “Thank you, that’ll do for now,” Angel told Stacie. Both their heads turned as the ballroom doors crashed open. Dan appeared, bursting out of the ballroom. He ignored everyone, storming off through the double doors, looking ready to kill. Shit! Did he know where Larry was? He looked like he was on a mission, not just aimlessly wandering. Angel leaped up and ran after him.

  Larry had better not drop her in it. If Dan ever found out her part in this, everything would be lost forever. She barged her way through the crowds of people, doing her best to keep Dan in her view. She saw him poking his head in the rooms. He looked furious. He froze at the entrance to the orgy room, then disappeared inside.

  Angel upped her pace and entered the room only seconds later. Dan stood just inside the entrance, glaring at Larry, who was watching the sex show, oblivious to his presence. Dan took several strides and was in front of him. Larry had only a chance to look up, his face full of shock, before Dan was hauling him to his feet by his lapels.

  “Hey, man, mind the jacket,” Larry said with a smirk, pulling away from Dan’s grip and making a show of brushing his lapels back into place. “Do we have a problem here?”

  Dan exploded, lunging forward and yelling, “You’re a fucking tosser!” He prodded Larry in the shoulder.

  “What’s your fucking problem?” Larry yelled back, getting in Dan’s face.

  “If Angel’s got any sense she’ll be tossing you out on your ear. I ought to knock your fucking block off.”

  Angel watched Dan clench his fists.

  “Just you try it,” Larry sneered. “I’d have you in a second.”

  “Gentlemen,” Angel said, her voice carrying clearly. “Can we take this upstairs, please?”

  The two men glared at each other, but subsided.

  Angel turned toward the door. Stacie stood there, her face bleak. Larry and Dan followed in step behind her, their attitudes almost comically recalcitrant. Stacie moved aside into the corridor to let them out and, when Angel glanced behind, she saw Dan stepping in between Stacie and Larry, his attitude one of protection. He tried to take Stacie’s hand, but she pulled it away. Interesting, she thought. Why would Stacie be angry with Dan? Wouldn’t she want him to comfort her?

  Angel led the trio to her office. She opened the door and commanded Larry to go in. She closed the door, shutting him in the office, then turned to Stacie. Best make it look good.

  “Is that him?” he said

  Stacie replied with a nod.

  “Just had to check.”

  Angel opened the door and they all trooped in.

  “Sit down, please,” Angel said, addressing all of them. The two men settled themselves on the sofa, sitting as far apart as they could. Stacie sat on a chair, not looking at anyone but the floor.

  “Larry, can I please remind you of the rules of Desires?” Angel said abruptly.

  “What about them?” he said, his attitude cocky.

  “Do you remember this young lady?” Angel said, pointing to Stacie.

  “How could I forget? She led me a right merry little dance. Stunning pair of fucking tits, but a major attitude problem,” he said, turning to glare at Stacie.

  Dan exploded, leaping up and getting right in Larry’s face. His face was purple. “This woman’s my client and you have just fucked up two weekends of hard work, you tosser.”

  Larry’s face altered almost comically. “Oh, and how was I supposed to know that?” he rushed out, with an edge of sarcasm. “She was flirting with me, virtually throwing herself at me. I thought she was up for it.” A slightly panicky edge crept into his voice, as if he was just figuring out that he’d royally screwed up. Angel was impressed with his acting. Hopef
ully, only she noticed the sly glance he slid at her. Her emotions were so mixed, an awful combination of guilt and a sick pleasure that her plan might have actually worked. But at what cost? Stacie looked horrendous, her eyes sunken, her demeanour hopeless and pathetic.

  “That girl had come here for help with her confidence and thank you for fucking her up and setting her so far back I don’t know if she’ll ever recover. You are pathetic. Men like you need—”

  “Thank you, Dan,” Angel interrupted, sensing Dan was losing his temper. Stacie shrank into herself, trying to hide in the chair.

  “She was on her own. I had no idea she was with you, Dan. I am truly sorry. Please,” he said, staring at Stacie, a very believable look of remorse on his face. “I swear…I had no idea who you were and I cannot apologize enough.” He stood up. Dan stepped between them protectively. “Please, I’m so sorry. Will you please accept my apology?”

  Stacie looked around at everyone, nervous. Angel sensed she had no idea what to say.

  Angel looked at Stacie as she, in turn, looked at Larry. Larry put his best sad face on. If Angel didn’t know better, she would have believed him. Making a mental note never to trust him a nanometre, she turned back to Stacie.

  “Stacie, do you accept his apology?” Angel asked

  Stacie stared at Larry, then looked at Dan. Angel began to grow irritated, sick of the silence, wishing the woman would make a decision for once without Dan’s backup. Why didn’t the woman just hurry up, pack her bags and leave the club?

  “He needs an answer. If you don’t accept his apology, his account will be closed and he will not be allowed back here.”

  Larry stepped up his crawling a notch or ten. “Please Stacie. I am so, so sorry. If I had known you were Dan’s client I would never have touched you. How was I to know? I made a big mistake. I should have checked my list. But I hadn’t seen you with Dan. Please,” he said, almost batting his pathetic eyelids at her. “Please, I am begging you, I need this club…”

  Stacie didn’t reply, looking anxious, even miles away. Abruptly, she got up and walked out of the room, not giving any of the occupants another glance. Angel huffed with annoyance—nothing had been resolved. But maybe Stacie had gone to pack her bags and leave Desires for good. Maybe she saw no reason to accept Larry’s apology if she was leaving.

  “Now see what you’ve fucking done,” Dan said, turning on Larry again.

  “Look, I am sure there has just been a misunderstanding.”

  “Is that what you call this bloody mess?” Dan said whirling on Angel. “A misunderstanding?” Angel looked at him, seeing a whole different Dan—a loving and caring man who was looking out for his girl.

  Angel looked at her desk, unable to face his anguished eyes. “Look Dan, losing your temper isn’t going to solve a damn thing. I understand you’re upset and concerned but—”

  “Look, I am so sorry Dan,” Larry interrupted. “I honestly had no idea.” At least he was sticking to the story. Mind you, if he dropped her in it, he wouldn’t get his bonus, which was probably all he was worried about.

  Dan interrupted quickly, jumping almost down his throat, “And that automatically makes it okay? You are one seriously sick bastard.” He turned to Angel. “I hope you’re happy now. You’ve wanted Stacie gone since the first moment she got here. You’re so jealous of her you can barely breathe whenever she’s in the room.”

  Angel struggled to control her temper. “Dan, it is simply a misunderstanding. What do you expect me to do? Give Larry photos of the girls he cannot touch?”

  “Yes…fucking yes…excellent idea. Only this time it’s too late and all because of your incompetence. You know about Stacie’s past, yet you allowed her to be treated like a whore by that…that animal,” Dan said, pointing to Larry.

  “I had no idea who the hell she was…how many fucking times? Get a grip Dan,” Larry said.

  “You both deserve one another,” Dan said, glaring from Larry to Angel.

  “What?” Angel said, horrified. Why would Dan be angry at her for this? Did he suspect she had something to do with it? “No Dan…I had nothing to do with this. He had a list…” she forced the undertone of panic out of her voice. “I will give him pictures in the future, that is, of course, if he stays with us.” She had to distance herself from this fiasco, and keep sweet with Dan. She had never seen him looked so distressed. He guts churned. It was obvious now that Dan loved her…that woman…the woman she gave to him.

  “Whatever…do what you like. It’s too late for Stacie. I’m out of here.”

  Dan left, slamming the door, leaving Angel and Larry alone in the office.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So go on then—where the hell does this leave me?” Larry asked, staring at her.

  “Don’t worry—I’ll deal with it.”

  “You’d bloody better. I did you a favour. You can’t sack me for this.” He sat forward, his attitude threatening.

  “Stop worrying. Nothing’s going to happen to you. I’m in charge, remember.”

  “Yeah, well, you had better make sure I am safe.”

  “Larry, I will deal with the situation,” she assured him. “You get back to the ball and have some fun.”

  Larry left, muttering and glaring as he went. Angel sat back in her chair, wondering what was going on. Was Stacie packing? Had Dan gone to find her?

  Angel pulled up the register on the computer. Stacie was still registered as being in the club, as was Dan. But she could still be packing. They could be arguing. God, she hoped they were arguing. She went back to the ball, trying to enjoy herself, and failing miserably. However, she did see Larry picking his next victim and Dexter flaking out in the orgy room. She wondered about getting him moved, his snoring might put the participants off, but it was too much like hard work and he’d probably start pestering her.

  Angel’s personal life aside, the evening was going wonderfully. She received so many compliments on the organisation and the entertainment. It would have made her decade. There weren’t even any complaints, well, apart from Stacie. It was an unprecedented success.

  The ball officially ended at four o’clock, although there were still people hanging around in the rooms and corridors as Angel walked around checking everything. The club would need a major clean-up operation in the morning. Some guests had booked rooms and wandered off blearily to go to bed, others were ball guests only and Angel almost had to chivvy them out of the door. Once everyone had gone, and the club was on night mode, Angel sat down at reception, resting her feet and removing the high heels. She checked the computer, struggling to focus with eyes that wanted to close.

  There were only two people whose whereabouts she was interested in. She checked on Dan first. He was still in the building, which set her heart to pounding. She had not seen him since their little meeting on her office. If he was still here…she looked up Stacie next. Her heart thumped as she saw her name still on the list. She was still here! Why? Why had she not gone home? There was the possibility she had found a way to sneak out, but everyone was supposed to go in and out through the main door, which registered their membership numbers. The only other way out was to climb over a wall and Stacie had no reason to hide the fact that she was leaving.

  Drowsiness overcame Angel and she shook her head. She had been up for far too long and it was time to sleep. The Stacie problem would have to wait until morning. She dragged herself down the corridor to the flat, dropped her dress on the floor and climbed under the duvet, asleep the second her eyes closed.

  * * * *

  Something woke her abruptly the next morning. She sat up in bed reflexively, alert and listening. Her eyes felt glued together and she rubbed them, dropping back onto the pillow, recalling the fading fragments of a dream. That was what had woken her. She had been falling in her dream. Falling down a cliff—she’d woken up just before she hit bottom. Her heart slowed as the adrenaline dispersed. She glanced over at the clock. Nine-fifteen, the implacable red digits info
rmed her. She groaned. She had only been in bed for five hours. However, now she was awake, the Stacie problem encroached on her brain once more and she knew sleep would be impossible. She needed to get up and find out what was going on. She dragged herself out of bed, grimacing at the state of her face. She’d gone to bed with her makeup on, and it was smeared everywhere. She showered and dressed, putting on jeans and T-shirt, then dried her hair, pinning it up on top of her head. She thoroughly cleansed and moisturized her face, before putting on a little subtle makeup and going down for breakfast.

  Angel seated herself in the virtually-empty restaurant. Boris, the duty manager, came over with her usual strong coffee before taking her order of a full English, no black pudding. She sat staring out of the window at the lashing rain which made the gardens look miserable and gloomy. Her head was aching, picturing Dan, wondering how he was feeling this morning. Even without knowing her involvement, he would be furious at the situation after he had done so well bringing Stacie’s confidence back up. She had been unrecognizable last night at the ball—glowing and radiantly happy—until she had encountered Larry.

  Angel had never seen anyone look as devastated as Stacie had last night. She forced down her guilt. The deed was done and now she had to accept the consequences, whatever they might be. The vital thing was to play dumb, if she was to win her man. Poor Stacie had had no idea there was even a competition.


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