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Touching Angel's Desires

Page 29

by Holly J. Gill

  Soon Stacie would be gone, and her new life would begin. She could be his perfect girl. His heart would be broken, and she would be there to help him fix it. Angel headed to reception. The two day girls had gone home and Shannon sat at the desk.

  “Hey,” Angel said, smiling at the girl.

  “Uh, hi Angel,” Shannon replied, looking cagey. “How are you?” She glanced at the computer, then back at Angel, her expression decidedly off.

  “What’s the matter?” Angel said instantly.

  “Um,” Shannon blanched.

  “What is it?” Angel came around the other side of the desk, moving Shannon out of the way, looking at the computer screen.

  Dan’s name jumped out at her, and, beside it, the words “Stacie Clifford, overnight booking.”

  Angel stared at the words in stark black type on the screen. Were there any more tears left in her? Could these two cause her any more pain than they already had?

  “When did Stacie re-book?” she asked, her voice sounding dead to her ears.

  “About an hour ago,” Shannon said, her voice muted as well. “Dan cancelled his client for tonight and then Stacie came down later to pay for him.”

  “Is Larry still in the building?” she said, more to herself than to Shannon. She brought up his name on the computer. He hadn’t signed out, but there was no client booked to be with him.

  “Yes, he dropped by a while ago. He still wants to speak with you.”

  Angel stood up. It was time. She had to face Larry. Shame she had absolutely no idea what she was going to say.

  She made her way to his room and stood for a moment outside the door before rapping on it. She heard movement at the door, then it swung open. Larry stood there, naked but for a big smile.

  “Ah, Angel, at last. Please come in,” he told her opening the door wide. Reluctantly, she stepped in. Mel lay on the bed, looking at Angel wide-eyed. Mel was one of her newer girls, a sweet redhead. Angel was surprised—she wouldn’t have thought Larry was her type. She didn’t mind her staff having fun with each other if they did not have any clients booked in, provided it did not affect their work, and she rarely interfered. Most of the girls knew what Larry was, and went with him forewarned. He shut the door behind her and walked over to the bed.

  He leaned over and grabbed Mel’s breast then kissed her on the cheek. “Go on, get the fuck out,” he commanded her.

  Mel looked at him, disgusted and a little upset. Angel raised an eyebrow. Maybe he had charmed her—he was good at that—perhaps she thought the other girls were exaggerating about his attitude. Angel wasn’t surprised at the way he spoke to the girl. He was good with his clients—he had to be or he’d be out on his ear—but other girls he treated like they were a piece of meat, there for his pleasure only.

  Mel grabbed her clothes and pulled them on before storming out of the room and slamming the door. Larry didn’t even look at her, all his attention was focussed on Angel.

  He sat naked on the bed, his legs sprawled open. His flaccid cock rested peacefully on the duvet. Angel recoiled. He was disgusting.

  “Well it’s nice that you have finally decided to put in an appearance,” he said. “I was almost getting the impression you were avoiding me.” He reached for his drink and drained it, his eyes fixed to hers.

  She stared him down in silence, determined not to rise to his baiting.

  “Lost your tongue, sexy?” he asked, standing and walking over to the drinks cabinet. She watched him pour two glasses of whisky. He turned and held out her drink, an unpleasant smile sprawled across his face. He took a sip of his own, standing there, blatantly naked, his large cock dangling unappealingly. Angel felt sick.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, looking at her.

  Angel took the glass from him, taking a sip of the whisky. Whisky had never been her favourite tipple and she pulled a face.

  “What do you want, Larry?” she asked, taking another large mouthful, hoping she wouldn’t need it.

  “She speaks!” he said. He approached her, getting too close. She could feel his breath on her neck. Angel tried to mask her shudder. “I told you earlier what I want,” he said, his gaze dropping to her breasts.

  Angel stepped back. “Larry, I realize that I dragged you into this mess. I want to reassure you that I won’t sack you. But that’s all.” She hoped her voice was firm. She put the glass on a side table.

  “I don’t think so,” he said, his expression somewhere between a smirk and a snarl. Angel clenched her hands into fists as he reached out to stroke her arm.


  “Don’t play coy, Angel, you aren’t very good at it. You know what I want.”

  He took his cock in his hand, flicking it at her, clearly trying to give her a hint. Did he really think she was that stupid? “It’s not happening, Larry. You’ve been well-rewarded for your time. You even got to fuck a stunning girl. You would never have got her if it weren’t for me.”

  “I did get her. All you did was get Dan out of the picture. The rest was all me. I can have any girl I want—all the bitches fall for the Larry charm. And right now, I want you.”

  “You forget, I know all about the ‘Larry charm’. It only works once. After that they know exactly what you are. Why would you think your offer would tempt me? What could I possibly get out of it?”

  “My cock, of course. What more could you want. Oh yes, sorry, how could I forget? You also get my silence so you can have your pathetic Dan that you’re so crazy in love with.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” she said, swinging into immediate defence. “He is more of a fucking man than you will ever be. You are nothing but a piece of shit. Dan is a million times the man you are.”

  “He’s a pathetic little arsehole,” he said, getting in her face and spacing out the words. Without even thinking, Angel swung and slapped him so viciously, her hand stung. He stared and took a menacing step forward.

  “Just you try it! Come on! Right here,” she dared him, pointing to her chin. His eyes were murderous, but he didn’t move. “Thought so. You know what, forget it! You’re sacked. Get your fucking stuff and get the hell out of this building. And don’t even think about saying anything to Dan, I know people who know people who can see to it that you can’t even remember who you are, let alone anything else. In fact, I might just send them around tonight, just to give you a little taste, in case you thought I was bluffing. If I were you, I wouldn’t open my door tonight.”

  Larry’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Don’t tempt me!” She went over to the room phone and picked it up, dialling reception. “Bailey? Send security down to Larry’s room. He’s leaving us.” She put down the phone. “Better get dressed and start getting your shit together.”

  Larry glared, but pulled his clothes on, then dragged his suitcase out of the wardrobe and laid it open on the bed, chucking his stuff in furiously. There was a knock at the door. Angel opened it. Ron stood there.

  “Everything okay, boss?”

  “Larry is leaving us. Make sure he packs his stuff and then escort him from the building, please,” Angel instructed him, then left, not giving Larry another glance.

  She waited at reception. A short time later, Larry came down the corridor, followed by Ron. He shot her an evil glare. She stood tall, her back straight and her shoulders back.

  Larry moved toward her. Ron stepped in, grabbing hold of his arm. “You’re a fucking bitch, Dan’s far too good for you,” he called, as Ron dragged him away down the hallway toward the main door. Angel followed, wanting to make sure the scumbag was gone.

  “You’ll be sorry. I swear to God, Angel, you’ll regret this,” he spat at her as Ron opened the front door and pushed him through it.

  “Goodbye Larry,” Angel said, as Ron shut the door with a click.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Angel had a difficult night’s sleep, worrying about Larry, wondering if she had made the right decision. Now that he hadn’t even go
t his bonus, or his job, let alone fucking her, he might well try to find some way of getting revenge on her somehow.

  Did he know where Dan or Stacie lived? She hoped not. She kept client and worker records very secure. The only way he could know is if either of them told him, and she couldn’t see that happening. She would make damned sure he never set foot in Desires ever again, so there was no chance of him running into Dan at work.

  She would just have to hope for the best. Maybe she should make good on her threat and send the heavies around, just to scare him a little. She amused herself for a while, imagining Larry’s terrified reaction.

  She looked at her clock and sighed. The alarm was due to go off in another five minutes. She may as well get up.

  She got up and headed into the office, turning on the laptop so it would load up while she got ready. She scraped her hair up in a ponytail and pulled on a tracksuit, intending to go for a run around the grounds.

  She grabbed a coffee and sat at the computer, delving into the day’s schedule. It looked fairly quiet, so she should have an opportunity to do a quick stock-take, making sure everything was in order after the ball.

  She paused a moment before bringing up the register of who was in the building. She knew Dan and Stacie both worked so surely by—she glanced at the clock—half past nine, they would both be safely gone. She scanned the list, not seeing Dan’s name. She searched for him on the database and let her breath out when she saw that he had logged out of the system at eight-thirty. She quickly looked Stacie up. She had left ten minutes before Dan. She sat back, staring out of the window. At least they hadn’t left together. She wasn't sure what that signified, but it had to mean something.

  But Stacie was gone! She grinned, feeling as if a ton had lifted off her shoulders just by having that woman gone. Angel hoped and prayed she would never be back.

  She jogged down to reception. “Morning,” she said to Bailey and Sophie with a bright smile. “What are you doing here, Bailey? I thought Libby was on this morning!”

  “She’s running late, so Bailey said she’d stay till she got in,” Sophie said.

  “Stacie left this for you,” Bailey said, passing Angel an envelope.

  Angel took it, eyebrows raised in curiosity. What on earth could be in it? Surely not a bonus for good service, she would pay Dan that. She opened the envelope and pulled out a letter neatly written on Desires’ own notepaper.

  Dear Angel,

  Please tell Larry I accept his apology and that his job is safe at Desires. He can abuse and use as many women as possible, if they really are that stupid and have no self-respect.

  Stacie Clifford

  Angel could not agree more with Stacie. It was probably the first thing they had ever agreed on, except for their mutual admiration for Dan. The thought soured her stomach. She looked at Bailey, whose face was expressing polite curiosity, although she would never be so rude as to ask the contents of a private letter.

  “Stacie has accepted Larry’s apology, for some strange reason,” Angel explained, flourishing the letter.

  Bailey’s face expressed her surprise. “I didn’t expect that.”

  “Nor did I. She did well to bounce back from him,” Angel said.

  “Well, that’s good, at least we haven’t lost a customer,” Sophie said.

  Angel flicked her a glance. Sophie had no clue what had been going on, but she hoped that the girl’s innocent statement would not be prophetic. Stacie wouldn’t be back, surely. Would she? Angel’s good mood evaporated.

  * * * *

  Angel ran, showered, then did her usual round of the club. The cleaners were doing their usual fantastic job—no wonder—she paid them twice as much as they would get anywhere else. She spent the entire afternoon on the internet and the phone, placing orders to replenish what had been used or damaged during the weekend. Libby had finally arrived, three hours late. Bailey said she’d grab some sleep in the room until her shift later that evening. The girl was a gem, but she worked far too hard. In an expansive mood, Angel decided she would give both Bailey and Shannon substantial Christmas bonuses, and a pay rise as of next year.

  Her desk phone rang.

  “The decorators are here with the Christmas decorations,” Sophie said. “I didn’t know if you wanted to come and supervise.”

  Did she ever! Angel was still a big kid—she loved Christmas. She fairly bounced out of her office, trotting down the corridor.

  She spent the next few hours watching and supervising as teams of decorators stood on ladders putting up swags and wreaths and lights until the entire entrance area and reception was a sparkling grotto. Next came the tree. And not just any tree. It was a fifteen-foot high, artificial, Norwegian spruce, guaranteed to look as genuine as possible. She’d ordered it pre-lit, so, once it was in and up, the decorators set to work putting on the baubles—and not just any baubles. This was a sex club Christmas tree after all. The garlands and tinsel strands were what you’d expect on any tree, but the baubles were especially sourced. When they had finished, hanging from the branches was as saucy a selection of handcuffs, whips, boob-shaped chocolates, condoms, phallic lollipops and little plastic penises as any self-respecting sex club could wish for.

  “Ready?” the decorator asked her, poised by the socket to plug the lights in.

  “Wait!” Angel called, running back to reception to grab Sophie, Libby, Bailey, who had just wandered downstairs to get something to eat, and Shannon, who had arrived a few minutes ago ready for her shift to start. The five women clustered around the tree.

  “Now!” Angel called. The decorator plugged in the lights and the tree flickered into life, the tiny points of light twinkling on and off among the branches, reflecting off the tinsel and filling Angel with a sense of peace. Suddenly she knew everything was going to be okay. It would be a perfect Christmas.

  The reception phone rang and Sophie jogged back to answer it, Libby following not far behind. “Angel?” she heard Sophie call to her. Angel dragged herself away from the tree and covered the distance to the desk.


  “I have Margot on the phone. She’s looking for a young man to stimulate himself in front of her.”

  “And?” Angel was puzzled. Sophie did not need to run such a basic job past her.

  “She is asking for Dan, but he doesn’t usually work weeknight evenings.”

  Angel pondered. This could be the perfect excuse to get him in the building, find out what happened last night with Stacie.

  “Tell her that we’ll call him and get back to her. But don’t tell him who the client is, or what she wants.”

  At least this one did not want sex. Angel would have to put a stop to that if she and Dan were going to be together. She did not want to go through this again. Maybe she could send him to stripping classes and have him be a stripper. But then again, Desires was a very touchy feely club. Could she cope with him doing what the other strippers did, having girls licking whipped cream and other foodstuffs off his erect cock? She felt sick at the thought. Maybe she would have to stop him working here altogether.

  Angel listened as Sophie phoned Dan, finishing the call with, “Fantastic, see you later.” She hung up on the phone and Angel looked at her, waiting for the answer, “Dan said that was fine.”

  “Good,” she answered, keeping her demeanour calm and professional. What she really wanted to do was jump around with excitement. Tonight she was going to grab her confidence and tell him exactly how she felt, how her heart melted for him. Her stomach churned a little—she knew he might not feel the same, but she had to try, she had to do whatever was necessary. Dan was more important than anything else in her life, even Desires. Once he realized how much she was prepared to give up for him, maybe he would realize that he cared about her. “What time is he due in?”

  “About seven,” Sophie replied.

  “Fantastic,” she said, walking off down the corridor so the girls could not see the huge smile cracking her face. She virtua
lly skipped down the corridor, finally feeling all was going to go right for once. It was Christmas and her man was coming tonight. She had a good vibe about this.

  It was only an hour until Dan was due in. Angel went down to the restaurant and ordered dinner to be brought to her flat, whiling away the time watching some old classic comedy shows, feeling happier than she had in a long time. At quarter to seven, she brought up the CCTV on her laptop, training it on the front door so she could catch the first glimpse of him as he arrived. She didn’t have to wait long. She drank in his appearance, his brown hair, slightly curling over his collar. She switched the camera as he came in, moving it to watch him as he walked down the hallway, then switching cameras to follow him up the stairs to his room. She clock-watched for the next hour, paying scant attention to what was on the screen. The thought of him with Margot made her feel physically sick, even knowing they were not having sex. She would prefer him to be arousing himself to her rather than a sixty-five-year-old woman.

  Angel jumped up, hardly able to keep still, skipping over to her drinks cabinet to pour a fruit juice. No alcohol tonight—she needed to have a clear head when she spoke to Dan later. She had to find the best way of explaining her feelings to him. If it was true he had some kind of feelings for Stacie, and if she were not coming back, he might need time to get over that. She had to be there to be his shoulder to cry on. No matter how much that might gall her, she had to be there for him. She had to make him see that he could still have love with her. She glanced out the window, seeing his car parked under his usual light.

  She sipped her drink. The anticipation was killing her. She headed back to her laptop, checking the time. Honestly, how long did it take to wank off in front of some old woman? Surely he would be done by now. Angel closed her eyes, imagining his breath on her neck, longing to have his lips pressing passionately on hers and feel his hands running up and down her body. Angel threw herself on the sofa, snuggling a cushion, pretending she was snuggling up to Dan, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Maybe he would stay the whole evening with her and make love all night long.


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