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BEAST: A Mafia Romance

Page 4

by SC Daiko

  "For fuck's sake, Elousha." I call her by the diminutive form of her name. "Your apartment is miles away."

  "You know where I live?" she gasps.

  "I loaned money to your father." I curl my lips. "Of course, I know where you live."

  I don't know much about you, though, Ms. Petrenko. But the way you're acting has spiked my curiosity. Whatever it is you're hiding, I'm going to get to the bottom of it, I say to myself.

  "Let's go, then," she gets to her feet.

  I hold her coat while she slides into it. She's so tiny, her head barely reaches the top of my pecs. Her hair smells divine, like green apples, and again I resist the urge to touch her.

  If she's impressed to be riding in a Porsche, she doesn't say so. She didn't comment on the way to the steak house, and she acts like she rides in a sports car every day of her life while I drive her toward the two-story building in downtown Fairwood where she lives above her parents' dance school. She's silent, staring out of the window, her hands folded in her lap.

  I park outside and before I can get out to open the door for her, she's grabbed the handle and has levered herself out of my GT3.

  "Thanks, again," she says, already turning and jangling keys in her pocket. "I'll see you at work tomorrow."

  "You will, indeed, Kiska."

  I watch her go inside, then make my way home. I'm going to have her watched on her days off, I decide. Whatever Eva Petrenko is hiding won't stay hidden much longer.

  I make a point of giving Eva the once over the following evening and sit at a table in the corner, watching her. Kiska 's first-day nerves seem to have disappeared, I'm pleased to see. She's serving her customers with confidence, smiling big and pocketing her tips with an even bigger smile. Half-way through the shift, it's time for her break. Val takes over and Eva goes to the staff area through a door at the side of the lounge. I follow her and stand by the water cooler.

  "There's no need to check up on me," she folds her arms. "I won't let you down again."

  I extract a cigar from the top pocket of my tux and pull out a lighter. The tobacco leaves burn as I puff in smoke. "I don't doubt it," I say around my Davidoff.

  She looks me up and down. "So why are you here?"

  "Appears I can't stay away from you," I laugh.

  Many a true word is spoken in jest. Shakespeare, or was it Chaucer, said that. Fuck knows and fuck if I care. I just know I have an overwhelming desire to be near her.

  "Please," she jabs a finger at me, "leave me alone."

  "Not gonna happen, Kiska. You are mine." A smirk finds my lips. "Your father sold you to me."

  There's something between us, Eva Petrenko, and the sooner you admit it, the better.

  "I wish," she sighs, "I only wish..."

  Whatever she was going to say, she doesn't get the opportunity to finish. The door to the break room crashes open and Yuri erupts into the space. "You're needed on the floor immediately, Gleb. Vadim Rayt is here with his woman. He's asking for you."

  "It's okay. I've got this." I snuff out my cigar. "It will be a chance to discuss business."

  Eva's eyes have widened; she must know Vadim by reputation. The whole fucking Russian community knows the motherfucker by his despicable reputation. Groaning to myself, I push open the door, Yuri following at my heel.

  Vadim is sitting at a table in the center of the room, his bodyguard in position behind him. When I set up in Fairwood, part of the deal was my giving Vadim membership of Lure. My CCTV cameras have caught him snooping around in the nightclub, but this is the first time he's made an appearance in the private lounge. I pull out a seat; Yuri stands behind me, his hand ready to reach for his piece.

  "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Vadim?" I stress the word pleasure... so he gets the message it's more of a displeasure. He's a bad person, but I pretend to be even worse.

  "I've been extremely patient, Gleb," Vadim's accent signals him out as being from the Urals, whereas mine is distinctly Moskvich. "You have to stop poaching my clients."

  I ignore his remark and focus my attention on the woman by his side. She's blonde, but her dark eyes and brows indicate she's probably dyed her hair. "Won't you introduce me to this charming lady?" A fake smile creases my face.

  Vadim gives her a cursory glance, like she's expendable. "This is Natasha."

  Natasha holds out a limp wrist, which I squeeze briefly.

  "So?" Vadim's jaw tightens. "About my clients..."

  "Yes, yes," I wave a hand. "If you'll give me a list I'll make sure they aren't on my books."

  Anything to bide time while we prepare. There needs to be only one Vor in Fairwood. And that Vor will be me.

  My eye is suddenly caught by the sight of my kitten coming up to our table, notebook in hand. "Hello. My name's Eva and I'm your waitress for the evening."

  "Well, if it isn't Kiska," Vadim's voice grates. "Don't you remember?" He stares at her with lustful eyes.

  "I'm sorry," her cheeks have reddened, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Holy. Fucking. Shit. Maybe Eva was a hooker when I first met her?

  Nah, she's too sweet. Too innocent despite what went down between us. I ball my hands into fists, ready to punch the living daylights out of Vadim.

  She calmly takes our order, behaving with utmost professionalism. "I'll be right back," she beams a smile, but I can see there are nerves behind it.

  Vadim's gaze is glued to her cute little ass as she makes her way toward the bar. "She's perfect," he grins. "I saw her here two years ago and she gave me the finger. Never had a woman do that to me before." He fixes me with a calculating stare then points to Natasha. "What do you say we trade?"

  Fuck, the cunting bastard wants my kitten.

  I push back my chair, ready to fly at him.

  I sense Yuri's fingers twitching behind me. I just need to give the word and he'll take Vadim out.

  Only that's not my style.

  We'll get rid of that motherfucker, but we'll do it in such a way no one will be able to pin it on us. Vadim runs prostitution rings, traffics in women and sells girls to the highest bidders. No way is he going to get his hands on my kitten. I'll do whatever it takes to protect what's mine.

  Eva Petrenko belongs to me, whether she likes it or not.



  I keep it together all the way to the bar, but when I hand the order over to Brash my hands are shaking.

  He cocks his head while he mixes the drinks. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," I lie.

  God, I never thought I'd see that freaking creeper again, that random who'd gotten a little too up-close-and-personal on the dance floor two years ago. Thick red hair slicked back from a domed forehead. Eyes hooded with lust. I couldn't escape from him fast enough, and soon I'll need to go back to that table with his, that woman's and Gleb's drinks. Urgh !

  Brash's brow wrinkles in a frown. "Vadim's threatening a turf war with my uncle."

  I shuffle back a step. "Are you messing with me?"

  "It's the truth." He hands me the three vodka martinis he's just mixed. "Don't worry. Vadim's a pussy. He won't chance it."

  I catch my lip between my teeth. Brash is living up to his nickname by being reckless. Vadim is a Vor and so is the Beast. Two of them in a medium-sized town like Fairwood is one too many, Papa said. My heart hammers in my chest. What has he gotten me into by selling me to a mafia boss?

  I put the cocktails on my tray, take a deep breath, and start making my way back to Gleb's table. When I arrive, I straighten my spine and plaster a big grin on my face.

  "Three vodka martinis." I place white linen napkins down and set the drinks on top. "Can I get you anything else?"

  Vadim leans back in his chair, his greedy eyes on my tits. He licks spittle from his thin lips and I can't help cringing to myself. "How about joining me for dinner at my restaurant next Friday?" he asks. "I've already invited your boss, by the way..."

  I stare at Gleb and he star
es back at me. He shakes his head. "Eva needs to work."

  "Can't you give her the night off?"

  Vadim's question is more a command than an inquiry. Heart thudding, I white knuckle the drinks tray.

  "No," Gleb roars. "Eva's contract stipulates she works Monday to Friday nights. She doesn't have any time off until the weekends." His furious eyes burn into me, like this is all my fault. "Go wash some glasses out back. Val can serve for the rest of the evening."

  Nothing I can do but obey; I shrug and make my way behind the bar.

  "Hey," Brash looks up from where he's stacking the electric glass washer.

  I slump into a chair. "I've been sent to give you a hand, but I think it's really to get me away from Vadim."

  Brash's smile is ironic. "Touché. I'm being banished home to Colorado soon. Uncle Gleb is kinda over-protective."

  "He might have good reason." My stomach clenches. "Vadim makes people disappear. I'm scared for my..." I stop myself from saying 'baby' in the nick of time. "I'm scared for my family if there's a full-on war."

  "Listen, Eva. My uncle grew up on the streets of Moscow. He's taken care of my dad, step-mom, sisters and brothers for years. He's not the complete ogre everyone says he is. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's like he cares. Nothing will happen to you or your family."

  My laugh is even more ironic than Brash's just was. "I don't think he 'cares'. He just wants to bone me."

  "I'm a Sokolov like him," Brash snickers, "even though my dad changed our name to Collins when we lived in England. Of course, Uncle Gleb wants to bone you. I'd want the same if he hadn't warned me off you."

  "He warned you off me?"

  My mouth falls open.

  Shit, the Beast is even more of a control-freak than I thought.

  "Don't hold it against him," Brash holds up his hands, "he did it because he cares about you... like I said."

  Hmm, I'm not convinced.


  I still hate him.

  I'm about to ask Brash why he and his family left England, except Val pops her head around the partition. "Eva, there's been a spill. Can you clean up the mess, please?"

  "Sure," I grab a cloth and head toward the lounge.

  Tiana and Val are both rushed off their feet; Gleb should never have sent me out to the back. I go to wipe down the bar where Sergei has overturned a bottle of champagne. But, before I can start the task, I accidentally bump into a blonde woman leaning against the counter. She spins around and faces me. "Thought I'd find you here," she sneers.

  "Excuse me?" I glare at her incredulously.

  She hisses like a cat. "I saw you coming on to Vadim. He's mine, you know. I wanted to make sure you're aware of that fact." She folds her arms and gives me a vile smirk. "I shouldn't have bothered, he'd never be interested in a low-life skank like you."

  I straighten myself up to my full five feet two inches, pulse racing and blood boiling. "Shut your filthy mouth."

  Without warning Blondie flies at me, grabbing the back of my hair with her talons.

  I have no words; I can only lift my hands to push her away.

  Her nails scratch my scalp.

  Tears of pain spring to my eyes.

  Her hold is so firm my head snaps backwards. Ouch!

  Even though it hurts like a bitch, I struggle and try to free myself. "Let go!" My heart is beating so fast it could explode at any moment.

  The woman brings her mouth down to my ear. Shit, is she going to bite me? But no, she whispers instead, "Come to Vadim's dinner. There's something I need to tell you. It might just save lives." She pauses momentarily. "I'm going to continue this charade, so Vadim doesn't suspect anything. Don't say anything to Gleb or your family will suffer."

  Before I can utter a word, she starts pulling my hair again.

  "That's enough," Gleb's deep voice rumbles as he removes the woman’s fingers from my scalp.

  I'm so shocked, the only thing I can do is bury my head in his chest. His dress shirt is cool against my cheeks and he smells of cigars and sandalwood cologne.

  For the second night in a row, he lifts my trembling body in his arms and carries me through to the break room.

  "Jesus, Elousha." He lowers me onto a chair next to the water cooler. "You're trouble with a capital T."

  "I'm sorry." More tears stream down my face I'm so shocked at what just happened. Did Vadim’s woman just threaten my family? My entire body trembles.

  Gently, Gleb lifts me and holds me close, making soothing sounds while he rubs my back. He sits himself down on the chair and draws me into his lap, rocking me like I'm a small child.

  It feels comforting.

  It feels nice.

  But it's so freaking wrong.

  I attempt to squirm out of his hold, but his arms are firmly around me. "I've got you, Kiska. "

  He bends and kisses the top of my head, and I hear him breathing me in.

  "You must stay away from Vadim." Another kiss, lower down, behind my ear, making my tits tingle. "He eats little girls like you for breakfast." Gleb smooths my bangs back from my face and places a third kiss on my forehead, his lips soft and warm.

  I lift my chin and our eyes lock.

  His electric blue irises are so incredibly beautiful they take my breath.

  This shouldn't be happening.

  I swore I wouldn't let him touch me.

  His hold on me has relaxed, and I'm able to shift my body so I can wriggle my feet to the floor. "I'm fine now, thanks. I guess I should get back to work."

  He stands and turns to adjust himself, but not before I notice the enormous bulge straining between the legs of his dress pants. "I'll call a cab to take you home. Vadim and I have unfinished business to discuss and I don't want you distracting him." Gleb's voice has turned cold.

  I try to argue that I'm good, that the bar is busy, that I'm needed, but he won't listen. "Do what you're told, Elousha. I'm your boss."

  I bow my head like a good little girl. I'll go to that dinner, I decide. I'm curious about Blondie and what she said. How can she have information that might save lives? She’s just a Vor 's bitch. As for her threatening my family, the idea is beyond ridiculous. Whatever; this whole setup is too weird, and I need to find out what's going on.



  My hard-on subsides the minute Eva gets into the cab I called for her. Crazy the effect she has on me; she's nothing but a brat. Fucking beautiful and sexy as hell, but a kid all the same.

  I wipe a hand across my brow as I return to the lounge. Vadim and his entourage have already left.


  I'm not in the mood to deal with him.

  I go to the bar and order a glass of 15-year-old Kentucky Straight. Brash hands it to me with a self-assured grin. "Is Eva okay?"

  I explain I've sent her home then check my Rolex. "Nearly closing time. Let's split. You can drive as I've had a few drinks." I knock back the Bourbon, enjoying the burn of the liquor sliding down my throat and the creamy taste left lingering on my tongue.

  We exit the club, both of us lighting up smokes. I puff on my Davidoff and Brash on a Marlboro, sending spiraling fumes skywards. "Should give these up," I rasp out a cough even though I avoid inhaling. "Bad for our health."

  "Yeah, sure," Brash's laughter makes me smile; we've had this conversation many times. We smoke in silence while we wait for the valet to bring my Porsche up from the underground garage. A sound like she has a tuba in her exhaust system alerts us to her arrival. I chuck Brash the key and get into the passenger seat. He stubs out his cancer stick in the ashtray and takes the steering wheel.

  I lean back into the soft leather, closing my eyes. Brash drives well; I trust him implicitly. I check my Glock is where it should be, discreetly hidden inside my waistband holster. There's security on duty at the house, but we're on our own between here and there.

  I think about Eva, a heavy sensation in my chest. Vadim is such a fucking bastard, I growl to myself. She's mine. Par
t of me wishes I hadn't brought her into this situation, wishes I'd let Yuri deal with her dad. My mouth twists with worry. If I could send her away like I'm going to send Brash, I'd do it. But where? I'll just have to keep an eye on her in Fairwood. Keep her close. Which reminds me. I open my eyes and glance at my nephew.

  "Can you do something for me tomorrow?" Without waiting for his answer, I continue, "Instead of gaming all day you can game all night. I'll give you some time off; it's mid-week and the club is generally quiet."

  "Sounds good to me," he snickers. "What's the catch?"

  "I'd like you to watch the building where Eva lives with her parents." My tone is serious. "Follow her if she goes out. I'll send one of my security team with you. But I'd like it to be you who reports back to me."

  "Why? I mean, is there some issue that you need to stalk her?"

  Frank as ever.

  "Just making sure she's safe."

  And hopefully find out whatever it is she's hiding from me.

  He chuckles. "Over-protective Uncle Gleb."

  I bark out a laugh.

  I sit slumped in an armchair the following evening. Brash has been on stake-out duty since early this morning. He's reported in periodically, complaining this is the most boring job he's ever been given. Apparently, Eva hasn't set foot outside, not even once. The only people who come and go are what he presumes to be her father's dance pupils. On a long exhale of breath, I tell him to come home.

  I rub a hand through my short beard, remembering how powerless I'd felt at the time my brother stirred up a hornet's nest of trouble when we were both working for my father in London. After the shit hit the fan, and Daniel's first wife was murdered, he went into hiding and I spent three fucking years searching for him. He and his kids are the only family I have left. I'll protect them to my dying day. I've learned from my mistakes of the past, from not ensuring Mama and Papa's safety.

  Even though fifteen years have since passed, the pain of losing my parents still cuts deep. I've covered up that hurt, kept it buried inside me, but it's not far below the surface of my thin-skinned veneer. The steps I took afterwards sent me spiraling into the world I now inhabit, where violence and death are commonplace.


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