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BEAST: A Mafia Romance

Page 10

by SC Daiko

  Gleb whirls around. "We never over react," his voice is stern. "It pays to be vigilant."

  Suddenly nervous, I pluck at the hem of my dress. "Can we go home now, please? I'd like to check on Kir."

  "Right away, Kiska." He puts his arm around me and holds me close. "I'll phone Dmitry if you're concerned."

  "Do it," I mutter, fear for my baby's safety breaking me out in a cold sweat.

  Gleb retrieves his cell from his dress pants pocket and places the call. Within seconds he's reassuring me. "All is well. But we'll return asap to put your mind at rest."

  Yuri fetches the Merc and soon we're heading up the mountain road toward Gleb's house. I sit next to him in the back seat, his arm still around me, and relax into his warmth. Against all reason, Gleb makes me feel protected, safe. I shouldn't feel this way, he's a freaking Vor for God's sake, on the verge of a turf war. Except, his big powerful body, firm abs and pecs, not to mention the strength of his muscular arms, are physical manifestations of the aura of safety surrounding him.

  I sigh to myself. Gleb is the Beast, for sure, but I'm not playing the role of a Disney princess.

  There will be no happily-ever-after for us; there can't be.

  He said this situation is only temporary and I believe him.

  Except it's too late now to guard my poor heart...

  I bury my head into his chest; I've fallen for him so hard I need to remind myself to breathe.

  How can falling in love feel like drowning, but at the same time be like the biggest high you could ever experience?

  I inhale his sandalwood scent while he grasps my shoulders and kisses up my neck. "I'm sorry you were scared, Elousha. I'll do everything I can to protect you, believe me."

  "I do believe you," my voice croaks as I fumble for the right words. "But I need to know more. I need to know your truth."

  He leans away from me, his electrifying eyes questioning. "All in good time, my sweet," he lowers his head and whispers into my ear. "We'll talk soon, I promise."

  Yuri brings the limo to a halt on the driveway in front of the house. "I'll just go check on Kir," I say to Gleb after we've gone inside.

  I leave him at the door to our bedroom, then tiptoe into the room Mama is sharing with my boy. She's snoring softly, and my baby is fast asleep in the travel cot we brought with us. I kiss his soft warm head, and his bow-shaped lips make sucking movements, even though his pacifier has dropped on the pillow. I pick it up and place it in his mouth before kissing him again. "Good night, sinochek," I say softly.

  Mama turns over with a grunt as I walk past her bed, but she doesn't wake up. My belling fluttering, I make my way to the master bedroom.

  Hot steam is escaping from the ensuite; Gleb must be in the shower. Tingling all over; I reach behind to unzip my dress.

  "Room for me?" I ask, pulling open the glass door.

  "Fuck, yeah," Gleb's smirk is so goddam sexy I'm immediately wet for him.

  He reaches for me, strong hands gripping my shoulders as he attacks my mouth with his hot tongue, his hard body pressing into my softness. He pulls me under the shower head and the warm water rains down on me.

  I'm so freaking horny I feel drunk.

  Intoxicated with want.

  With a growl, he kisses me again. Fierce and demanding. I open my mouth and his tongue pushes between my lips. I wrap my hands around his neck. He maneuvers me against the tiled wall, wrapping my hair tight in his fist as he carries on kissing me. I release a moan, and he strengthens his grip, pulling back my head to suck and bite his way down my jaw.

  "God, you're beautiful, Kiska," his voice is deep, rough and filled with lust.

  He latches his lips onto my pebbled nipple and sucks hard, biting, sucking, then biting and sucking again, going from one nipple to the other.

  I'm desperate for him, my pussy clenching and my clit throbbing. "Please," I beg.

  "Please, what?" the words rumble against my heated skin.

  "I need your cock," I rasp.

  He chuckles. "And you shall have it." He drops his hand and fists his shaft, palming the head and tugging at his Prince Albert. "Think you can fit your pretty mouth around this?"

  I gasp. I've never given a blow-job in my life. Never wanted to before now. A bubble of excitement wells up inside me.

  I want this.

  I want him.

  "I'll try," I smile.

  "Good girl," he moves his thumb from his cock and rubs it over my lips, then pushes down on my shoulders.

  I kneel in front of him and he bends so his dick is level with my mouth.

  "Open up," he hisses, and I do, taking in as much of him as I can. I have no clue what to do, but Gleb doesn't seem to mind. He slams into me, groaning when his pierced tip hits the back of my throat. I gag, my eyes watering as I peer up at him.

  "I'm going to fuck your mouth," he grins down at me, grabbing the back of my hair. "Just relax and let it happen."

  I do as he asks; he thrust into me over and over. His breath comes in short pants as he bucks his hips forward. He unleashes a final grunt, and I feel him tense, spasm and fill me with his thick, warm, salty cum. I swallow it down, feeling proud of myself for giving him this pleasure.

  "You did good, Elousha." He reaches down and slides me up his hard body before kissing me quickly on the lips.

  He holds me in the crook of his arm and retrieves a bottle of shampoo from the toiletries shelf. He squeezes some of the liquid into his free hand and starts massaging my scalp.

  I close my eyes and lean into him, sighing softly as he lathers my hair down to the ends. He positions me directly under the shower head, and the water streams down my spine.

  "Stand still." Before he's even finished speaking, he's soaping me, running his hands over my back, my shoulders and along my arms... everywhere he can reach. He flicks a switch, so the spray comes through a hand-held nozzle while he rinses me off.

  He opens the door to the enclosure and picks up a fluffy white towel. He wraps it around me, then retrieves a second one for himself. "You're so beautiful, my sweet. I love it when you submit to me like this."

  My heart flutters in my chest. I want to tell him that I love him, but I don't, of course. I can't trust myself to speak; I simply stand quietly while he towel-dries my hair and body.

  He lifts me and carries me to our bed. I lie spread-eagle as he comes down on top of me. He kisses me, biting my lips then sliding his tongue around mine. He pulls back, and I suck in a deep breath. Our eyes lock, his blues crashing into my browns. "I'm going to fuck you, Elousha. Going to fuck you so hard you might not be able to walk tomorrow."

  He rubs his monster cock against my slit, coating it with my wetness. I'm so damn wet for him I can feel a puddle under my butt.

  With a single thrust he buries himself, filling me so completely I'm a part of him. I arch my back and grip his muscular shoulders. He presses me into the mattress, thrusting in and out. Leaning back on his arms, he stares at the place where we are joined together, his pelvis against mine. "So goddam beautiful, Kiska."

  My cheeks burn, but I'm proud at the same time. "Gleb..."


  I nod.

  He starts fucking me like an animal, faster and harder with each thrust. My cunt is stretched full of him, the piercing at the tip of his cock bruising my cervix. I mewl like a cat in heat, biting my lips to stop myself from making too much noise.

  His dick is so deep inside it feels like heaven. I lift my hips to meet his thrusts, matching his pace as I push upwards, shuddering, bucking and grinding into him. I rake my hands up his back, clawing and digging my nails into his skin.

  He groans and slams into me again and again, his hot breath caressing my skin. "You feel so good, Elousha."

  My body tightens; I'm close. I stare up at him, loving him so much I could cry.

  He shifts his weight onto one arm and rubs a finger over my clit, igniting the spark that tips me over the edge.

  Wave after wave of warm, tingling

  I shut my eyes; Gleb is still pounding into me.

  But not for long...

  He comes with a muffled bellow, and rests his forehead against mine, still sheathed inside me, his cock twitching. He kisses me, my brow, my cheeks and then my lips before withdrawing completely. I feel his cum trickling out of me; I'll need to change these sheets in the morning.

  "Good night, Elousha," he whispers, turning us on our sides.

  He spoons his body protectively around my back, and soon his regular breathing tells me he's asleep.

  I play with his hand, whispering that I wish this could be forever, and that we could be a proper family. Then I lie awake for what seems like hours, my thoughts chasing each other.

  Barely a month has gone by since my father sold me to Gleb. So much has happened since that I'm finding it hard to keep my head straight. A shiver runs though me as I think about what went down at La Maison earlier, how the Beast had gone into Vor mode and had drawn his gun.

  He said he'll tell me his truth soon and I wonder what it is.

  I'm in love with a killer who doesn't love me back; that's my truth. He might be protective of me and caring towards our son, but he hasn't said one word about loving me.

  My vision blurs and my heart pangs; I'm so fucking fucked.



  I wake up and reach for my kitten, but her side of the bed is empty. She didn't rest well last night; I was conscious of her tossing and turning. When she'd whispered those words while playing with my hand, I'd feigned sleep. Adrenalin had tingled through my body, however. Eva has feelings for me, but I can't respond, can't allow myself to reveal that I have feelings for her as well.

  I furrow my brow; it would be wrong to promise her a future with me. Even after I've taken down Vadim, Eva and Kir deserve something better than being holed up behind a high security fence day and night or followed by bodyguards wherever they go. It's the life I ended up having to choose for myself, but I wouldn't wish it on her and my son.

  The world appears to slow down around me as I shuffle out of bed and go with heavy steps to the bathroom. After pissing, I wash, put on sweat pants, and make my way down to the kitchen.

  My eyes almost pop out of my head.

  I Wanna Be Like You from The Jungle Book is playing on Elousha's phone, and she's dancing with Kir.

  My son wobbles from one leg to the other, giggling and shaking his little booty. Eva is twirling, pirouetting, leaping like a ballerina, her arms graceful.

  I had no clue she was so fucking good.

  I lean against the doorjamb and watch them, my heartbeat speeding up and a big smile plastered on my face.

  Kir notices me first, calling out, "Papa!"

  Elousha whirls around and her fingers touch her parted lips. "How long have you been watching us?"

  "Long enough, Kiska. You're a great dancer." I go up to her and bend to kiss her flushed cheek.

  "Zavtrak?" Kir's high-pitched voice interrupts us, asking for breakfast.

  I fight a burst of laughter, reaching down to lift him in my arms. "I've got you, little bud." I walk with him to the food cupboard. "Let's see what we can find."

  "He likes Cheerios," Eva opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of milk, "how about I make us some pancakes?"

  I grin like an idiot. "My favorite breakfast."

  Still grinning, I strap my son into the portable high chair we brought with us. The booster seat means he'll be able to feed himself from the table. I sit next to him, sipping from a glass of orange juice to ease the scratchiness in my throat.

  Too many feelings ... I'm finding it hard to handle them.

  "What would you like to do today?" I ask my kitten.

  She shoots me a look. "I thought you were going fishing with Brash and your brother?"

  "I've put it off till tomorrow." A smirk finds my lips. "Today I'm all yours." I pause. "Yours and Kir's."

  She taps her chin. "This is my first visit to the Rockies," her smile warms my heart, the heart I'm trying so unsuccessfully to keep frozen, "maybe we can go for a drive and see the sights, just the three of us?"

  "Yuri will have to come with us," I rub the back of my neck, "but yes, sounds like a plan."

  We've barely started eating our pancakes when Ludmila, Olga, Dmitry and Yuri join us. Eva ends up cooking for everyone, she insists, but Olga and Ludmila, who are fast becoming besties, clean up while Eva gets ready for our excursion.

  An hour or so later, Yuri sits behind the wheel of the SUV and we head east out of Beaver Creek, taking Highway 24 south toward Minturn, the oldest town in the Vail Valley. Kir is strapped into his car seat in the center between Eva and me. She's stares out the window. "Wow, these views are incredible."

  "Yep. Picture postcard perfect," I reach across for her hand. "We'll stop by the Eagle River for a while. There's a playground I read about that Kir might enjoy."

  Soon Yuri parks the Merc in a shady spot; he lights up a smoke while I wheel my son in his buggy toward the toddler swings, Eva by my side. Apart from the fact that an armed bodyguard is watching our every move, and my Glock is holstered in the belt of my pants, we could be any couple taking their little boy out to play. The irony of the situation isn't lost on me, and I suppress a bitter laugh.

  "Have you ever handled a firearm?" I ask Eva quietly while we take it in turns to push Kir on the swing.

  Her eyes widen. "No. Why?"

  "I think I should teach you some basics." I meet her gaze.

  Her face has turned pale. "You're scaring me, Gleb."

  I shake my head and apologize. "Nothing is guaranteed in this life, Kiska. I've learned that to my cost. Better be prepared for the worst."

  Without warning, Kir squeals, "Down," and Eva lifts him. She's about to put him back in his buggy, but he insists on walking. We each take one of his hands and walk him over to some flat rocks by the river. He giggles and starts playing with a couple of pebbles.

  I sit beside Eva. "I said I'd tell you my truth, Kiska. I can't tell you everything, but you need to know a few facts... so you understand the danger you and Kir are in due to your father selling you to me."

  Her fingers grip mine, and I feel them tremble. "You said you came to the U.S.A. when someone you'd met at Harvard made you an offer you couldn't refuse? Is that why you got involved in organized crime here?"

  "He and his boss helped me take down a Bratva that were gunning for my brother in England." I pause to consider my words. "The Vor in question operates internationally and has the protection of the Russian Security Service."

  A low cough alerts us to the arrival of Yuri. "Ready to set off?" he asks, checking his watch. "You said we'd stop off in Leadville for lunch."

  "We're ready," Elousha answers for me. I try to catch her eye, I'm not done with this conversation, but she isn't looking at me. She's picked up Kir and is clutching him to her body as if she never wants to let him go. She walks off with him, and I follow her to the car.

  Yuri gets behind the wheel again and we continue following Highway 24, crossing a steel arched bridge with awesome views of the river valley below. "It's beautiful," Eva exclaims before lapsing into silence. She stares out of the tinted, bullet-proof windows. I've upset her by sharing some of my truth with her, I know I have, but I won't be able to talk privately with her until we arrive back home.

  Within an hour we stop at the town of Leadville, famed for its Victorian architecture and historic mining district. My kitten's attention is mostly taken up by our son and, after eating burgers in a cookhouse, I give Yuri a break and he rides shotgun next to me as I turn north onto Highway 91.

  Keeping an eye on Eva and Kir in my rearview mirror, I drive across the Continental Divide at the summit of Fremont Pass, then carry on up to the Copper Mountain Ski Resort. From there, it's a fast jaunt back to Beaver Creek, via Interstate 70, and we're home by mid-afternoon.

  Eva brushes past me, our son in her arms, as she steps through the front door. "Meet me in
the back yard as soon as you can," I say to her.

  She stares at me, and I catch the fear in her golden irises. "So you can teach me how to shoot a gun?" Her voice trembles.

  "For yours and Kir's safety, Elousha," I bend and whisper in her ear.

  I give strict orders to Dmitry not to let anyone disturb us, then I wait for Eva. If she doesn't turn up, I'll go fetch her. What I need to show her might save her life.

  Hers and Kir's.

  I hope it won't come to that, but I've got to cover all bases to keep my kitten and our son safe.

  She exits the back door and walks up to me, wiping her hands down her jeans-clad legs.

  "Sorry I scared you again earlier," I say gently.

  "I guess I was lulled into a false sense of security by us playing happy families." She presses her elbows to her sides. "Are you sure this is necessary?"

  "Definitely." I set my jaw and withdraw my Glock from its holster. "Always treat a firearm as if it were loaded." I point it toward the ground.

  She flinches. "Is it loaded?"

  "Of course." I fix her in my gaze. "You must always keep your finger off the trigger and outside the guard until you have made a conscious decision to shoot." I pause. "You're right handed?"

  She nods, breathing out a quick shallow breath.

  I take her right hand and place the Glock in it. "This is your gun hand, Elousha."

  I take her left hand and wrap all four fingers under the trigger guard with the index finger pressed hard underneath it. "Like that," I tell her. "Your support-hand."

  Again, she nods. It's as if she can't trust herself to speak.

  "Now stand with your feet and hips shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly. It will allow you to shoot the weapon with stability and mobility. Raise the firearm toward your target." I point at a watermelon I'd balanced on the garden table earlier.

  Eva does as I ask, and I go on to explain how to aim the gun and how to fire it properly. All that's left for her to do is to shoot the piece. "Ready?"

  She nods for the third time. I pop some plugs in her ears. "Just press on the trigger."


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