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BEAST: A Mafia Romance

Page 12

by SC Daiko

  Disgusted, I spin on my heel and storm my way upstairs.

  Later, after we've settled Kir and had dinner, I lie in bed reflecting as my kitten curls herself into my side. In the end, I'd lied to her and her mom, lied to my family and lied to Olga. I told everyone the disturbance had been caused by an errant elk. We'd only found his blood in the dirt, so he'd gotten away. As for the intruder detection system, I explained the wire had simply come loose and hadn't been cut at all. When they asked about Yuri, I clarified I'd given him the rest of the day off.

  Daniel left with Catrin and Brash almost straight away, saying it was a long drive back to Fort Collins. As I'd held his Range Rover door open for him, he'd whispered in my ear, "I'm here for you, bro'. Anytime, just call me."

  There's no fucking way I'll do that, I wouldn't risk putting him in danger, but I'm grateful for the sentiment. My heart is heavy as lead, and my thoughts are in turmoil.

  "Do you mind if I smoke, Elousha?" I run my hand up her back, then switch on the light.

  Her smile is easy. "You're tense, Gleb. Of course, I don't mind. In fact, I like the aroma."

  I swing my body from the bed, open the window and fetch a cigar from my bedroom humidor as well as an ashtray. After clipping off the end and lighting up, I sit upright on the mattress with my back against the headboard, legs stretched out in front of me.

  "I know what will relax you," Eva's tone is teasing.

  I quirk a brow.

  "I need it too, Gleb," she begs. "It's been one hell of a day..."

  I remain silent, waiting to see what she'll do next.

  She pulls down my briefs, reaches for my cock and starts pumping it. I'm immediately hard for her; I moan as she spreads my pre-cum over the piercing and around the tip.

  I turn to look at her, drowning in the glow of her amber eyes. "Touch yourself, Kiska. I want to see you get yourself off."

  With a wicked smirk, she shrugs off her cami and sleep shorts. "I've never done anything this dirty before."

  "You'll do it for me?" I trail a finger down her cheek.

  Her sigh is wistful. "Anything for you, Gleb."

  I take a draw from my Davidoff and blow the smoke in a line from her neck down to her pelvis.

  "This is so hot," she moans, two fingers delving between her pussy lips. She swipes them across her slit and spreads wetness up to her clit.

  "Carry on."

  Without hesitating, she thrusts her fingers deeper, pushing herself against her hand.

  My testicles throb as she sets up a tantalizing rhythm.

  Fuck, this is the best distraction I could have hoped for from my problems. Momentary, of course, but delicious all the same.

  "Don't stop."

  She doesn't stop.

  Tingles flourish through my balls.

  Cigar in one hand, I fist my cock with the other, squeezing up and down, matching Eva's tempo. I roll pre-cum over the pierced head and pleasure sparks through my groin. But it isn't enough, I need to be buried deep inside her.

  "Get on top of me, Kiska. I want to fuck you."

  She withdraws her fingers, licks them clean and rolls onto her knees. "I want that too."

  She straddles me and lowers herself, her pussy clenching around my shaft as she sucks it into the heat of her sheath.

  I groan, release a billow of smoke from my mouth. The plumes spiral over her face and fan her cheeks. She rocks her body and takes me even higher than the nicotine hit from my Davidoff.

  Fucking electrifying.

  She rides my dick with a slow, playful rhythm, her golden eyes locked on mine.

  I pass her the cigar, and she sucks in a quick puff, coughing before handing it back to me.

  "Hmm ... there ... yeah, right there," she breathes, shifting her hips to ride me harder.

  She tilts her head back and closes her eyes. "More, Gleb, please..."

  "Like that?" I flex myself up into her and she shudders on top of me, her eyes flying open.

  "You love my cock?"

  A teasing smile crosses her face. "I fucking love your cock."

  "Who fills you like this, Elousha?"

  "You, Gleb."

  Another rock, another roll, another sliding up and down on my dick.

  I feel my heart ache. Damp from sweat, sticky with Eva's wetness, coasting on a tobacco high.

  "Who gives you this feeling?" I'm throbbing, burning up for her.

  She trembles and lets out a muffled cry. "You, Gleb. Only you."

  So close, I'm so fucking close to telling her I love her. Except I can't. She deserves so much more.

  My thumb caresses her lips, down her chin and throat, the sides of her beautiful breasts and along the flat softness of her belly.

  She swallows a gulp of air as the tips of my fingers slide over the hood of her clit, circling and pinching. Her pussy clenches around my shaft. Her orgasm is so near I can almost feel it in my cock.

  My head falls back on the headboard. I take my hand from between her thighs and lift it to her breasts, rolling my palm over her taut nipples and tugging at them.

  I raise the cigar to my mouth with the other hand, suck in a puff, and then blow another line from her neck down to her stomach, watching it coil over her skin in curling waves to reach the place where our bodies are joined together.

  "Break for me, Kiska," I groan.

  Her eyes roll back in her head, and the shudder of her release tingles right through my dick.

  My balls feel like they're going to explode; the pressure builds until I can't contain it any longer. The relief is intense as I shoot my load into her.

  She takes the cigar from my hand and stubs it out in the ashtray. After switching off the light, she flops down on top of me, covering me with her divine body. We kiss, deep lingering kisses that taste of smoke and each other.

  My kitten relaxes, her breathing deepening into sleep. But I lie awake. Only one thing I can do, I decide. I need to get in touch with Roman Aulov and find out if Natasha was telling the truth.



  "This was posted in our mail-box in the early hours," Mama says, coming into the kitchen and handing me a white envelope with my name scrawled on the front.

  She takes Kir from me and heads off to find Olga. It's a routine we've gotten into since returning from Colorado a week ago. Mama visits every morning to spend time with her grandson, and with her new friend Olga, while I go up to the dance studio Gleb arranged to be installed for me in one of the spare bedrooms while we were away.

  The carpet has been stripped from the floor to reveal dark hardwood; one of the long-sided walls is covered in mirrors and there's a ballet barre running its length. I love it and want to get started on my workout but stare at the envelope in my hand instead. I don't recognize the writing and something about the way EVA PETRENKO has been written in black upper-case ink chills my blood.

  With dithery fingers, I tear it open to pull out a sheet of cream-colored paper. A message has been scrawled, and before I read it I glance at the signature.


  What the hell?

  You didn't show up for our lunch date, she writes.

  My brows draw in; I'm sure we didn't get as far as arranging anything.

  Meet me at Espresso Cafe this morning. She's even given the address. I'll expect you at eleven. Your mom is babysitting Kir, right? I will give you information that could save his life. Don't tell anyone until after we've met; we must keep this between the two of us for now. Come alone.

  I tug at my hair and pace up and down the room. How does Natasha know about Kir? I wipe clammy hands down my leggings. I should call Gleb and tell him, I know I should, but he's reverted to beast mode and has been distant with me this past week, leaving early in the mornings and getting back so late at night the only time we spend together is just before we go to sleep.

  It's like we've become strangers; he's so reticent. Cagey, even. Barely speaks to me except to give orders about what he wants me to do t
o him in bed. If I meet with Natasha and she tells me something Gleb could use to take Vadim down, it might make him see me in a different light. I'm pissed at him for treating me like a fuck-buddy; I was beginning to think I was more to him than that. He was starting to open himself up to me, sharing about his past. And this dance studio shows so much thought on his part, it took my breath when he brought me up here the afternoon we returned.

  My insides tremble. Kir's life is in danger. I need to find out what Natasha meant by that statement. And yet... and yet, the sensible voice in my head is telling me to run this by Gleb first.

  Fuck it, the coffee shop is a public place; I won't be at any risk. But how to ditch Dmitry? If I go anywhere he comes with me; he has orders not to let me out of his sight. I blow out an exasperated sigh. Since we got back from Beaver Creek, Gleb has been so paranoid he's even increased security at home. He's employed a new guy, Alik, who sticks to Kir like a Band-Aid when he goes out to play in the yard, even though either Mama or I are always with him.

  I tap my chin. A sudden thought occurs to me, making me bounce on my toes. I exit the studio and with determined steps go to fetch my purse. I reach for the credit card Gleb gave me. I haven't used it yet; it will be the perfect ruse to get me out of the house.

  An hour later, I'm in the fitting room of the fifth shop Dmitry and I have gone into at the Mall. No one batted an eyelid at Gleb's when, out of the blue, I announced my intention of doing some shopping... especially as I seemed happy for Gleb's boyevik to tag along with me. Dmitry is laden down with bags of clothes; I didn't intend to purchase so many, but I've been going from shop to shop hoping to find a separate way out of a fitting room.

  Finally, I'm in the right place. Dmitry is sitting out front. I'll be able to slip out the back without him noticing. I grab my phone, call an Uber, and quickly head out of the store.

  After weaving my way through shoppers and looking behind me every now and then to check I'm not being followed, I'm almost at the exit to the Mall when I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder.

  My heartbeat races.

  "Not so fast, Miss Petrenko," Dmitry's voice echoes in my ear, "haven't you forgotten something?"

  I cross my arms. "I don't think so..."

  "You're not supposed to go anywhere without me," he says calmly.

  "Oh, yeah, that," I shrug, pretending nonchalance. "Sorry."

  "Have you finished with your purchases?" his tone is polite.

  I nod, my cheeks burning. "Yes. We can go home now." I take a couple of bags from him. "Please don't mention my slip-up to the Boss."

  Dmitry stares at me like I've completely lost my mind. "I tell the Boss everything. It's my job."

  Dammit, I'm such an idiot. I don't know what made me think I could pull this off. Cloak and dagger, my ass. Now I have no information to relate to Gleb about Natasha, he's going to be furious. There's nothing the Beast hates more than someone disobeying his orders.

  Shoulders slumped, I follow Dimitry to where he's parked the Merc.

  Later, I'm lying in bed, waiting for Gleb to come home. I spent the rest of the day with Kir. He took a nap after lunch, as per usual, and I sat and stared at my Kindle, my insides churning so much I was unable to read a word of what was on the screen.

  My baby woke full of energy. It was a warm, late August afternoon, so I took him out to play in the yard. Alik, the new security guard, came with us. He stood sentinel by the perimeter, but I indicated for him to sit next to me on a bench. He's young, not much older than me, I guess. I asked him about himself; he divulged he's always lived in Fairwood, was born here, although his parents were originally from the Urals in Russia. Alik seemed shy for a boyevik; he gave the impression of being relieved when I left him alone and went to push Kir in the Little Tikes toddler car Gleb bought for him.

  After giving Kir his supper and bathing him, I read him a bedtime story. "Where Papa?" he asked, and my heart skipped a beat.

  "He'll be home soon," I bent and kissed my son's smooth forehead, then tucked him under his comforter.

  With heavy steps I went to the living room to watch some TV, but my mind wasn't on it and I came upstairs early.

  The Beast might be giving me the cold-shoulder for whatever reason, but it's not fair for him to ignore his son.

  Hot tears roll from my eyes. I clutch at myself under the bed sheet, then sniff and wipe my nose.

  I miss Gleb so much.

  Finally, I hear his footsteps crossing the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut and pretend to be asleep.

  The mattress dips as he sits next to me. "Wake up, Eva." He switches on the light.

  I open my eyes. "What time is it?"

  "Midnight." He checks his watch.

  I blink at him. "Where have you been?"

  "At work. You know I run a night club and other businesses. I've had a lot of shit to attend to." He brushes the hair back from my face. "How was your day?"

  "I went shopping," I admit.

  "I heard." His voice is stern, and my stomach flutters. "Why did you try to give Dmitry the slip?"

  There's no alternative; I've got to come clean. Taking shaky breaths, I tell Gleb about Natasha's note. How I didn't think it a risk to meet her in a public place.

  He grabs my shoulders and squeezes hard. "Jesus, Eva. You have no idea. That woman is fucking crazy."

  "Crazy?" I stutter.

  My jaw drops as he tells me through gritted teeth how it was she who cut the intruder detection wire at his place in Colorado, how she was sneaking around on the pretext of contacting me, how she spun him a line about working for the Russians.

  "She isn't working for them?" I shake my head, unable to take in the implications.

  "I've been trying to touch base with my friend in Moscow the past several days. Eventually got hold of him a short while ago. He says the only Natasha he remembers is someone we met when we were at Harvard." Gleb's eyes lock with mine. "She was a girl we both shared a couple of times, a freshman whereas we were grad students."

  My jaw drops again. "Is she the same woman?"

  He creases his brow. "I can't be sure. It was too long ago. The Natasha we knew then had dark hair. Vadim's bitch's real name might not even be Natasha."

  "Natasha is a fake blonde," I point out. "She could be the girl you once knew. But why would she be putting herself through all of this trouble if she just wanted to hook up with you again?"

  "It doesn't make sense," he says gruffly. "What does make sense, Eva, is for you to stay away from her."

  My nostrils flare. "You shouldn't have lied to me. If I'd known she was the intruder, I would never have considered going to meet her." My lips curl. "Even if she does know about Kir."

  Gleb doesn't say a word. He glares at me and gets up from the bed. Turning his back, he undresses. I stare at his broad shoulders tapering to a slim waist. His buttocks are beautiful, strong and sturdy with dimples at the sides. My stomach flutters.

  He lowers himself back down on the mattress and blows out a noisy breath. "You deliberately disobeyed me, Kiska. I had my reasons for keeping you in the dark. Yours and Kir's safety is paramount."

  "I'm not a child." I steady my tone. "I'm the mother of your son. I know we're only living together temporarily, but I think you owe it to me to be honest."

  "And you owe it to me to follow my rules." His eyes blaze. He reaches over and pulls me into his lap. "I need to fuck you, Elousha. Bury myself deep inside you."

  Despite everything, I'm immediately wet for him. I should stand up to him, insist that we talk more before fucking, but I want him so desperately. "Promise you'll never lie to me again."

  "Quid pro quo," he grunts. "You must promise to always follow my rules."

  "Yes, Boss," I quip.

  A laugh bubbles up from deep in his chest as he flips me over.

  Goosebumps lift across my skin.



  "Goddamn it, Kiska." My hand shoots to her ass cheek, the sound of the slap ech
oing. "You drive me fucking insane."

  She hisses.

  Waves of glossy dark-brown hair tumble down her shoulders. My cock presses into her stomach I'm so fucking hard for her. My hand slips between her thighs and wetness soaks my fingers. "Never. Ever. Break. My. Rules."

  "I won't," her voice is heavy with lust.

  I release her pussy and land another solid smack to her ass. "You have no idea the danger you put yourself in." Heat saturates my palm.

  She writhes against me, against my authority and against the force of my hand.

  The little minx.

  I grind my dick against her and bring down another blow. "Submit to me. Tell me you'll obey."

  "I'll obey. Just don't lie to me," she pants.

  I dip a finger to her pussy lips. She's so fucking aroused, her wetness is pouring out of her. I trail my finger up to her puckered hole, drawing lazy circles around it.

  So sweet.

  So tight.

  So ... mine.

  "Ever tried anal, Elousha?" I can't resist asking.

  She turns and stares at me. "No. Never." A beat. "Is that what you want?"

  I nod. "If we do this, it will be entirely consensual. You only have to say the word, stop, and I'll stop."

  She doesn't hesitate. "I'll do it for you, Gleb."

  "You'll let me take your virgin ass?" Surprised, I turn her in my lap and gaze into her golden eyes. "I'm warning you. It will hurt."

  "I can take it," she says with false bravado.

  "If, at any time, I push you beyond your limits, remember you are in control."

  Her smile melts me. "You mean I can call the shots?"

  "Absolutely," I smirk. "But only in this instance."

  She drops her eyes. "Let's do it."

  I stretch her out on the bed. "Lie back, hold your knees up for me and lift your bottom." I reach for the tube of lubricant in my nightstand. I squeeze the cool gel in the palm of my hand before working it between her ass cheeks. She tenses as my finger slides into her. "Relax."


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