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BEAST: A Mafia Romance

Page 16

by SC Daiko

  Balandin leans forward and focuses his attention intently on my face. "Do you remember Lidiya Gavrilov?"

  I think for a moment. "The name rings a bell, but I can't place her."

  "She was the kid sister of Viktor Gavrilov," Yuri interjects. "He was in the same street gang as us way back when you lived in Moscow, Boss."

  "Precisely," Roman knocks back his vodka. "Natasha's real name was Lidiya."

  I can't stop my mouth from falling open. "So that's why she accused me of not recognizing her?!" I rub my chin. "She must have been about five years old when I knew her..."

  "What was she doing with Vadim?" Yuri asks, helping himself to the caviar.

  "Keeping an eye on him for me," Balandin says calmly. "I sent someone to clean up at Vadim's after you were rushed to hospital. They found a file on her laptop. Appears she was fixated on you, Gleb, and insanely jealous of Eva Petrenko. Everything she said to your woman was a lie. It was Eva she wanted to kill, not you. She encouraged Vadim in his obsession with Miss Petrenko and pushed him into a turf war with you. My guess is she expected you to win, that Eva would be a casualty and she'd then get her claws into you."

  "Jesus, fuck," I shake my head, "she came to Colorado to try and harm Eva."

  Roman wipes his mouth with a serviette. "Your son, too. I'm sorry I didn't find out in time to warn you."

  I pull in and slowly release a deep breath. "Thank God they are safe." I tap a finger against my lip. Has Balandin got someone watching me as well? And, if so, who?

  Wipe that.

  Not 'if so', but 'almost certainly'.

  Comes with the territory.

  A bitter taste fills my mouth.

  I have no proof that anything I've just been told is true or not, I suddenly realize.

  "I want out," I give voice to my concerns. "I've had enough of this life. Think of it as early retirement."

  Balandin shoots me a surprised look. "But I'm your godfather," his tone is conciliatory, almost wheedling. "You will be the only Vor in Fairwood. You've wiped out the opposition."

  "I'm sure there's someone else you can set up in my place," I say with a confidence I don't feel.

  I haven't got a leg to stand on, and I know it. Balandin only has to say the word and Yuri and I will be dead men walking. I've gone against his wishes. On a whim, he could have us both killed in this apartment, or he could organize an ambush of his car when we are taken back to the hotel. My heart fucking sinks. What will happen to Kir and Eva if I'm murdered? Who will look after them? Sweat beads my brow and I clench my hands into fists. I sense Yuri twitching by my side, ready to fight to the death.

  My only trump card is Balandin's connection and allegiance to Papa's memory. I'm not sure of the exact details, but I believe my father saved Balandin's life when he was shot by the Mujahideen. That's why he helped me with the train-wreck in London; I fucking hope he'll still feel that loyalty now.

  He laughs coldly, and then changes the subject to discussing the weather. Apparently, an early snowstorm is on the way.

  I decide not to join in the conversation.

  Don't let them intimidate you, Gleb. Act like you have the upper hand... even if you don't.

  I've been told I have piercing eyes; I use them to good effect. I glare at Roman and after a short while he glances away.

  One down; one to go.

  Balandin returns my stare, however, his gaze cold and flinty.

  Neither of us backs down.

  I assume a poker-face.

  Don't show any emotion; he'll use it against you.

  "You're an ungrateful bastard," he suddenly spits, his cheeks turning red. "After all the business I sent your way. After all the years of protection I gave out of the kindness of my heart. After helping you clear up the mess your brother made of things in England." He shakes his fist.

  I wait for the death threat, but it doesn't come. I remember Russians happily flip sides, and then go back to working with the same partners. There are few permanent grudges; it's like, 'You had to do the thing you did,' and all is forgiven.

  He's waiting for me to change my mind.

  I shake my head and play my trump card. "It was you who encouraged my father to start laundering money for the Brotherhood. He wasn't Vory. He had no clue what he was getting into." I don't come out and say it was Balandin's fault Papa was murdered, but I imply it. "I'll give you details of all my clients in the money laundering and loan shark businesses in return for your continued protection wherever I might relocate."

  I burn Balandin with my eyes, and finally he looks away. Then I reach into the pocket of my dress shirt and withdraw the photograph showing two young men leaning against a tank, Kalashnikovs in their hands. Balandin stares at it, the color draining from his face. Sudden tears fill his eyes. "Your father was the brother I never had. It nearly broke my heart when he was killed." He rubs a hand through his thinning hair.

  "Papa loved you too, Mikhail Vladimirovich. He spoke about you often."

  Balandin tips his head back and gazes at the ceiling. On a long exhale, he mutters, ""I will do as you ask, for Nikolai's sake. My man in Fairwood will make himself known. You can arrange matters with him." He pushes back his chair. "My word is my bond," he says in heavily accented English. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm tired," he waves his hand dismissively. "This meeting is at an end."

  We all leap to our feet.

  Yuri places himself in front of me.

  Just in case.

  But there's no need.

  Balandin's bodyguard has left the room with him.

  We grab our coats. Roman exits the apartment with us and even says he'll ride in Balandin's car as far as the hotel. The driver will take him home to his wife and family. "That went as well as could be expected," he rasps out a cough in the back seat of the BMW. "I'm sorry you're quitting. You would have had a brilliant future in the organization."

  "Thanks, but no thanks," I press the palms of my hands to my eyes and blow out a breath, not quite believing what just happened. Thank you, Papa.

  "Think I'll change our flights for the early bird tomorrow morning." I can't resist a slow smile. "With the time difference, I might just make it to Tiffany's before they close." My smile widens. "I want to buy Eva a ring."



  The panic attack hits me like a bolt from the blue. One minute, I'm settling Kir down for his afternoon nap, tucking my old teddy alongside him, the next my knees are shaking so badly they start to buckle. Dizziness buzzes in my head and I almost hit the floor. Cold sweat breaks out all over my body, nausea swells my esophagus and my heartbeat races. Somehow, I manage to stagger across the room and lower myself on the chair in the corner.

  Breathe, Eva. Just breathe.

  I gulp in air like I'm in danger of drowning.

  Fuck, I haven't had an episode like this in months.

  Stop it. Think positive thoughts. Don't dwell on what could be happening in Moscow.

  Gradually the palpitations ease, and my head clears. I give myself a little shake; a pile of laundry in the basement needs folding. Slowly, I get to my feet and tiptoe toward the door.

  One step at a time.

  Holding the hand rail, I make my way down the stairs. I'm still feeling a tad woozy. Before proceeding farther, I'll make a cup of tea, then maybe I'll go to my own room and sleep it off. I walk into the kitchen and fill the kettle.

  Suddenly, my phone vibrates.

  I pull it from the pocket of my jeans.


  My heart freaking leaps.

  "Kiska," I hear the smile in his voice. "I'm back."

  I gasp. "So quick." My voice is disbelieving. "Are you okay?"

  His laughter comes down the line. "I didn't get killed in Russia."

  "That's not funny." My stomach churns. "I've been worrying myself sick."

  "I'm sorry, my sweet." He pauses. "Our flight just landed and I'm still at the airport. Just want to sort out some business then I'll be with
you and Kir."

  I bounce from foot to foot, my face beaming. "I can't believe it."

  "You'd better believe it, Elousha."

  My hands tremble. "Please, come as soon as you can. Ya lyublyu tebya."

  "I love you too. I'll be at your place before Kir's bedtime. We can order takeout. There's a lot I need to tell you. I'll stay the whole night."

  A spiral of happiness radiates through my chest. "I can't wait."

  I have a lie-down but can't sleep I'm too restless. When Kir wakes from his nap, we go for a walk in the park. I grin like an idiot the entire time we are there, running around with him, playing chase and whooping loudly. He stares at me like I've gone insane.

  Which I have.

  I'm mad.

  Madly in love.

  And I want the world to know.

  Back home, I give him his supper, jump in the bath with him, and dress us both. Kir has finally given up drinking milk from a bottle, so we sit on the sofa together while he sips from his cup.

  "Papa will be here soon, sinochek," I huff out a breath, "I'm so excited."

  My boy giggles and offers me his Sippy cup. I pretend to take a swig then hand it back to him. "Spasibo."

  I settle him in my lap and start reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He pokes his fingers in the holes where the caterpillar is eating through everything, and we laugh together, pretending to have tummy aches as the critter gobbles up junk food.

  Impatiently, I keep checking the time.

  When will Gleb be here?

  At last my phone pings with the message he's at the door.

  My heart skitters.

  I hitch Kir to my hip and go to open.

  In a beat, strong arms have enveloped us. Inhaling the scent of warm sandalwood and cigars, I lift my face to Gleb's. His kiss is firm, and his eyes are filled with so much love I could cry.

  He hands me the bottle of champagne he'd put in a bag on the floor before hugging us. "For later," he says, winking. Then he gives our son his gift, a Russian teddy. "I managed to buy it at Moscow airport."

  "Say thank you, Kir," I smile.

  "Spasibo," he lisps, holding the bear.

  With a lopsided grin, Gleb swings him over his head onto his broad shoulders. "I swear you've grown since I last saw you, little bud."

  I put the bottle in my fridge and follow Gleb's bouncing steps upstairs. I stand beside him as he kisses Kir on the forehead, settles him on his mattress and pulls up the comforter. Our son immediately reaches for his pacifier and starts sucking. I tuck my ancient teddy next to him alongside his new one.

  Gleb puts his arm around me, holding me close and silently brushing soft kisses to my cheeks while we watch our baby's heavy eyelids shut.

  Down in the kitchen, I order Tonkotsu Ramen to be delivered while Gleb pops the bottle of champagne.

  We clink glasses, then he gives me a blow-by-blow account of his meeting with Mikhail Balandin; my jaw drops farther with every word.

  I have so many questions, I don't know where to start. But we're interrupted by the arrival of our dinner.

  Gleb goes to the door to accept the order while I put a couple of plates on my small kitchen table, smiling as he returns with the food.

  Hungrily, I pick up my chopsticks and suck the noodles between my lips. I feel Gleb's burning gaze on my mouth, and heat spreads through me. We're not just hungry for food; we're hungry for each other, but I need to ask my questions first.

  "Do you think what Balandin said about Natasha is true?" I take a sip of champagne and the bubbles tickle my nose.

  Gleb slurps a mouthful of braised pork with noodles, chews and swallows. "I remembered her real name. The age fits." He presses his lips together in a slight grimace. "It's the only explanation for her turning up in Colorado. And the fact she wanted you to meet her for that so-called lunch." He shudders. "My guess is she'd have tried to kill you if Dmitry hadn't stopped you from going to her."

  I reach across the table for his hand. "I owe him my life."

  "Yours and Kir's." Gleb lifts my fingers and kisses them.

  "I had no clue you were so closely linked to Mikhail Balandin." I slurp another noodle. "Are you sure we are safe now?"

  "The word will already be out that I'm no longer of interest, Kiska. In fact, you and Kir can move back in with me tomorrow." He shrugs. "A different Vor will take over my money lending and loan shark businesses. I'm selling up and we'll start that new life in Colorado we discussed before I went to Moscow."

  "I can get a job," I lift my chin. "To help with expenses."

  His laugh is gentle. "I have more than enough funds. Realizing my assets will bring in even more." He shrugs. "Except I'm not the kind of guy to sit around doing nothing all day." His gaze meets mine. "How would you feel about running a business with me?"

  I stare at him incredulously. "Wh... wh... what type of business?"

  "There's an old theatre up for sale in Denver and some derelict stores. We could turn them into something real trendy. Like an arts and entertainment center. Your parents could have one of the premises for a studio. You could also go back to school, if you like. Get your dance qualification."

  I'm completely speechless; I can only let out a sob.

  Gleb pushes his plate to the side and draws me into his arms. "Shush, Kiska. I didn't mean to upset you."

  "I'm not upset," I gulp. "I'm overwhelmed."

  "So, you agree?" He tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear, his mesmerizing eyes burning into mine.

  "Yes, oh yes," I smile so wide my face almost cracks.

  He takes a quick sip of champagne. "There's something else I need to ask you."

  His expression has turned serious, and my heart skips a beat.

  Without warning, he gets down on one knee.

  My pulse skyrockets.

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box.

  I touch my parted lips.

  "I hope you like it," he says, opening the container and revealing the most exquisite sapphire ring, the same blue as his eyes. "I love you, Elousha. Would you do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife?"

  "Gleb," my voice trembles and my eyes fill with tears. Again, I'm speechless.

  "Why are you crying?"

  "These are happy tears." My breath catches. "The ring is beautiful."

  "So, what's your answer, Eva?" He pulls back slightly. "I don't deserve you, but I'll love you for the rest of my life."

  The bubbles of joy in my chest explode. "Yes. Yes. Yes."

  His eyes locked with mine, he slides the ring onto my finger, and it fits perfectly. "Ya lyublyu tebya. I love you with all my heart."

  He gets to his feet, pulls me into his arms and kisses me. Gentle at first, then deep and possessive, his mouth bruising my mouth, his thumb pressing into the base of my neck. "I've got to be inside you, Kiska. I want to feel you all around me."

  I let out a little whimper. "I want that too, Gleb."

  He lifts me, carries me up to my room, and puts me down on the carpeted floor. We stand toe to toe, wanting, needing, our breaths rasping. Without saying a word, we pull off our clothes, our greedy eyes feasting on each other.

  God, he's gorgeous. All hard muscle. And his cock! Heavy, veined, ready for me.

  "Come here," he growls.

  I stand in front of him and stretch upwards. He bends his head to kiss and suck on my neck, making me tingle all over. Groaning, he grabs my ass and pulls me into him, rubbing his hardness into my soft belly. "On the bed, now," he barks, releasing me.

  I do as he commands, lying spread-eagle, staring up at him.

  He crawls between my thighs and grinds his pelvis against mine. Rubbing his dick slowly up and down my slit, building pressure, he kisses my mouth deep and then licks my chin, my neck, the hollow at my throat.

  I moan and grip his ass cheeks, kneading them.

  He wraps my hair around his fist and lowers himself. His flesh meets my hot skin; I dig my nails into his shoulder. He takes my h
and and bites my wrist softly.

  I cup his beard and press my lips to his, opening for him, inviting his tongue to penetrate my mouth and claim me. We kiss slowly, passionately, hungrily as he slides into me, covering me with his body. I flatten my tits into his rock-hard chest. It's like we have become one.

  We kiss, lick, bite and groan as our bodies rock together. He thrusts deep and I clench around him. I open my mouth against his neck and suck on his taut skin. His hips pump faster, and my wetness drips out of me. My pussy grabs at him and he pushes me beyond pleasure into such ecstasy that I'm no longer myself but a part of him.

  His cock spasms, and the force of his release tips me over the edge. My legs tremble, and I climax calling out his name. He kisses up my neck to my mouth. "God, how I love you," he moans.

  "I love you too, Gleb, I love you so much."

  He stays inside me, and I feel his heartbeat against my chest. He kisses me again, gently, beautifully, then stares deep into my eyes. "We're a proper family now, Elousha. You've made me the happiest I've been in my life."

  I loop my arms around him, breathing him in. "Me too, Gleb." I kiss him on the lips. "Me too."


  Gleb and Eva

  Gleb - Six Months Later

  I'm sitting next to Daniel, my best man, in the front pew of the Russian Church in Denver. Eva has opted for an orthodox wedding, and I'm happy to go along with it. The scent of incense burning fills the air, and a choir is singing hymns in my native language.

  I straighten my black bow-tie and blow out a breath. My brother and I are early... it will be some minutes before Elousha and her entourage arrive. Russians traditionally turn up at the church with their bride, but we're doing things differently.

  Nervous excitement squeezing my gut, I think back over the past six months. The day after I proposed to Eva, she and Kir returned to live with me and we started planning our future. Sergei revealed himself to be Balandin's spy. My bartender, of all people! He said he'd needed the money, just like that fucker Alik. I'd wanted to punch the living daylights out of Sergei, but I restrained myself; unlike Alik, he hadn't deliberately harmed anyone.


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