Book Read Free

Black than Blue

Page 18

by Rebekah Weatherspoon

  “I can, but I don’t like to. Making my clit bigger feels good. Closing my pussy off feels weird.”

  I tilted my head the other way. Though I probably looked foolish, I wanted to come at this from somewhat of a scientific angle. The longer I looked at it and the more questions I asked, the more comfortable I felt with this aspect of Cleo’s abilities. “Can you make it bigger than this?”

  She laughed as she drew her thumb gently down my cheek. “First my plugs are too small, now my magic demon cock.”

  I ignored her joking for a moment. “That night we had the meeting, before that game when you sat with me. How big was it then?”

  Cleo cocked her head to the side for a moment and let the length extend down her thigh. The size around almost tripled. “About there.”

  “Oh.” I swallowed and sat back a little on my heels. “That’s big.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “No, leave it,” I said when her distended clit started to shrink. Cleo chuckled and let her flesh fill back out. It was really big.

  “Can I touch it?”

  “Yes. You can touch me wherever you want.”

  I stared at it a while longer, not moving my hands. “Remember, it’s just my clit,” she reassured me.

  I took a deep breath and went for it, wrapping my hand around the base and giving the shaft a gentle stroke up. Cleo’s head rolled back on her shoulders and she moaned. “How does that feel?” I asked.

  “Lord Jesus. It feels like you’re stroking my clit with your whole hand.”

  “Did you want to have a penis when you were human?”

  Cleo scowled and shook her head. “No. Why?”

  “I just wondered. You seem so comfortable with this.” She reached forward and ran her fingers through my hair as I continued to stroke her. Her clit felt nice. A little slick from how wet her pussy had been before she caused the length to grow, and harder than I expected. But the skin was so smooth.

  “I am. It’s a part of me and it’s much handier than carrying around a suitcase of leather and plastic. Plus, you ever try shifting with a harness on?” I bit my lip and looked at my fingers moving up and down. The contrast between her skin and mine was remarkable. And beautiful.

  “Does it still weird you out that I do this?” she asked after I was quiet for a while.

  “No. What you said makes sense. I was just wondering.” My inquisitive nature took control. I bent over her lap and licked the tip. I did it again and took more of her in my mouth.

  “Benny.” I gazed up at Cleo. “I was kidding. You don’t have to do that.”

  “Trust me, I know. I just want to see how it feels for you.” I lowered my head and went at it with a little more enthusiasm. The shaft was way too long for me to take the whole thing, but I liked the way the smooth surface felt in my mouth. I liked the way sucking her made me feel. A little dirty, in a good way. Cleo’s fingers gripped my hair. I let her guide my head up and down. That turned me on even more. “Like that?” I asked, panting slightly. Her purring grew louder and more rhythmic.

  I kept sucking her clit as she answered. “Yes. Jesus. I’m two whole seconds away from bending you over the edge of this tub.”

  “Hey, Cleo—Oh, I’m sorry.”

  Cleo whipped her head around just as I peered around her side to see Tokyo standing on the back deck. I shrank down into the water and closer to Cleo to hide my naked body from Tokyo’s view.

  “The fuck, Tokyo!” Cleo yelled. She wrapped her arm around me to shield me even more. “What do you want?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that Faeth is staying with the girls at Coco Bananas so we can find a strip club, but I’ll tell Kina you’re busy,” she said, all smiles and amusement. I could feel the anger coming off Cleo. It was like the temperature in the hot tub went up.

  “Leave,” Cleo growled.

  “Okay, geez. Sorry. Later, Benny.” Tokyo smiled at me, then vanished.

  I was so upset, I started trembling. Cleo kept her hold on me as she slipped down into the hot tub. She wrapped me in her arms and nuzzled my neck, trying to calm me down. I closed my eyes and focused on her touch and the pattern of my breath. I listened for the crackling sound of the fire and the ocean waves behind me. A beautiful night with the perfect person, and all I could see was that heinous grin on Tokyo’s face just before she disappeared.

  “She did that on purpose,” I said.

  “I know.”

  I leaned back so I could look Cleo in the eye. “Have you talked to her?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. She knows you and I are together.”

  “Are you sure? Because she doesn’t act like it.”

  “She’s just being a cunt ’cause she’s not getting her way. But I’ll say something to her tomorrow.”

  “Whatever.” I turned around and sat in her lap. She was still for a few moments, probably considering whether or not I was angry with her. I was annoyed, mostly with Tokyo, but I was a little irritated with Cleo. I had dealt with Jill the best way I could. But I had a feeling she had never planned to have any real conversation with Tokyo. I didn’t want her to pop up like that again.

  Soon, though, I did start to cool off. I had two choices: I could turn this into a full fight with Cleo, or I could accept that even though Tokyo was almost one hundred and fifty years old, she wasn’t above acting like a jealous teenager. The second choice involved pushing her out of my mind and enjoying my first evening on this gorgeous island with the woman I loved. I decided that choice was better. I’d trust Cleo to speak with her, and if she didn’t and Tokyo thought she could continue to behave that way, I’d have some words with her myself. Tokyo was one demon who didn’t scare me.

  Cleo must have felt my body start to relax. Her arms came around my waist and she pulled me snug against her lap.

  “Did that ruin the mood?” she whispered into my ear. Her clit had shrunk, but I could still feel its hard tip poking my ass.

  I smiled and wiggled my hips a little. “I see it didn’t ruin yours.”

  “Not even Tokyo barging in could keep me from wanting you,” she replied. I let my head fall back on her shoulder as her hands started to caress my breasts. Her lips found my throat just as my eyes closed again. She kissed the most sensitive spots, nipped at me gently.

  “I’m sorry she did that, baby,” Cleo whispered. She traced my vein with the tip of her tongue. She was teasing me, but I didn’t mind at all.

  “It’s not your fault,” I rasped out. I turned my head so she could kiss me properly. I eagerly took her hand between my legs as our tongues met and my whimpers began to match her growls and purr.

  “Put it inside me,” I begged.

  Cleo stilled and looked me in the eyes. “Are you sure?”


  “Okay, baby,” she said. “I’m gonna go small. I don’t want to hurt you.” I started to move to give Cleo a little room to work with, but she grabbed my hips. “Nah. Just let me.” With a strong grip under my thigh, Cleo lifted my leg over the bend in her arm. I let the water help with her efforts and rested my back against her chest. Without a single shift in her hips, I felt the tip of her clit nudging the opening of my pussy. I was so wet it had no problem working its way inside me. Once she was in as far as she could go, she pulled back, then thrust back in. With every push and retreat, I could feel her growing thicker. No toy we’d ever played with before could do that.

  She grabbed my other thigh and bounced me in her lap, sloshing the water against the sides of the hot tub. She didn’t have to tell me to vocalize the way she was making me feel. I couldn’t keep myself quiet.


  We spent the whole night out on the deck. After we made love in the hot tub, Cleo brought the food out to me and we shared dinner on the daybed. We made love there in that same spot once we were finished. In the morning, I woke up wrapped in my sarong, but I wasn’t alone. A brown tabby cat was snoozing on my chest. My hand in her fur woke her. When she looked up,
I saw Cleo’s eyes gazing back at me. I laughed when she lowered her head and started nudging and kneading my boobs. I hated that she had to change, but at least we were together. The fire pit was doused and the hot tub was covered. Cleo hopped off the daybed while I straightened my wrap, then she followed me inside as I went to clean up the remains of our dinner. Quickly, though, I saw that she’d already put everything away. I found her clothes folded neatly on the counter next to the keys and a note.

  Leftovers are in the fridge if you’re hungry. I love you.

  I looked down as Cleo rubbed herself against my calf. “You want to spend the day with me?” I asked. I could easily carry her back to the house and get her to the sealed quarters below, but I thought I’d ask. I wasn’t in the mood to be apart from her. She paused a moment and seemed to nod. I gathered her clothes and locked up the house as Cleo trotted down the front steps.

  A few girls were up and about, eating breakfast and getting their early morning UV blast. Maddie and Ruth passed us on our way in, all dressed and going for a run. Clearly, they were only on a partial vacation. I grabbed some juice and went back to my room to find Amy and Sam passed out in Amy’s bed. I showered and lay back down to sleep some more. Cleo joined me, purring softly in my arms until I fell asleep.

  A few hours later, even though she’d probably drunk herself silly the night before, Amy was up and ready to go. We peeled Sam out of bed and gathered up a small group to go out to breakfast. Cleo took the form of a beautiful tropical bird and took the walk with us into town on my shoulder. Luckily, we found a nice outdoor café that was bird-friendly. After food and a little shopping, the heat and the walking started to take their toll on me. Sam and I headed back to the house and spent the rest of the day under an umbrella by the pool with Cleo beside me in her cat form. It wasn’t ideal, but again, at least we were together.

  Chapter Sixteen


  That night, I went to Coco Bananas with the girls. This time, Cleo had precise instructions for me. She told me what to wear and told me exactly what I was to do when I saw her. There was no possible way for me to go out dancing with no bra on. With some quick Googling, Amy whipped up another wrap creation that allowed me to wear the one strapless bra I’d brought with me. It did its job of supporting the girls, but just barely. Per Cleo’s orders, I didn’t wear any underwear.

  We’d been out for at least an hour, and Cleo hadn’t showed yet. Coco Bananas was once a warehouse. They added more patron-friendly restrooms, some furniture, and three bars. We’d never been there on a “slow night,” and tonight was no different. With the OBA boys, we took up a whole elevated VIP section. The music was great, and Sam made sure that everyone who was drinking had plenty to keep them nice and loose. But I was glued to the railing, scanning the crowd below.

  Finally, I saw her. It seemed like the sea of people parted and Cleo emerged with Faeth and Kina at her sides. The three of them looked amazing, but Cleo looked the best. Her hair was pulled back in what she liked to call her puff ponytail, and she had on a tight, white muscle tee. The muscles of her arms looked downright lickable. Dark jeans hung off her hips. I could imagine how good her ass looked. Tokyo was a few steps behind them. She was pouting, which led me to believe Cleo had finally had a talk with her.

  Amy stepped up beside me and grabbed my arm. “Hey, let’s—Holy shit. Is that Cleo?”

  “Yeah.” I remained calm, but inside, I was screaming like a preteen at her first pop concert.

  “Okay. I love Danni, but seriously, B. I am so jealous right now. And damn, Kina looks good too.” She did. “That is like a three-way of mighty butch fineness.” They kept moving through the crowd and headed to the bar. Faeth said something to Tokyo. She ditched them with a dramatic gesture and seemed to be heading toward where we had set up camp. Cleo didn’t look back to watch her storm off.

  “Let’s go dance.” I took Amy’s hand and towed her toward a section of the dance floor in the opposite direction.

  “What? Are you joking? Forget about me. Go hump her.”

  “No. Let’s dance,” I said. Amy held firm and refused to budge.

  “Is this some kinky thing? I’ve heard what Cleo likes to get up to,” she yelled over the music, squinting at me.

  “Yeah, very kinky,” I replied. At this point, I was completely indifferent to her opinion on the matter. “Let’s go.”

  The DJ did a great job of mixing club-jumping hits with hip-grinding reggae and reggaeton. I didn’t do it very often, but I wasn’t a bad dancer. I think I shocked Amy with my moves. She was laughing and having a grand time shimmying up on me. I was doing my best to remain calm while I waited for Cleo. She was moving around the enormous room, but I could feel her eyes on me from every corner. A few times, I caught her gaze, but if I looked away, if I even blinked, she would be in a different spot.

  I felt like a small animal being stalked in the wild. Though I wanted to be caught.

  In the midst of a deft move I executed, a little wiggle and spin away from Amy, I heard her let out a pleasant screech. I turned around just in time to see Kina dragging Amy away with an arm around her waist. “Good-bye, Benny,” she yelled. “I’ve always loved you.”

  “Farewell!” I called back.

  “Do you mind if I step in?” My stomach jumped up into my chest as I started in shock. I spun around and almost bumped right into Cleo. She stared down at me like she was deciding which part to eat first. I’d followed her first few instructions. I was wearing the dress. I ditched the panties. I’d let her watch me dance. Now to see the rest through.

  “Is it considered stepping in if you’ve already scared away my date?” I said defiantly.

  “I’m sorry. I can have my friend bring her back.”

  I laughed and turned back around. Quickly, my hips found the beat of the music and I started moving again on my own. Cleo stepped closer behind me, but I didn’t give her my attention.

  “Is she your type?” Cleo didn’t have to raise her voice. I heard it clearly through the booming bass.

  “I’m not sure I have a type,” I replied. “But I usually get what I want.”

  “I bet you do.”

  I closed my eyes and moved a little farther away from Cleo. An older gentleman whose attention I’d apparently captured mushed his way up in front of me. He was handsome in a greasy rent-a-bandleader sort of way and completely indicative of the type of men I attracted, men I wouldn’t be attracted to even if I were straight. He did not blend in with the barely legal crowd that filled the room. Keeping a safe distance from his pelvis, I humored his over-punctuated moves. He smiled at me. I did my best not to laugh. Behind me, I heard Cleo growl. I glanced over my shoulder to see her staring us down. The man took that as an opportunity to spin me around and grind his very small, but erect, penis into my ass.

  I looked back at Cleo, biting my lip, still trying hard not to laugh hysterically, knowing my face told her everything. The fierce look of concentration dropped from her face, but just as her lip nearly twitched into a smile, she regained her focus.

  “Come here,” she mouthed. I slithered out of Dr. Mambo’s grip. Luckily, he knew our love affair wasn’t meant to last. He slithered his way up to the girl dancing right beside us.

  I approached Cleo slowly, taking my time dancing my way over to her. She stood there, her muscles straining impatiently. I caught a glimpse of the points of her fangs. She was enjoying this little game she’d thought up, and so was I.

  I stopped inches away from her, but she didn’t touch me.

  “You’re doing a lot of standing around for someone who wanted to cut in.”

  “I was trying to be polite.”

  “Sometimes polite doesn’t work for some girls,” I said as I looked her up and down. “Let me know when you’re done watching.” I took a few steps back and kept dancing. By all appearances, I was in my own world, dancing hard, enjoying the rhythm, the heat and pressure of the other bodies around me, the feeling of being alive. But eve
n though we were in a packed club, my every movement was for Cleo’s eyes only. She stood there watching me for a full song before she made her move. The DJ switched tracks to a song even more suitable to two bodies making contact. I stayed where I was and let Cleo come to me.

  She approached me like a stranger would, dancing close behind, but keeping her hands in seemingly respectable places, like my hips or just barely on my waist. I ground my ass into her crotch. Her rumbling purr told me she approved. I kept my back to her, switching my speed and the direction my hips would sway every now and then. Soon I was soaking wet. I could only imagine how I was making her feel.

  We danced for a long time, and after several songs, I realized why she wanted to play this particular game. We’d never been out like this together before. We’d never danced together. All the parties we’d been to together on the row, I’d always been afraid to. I’d known I couldn’t keep a platonic face if she touched me like this in public. Later, I’d have to commend her for the creative thinking.

  Eventually, I turned around. “I’m thirsty.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I licked my lips. “Since you asked nicely.” As I made my way to the bar, I could feel Cleo pushing through the crowd right behind me. It took a little shouldering, but I finally got the bartender’s attention and ordered two bottles of water. I was tempted to order something strong, just to see what Cleo would say if she really thought I’d make her go twenty-four hours without a drop of my blood, but I didn’t want to tease her that way. I opened my bottle while she paid and moved to watch the people on the dance floor. Kina and Faeth were out there with their feeders. Amy and Sam were with them too, entertaining each other. I smiled when I saw Jill dancing with Hollis. I caught a glimpse of the lights bouncing off her braces as she laughed.

  “So. Do you want to tell me about yourself?”

  I looked at Cleo out of the corner of my eye before I took another swig of water. “Not really.”


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