Book Read Free

Black than Blue

Page 22

by Rebekah Weatherspoon

  “Yeah. I have a wonderful date planned for us tonight, but Daddy is pretty much in hibernation mode for a few hours and Mama is out for the day. I thought we could play for a little while.” I showed Cleo the new tail and the bottle of lube I’d been hiding.

  “Where did you get that?” She sat forward.

  “I ordered it right when we got back from St. Martin. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well, I am surprised. Let me see that right quick.” I came around to her side of the bed and handed her the brown-black tail, plug end first. “Hmm. I like this. It’s much softer.”

  “I did my research.” It took several hours, actually. White seemed to be the preferred color for a bunny tail, but eventually I stumbled across a site that made custom animal tails plugs with faux fur. No animals needed to be harmed for our play time. Cleo shifted to the edge of the bed and wrapped her legs around my waist.

  “Do you have anything in particular in mind?” she asked. This was the first time she’d asked.

  I thought for a moment, going over my list in my mind. “Um, can we do number two and number seven? And anything else that tickles your fancy.” She hadn’t tied me up properly yet, and I was still craving a certain kind of spanking.

  “I like number seven a lot. But thinking that I would be spending the weekend at your mama’s house, I didn’t bring any of our playthings with us. Do I need to swing back to the house so we can pull off number two?”

  I rummaged through our bag and pulled out the bit of silk rope I’d hidden in the leg of a pair of jeans and roll of bondage tape, just in case.

  “Ooh, baby. Extra points for planning ahead. I might have to throw in a number five for good measure.”

  “I’m okay with that.”

  “I’m gonna put this in.” She held up my bunny tail. “We’re going to talk for a little while, though, after we get down to business. Okay?”


  She lay back down and crossed her arms behind her head, then she nodded, gesturing up and down my body. “Everything but the bra.”

  “Yes, Cleo.”

  Knowing she wanted a good show, I took my time. I slipped out of my boots, then pulled my oversized sweater over my head. “Eyes here, bunny,” she said just as I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my leggings. I looked her straight in her light brown eyes, then, unintentionally, at her mouth as her lips parted slightly. The sight of her fangs had become an instant turn-on. My T-shirt came off next and then my underwear. I thought I’d be completely naked by this point, but just in case, I’d worn one of Cleo’s favorite bras. She licked her teeth as she took in my cleavage.

  “You are so fucking beautiful. Turn around.” I did as she asked and showed her my backside. I could have sworn I heard her lips smacking. “Bend over. All the way. Grab your ankles.” I did as she asked and found myself panting as my ponytail dragged over the carpet. I remained still and in that position as I heard the bed creak slightly under the movement of her weight. Soon I saw her socked feet meet the floor behind me. Then I felt the heat from her body.

  I closed my eyes against the shivers that racked my spine as she ran her palm up and down the length of my back.

  “Are you ready?” she purred.

  “Yes, Cleo.”


  I straightened myself into a better position and then took a deep breath. Cleo knew exactly what she was doing, and to help matters along, I’d taken some time stretching myself before I’d joined her. I was more than ready. She slowly slid my tail in, but with ease. I groaned helplessly as it settled into place. The whole area was sparking with sensation, the feeling of fullness and the slight, yet soft tickle of the fur brushing my cheeks. My clit throbbed, aching for tender attention. The walls of my pussy contracted, needing the same.

  “You want to see how it looks?” she asked quietly.

  I swallowed and was able to find my voice through my arousal, though my eyes did close. “Yes, Cleo.”

  “Hand me my phone. Don’t worry. I’ll delete it.” I walked across the room, my every step reminding me exactly who I belonged to. I found her cell in the front pocket of our bag and handed it to her. She directed me in several positions and snapped a shot of each pose. We looked at the pictures together. A few with her hand gripping my ass cheek, one with the indentations of her fingers leaving delicious pink marks on my skin that I knew would fade quickly.

  “Do you see how fucking sexy you are?”

  I hesitated to answer. I felt unbelievably sexy with Cleo, but…Well, there was always a but. She still wanted an answer. I ignored how much I hated my back and focused on my ass and the tail. Cleo’s hand covered my breast and I fought the urge to close my eyes and lean against her.

  She licked the curve of my ear.

  “Do you know what I see?”

  “No, Cleo.”

  “I see a gorgeous round ass that some women would kill for. And you know what? I’m gonna enjoy fucking that ass. You know what else I see? Your beautiful, smooth skin and that sexy-as-hell birthmark right there on your thigh.” I’d caught a glimpse of the brown spot plenty of times over the years, but I never knew Cleo took much notice of it. Her hand moved lower, over my stomach, which twitched at the unwanted attention, and between my legs. I moaned, my eyes finally slipping shut as she ran a single finger between my lips.

  “I see the bunny I am very proud to own.” She threw her phone on the bed and turned me in her arms. “You know what would make this look complete? Bunny ears.” I bit my lip and eyed the bag. I loved the smile that spread out over Cleo’s lips. “Bring ’em here.” I laughed and hustled back to the bag. I had shoved some stuff into little hidden spaces. Cleo’s eyes lit up when I produced the matching floppy ears. When we played with my first tail, we were both aware of the ridiculous nature of me in a complete bunny outfit, but now?

  “When I saw these on the site, I couldn’t resist,” I explained as Cleo slipped them onto my head. She took a few seconds to readjust my hair and then an even bigger smile broke out on her face.

  “Oh, bunny. You have to hop for me.”

  Through my giggling I did as she asked and hopped around the room a little, feeling my ass and my breasts jiggle with every bounce, flicking my head back every time one of the ears flopped down in my face. Cleo broke out in a laughing fit, and by the time I made it back over to her we were both in hysterics. “Oh fuck, babe. You look so cute. These were a must. Excellent call.” She kissed me, then straightened the ears again.

  “Okay. Get up here.” She slid off the bed and stood while I climbed up and sat back with my heels under my butt. The plug did an excellent job of reminding me it was still there. “I’ll be back in a little bit. Take a few minutes to really get your head together.”

  “Yes, Cleo.”

  Cleo left me alone for almost twenty minutes. It was the perfect amount of time. I was able to relax and think about my body. Not about the little things I hated about it, but the way Cleo would soon be touching it. I thought about how good it felt to put my control in her hands and how well she took care of me. I thought of her biting me and how hard I was sure to come. By the time she returned, my whole mind and body were completely primed for her. I wanted to be petted and spanked. I wanted to be tied down and dominated and fucked. It was something amazing to know that she would do those things for me, to know that I was completely safe and loved in her hands.

  Cleo slid through the door silently and purposefully did not make eye contact with me. In her hand was a silk scarf and one of our vibrators. I didn’t question where she’d gotten those particular items. She didn’t hesitate before she blindfolded me. Knowing I had to give up even trying to see, I closed my eyes behind the silk and focused on the sound of her body and mine. She kissed me as she moved around the bed; on my shoulder, between my breasts. On my lips. I jumped a little when she placed a little nibble on my butt. In a few minutes, she had me on my knees on the bed with my wrists tied to the two posts at the foot of the bed,
my legs spread wide enough for her liking.

  She was in front of me moments later. Her lips lightly brushed over mine. “We are going to try this, but you need to tell me if I need to stop. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Cleo.”

  “And I want to hear you, bunny. Don’t hold it in.”

  “Yes, Cleo.”

  She kissed me fully this time and finished me off with a slow swipe of her tongue along the seam of my mouth. Holding on to her taste as long as I could, I imagined the look on her face as she pulled away. I thought of how she must be looking at my breasts or the ruby that hung between them. Another symbol of our bond. Careful, slow breaths, I told myself.

  Her fingers touched me first. My mind was seconds behind each motion, trying to predict where she was going next. Her fingers were there one moment and gone the next. Back one moment, then slipped inside me the next. I moaned like she asked me to, letting her know exactly how it felt to have her fingers pumping in and out of me. I groaned helplessly as she cupped me, massaging my lips and my clit all at once. I listened to her purring and my cries, and suddenly I wanted her to let me down. I wanted to touch her. But that wasn’t part of the deal.

  The first strike between my legs came from nowhere. She smacked me hard right on the height of my slit. My lips were parted and my hard clit exposed. I couldn’t have guessed how amazing it would feel. The impact sent shock waves through my pelvis. I shuddered and sucked in a breath. “Shit,” slipped from my lips as my legs seized up. The plug fired back as my muscles clenched.

  Before I could recover, another smack landed on its target. She didn’t soothe me with her palm the way she normally did. A moment after she made contact, I realized it was her mouth covering me. She sucked my tender skin gently, running her tongue slowly over me. She taunted me with the tips of her fangs. I wanted to drop my hips lower to ride her mouth more thoroughly, but the hold the rope had on my arms made it impossible. Instead, I moved my pelvis forward. That’s when she pulled away.

  “Nah nah, bunny,” she said. “Only when I say.”

  She spanked my pussy until I couldn’t take any more, bringing me to a point of painful need and reining me in when I thought I would go over the edge. She must have used her powers to appear behind me because out of nowhere I felt her jeans brushing the backs of my thighs. She slid my tail out of me, and as I was adjusting to the loss, I heard the sound of her zipper. It became useless to try to track her with my senses. She was inside me—I assumed it could only be her clit replacing the plug—slim at first, then longer and fuller with every thrust. Her hands were on my sides. She filled my ass to my limit and pumped slowly in and out until I found myself begging.

  “Harder,” I panted, my voice sounding less like my own. “Cleo. Please. Harder.”

  She stopped. But she didn’t pull out. I could have sworn that even though she’d reached her maximum girth, she was tunneling deeper. But her hips were still.

  My confusion didn’t last long. I heard the whirling buzz of the vibrator. She pushed the smooth, rattling length inside my cunt. “Just like you wanted, baby.” We’d never done this before, but it was on my list. She reached up with her other hand and pulled down the cup of my bra. Her strong fingers pinched my already hard nipple and I honestly thought I might drool. My whole body shook simply at the thought of what we were doing, how good it felt. I started to orgasm, my pussy and my ass both spasming wildly, gripping at their perfect intrusions, and it was a long time before I stopped.

  Cleo took me down and cleaned me up, then she gave my arms, shoulders, and thighs a good massage. After, she didn’t ask me to dress. I was still wet and I knew she enjoyed the smell. We lay in bed instead, me still bare with my head on her chest and our legs intertwined. Mama would be out for a little while longer.

  “I was thinking about what Ms. Leanne said,” Cleo told me. There was still a slight rumble to her voice. It matched nicely with the way my crotch continued to tingle. I’d be pretty sensitive for a while.

  “You don’t feel comfortable calling her Mama, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Okay,” I said lightly. I didn’t think she would. Sometimes Mama comes on a little strong. “I think Ms. Leanne sounds just as endearing.”

  Cleo went on. “Let’s talk, baby.” I knew we had to. I was feeling this odd pressure to come to some sort of decision. “I know your mama is pretty eager for us to get the ball rolling, but I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  I laughed and rubbed my face against her chest. “I was just thinking that.”

  “Ya know?”

  “Do you feel like we need to get on this baby making, like now?”

  “Yes, but not in the way you think. I want Ms. Leanne’s help, and I know Dalhem will do whatever you ask him to do, but I want us to take our time. I want these decisions to be ours.”

  “Do you want to live somewhere else?” I asked cautiously. Cleo was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but even I was shocked that Mama had set aside not one, but two houses for us to use. I wouldn’t be surprised if that sort of thing put Cleo off a little.

  “No. No. Hell, I will definitely take an eager babysitter right across the street. Believe that. I just want to make sure you and I are making these decisions together. I know what it’s like to get lost in a whirlwind of making other people happy.”

  “I talked to Mama about it this morning, and she said you should be able to tell when I’m ovulating.”

  “I can.” She muzzled the top of my head. “I’m sensitive to all your bits.” It was something I should have guessed. Daddy could tell when you were going to sneeze ten minutes before the dust even hit your nose. I just never thought about Cleo being that in tune to my body.

  “Here’s what I want, or how I feel, rather. I do want to get the ball rolling now. Realistically, I’m not going on to any form of higher education, and when you and Daddy figure out what your new responsibilities will be, it’s not like you’ll be clocking in a nine-to-five. And my gut is pretty much in line with that thinking. What I want is to leave school now.”

  Cleo’s eyebrows quirked down. “I didn’t expect you to say that.”


  “Because you’re thorough. You always see things through, even if it’s the last thing you want to do.”

  “Precisely why I want to get on with my life with you. Knowing what you know about my life now, can you imagine how pointless college felt for me?”

  Cleo laughed. “Yes, I’ve thought about that a lot, actually.”

  I sat up so I could see her face. “I almost dropped out after we broke up.”

  “I almost asked Camila if I could be assigned to another nest.”

  “I’m ready now. Ready to be your wife, ready to be a mom. Being with you makes me so happy. The idea of more German classes, and chapter elections, and spring formal, and graduation, I am over all of it,” I said as I reached up and played with her curls on the pillow. “But I do think it would be pretty cruel to the girls and Andrew if we just picked up immediately and left. Even if Andrew decides to follow us eventually.”

  “I think he will. So we wait?”

  Her fingers trailed over my hip. The topic of conversation and her touch made me sigh. “I think we wait. In the meantime, though, we should definitely think baby. Daddy has his special doctors, and if your nose is pretty keyed into when will be the right time, we’ll just…have to decide on where we want to get this sperm. What do you think?”

  “Do we hold auditions?”

  “To see how far they can shoot it?” I said dryly.

  Cleo cracked up. “That’s disgusting.”

  “Do you want it bluntly?”

  “Of course. I love it blunt from you,” Cleo replied.

  “We need a black guy.”

  “It sounds terrible when you put it that way. God, Benny. You are so racist.”

  “Stop it.” I hid my face, embarrassed. “I know how it sounds, but—”

  “It makes sense. Man, I…” Cleo paused for a moment. I saw the emotions gather in her brow, but she kept them down. “I wish I could ask one of my brothers.”

  “Maxwell does look the most like you.” Exactly like her was more like it. Her eldest brother was a more muscular version of Cleo with a beard.

  “I’d ask Nat,” she confessed, her voice finally releasing a twinge of sadness. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “You played favorites,” I teased her.

  “No. I just think he’d be the happiest for us. Maxwell…I love him, but I think he’d have the same opinion as Mama. And Stephen would feel weird about it, like he wouldn’t know whose side to choose. But I think if he got some time to get used to it, Nat would be all right.”

  “Did you ever think about telling them? You know, and not telling your parents.”

  “Yeah. I thought about it a lot. There were a few times where I thought maybe Nat would understand. Maybe we could have talked about being gay in general, but I couldn’t get myself to tell him the whole truth.”

  I knew what it felt like to have a barrier between yourself and a family member, but I had always told Mama the truth and she had always been there for me. I didn’t even have to come out to her in any official way. She just knew. I had no idea what it was like to feel like you had no one to talk to. I hated myself even more for turning my back on Cleo.

  “I wish there was some way you could talk to them,” I said.

  “Me too. But let’s focus on us.”

  We talked some more, and after a frank conversation about finding no shame in wanting children who favor both parents, we decided to ask Daddy to find a kind, intelligent African-American man, a reliable feeder, who would be on board with helping us in our cause. We both thought it would be best not to meet him. Legally, we would leave it up to our child and the donor to contact each other if they wanted to once our child turned eighteen.

  Cleo also told me about Mary’s offer for them to work together. I wasn’t sure what Daddy had in mind for Cleo, but she seemed so happy about this new opportunity, I made a mental note to talk to him about it. Daddy held grudges, but Cleo would be in our lives forever. I wanted them to get along and I wanted Cleo to be happy with every aspect of our new life.


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