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Path of Destruction

Page 8

by Cara Dee

  "Right away." The waiter left again.

  "We were punks who knew nothing about the industry." Lincoln scratched at the label of his near-empty beer. "And we got lucky. I was only in LA a year before we were signed. Can you believe I'm a small-town kid?" He grinned when I laughed and shook my head, because I really couldn’t see it. Lincoln Hayes was larger than life and made the spotlight his bitch. "Yeah, well," he chuckled. "I spent the first two years walking around with stars in my eyes. I hit the stage every night, and the crowd screamed my name." He tapped his temple. "It got to my head."

  I could imagine. "What changed?" I inched away for a moment as our drinks came, though my eyes never left Lincoln.

  "I don’t know." He shrugged. "At some point, I guess I saw how phony it was."

  I took a long sip of my drink, thinking about what he'd told me. All of it made sense, and I supposed I could see how easily one would become cynical in this type of industry. Heck, I remembered being crushed when my best friend in junior high talked behind my back. Discovering she was fake was nothing in comparison.

  "You still make a choice, though, right?" I set down my glass and adjusted the strap of my dress. It was new, and I wasn’t wearing a bra. "You decide to be an asshole."

  He leaned back in his seat, casual, gaze fixed on the table, and smirked faintly before looking me in the eye. "They make it so easy for me."

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Dick."

  "I'm not arguing." He moved closer and grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it. "You ready for me to show you New Orleans?"

  God, yes. But I couldn’t deny this dinner had turned out better than I thought it would. I liked getting a peek inside his head.


  Around midnight, I loved life more than ever. We went from bar to bar, eventually ending up in a nightclub where we had the VIP area to ourselves. Lincoln gave me a piggyback ride up to the second floor where we could either get cozy on the couches along the walls or look out over the crowd on the dance floor below us. The music was insanely loud, ruling out any type of conversation, and spotlights flashed faster than I could blink.

  The entire band was here, along with Morgan, Leo, several others from the crew, and even Mikey's wife. Which…okay, that kind of sucked. I thought he was single. He fucked around a lot. I hadn't expected a wife to fly in for the weekend.

  Lincoln helped me off of him and lit up a smoke, nodding hello to everyone, and I ran over to Morgan. He'd told me earlier it was his day off and that he was planning on drinking. Heavily. It looked like he hadn't been kidding. His hair was messy, and his tie was crooked.

  "You're drunk!" I shouted over the music.

  He grinned widely, having not heard a word of what I said. It looked like he responded with, "You're here!"

  I laughed.

  Security let a dozen chicks up here, presumably deemed hot enough for the band.

  "Dance with me!" I grasped his hands and walked backward toward the small group of people behind us. I wanted Lincoln to join us too, but I saw he was busy. He and Tony sat on a couch and divided coke into thin lines, the sight of him with his smoke dangling between his lips—and the powder—making my mouth water.

  Morgan and I got lost in the music, and I grabbed a new drink whenever a waitress passed with a tray. Whew. Whiskey was not my friend. Morgan was a sloppy drunk, affectionate and happy. His hands found my hips, and his stubble against my neck freaking tickled. I squirmed away and giggled until I realized he was trying to tell me something.

  "What?" I cupped my ear, and he leaned closer.

  "Lincoln—he's…tonight." He would have to shout louder if I was gonna hear him.

  I peered up at him and scrunched my nose.

  He released a breath, frustrated, then laughed at something and guided my hand to his damn crotch. Oh my God. I widened my eyes as he nodded pointedly at Lincoln, and it finally dawned on me. He was drunk enough to admit his infatuation with Lincoln. Actually, he'd done that before; I knew he was bisexual, and he'd reluctantly confessed he loathed Lincoln as much as he was attracted by him. Now…maybe the booze had wiped away the dislike?

  Why was that funny? For some reason, I couldn’t stop laughing, and Morgan was laughing with me. The situation was hot, though. And dirty.

  There was a slight lull in the music when one song morphed into another, and I followed the sound of a sharp whistle. It was Lincoln, and he crooked a finger at me. Get over here.

  Like I could say no.

  He had Tony on one side and a woman on the other, so I scurried over with a grin and plopped down on his lap.


  With a tight grip on my jaw, he crashed his mouth to mine and gave me a bruising kiss. I slid my hands up his chest and locked my arms around his neck, and he cupped one of my butt cheeks over the dress.

  The kiss didn’t last long. He broke away, and while I panted to regain my breath, he reached around me to get something. A pill.

  "Open," his lips mouthed.

  I opened my mouth like a good girl and swallowed what he gave me. After that, he handed me a small mirror with two lines of coke. I grinned, mesmerized in a strange way. He did one of the lines for himself, then swallowed twice and tipped his head back and wiped his nose. So fucking sexy. I licked my lips and took the rolled-up bill from him to snort the line he'd left for me.

  I coughed at the metallic taste and whatever the fine powder was cut with. Crap, it was purer than last time. My eyes watered, and I swayed as the rush hit me from within.

  Lincoln smiled lazily, drumming his fingers along my thighs.

  We couldn’t just sit here. The bass from the music vibrated through us, people danced, laughed, and humped each other all over. No one was sober. There was movement everywhere. I was bursting with energy and couldn’t sit still, so I got off Lincoln's lap and dragged him with me. He cocked a brow in question, to which I nodded at the small dance floor up here.

  Dance with me.


  If I died tonight, I would die happy. One second, Lincoln and I were driving each other crazy with a slow grind and heated kisses, and the next, we were laughing as we bumped into people around us.

  We were a hot, sticky mess.

  With sex in his indecent eyes, he walked me backward until we ended up in a small hallway where the bathrooms were. His nose grazed my neck, and I felt his tongue swipe across my flushed skin.

  Take me, fuck me, ruin me.

  I wanted to die like this.

  "Do you wanna get wild?" He spoke in my ear, his voice barely reaching me. I nodded, having no idea what he had in mind, and hitched a leg over his hip. "There's a private room." He slid his hand farther down and grabbed on to my other leg, and then I had both wrapped around him. "You don't have to do anything you don't want."

  I moaned, a thousand possibilities running through my head. With Lincoln, everything was sex and music, and if he called it wild, it had to be absolutely debauched.

  He carried me farther down the hall, and a large man opened a door for us.

  I blinked blearily as my feet hit the floor again. My senses were hit by strong smells of weed, burning incense, sex, and lemon. What were they…? I narrowed my eyes and tried to focus. I clutched the doorframe with one hand, the other reaching behind me to make sure Lincoln was there.

  His mouth latched on to my neck as the image became clearer. My heart raced. Everyone was fucking. Tony and Sam were sharing three women on a bed. Oh, God. Morgan was in there with…someone. Or two someones. I couldn’t see, only that he was on a couch, and he had his head tipped back in pleasure while someone sucked him off.

  Two women were fondling each other on another couch.

  A table and six large chairs stood at the center of the room, and people I didn’t know were getting high and engaging in foreplay. It was too much to take in at once, yet my body reacted. My stomach tightened, my core clenched.

  Lincoln nudged me farther in and ushered me to where Morgan was.

door must've closed behind us. Suddenly, the volume of the music was marginally lower.

  "Come here." Lincoln sat down in the middle of the couch, and I followed, straddling him while my eyes feasted on indecency. At the same time, my skin itched, and I felt uncomfortable. Unsettled. What was expected of me? Were there any boundaries? Did I want boundaries?

  Morgan spotted us and smiled crookedly, only to groan and close his eyes. Goddamn, it was a guy who was working his mouth up and down Morgan's cock.

  "Harder," someone cried out, followed by the sound of skin slapping. "Fuck!"

  I gulped.

  "Hey." Lincoln's commanding voice caught me, and he was lighting up a joint. "Gimme a kiss."

  I leaned forward automatically, and he shotgunned me, exhaling smoke into my mouth before extending the joint. I held my breath until my head felt heavier and my muscles relaxed.

  "Ohh…" I tilted my head back and took a couple puffs from the joint. Lincoln left a trail of seductive kisses along my neck.

  I caught the gaze of the woman who sat next to us, and her smile was full of invitation. Or…was she asking for permission to join us?

  "I'm Linda," she purred. Her long hair was completely straight, dark, and shiny from products. "You're very pretty."

  "She's fucking stunning," Lincoln corrected in a husky murmur. "Get it right." His hot breath hit my skin at the same time as his thumbs brushed slow circles on the insides of my thighs. It made my pussy clench, and a rush of arousal slicked me up.

  She wanted it—this Linda woman. Lincoln must want this, too. Why else would he bring me in here? Rock stars loved orgies and being surrounded by gorgeous women.

  Loosen up. You want it, too.

  Glancing over at Morgan, I knew the answer was undoubtedly yes. I was comfortable around him, and it would just be fun. There was physical attraction but nothing else. With Linda… I guess I didn’t know what it would mean for Lincoln.

  Crap, I was overthinking it. Taking another few pulls from the joint, I closed my eyes and focused on Lincoln caressing me, kissing me, and saying dirty things in my ear.

  "I want them to watch when I force my cock deep inside your perfect little pussy."

  "God, you're fucking beautiful, tiny dancer."

  "Dirty little girl, you're soaked."

  A whimper slipped out as he cupped my pussy, and I rocked into him, glad I wasn’t wearing any panties.

  "That’s it…"

  "When we get back to the hotel, I'm gonna eat you out until you're begging for me to stop."

  "Fuck yourself on my fingers, beautiful."

  I gasped, his long and thick fingers curling upward inside me. Then there were fingers in my hair, and they were different. Slender, female, with long nails that scratched my scalp. A mouth followed, soft and pouty on my cheek.

  "Lincoln." My voice came out shaky and strained, and I pushed forward before I could regret it. Grasping his jaw, I turned him toward Linda so they met in a kiss.

  He wants it. Let him have it.

  She expected hard and deep and received anything but. I did my damnedest to concentrate on his fingers playing with my clit, and I finished the joint too quickly. I shook my head in an attempt to clear it. I wanted this, right?

  My breath caught, seduction and chemical euphoria suddenly encountering nausea and a sense of…this is wrong, make it stop, this is wrong, please make it stop. I could tell it was that one kiss before tongues became involved, and I couldn’t do it. It was wrong seeing Lincoln kiss another woman, no matter how plain and chaste it looked. Before I even knew what I was doing, I wrenched him away from her and kissed him myself.

  His moan shook me, and he palmed my ass roughly. In here, he got bolder. He slid his hands under my dress and squeezed, exposing me to whoever could be watching.

  "I didn’t like it," I confessed against his perfect mouth. "We should only kiss each other."

  His lips grew a tad firmer as they stretched into a smile. "You jealous, tiny dancer?"

  My stomach was in knots. "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be." He let out a low growl and threw me down on the couch. Which meant…Linda must've left right away. Lincoln was quick to cover me, quicker than the somersault could fade in my tummy. "You drive me goddamn crazy. You know that?"

  I moaned and rolled my hips underneath him, feeling his hard cock pressing against me.

  "I saw you touching Morgan's junk earlier." He hauled me up again, causing me to lose my breath for a second. "Did you like that?"

  "That…" Oh, fuck. I exposed my neck for him, and he sucked on my flesh. It made me shiver. He had the most skillful mouth…and tongue…ohh. "He's…" What was I saying? "He—I couldn’t hear him. Too loud out there." I whimpered. His cock was right there, between my thighs, and his tongue was right there, soothing the sting from his teeth scraping my neck. "He thinks you're the most conceited man to walk the earth, but…" I shuddered as his husky chuckle traveled with a hot breath across my skin. "Morgan's hot for you. That’s what he showed me."

  Lincoln hummed and evidently decided not to answer. Then his fingers were back inside me.

  "I…" That wasn’t him, and a moment of commotion made me flinch and close my eyes in reflex. "I heard my name." It was Morgan who moved closer, and his hookup tumbled down on his lap.

  Was that…? I squinted, only to gasp. It was Mikey's little brother. Morgan was making out wildly with Madigan. I constricted around Lincoln's fingers, and my cheeks flushed bright red. I'd never seen that before. I couldn’t look away.

  Madigan was only a year or two older than me, yet he was owning Morgan. Madigan sat on him and had what looked like a painful grip on Morgan's jaw, controlling the kiss completely.

  "Such a filthy little slut," Lincoln told me. "You get off on that, huh?"

  "He wants you, too," I said in a rush. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, and Lincoln twisting his fingers inside me brought me back to what was happening between him and me. I needed more—so much more—so I kissed him deeply, wantonly, silently begging for something I'd never done before. I could barely think it. But this…more…that I wanted, involved others, and it definitely wasn’t Linda.

  I wanted it crazy. I wanted the crazy to match my high. And I didn’t want the fears of worrying about Lincoln's feelings. I didn’t want him to find someone else.

  "Please…" I let out a breathy moan. My head fell back, and I rode his fingers, thinking about crazy, crazy, crazy things. What would it look like if Morgan sucked on Lincoln's cock…?

  Lincoln laughed. A low, dark sound. "You wanna play, tiny dancer?"

  "Yesss," I hissed.

  It made me a hypocrite, didn’t it? It made sense in my head. I trusted my own feelings; I didn’t trust his.

  His fingers vanished from inside me, then appeared around my throat. He leaned in and spoke for only me to hear. "Get down on your knees and suck my cock."

  I complied immediately, and I unzipped his jeans while he whispered something in Morgan's ear. Whatever it was Lincoln said, Morgan stared wide-eyed at him and nodded in a daze.

  I grasped Lincoln's cock, always transfixed by the sight. My fingers wouldn’t meet unless I squeezed really tight, and that made him hiss and laugh. His skin was smooth and wet at the tip, and I acted out of instinct and closed my mouth around the head. I licked at the salty juices that seeped out and earned myself a grunt of approval.

  He stroked my cheek. "This is what you want, isn't it?"

  I nodded. God yes, I wanted all of him.

  "Not too much lube," I heard Morgan pant next to me. It was only then I even knew he was right beside me on the floor, and Madigan kneeled behind him. He was going to fuck Morgan, a realization that made me whimper around Lincoln's cock.

  I checked out mentally.

  With my frazzled thoughts fading and the brain spin slowing down, a shock of new images assaulted me. I heard the moans, the panting, the pleas, and I saw the faces distorted in pain and pleasure, the orgasms washing over people, and t
he drugging kisses exchanged. The foggy room exploded in color.

  "Suck me harder," Lincoln growled.

  I snapped my attention back to him and sucked him for all I was worth, wanting to swallow him whole. I craved him as much as I craved the magic he gave me. Maybe even more.

  "Morgan, you just gonna stare?" Lincoln asked.

  I couldn’t believe it. I held my breath. Morgan brushed a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth. Then Lincoln fisted his hair and brought him closer, and then we were both sucking him off. One second, he was fucking my mouth, and the next, he rammed his cock down Morgan's throat.

  Meanwhile, Madigan inched closer on his knees and rolled a condom onto his cock. I watched how Morgan rocked with a shudder. He was about to get fucked, and he knew it. And he loved it.

  We were whores.

  Maybe…maybe it was my place. Maybe it was my purpose, to be a whore. Like my stepdad used to say.

  "Cock slut," Lincoln hissed and yanked Morgan away. "Suck me." He guided his cock into my mouth again, and I took it. Morgan did, too. He moaned as his ass was speared by Madigan's cock, and he licked around the base of Lincoln's thick erection that glistened with spit. Our lips touched, moans filled the air…

  "Oh, God…Adeline—sweetheart…" Morgan kissed me fully. Just one stolen moment. Tongues stroking, teeth nipping. Before we went back to pleasuring Lincoln's cock together.

  "That’s enough." Lincoln grunted and pulled away, stroking himself quickly a few times.

  I didn’t know what was going through his mind because he didn’t tell me. I found it frustrating; I wanted to crawl inside his head and make sure all this was really okay, but my body wouldn’t stop and let my mind take over.

  "Come here." He held his cock, indicating I should sit on it, and I flew up to meet him. He gave me his lazy grin and kissed me sweetly. "There's my girl. I want your back to me."

  "Okay." I bunched up my dress and hiked one leg over him, slowly sinking down on his cock. My ears rang, and I missed what he said to Morgan. It didn’t hurt much anymore, not like it used to. The stretch was delicious—oh, crap. "Condom," I whispered nervously.

  "Shh…" Lincoln cupped my breasts and tilted my head back to kiss me. "You feel fucking amazing like this, Ade." He drew a ragged breath, his talented fingers pinching and rolling my nipples through the thin dress.


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