American Sherlock
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forensic entomology, 188–89, 268
forensic geology, 67–70, 190–92, 267–68
growing pains in field of, 208
innovations in, 267
juries’ reactions to, 117, 144–45, 212, 217, 219, 263, 271
NAS recommendations for field, 269, 270
testing and reviewing techniques in, 270
training and qualifications of experts in, 269
and wrongful convictions, 269, 270, 271
See also specific disciplines, including fingerprints and fingerprinting science
forensic science career of Heinrich
and ballistics, 33–34, 209–17, 218
and burden of criminal investigations, 121–22
credibility as expert witness, 127
and detective stories authored by Heinrich, 152–54, 159–60
dissatisfaction of Heinrich with, 121–22, 159, 184
and effects of Great Depression, 228
expansion of firm’s services, 228
as first crime scene investigator, 5
and forensic entomology, 188–89, 268
and forensic geology, 67–70, 190–92, 267–68
general cases, 170
and hair-related evidence (see hair analysis)
and handwriting (see handwriting analysis)
and hubris of Heinrich, 224–25
impact of, 1, 5–6, 267–68, 274
innovation of Heinrich in, 208, 212, 218
as instructor at UC Berkeley, 36–37, 38, 201, 268
juries’ responses to evidence presented by, 117, 125, 144–45, 212, 217, 219, 234, 263, 271
media coverage of, 21–22, 170, 184, 190, 198, 224, 236
and microscopes of Heinrich, 3, 210–11, 216–17, 218–19, 268
and missteps in trials, 22–23
and notoriety of Heinrich, 159, 160, 161, 184
and petrographic analysis, 67–70, 80–81, 189, 190–92
and photo evidence for juries, 212–19, 234, 243–44, 268
and profiling, 40, 59–60, 197–98
and publications in the field, 171, 273
and relationships with other forensic specialists, 202–3
and reputation of Heinrich, 5, 21, 22, 208–9, 218–19, 274
and rivals, 38, 51, 55, 155, 223–24, 273 (see also McGovern, Chauncey)
and Sherlock-Holmes comparisons, 21–22, 159
and stiff presentation style, 22–23, 236–37, 241
time demands of, 219–20, 273
and trace evidence analysis, 70, 149, 268
and traveling for work, 156, 170, 219, 229
See also Arbuckle murder case; Colwell murder case; Ferguson murder case; Heslin murder case; Lamson murder case; Schwartz murder case; Siskiyou train robbery case
Frye v. United States, 77
Galton, Sir Francis, 114
geology, forensic, 67–70, 190–92, 267–68
Ghetti, Leonora, 250
Goddard, Calvin
expertise in ballistics, 210, 267
and Heinrich’s use of photographic evidence in court, 218
and Northwestern lab, 224
and St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago, 223
Gonzalez, Walter, 167–68
Graham, Iva, 187
graphology, 52–55
Gravelle, Philip, 210
Great Depression
and Heinrich’s business, 228
impact of, 8–9, 223
stock market correction preceding, 222, 223
years leading up to, 169
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 168
Great Train Robbery, The (film), 132
Gross, Hans, 69
hair analysis
and Arbuckle murder investigation, 99, 113
and Schwartz murder investigation, 178
and Siskiyou train robbery case, 148, 152, 158
and taxicab driver murder case, 40
handwriting analysis
contemporary perspectives on, 268
and Dempsey’s draft-dodging trial, 40
graphology compared to, 52–53
and Heinrich’s pharmacy work, 30
Heinrich’s pioneering role in, 267
and Heinrich’s studies with Kyka, 37
and Heslin murder case, 50–51, 55–57, 68, 81, 84
history of, 51–52
NAS recommendations for use of, 52
and Schwartz murder investigation, 181
and Siskiyou train robbery case, 158
taught by Heinrich at Berkeley, 201
used in trials, 51–52
Hanna, Edward, 47–48, 49, 57–58, 67
Harding, Warren, 46, 133
Harliss, J. A., 248
heart balm lawsuits, 165
Hegerich, George, 248, 249
Heinrich, Adalina Clara (sister), 25
Heinrich, Albertine (mother)
death of, 170
marriage and family of, 25–26
Oscar’s financial support of, 124, 155–56, 169–70
Oscar’s respect for teachings of, 26
and suicide of husband, 27–28, 169
Heinrich, Anna Matilde (sister), 26
Heinrich, August (father)
financial failings of, 27, 41, 120, 221
and financial record keeping of Oscar, 154–55
marriage and family of, 25–26
relocation of family to Tacoma, 26
suicide of, 27–29, 42, 169
Heinrich, Edward Oscar
anxiety of, 38, 71–72
birthday reflections of, 126–27
chemistry training of, 30, 31–32, 173–74
children of, 127, 220 (see also Heinrich, Mortimer; Heinrich, Theodore)
and Christmas holidays, 120–22
death of, 1, 274
doubts and insecurities of, 39, 121, 222, 236
early employment of, 32–33, 37, 38
education of, 27, 29, 31–32
and family life, 156, 171–72, 219, 229
and father’s financial failings, 41, 120, 221, 222
and father’s suicide, 28–29, 169, 221
health of, 225, 273, 274
hobbies of, 153
lab of (see Heinrich Technical Laboratories)
marriage of, 32, 82, 198–99 (see also Heinrich, Marion Allen)
methodical nature of, 96, 98 (see also collecting/tracking tendencies of Heinrich)
money worries of (see finances of Heinrich)
obsessive-compulsive nature of, 2, 29, 38
pharmaceutical training of, 29–30
physical appearance of, 3
writing ambitions of, 152–54, 159–60, 193
youth of, 25–31, 120
Heinrich, Gustav Theodor (brother), 25–26
Heinrich, Marion Allen (wife)
children of, 38, 121
and family vacation, 171–72
marriage of, 32, 82, 198–99
and money struggles of Oscar, 121, 184
and Oscar’s travel for work, 156
police protection for, 229
and Rappe murder case, 123–24
sensitive nature of, 121
Heinrich, Mortimer (son)
career of, 272
children of, 273
and donation of Oscar’s lab contents to Berkeley, 1–2
and family vacation, 171–72
and financial struggles of family, 220
Heinrich’s relationship with, 127, 220, 273–74
and Oscar’s travel for work, 156
personality of, 193
and police pr
otection for mother, 229
at University of Oregon, 251
WWII service of, 272
youth of, 38, 121, 193
Heinrich, Theodore (son)
career of, 272
and family vacation, 171–72
and financial strain on father, 220, 221, 229, 251, 272–73
Heinrich on romances of, 251
Heinrich’s pride in, 192–93, 220–21
Heinrich’s relationship with, 127, 193, 220, 272–74
personality of, 192–93
studies and travels abroad, 220, 221–22, 229, 251
writing success of, 220
WWII service of, 272
youth of, 38, 121, 192–93
Heinrich Technical Laboratories
as earliest general forensics lab, 5, 21
and financial struggles of Heinrich, 41, 42
library in, 3–4
opening of, 33
organization of, 37–38
questioned-documents business of, 51, 52
and second lab considered, 42
UC Berkeley’s archive from, 1–3
Herschel, Sir William James, 114
Heslin, Patrick, 44–46, 47–48, 67
Heslin murder case, 44–45
and coroner’s report, 66
and eyewitness testimony, 75, 78–79
graphologists consulted in, 53–55, 57, 72
handwriting analysis in, 50–51, 55–57, 68, 81, 84
Heinrich’s investigation of, 48–49, 53–57, 66, 67–70
Heinrich’s trial testimony in, 80–81
media coverage of, 50, 65, 75, 80
and petrographic analysis of sand, 67–70, 80–81
police investigation of, 65–67
and polygraph test of Hightower, 72–78
and ransom notes, 48–49, 50–51, 53–57, 68, 84
and recovery of Heslin’s body, 58–63
and trial of Hightower, 78–81, 84–86
Hicks, Charlie, 152
Hightower, William A.
conviction and sentence of, 84–86
and corpse of Father Heslin, 58–63
death of, 86
mental illness of, 70–71, 85–86
trial of, 78–81, 84–86
See also Heslin murder case
Hindu Ghadar Conspiracy, 39–40
Hines, William, 60, 65
Hollywood, 90–91, 99–100, 102, 118, 126. See also Arbuckle murder case
Holmes, Sherlock, comparisons made to, 21–22, 159
homicide rates, 4, 133
Hoover, Herbert, 8
Hoover, J. Edgar, 268–69
India, anti-British rebellion in, 39–40
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 135
Innocence Project, 76, 269
insects in crime solving, 188–89, 268
In the Chapel (Heinrich), 153
Jack the Ripper, 56, 197
Jameson, Jean, 103
Johnson, Charles “Coyle,” 141
and challenges faced in jury rooms, 246
difficulties with forensic evidence, 117, 144–45, 212, 217, 219, 263, 271
hung, 117, 120, 125
in Lamson murder trial, 245–50, 252, 271
photo evidence for, 212–19, 234, 243–44, 268
Kaiser, John Boynton
and Arbuckle murder investigation, 100, 101, 124–25
career of, 38–39
and death of Heinrich, 274
Heinrich’s correspondence with, 29, 53, 81–83, 219
and Heinrich’s financial struggles, 41
and Heinrich’s morale, 236
and Heinrich’s position as college instructor, 202
Heinrich’s relationship with, 38–39, 40–41, 83
and Heinrich’s stiff presentation style, 236–37
and Heinrich’s writings, 153–54
and Heslin murder case, 85
and Hindu Ghadar Conspiracy, 39–40
intellectualism of, 101
and Lamson investigation, 21
marriage of, 82
reference works provided to Heinrich by, 39–40, 82–83, 148, 188, 230
and stamp collecting, 40
Kelley, Sara, 238, 249
Keza, Josephine, 108
Kirk, Paul, 263–64, 267
Kneeshaw, R. Stanley, 243
Kyka, Thomas, 37, 38
laboratory of Heinrich. See Heinrich Technical Laboratories
Lamson, Allene Genevieve “Bebe”
custody battle over, 254, 255, 258
at father’s arraignment, 227–28
and father’s arrest, 19
parents’ fates concealed from, 258
reunited with father, 261–62
at sleepover with grandmother, 11, 12
Lamson, Allene Thorpe
background of, 9–10
death of, 11–17, 233–35, 265
former love life of, 239–40
journal used as evidence, 238, 239
lifestyle of, 10–11
marriage of, 19
Lamson, David
arraignment of, 227–28
and bonfire, 7, 9
and book about death row, 260–61, 262, 263
conviction and sentence of, 250, 253
and death of wife, 11–17
defense team of, 19, 243, 252–53, 254, 256, 258
in jail/prison, 17, 18–20, 255, 258–61, 263
and Lamson Defense Committee, 256
lifestyle of, 10–11
marriage of, 19
and philanderer accusations, 237–38, 264
police interrogation of, 16
post-release life of, 262–63
public supporters of, 255–56
released from prison, 261
retrials of, 259–60
reunited with daughter, 261–62
and shooting accident in youth, 239
trial of, 237–45
verdict appealed to State Supreme Court, 254, 256–58
See also Lamson murder case
Lamson, Jennie, 253–54, 255, 258
Lamson, Margaret, 228, 254, 262
Lamson murder case
alternative theory, 265
and arraignment of Lamson, 227–28
blood pattern analysis in, 20–21, 22, 230–33, 244–45, 249–50
conviction and sentencing, 250, 253
and crime scene management, 17, 21
death of Allene, 11–17
and denial of retrial, 252–53
Heinrich’s investigation of, 20–21, 22, 23, 229–36
Heinrich’s reaction to verdict, 250, 254
Heinrich’s reenactments for, 20, 244, 254, 257–58, 259
Heinrich’s trial testimony in, 243–45, 257–58, 259
innocence of Lamson defended by Heinrich, 233, 235
joint forensic tests conducted in, 230
and jury deliberations, 245–50, 252, 271
media coverage of, 17–18, 235–36, 237–38, 239–40, 249–50
and motives proposed by the prosecution, 237–39, 249
and pipe used as weapon, 237, 240, 241–42
police investigation of, 16–17
and Proescher’s contradictory testimony, 240–42
retrials of, 257, 259–60, 261
rumors surrounding, 21
and Sheppard case comparisons, 264
trial of, 237–45
verdict appealed to State Supreme Court, 254, 256–58
Landini, Silvio, 62
Larson, John, 73–75, 76–77
law enforcement
archaic methods of, in 1920s, 4–5
and lack of resources for state and local, 269–70
and reforms efforts of Vollmer, 34–35
and school for police, 35–37
turn-of-the-century standards in, 34
Lazarus, Sylvain, 109
Lee, C. C. (dentist), 204–5
Lee, Clarence (detective)
and Ferguson’s dismembered ear case, 188
and Schwartz murder investigation, 179–80, 182–83, 184
Leland, Thomas, 104
Lindauer, Arthur, 214, 216–17
Lindbergh, Charles, 18, 168–69
Lindsay, Allan, 237, 239, 242, 245, 251–52
Locard, Edmond, 70, 114
Locard’s Exchange Principle, 70
Lynn, George, 58–63, 65, 78
Mason, Dolly, 59, 60, 65, 67
Matheson, Duncan, 93–94
Matlock, Joe, 247
May, Luke, 223–24
McCarthy, John, 207–8. See also Colwell murder case
McGovern, Chauncey
and Arbuckle murder investigation, 112
and Colwell murder case, 214, 223
death of, 229
Heinrich’s collection of articles on, 155
and Heslin murder case, 53–55, 57
as rival of Heinrich, 82–83, 214–15, 223
McNab, Gavin
and Arbuckle’s testimony, 116
and Heinrich’s testimony, 112–14
and Rappe’s past, 111
and retrial of Arbuckle, 123, 125
mental illness, 70–71
Michels, Lara, 1, 2
microscopes of Heinrich
comparison microscopes for ballistics, 210–11, 212, 215–16, 218, 268
in courtroom settings, 217–19
producing photographic evidence with, 212, 215–17, 218, 268
variety of, in laboratory, 3
movies, 100
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
on ballistics, 218
on blood pattern analysis, 265
on handwriting analysis, 52
recommendations for forensic sciences/labs, 269, 270
Newton Boys, 47
Northwestern University, 223
O’Brien, Daniel, 61, 63, 93
obsessive-compulsive personalities, 2, 29
O’Connell, Dan, 151, 157
organized crime, 133, 223
Osborn, Albert, 202–3
Peterson, George, 246, 247, 248
petrographic analysis procedure, 67–70, 80–81, 189, 190–92
Philosophy of Eternal Brotherhood, The, 180
Place, Julia, 14–15
poisonings, 208
polygraph tests, 72–78
Popp, Georg, 69
poroscopy, 114
post-mortem index (PMI), 188–89
Prevon, Zey