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Forbidden Love

Page 3

by Freda Ann

  Chapter 3

  Brandon woke up more relaxed and feeling hopeful for what the day may hold. He smiled as he saw the top of the sun rising just above the railing on his first floor lanai.

  He’s stayed at the Maka Launa Resort Hotel whenever he came to Maui and has loved every visit since. It was thanks to him that Jacques found out they needed a new head Chef.

  He was eating dinner in Ka Hiwa, the main dining room, on his second trip to Maui when he overheard a waiter at the table next to him apologizing for the meal not being cooked to their liking. He was telling the guest they were looking for a new head Chef since the previous one moved back to the mainland to be close to his family. Brandon asked his waitress if it was true they were hiring a new head Chef and she confirmed it.

  Jacques had been a sous-Chef and an assistant Chef at some of California’s most popular restaurants since finishing several internships to gain more experience after culinary school. He was more than ready to run his own restaurant and like Brandon, has always loved Hawaii.

  He told his friend about the resort hiring a head Chef so Jacques applied online and was contacted within two weeks to come for an interview. Out of the five Chefs they were interested in, Jacques had the most experience in the various types of cooking and by far the best references.

  He was hired four days after his interview. He gave his notice where he currently worked, made all necessary arrangements, packed up his apartment so everything could be shipped and moved to Maui within a week. They needed him to start as soon as possible since the previous head Chef had already left. He was thrilled to start his dream job in the perfect state and felt more than ready.

  * * * * *

  Brandon eagerly climbed out of bed, brushed his teeth and got dressed before calling his buddy’s room. “Wow, you must’ve been sitting by the phone. It didn’t even finishing ringing.”

  Chuckling, “I was just grabbing it to call you.”

  “You want to get coffee and something to eat? I’m starving.”

  “Definitely. I need something to wake me up. Feeling a bit of jet lag. I’ll meet you outside the restaurant entrance.” Stephen hung up the phone, grabbed his room card and made sure the door closed behind him.

  Brandon was standing outside the restaurant flipping through the paper he found by the door of his room when Stephen walked up. After greeting each other, they walked up to the hostess and asked for a table on the lanai.

  They were led outside and seated at a table to the right. As they sat down, they both glanced around as the hostess placed their menus in front of them. They wondered if Jacques was in yet but didn’t see him.

  As they were looking around, they saw two women a few tables from them looking their way as the waitress walked towards the kitchen from their table. No friggin way! Brandon and Stephen both seemed to have the same thought as they glanced at each other with a puzzled look on their faces trying not to look more surprised than they were. What were the chances of them being in the restaurant at the same time two days in a row? He may not need their room number after all.

  Wondering how this was going to play out, they knew that not saying anything would draw more suspicion. So Brandon nodded to them with a smile on his face and said “ladies”.

  “Chef,” Mindy couldn’t help saying with a grin then wondered why the heck she even went there. It sounded like she was flirting with him! Was she? Damn it! She so did not mean to do that. She didn’t want to encourage him in any way. No dating remember, she told herself again.

  Brandon seemed to blush a bit at the moniker she used for him but looked pleased with her response. “This is a good friend of mine Stephen.” He wanted to keep the conversation going so neither of them wondered why he wasn’t in the kitchen or otherwise performing Chef duties. “Stephen this is Mindy and her friend Faith,” gesturing to each one.

  Stephen wanted things to seem as normal as possible so he asked, “New friends Brandon?”

  “I had the pleasure of making their acquaintance last night right here in the restaurant.” He glanced at Stephen before looking back at the women.

  “We were lucky enough to be among the chosen guests to sample some of the new food items that might be added to the menu. Chef here, I mean Brandon,” she felt her cheeks flush as she continued, “was nice enough to make sure we tried almost everything it seemed. He also wanted to know our honest opinion on each one. It was the highlight of our dinner, not that we had much room to eat our entree though,” the ladies couldn’t help but laugh.

  “That’s wonderful. I know Brandon takes his job very seriously and only wants to serve everyone the very best food the kitchen has to offer. He likes to interact with the customers from time to time to add that personal touch.” He looked at Brandon with a grin. “He wants them satisfied.” Stephen had a devilish look on his face.

  “OK Stephen, that’s enough about me. Just doing my job.” He glanced at his friend with a stern look hoping he’d take the hint and cut out the restaurant talk. He didn’t want them to ask things he would have a hard time answering.

  Feeling like a fourth wheel Faith jumped in on the conversation. “Are you off today Brandon or just enjoying some of the food before you head to the kitchen?”

  And there it was. Shit! How should he handle this? - “I actually took a few days off to enjoy our wonderful resort and island. I have a little time built up and decided to enjoy the gorgeous weather we’re having. They have great amenities here and I love to experience them along with the guests. It’s nice knowing firsthand what they’re talking about when they tell me the things they’ve been doing during their stay.”

  Stephen grinned at Brandon then looked at Mindy and Faith. “So have you ladies had a chance to enjoy any of the fun activities so far?”

  “We went horseback riding on the beach yesterday!” Faith couldn't help the excitement in her voice and the grin on her face. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  Stephen was enjoying her slight accent but couldn’t place it. “There’s nothing more relaxing in Hawaii than that, especially early in the morning or as the sun sets. My two favorite times to ride.” He couldn’t help giving her a sheepish grin. After a brief silence. “I detect a bit of an accent Faith. I know it’s not from Florida because I was born there.” He smiled at her.

  As she was getting ready to speak, their waitress brought their coffee and orange juice, interrupting them. The ladies thanked her and Faith continued.

  “I was born in France. My father retired when I was 15 and wanted to move to Florida after the school year ended. We visited off and on growing up and he loved the variety of activities, thanks to the sunny weather. - He wanted to live where him and mom could be active.” Why am I telling this man so much about my family? She gave him a closed mouth grin, noticing those gorgeous eyes and how they seemed to glisten when he smiled.

  Most of the time Faith and Stephen were talking Brandon’s eyes were on Mindy. Without trying, she seemed to draw him to her and that fascinated him. He thought he saw her look over at him but tried to cover it by looking around the room. Maybe it was wishful thinking.

  “Do you have anything planned today?” Stephen was curious, looking at the two of them.

  “We were actually going to discuss it over breakfast.” Faith glanced at Mindy then back at him. “Any recommendations?”

  Brandon looked at Stephen with a bit of a curious smirk wondering how they could worm their way into whatever activity the two women decided to embark on. “Land or water?”

  Mindy shrugged looking at Faith. “Either, I guess. There’s so many things we’d like to experience while here so I’m sure we’ll do some of both.”

  “Well . . . some land options are zip lining, touring the island on a Harley, that is if you’re not afraid to ride a motorcycle. If you are, then you could go by car. Not nearly as fun or adventurous though. A motorcycle can go places cars can’t. - Some water options are surfing, paddle boarding - “

, wai, wait. - Are you insinuating we’re afraid to ride a motorcycle Chef?” Mindy loved a good dare. And he had no idea one of the first things she ever drove was a motorcycle.

  She knew a Harley was a bigger and heavier bike that she wasn’t too comfortable trying to handle on unfamiliar roads. And she definitely couldn’t hold it up while stopped with Faith on the back. She doesn’t have the upper body strength for that even with Faith’s petit physique.

  She remembered that Faith has never driven a motor so she can’t ride her own. They had to have other ones to rent besides Harleys, right? Maybe even a moped for Faith? She couldn’t back down now. She was already invested in this dare.

  “No! No way. I didn’t mean that at all.” Brandon tried to recover from his comment.

  “It kinda sounded like that didn’t it Faith?”

  “It kinda did Mindy.” Faith had a cocky grin on her face as she tipped her head slightly to the side looking at Brandon and then Stephen.

  Leaning forward with his arms on the table, Brandon tried to recover from his comment without totally putting his foot in his mouth. “I said that because some women, even some men for that matter, don’t like riding them or even think they’re too dangerous.” Though he knew the comment may get a rise out of them and he liked that thought, especially from Mindy.

  “Actually it’d be fun to rent a Harley, or any motorcycle for that matter, and cruise around the island. Excellent idea Chef! Let me see what rental locations they have nearby.” She picked up her phone and started searching the web.

  “Hey uh - well Stephen and I know a good place to rent them. We’ve actually used them before. It’s close by and we’d love to show you ladies around since we probably know the island better than you do. After all, you’ll need someone to drive you.”

  Mindy didn’t know if to be insulted, for the second time in less than a minute, or laugh at his seemingly sexist comment. “And you think we should actually go with two perfect strangers all around the island? We know nothing about either of you.” Mindy laughed at both Brandon and Stephen.

  “And for your information, I bet I can ride circles around you on a motor. I drove one for a year before I ever drove a car as a teenager. - Plus a friend of mine has one that we ride from time to time.” A bit flushed, she looked at Brandon with a cocky look on her face.

  Faith sat back in her chair grinning and shaking her head to herself wondering how bad this was going to get.

  Totally shocked at Mindy’s response to his suggestion, but also flashing back to how it probably sounded when the words came out of his mouth, he tried to defend himself. “I - I’m sorry Mindy. I really did not mean it to come out that way. I was just trying to help you ladies out with something fun to do.” Brandon felt so tongue tied around her. What is it about her that made him feel this way? This is not him. He never acts like this around a woman.

  “Sometimes I speak before I think my thoughts through. Anyway, please let us make it up to you by taking you to the rental place and showing you around this great island. You can rent your own motorcycle if you prefer. Let us tag along. It’ll be fun.”

  He gleamed at Mindy to see if she’d show any sign of lightening up but he got nothing.

  “Hey - we’ll be out in the open so it’s not like we’re going to kidnap you or take you off somewhere alone. We’re not those kind of guys.” Brandon turned to face both women lifting his hands in the air a bit. “It’ll be fun. All we want is to get some fresh air and hopefully have some good company along for the ride. What do you say?”

  Before Mindy could utter a word Faith blurted out, “OK. We’ll do it. It does sound like fun and you’re right, we don’t know our way around and would probably spend half the time looking at a map or going in circles.”

  Faith quickly glanced at Mindy who was furrowing her eyebrows at her with a not so happy look.

  The waitress finished putting everyone’s food in front of them and walked away. “Now that we have that settled lets eat our breakfast so we can head out before any more time is wasted arguing.” Stephen looked at everyone lifting his coffee cup as if to toast them.

  They all nodded their heads, grabbed their silverware and enjoyed their meal talking amongst themselves. When they were done, they agreed to meet near the valet area in front of the hotel after they ran to their rooms to grab a few things and change for the ride.

  As Mindy and Faith left first to head to their room, Brandon and Stephen watched them until they disappeared around the side of the building. The guys looked at each other with a smile and started walking to their building. They knew it was going to be a good day.

  Chapter 4

  Brandon and Stephen filled out the paperwork to rent the Harleys while Mindy and Faith stood near the door. Mindy couldn’t help but look at Brandon. He looked so hot in his snug fit blue-grey pullover shirt, fraying form fitted jeans flared at the bottom and black ankle boots. He had a do-rag tied around his head that would make some guys look dorky. But not Brandon. It just added to the sexiness of his overall look. She had a hard time taking her eyes off of him.

  Mindy turned towards the doorway and looked outside at the traffic going by, searching for a distraction from the thoughts going through her head. This can’t happen, she kept reminding herself. I told myself I wouldn’t get involved until my kids are grown. They don’t need to see me hurt again.

  She about jumped out of her skin as Brandon lightly touched her back. “OK, we’re good to go.” Tipping his head down to look at her. “ - Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Lead the way.” She told him following behind with Faith on her heels.

  Standing next to the bike with one hand on the handlebars, he glanced at her. “Are you sure you’re alright riding with me? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

  Trying not to look at his eyes, “I’ll be fine. I didn’t think about renewing my motorcycle endorsement the last time I got my license. I haven’t driven one for several years since I no longer own a bike.”

  Brandon put Mindy’s small pouch in the saddlebag, put his helmet and sunglasses on then climbed on the bike. He tipped his chin up at Mindy and she did the same trying not to rub up against him when she climbed on, which was next to impossible since it had a short back rest to keep her in place. She grabbed his left shoulder as she slung her leg over the bike and sat down. His shoulders felt as taut as they looked - and she knew they were just as sexy even with his shirt on.

  He started the bike, revving the engine a few times then leaned the bike slightly to one side putting the kickstand up. He looked over at Stephen and Faith as the guys nodded to each other, looked at traffic on the right, left, then right again as they pulled onto the road with a roar.

  As he accelerated, Brandon’s body slid back into the curve of Mindy’s thighs and against her breasts causing an instant current to run through both of them. Damn, he thought to himself. It’s going to be hard keeping my mind on the road and where we’re going with this going on.

  A shiver of excitement went through Mindy’s entire soul as his body slid back into her breasts, thighs and groin. It was all she could do to keep from jerking but she knew that might throw them off balance so she fought it with every fiber of her being.

  His body felt amazing rubbing up against hers. She tried not to think about it because she was already feeling the heat running through her body and between her legs. Mindy knew she’d be embarrassed getting off the bike with a sweaty crotch!

  “So where are we headed?” Mindy tipped her head up to talk to Brandon since he was several inches taller than her.

  “We’ll make our way through Kahului, Paia, Haiku then ride up the coast along the Hana Highway. There’s nothing more beautiful, I guarantee it.”

  He came to a stop at the traffic light and turned so she could hear him. “There’s several scenic outlook spots along the way and more waterfalls than you can count so you may want to keep your camera around your neck or in your hand. You should be able to
get some great pics. If you want to stop for a better look, just let me know.”

  “OK, thanks.” And off they went with another shockwave rocking her body as his torso came in contact with hers again. When her nipples hardened at the thought of how his body felt against her, she wondered if the whole ride was going to be this torturous.

  Mindy looked next to them at Faith and Stephen to avoid what was going on inside. She seemed quite happy as she carried on a conversation with Stephen while her hands rested on his waist. Faith wasn’t very familiar with motorcycles and was probably holding on for dear life, though she admitted how cute she thought he was.

  Once they hit the Hana Highway, both Mindy and Faith were in total awe. They couldn’t believe the views. One minute they were riding along side the cliff’s edge looking at the beautiful water hitting the rocks and the next they were winding around hairpin curves as the Harley echoed along the mountainside coming face to face with amazing waterfalls that popped up out of nowhere.

  Stopping at several points along the way to enjoy the view and stretch their legs a bit while taking pictures, they all talked and laughed about how much fun they were having.

  After riding thirteen and a half more miles, Stephen suggested they stop at the Reserve Restaurant to get a bite to eat before heading back down the mountain to Wailea so they could return the bikes before dark.

  Brandon let Mindy walk in front of him as they headed to the restaurant from the parking lot. Watching her saunter through the lot to the sidewalk and up the steps to the front door made his heart skip a beat. She looked so hot in her tattered form fitted straight leg jeans, blue floral button up shirt tucked loosely in the waistband and black ankle boots with a slight heel. Mmm, mmm, he thought to himself shaking his head, but knew he better think of something else before he got too aroused and would have to make a quick trip to the bathroom.

  Stephen opened the door and held it as Faith, Mindy and Brandon walked inside and headed to the counter. Everyone ordered and sat down at a table on the lanai waiting for their food to be brought to them. They talked, laughed and enjoyed their meal together like newfound friends. They all agreed the ride was one of the highlights of their trip to the island.


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