Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 14

by Freda Ann

  “Shit, maybe he should go after her. That’d be one less thing for you to worry about.” Stephen couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, even though he meant it as a joke.

  “I wouldn’t even wish her on my father. She’d cause the man a heart attack with her bullshit. - He may try to interfere in my life sometimes but he’s still family and we’re supposed to look out for each other.”

  “You got that right buddy. And you know I have your back. I guess that makes me like family.” He smacked Brandon’s leg in a joking manner then grabbed his iPad out of the pocket in front of him to check his email once the pilot said it was alright.

  Looking at his friend. “You are most definitely like family. That goes without saying.” Brandon laid his head back against the seat until he could use his computer. He thought of what Stephen said about his past relationships since he’s known him. There have only been a few after his divorce but he got his point about the one with Tabu.

  He remembered how sweet she seemed the first few weeks they dated. She surprised him with her consideration and how she liked to plan special dates for them once in a while, most of them ending with some fun in the bedroom. Then she started changing. Either that or her true personality started coming out once she thought they were solid as a couple.

  He was at a party relaxing in the hot tub with a friend and his girlfriend at his director’s house one afternoon when another girl climbed in. Tabu didn’t want to get wet so she sat with a friend not far away talking to other people. A few minutes after this girl climbed in her friend joined her so she scooted closer to Brandon to give her room to sit. The first girl said it was her first time in a hot tub since she lost her engagement ring in one the night her fiancee proposed. Brandon told her there must be an interesting story that went along with the ring getting lost. As she told him about it, they laughed at her boyfriend diving under the water to find the ring with bubbles blinding him and going up his nose. All Brandon remembers after that was Tabu squatting down next to the hot tub between her and Brandon telling this girl she better stop flirting with her boyfriend or she’ll make her life miserable. Tabu started pushing the girl away from Brandon with a hateful look on her face and yelling at her. He was never more embarrassed in his life.

  Then he remembered a college student he had doing some clerical work for him suddenly quit without warning. When he called her to find out why, she begged him not to tell his girlfriend that he spoke to her because she would go to the tabloids with some fake news about her and no one would hire her when Tabu was done with her. He had no idea what caused her to go after this poor innocent college kid but he wasn’t going to put up with her bullshit. With all the things adding up against her he knew he had to end their relationship for good and he did just that, though she swore she’d get him back someday. Taking a deep sigh, he knew it was the best decision he made and hasn’t regretted it once.

  * * * * *

  “Mindy Shane.” She quickly answered her cell phone.

  Laughing in her ear. “My, my we’re awfully serious this morning.”

  “Hi Faith. Sorry, I was deep into blueprints for one of the large projects we’re bidding on. I’m working on redesigning the entire lobby to include features they decided to include but they also gave me a little leeway to wow them with my vision of how it should look.”

  “It’s alright. I’m just yanking your chain. - So I heard from Stephen last night. He’s jumping right into work and has a few auditions coming up the end of the week which he’s practicing lines for. Annnd - he happened to mention how totally smitten Brandon is with you, though I already knew that.” Faith snickered in the phone.

  A big smile covered Mindy’s face. “You’re too much. - Is that why you called or is there something else?”

  Faith grinned knowing that Mindy felt the same about Brandon. “I wanted to see how your first day back in the office was going and to see if you want to do dinner sometime this week?”

  “Well - I jumped right into some of the major projects when I stepped foot in the door, if that answers your first question. But I don’t feel the least bit stressed about anything, which feels really good. - And yes to us getting together for dinner this week. Lets see how the first few days go and we can decide by Wednesday when we can meet, if that’s OK?”

  “Sounds good. If I don’t talk to you before then, I’ll give you a buzz Wednesday morning some time.”

  “Alright. Thanks for checking on me. We’ll talk soon. Hugs.”

  “Have a good day Min. Au revoir.”

  Mindy brought her attention back to the blueprints of the first five star hotel her firm has ever designed for. They were so happy with the re-design she did for their Destin, Florida hotel that they told her she should bid on their new build coming up in Key West. Part of Mindy wondered if her and the firm were ready for a project of this magnitude. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized the doors it would open for the firm if she was lucky enough to win the bid. Even if she didn’t get it, she knew it would be good experience prepping for this large of a project.

  About three months after the bidding process ended, she was notified that her firm was among the top three choices to design the interior of their new hotel. To help them make a final decision, they gave each firm a list of changes they wanted done to the lobby. They want the updated designs along with a timeline and cost estimate for the entire project within two weeks.

  Mindy has been to Key West several times staying at a few hotels and also rented a house with some of her college friends one year for Spring break. She visited numerous restaurants, shops and other businesses over the years. She knew this insight would help her with her design ideas. More than excited with the new vision for the lobby, she couldn’t wait to make the changes. She’d always had a certain style in mind for the lobby to make it one of a kind. Their original requirements didn’t allow for her to be so bold with her designs but the changes they are asking for will.

  Luckily, the updated information just came in a few days ago so she hasn’t really lost much time on the project. She new it could be completed before the two weeks are up. After looking over the blueprints a while longer, she took to the computer with excitement bringing up the application she needed to work on her new ideas. The creativity of her job is what makes her happy. She sees things with fresh eyes when others can’t and she finds that so fulfilling.

  Mindy couldn’t help but think how quickly the week is passing by. She was making good progress with various projects, especially the hotel lobby. Her goal is to finish the re-design by tomorrow so she can go into the weekend with a clear head. The last thing she wanted to add was a large clamshell fountain in the middle of the lobby as a focal point when you walk in the front doors. She’ll put a pretty long haired mermaid sitting on each side of it with their tails hanging in the water and their fins resting on the bottom. Water will spray through a ring of holes in the center at various heights. Everything will be done in traditional Key West colors with soft lights shining down on it.

  She felt pretty confident her vision would look even better on the final plans. By the end of the day tomorrow, she’d be ready to pass the project on to Keri so she could work on the final cost estimates for the re-design. That will allow her to hopefully have a stress free weekend which is a good thing considering her parents are having their family dinner a week early to hear all about her and Faith’s time in Hawaii.

  While eating lunch yesterday, Mindy told Faith she wasn’t sure how much to tell her family about Brandon and Stephen. She’s normally pretty open with them about her personal life and vice versa - but part of her couldn’t help think logically and wonder if this long distance relationship can actually work for them. If by chance they manage to keep it going, how long will it be before one of them has to make a decision about leaving their family and everything familiar for the sake of their future as a couple? And would that burden end up hurting their relationship in the long run?

  Faith, of course, told her she was overthinking the whole thing and should just take it one day at a time and let things happen naturally. As Mindy always tells her, if it’s meant to be it will be and she needs to remember that. She reminded her not to hide anything from her family because they were equally as perceptive as she was and will know something is up and she’ll end up fessing up anyway.

  Mindy was already missing Brandon and it hasn’t been quite a week since they saw each other last. She imagined his hands on her body and his lips on hers. She loved the way he nibbled and sucked her bottom lip while kissing her and the way his hands slowly, with intent, traveled over her body. She felt her body starting to get heated. She knew thinking about Brandon touching her would only get her hot and bothered with no satisfaction in sight. Maybe they can have a hot FaceTime session later if time allows. The thought of it started to make her wet between her thighs. Damn it, thinking of him does some pretty wickedly awesome things to her body. Snap out of it Mindy before someone walks in on you with your flushed face and body, she told herself.

  * * * * *

  Mindy was picking Faith up on the way to her parents house. They insisted she bring her so they could pick her brain as well on everything Hawaii. That is one place her parents haven’t been yet. It’s definitely on their bucket list though. After they hear all about it, she’s pretty sure they'll be going sooner rather than later.

  She saw the familiar brown brick walls accenting the entrance to Faith’s neighborhood as she turned left into it. It was an older but well manicured neighborhood with a grassy median down the middle of the main street which was full of large, old shade trees that added to the charm of the area. Flowers were growing between some of the trees breaking up all of the greenery.

  Pulling into Faith’s driveway, Mindy had just put the car into park when she saw her come out the front door waving at her as she locked it and headed for the car. They exchanged pleasantries while Mindy backed out of the driveway and headed down the road back to the main highway.

  “So did you finish the hotel lobby re-design you were working on?” Faith asked as Mindy pulled onto the 417. She knew Mindy more than likely wouldn’t be able to relax this weekend if she hadn’t. It was too important a project for her company and her goal was to finalize the designs before leaving work yesterday.

  Mindy looked in her rearview then her sideview mirrors twice before putting her blinker on to change lanes into the fast lane. “Oh goodness, yes. It was a lot of fun working on it but I’m so glad it’s done. It’s now in Keri’s hands and I should be able to send it to them a few days ahead of the deadline.” She smiled feeling pleased with herself.

  “That’s great Min. I was really hoping you’d get it done yesterday so you can actually relax and enjoy the weekend.” A text alert sounded so Faith grabbed her phone out of her purse looking at it. “Not mine, it must be yours. You want me to check it?”

  “Yes, please. My purse is on the back floorboard.” Mindy checked her mirrors again and changed back into the right lane while Faith grabbed the phone from the top of Mindy’s purse looking at the screen.

  “Uhhh huh - so you spoke to Brandon last night I see. Wellll - he says, ‘I thoroughly enjoyed our ‘steamy’ FaceTime session last night. Needless to say it took me quite a while and several cold showers to be able to fall asleep afterwards! NOT that I’m complaining in the least!’” Faith had the biggest grin on her face when she leaned closer while looking over at Mindy’s instantly flushed face. - “I want every detail and don’t leave anything out!”

  She tried to fight the smile pushing through the muscles in her face taking a minute before saying a word. She was wondering how much to tell Faith without becoming overly graphic, though her friend is no saint when it comes to sexual fantasies. - “Let’s just say our FaceTiming turned into more of a . . . hmm - - SexTiming session.”

  Laughing under her breath. “Oh, I like that! I think that’s my new favorite word. I might have to try that sometime.” Faith let out a deep laugh trying not to visualize them in action. “Oh please let me text him back for you - pleeease?”

  Still grinning at Faith’s response, Mindy gave her a quick look. “No way.” She brought her eyes back to the road. “I want to have that pleasure all by myself so just put my phone in the cupholder and I’ll do it later.”

  “I must say Min - I’m super impressed and so proud of you for letting yourself fully embrace this relationship. I’m loving the new you girlfriend!”

  They both shared a good laugh. Mindy asked her about Stephen and how his auditions went. “He felt pretty good about both of them, however, there were some bigger names auditioning for the second one so he wasn’t feeling too confident about that one which was the one he really wanted. But sometimes they’ll cast a B or even a C-list star over an A-list he said. It just depends what they’re looking for. - He said now it’s a waiting game.”

  “Have you rented any of his movies yet? I’m sure you’re as curious as I was.”

  “Was? - Yes, I’ve only had time to watch two of them though. His first two. - I thought I’d watch them from the beginning of his career until now to see how he evolved as an actor. I have to say, I really see the potential in the first two. He’s good and so darn cute. His hair is dark in the first one and really blonde in the second. - I think he said it was his third film that Brandon produced, which is when they became friends.”

  “Yes, I believe you’re right. And yes - I was curious and watched Brandon’s first feature film which was really good. I definitely see the edginess I hear he has which is why they say he’s so sought after. - I’m hoping to watch his second one with Stephen in it this weekend. We can always watch it together if you want?”

  “That sounds good. We can have a girls night at the movies -maybe tomorrow night?”

  Mindy exited the highway and turned onto the main road leading back to her parents neighborhood. “Perfect. I’ll provide the popcorn and wine. Bring anything else you want to.”

  The last five minutes in the car was spent talking about her parent’s potential reaction to the two men they met and will they be seeing them again. Faith told Mindy she expects her to go to her parent’s house when she goes next week to talk about their vacation. Mindy couldn’t help but wonder if they should’ve just had a group dinner so everyone could be told all about the trip at one time.

  Dinner at Mindy’s parent’s went pretty good. Their reaction to her meeting Brandon was nice - until she told them about the long distance dating thing. Needless to say they had some concerns, especially her father. After a lot of questions, talking and reassuring them, they told her it was ultimately her decision. For some reason they felt a little better knowing Faith decided to do the same thing with Stephen. They said they were looking forward to meeting both of the guys.

  * * * * *

  Faith came over Mindy’s Sunday afternoon with Chinese Food and a bottle of Merlot. Mindy got the plates and wine glasses while Faith turned the T.V. on and brought the movie up on Netflix, pausing it while they dished their food onto the plates and poured the wine. They were looking forward to watching Brandon and Stephen’s first collaboration.

  They got comfy on the oversized sofa with plate in hand and started the movie. After the first twenty minutes, they sat their plates down on the table as they both watched intently. They were so into the story they didn’t even take a bathroom break, which is rare when drinking wine. By the time the movie was over they noticed the bottle was empty.

  “Wow!” Mindy exclaimed still looking at the screen as the credits rolled. Once they showed Stephen and Brandon’s names she shut the movie off. “I’m still trying to find the right words. - Awesome doesn’t seem like enough.” She curled her legs closer to her body holding her wine glass as she leaned her arm on the back of the sofa looking at Faith.

  Faith looked at her shaking her head slightly. “I totally know what you mean. - Towards the end I was kinda thinking how it was like a new version of
Raiders of the Lost Ark versus James Bond.” They both laughed.

  “I kind of agree with that.” Mindy still looked surprised. “I really get it now what they say about Brandon as a Producer. He takes things to a different level than most people would expect. - Very well done.”

  Chapter 13


  “Tabu? Hey it’s J.D. I thought maybe we could have lunch and talk about how to get you and Brandon back together before he gets home. Can you meet me tomorrow at Fisherman’s Wharf - say about 12:30?”

  “That’s perfect. I was going to call you to talk before he gets back anyway. Kenny told me he left town for a few weeks. At least he didn’t take a girl with him. That’s encouraging, not that I’d let that stop me.”

  He puffed on his cigar as he listened then blew out the smoke before continuing. “And it shouldn’t. That’s what I’ve always liked about you. You go after what you want and you only want the best. Well you know my son is the best so we at least agree on that.”

  “He is and that’s why he’s going to be mine again as soon as I can make it happen. - I have to get back on set. I’ll see you tomorrow then at 12:30.”

  “Alright, bye.” J.D. hung up the phone and puffed on his cigar as he put his feet up on the table of his expansive patio overlooking the ocean.

  He loves living in Santa Barbara. He can see the mountains in one direction and the coast in the other. The city’s Spanish Colonial heritage is a big part of its charm. It definitely suits his kind of lifestyle though his house is a mix of both coastal and colonial styles. After touring the inside five years ago, he knew it was exactly what he was looking for.

  He sat there wondering what he could do to help get Brandon and Tabu back together. Brandon doesn’t like how jealous she gets sometimes and their problems seemed to start when she showed that side of herself. They were pretty good for the first few months until she thought a girl was hitting on him at a party they attended together. Hell, his son is a tall, fit, good looking guy. Not to mention successful and well off. Who wouldn’t want to hit on him? Tabu just needs to learn how to deal with women like that and have confidence in herself to keep him coming back to her.


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