Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 15

by Freda Ann

  His son isn’t a player and the sooner Tabu learns that, the better for both of them. Brandon never cheated on Alex during several years of marriage. It even took him a while after their divorce to start dating again even though he wasn’t that torn up about their split. Tabu should take comfort knowing he’s not the type of guy to chase women every chance he gets.

  Brandon needs a woman like Tabu that will push him to be the best he can be and not settle for some wallflower type. And she’s stunning with her long legs and red hair. The two of them look great together. The tabloids eat that shit up. And if they ever have a baby, it’d be one good looking kid.

  Hmm - a baby. If she were to get pregnant there’s no way Brandon would cast her aside. He’d want to see her through the pregnancy and experience all that stuff like he did with Alex. Kids also have a way of bringing their parents together. There’s no way Brandon wouldn’t want to be part of the kids life. And with his morals, he’d probably ask her to marry him for the kid’s sake.

  If there’s one thing he knows about his son, he’s a man of honor. His mom brought him up right. No matter what differences he had with her during their marriage, he credits Sandy with teaching their kids respect and good manners. His kids are the one thing in life he’s most proud of, though he knows their mom had the biggest role in their upbringing. She believed in keeping them involved in activities, both in and out of school, to assure they had no time to get in trouble.

  Sometimes his kids didn’t see it but he did what he did as far as they’re concerned because he only wanted the best for them. They used to think he was too controlling with their lives and how they chose to live them but he thinks he’s getting better the older they get. He knows he does interfere once in a while but he only wants the best for them. The problem is, they don’t always agree with his opinion of what is best or how to go about making things happen for them.

  * * * * *

  Driving on the roadway along the water nearing the restaurant in downtown Santa Barbara, J.D. pulled in and drove every deck of the closest parking garage to it before realizing it was full. He headed out and went to the next garage a block further away to see if he had any luck. Paying attention to see if the sign at the entrance said full, he entered after he noticed it wasn’t lit up.

  He drove two levels with no luck and almost made it to the end of the third as a midsize car backed out of a space. He whipped his Mercedes in the spot, locked it and walked to the elevator. Arriving on the ground level, he got out and walked the two blocks to the restaurant.

  One thing he hated about Tabu was that she was always late. He didn’t know if it was just her being irresponsible, which was a very good possibility, or if someone mismanaged her calendar and overbooked her. She had an assistant that helped her with those trivial things, as she called them. He walked in and told the hostess there would be two for lunch and asked to sit on the patio. She showed him to the table and placed a menu in front of each chair as he sat down.

  He browsed the menu a few times, ordered a beer, an appetizer and was halfway through them when Tabu sent a text that she just parked two blocks away and to order her water with lemon. J.D. shook his head and waived his hand in the air to get the waitress’ attention.

  Whenever Tabu entered the room, people couldn’t help but stare at her and today was no exception. She dressed like the movie star she is and had that prissy, spoiled, rich girl air about her and knew how to use it to her advantage. That was another thing that Brandon didn’t like when he dated her. She likes it when people know who and how successful she is and that she not only has her own money but was born into a wealthy family, therefore she should be treated similar to the royals.

  Brandon may be a good looking, hot shot movie producer making more money than she does but he doesn’t flaunt it. He’s more humble and thankful about working hard for every cent he’s ever earned.

  J.D. stood up and pulled the chair out for her, as she would expect him to do. She leaned in near his face giving him an air kiss on each side then sat in her chair. “Thank you darling.” She looked up at him with a fake grin before sitting down. The waitress brought her water putting it on the napkin in front of her and asked if they were ready to order or should she come back.

  “I’ll have the Wench’s salad with dressing on the side but no croutons or crackers.”

  J.D. couldn’t help but think how the name of that salad somehow fit her. He chuckled to himself before ordering. “I’ll have the fish and chips with extra tater sauce. And you can bring me a glass of water with the meal.” The waitress nodded and read back their order then left the table after they acknowledged it was correct.

  “You look as good as you always do Tabu. - But you may want to work on changing a few things so my son realizes you’re the woman he can’t live without.” He finished the rest of his beer looking across the table at her with a matter of fact look on his face.

  She wrinkles her eyebrows at him wondering what he’s talking about. “Whatever do you mean? He liked me most of the time we were together until those women started flirting with him right in front of me.” She waved her hand in the air as if dismissing the thought of them.

  “Exactly! You know he won’t put up with your jealousy and your little tirades when other women show him any attention. Can’t - “

  She interrupts him. “It’s so annoyingly frustrating and rude when he’s with me and they try to bat their fake eyelashes at him.”

  “As I was saying, can’t you just take comfort that he’s with you and not dating them when you’re together? You know they have nothing on you so act like the confidant woman he needs by his side! That’s the only way you’ll have a chance with him. - He’s made it very clear he won’t put up with your ridiculous antics when other women are around him.”

  Tabu sat there looking as if she was sulking after hearing what he was saying. She sighed with a pouty look on her face. “I suppose you have a point. - You know I have no patience for these little nobody’s who try to draw his attention away from me and onto them. - But I’ll work on getting better at it.” She leaned up to the table. “You know I’d do anything to get him back. We’re perfect together. I mean - even the tabloids said we were a super couple.” She sat back smiling at the thought of seeing their picture together in all the magazines.

  Part of J.D. wanted to wash his hands of this whole charade but then he remembered how successful, sophisticated and educated she is, not to mention rich of her own accord as well as born into money. She’s also well bred and can keep up in any social setting she’s put in. - And that’s exactly what he wants for his son. Hell, she’s even fluent in three languages and has traveled half the world.

  He decided it’s definitely worth a shot to help Tabu get back together with Brandon. He sat up and leaned on the table looking her directly in the eyes. “Young lady, you’re going to have to do whatever you can to bring his attention back to you and show him just how much you’ve realized the error of your ways since you’ve been without him. You’re going to have to make him want you more than he’s wanted anyone. - Now that may take a small miracle since he was so frustrated with you after your last tantrum when he swore he was done with you for good.”

  She sat back putting her arms loosely on the arms of the chair and crossed her legs as she tipped her chin down slightly giving J.D. one of the sexiest ‘you can’t live without me so come and get me’ looks that a woman could give. His heart skipped a beat as she slowly batted her eyes at him.

  “Darling - do you forget who you’re talking to? By the time I’m done with the little cat and mouse game I plan on staging with him, he’ll practically be begging me to come back to him. You know when I want something bad enough, I will in fact have it! Mark my words.” She leaned forward grabbing her glass of water and raised it to him before drinking.

  “That’s my girl.” He smiled at her also raising his glass and taking a drink. “Just don’t be too pushy because you know he doesn’t like that

  “This will be my best acting yet. Don’t you worry yourself one little bit. He will be mine again sooner rather than later. - You know the award ceremony is coming up in a little over a month and I’ll need my arm candy back by then. It will happen one way or another.” She smiled at the thoughts of Brandon going through her head.

  J.D. sat forward as close to the table as he could get. “You know - - I had a pretty clever thought how you may be able to keep him for good once you get him back.”

  A waiter delivered their food to the table as Tabu looked at him very intrigued. “Do tell.” She fixed her eyes on his.

  “Sleep with him and get pregnant. You know how morally sound he is. There’s no way he’d be able to leave his pregnant girlfriend - and I’m pretty sure he’ll ask you to marry him because he’ll want to do the right thing by you and the baby.” He picked up his fork and started eating while she processed his idea.

  She sat her fork down in the salad bowl looking at J.D. with a bit of a puzzled look on her face. “Well sleeping with him shouldn’t be a problem - but getting pregnant? - I don’t know if I want kids. I definitely don’t want to get fat and full of stretch marks! That would ruin my career, not to mention my body.”

  He stopped eating and shook his head before speaking. “I thought you were willing to do whatever it took to get him back and keep him?”

  Wrinkling her eyebrows at him she tipped her head to the side. “Well I am - but me getting pregnant? I don’t really want to carry a baby myself.”

  “Not even if it would guarantee your future with Brandon as your husband?” He continued eating as he felt his face getting flushed at her attitude towards motherhood.

  She sat upright in her chair as if she was contemplating what to do. “What if I just tell him I’m pregnant and string him along until he marries me? - Then I’ll tell him I miscarried.”

  “You know he’s smarter than that. He’ll want to go to the doctor appointments with you and he’ll want to know everything. He was that way each time Alex was pregnant. He’s a very involved father.”

  She doesn’t seem to be convinced. - “I don’t know. I really don’t think something that drastic will be necessary. I told you I will come up with a fool proof plan to get him back. Acting is my job, remember?”

  He shook his head again. “It’s up to you. I’m trying to help you out. Just think about it as an option if you need one.”

  She didn’t look convinced but nodded her head as she picked up her fork again. They finished their lunch and talked a little more before she had to run off to her next appointment. Both agreed to stay in touch once her plan was put into motion after Brandon returned. They said goodbye and headed to their cars.

  J.D. just hoped Tabu could pull off the role of a lifetime and convince his son they were meant to be together and that this is just a hiccup in their relationship. Since Brandon doesn’t move from one woman to another, he really wasn’t worried someone else would charm their way into his life before Tabu got the chance to show him the new her.

  Chapter 14

  After spending the last several days of his vacation enjoying uninterrupted time with his kids once he got home, Brandon started editing and figuring out financial aspects of the films he’s got in the works. He took advantage of the alone time once his kids went to bed and while they played in the pool with their friends a few afternoons.

  He’s thrown himself into work with renewed energy since his trip to Maui and was feeling good about the progress and flow of each project. He knew the trip was exactly what he needed. - But if he hadn’t met and spent a week with Mindy, there was no doubt he’d be in a totally different head space. A vacation can clear your head some but what he was feeling was euphoric and that was exactly what Mindy did to him.

  The past few weeks have consisted of phone calls, texts, FaceTiming and occasional e-mails with Mindy during any free time not spent with the kids. He's determined to put in the effort to cultivate their relationship. And he’s come to realize they’re getting to know more personal things about each other through their written communications. Stuff that may not come up in the normal face to face conversations that they seemed more free to share in writing. He really felt like he was getting to know her on a more personal level which made him smile more than he’s smiled since he was a teenager just starting to date. He knew that’s why he just couldn’t give up on the connection they have.

  Brandon and the kids drove to his mom and Logan’s house in ‘The Bu’. That’s what the locals called Malibu. Mom always loved the beach and grew up near it. After she married Logan, he designed the perfect house for the two of them. He’s a well known architect she met at a fundraiser six and a half years ago. She turned him down when he first asked her out but gave in after he sent her three dozen of her favorite flower, tulips, in various colors.

  They dated for just over six months when he flew her to Paris, which is her favorite destination, and proposed in front of the Eiffel Tower. He hired a photographer to capture it all in pictures and a short video. She calls him her hopeless romantic husband, which suits him. He’s totally smitten with her and treats her like she deserves, which makes Brandon very grateful and happy for both of them.

  Brandon’s kids love coming here to nana and grandpa Logan’s. The whole family loves the beach and also the home their mom and Logan created together. Mom didn’t do anything half way. She was known for her flare for style and putting her personal touch on things. She loved having family around whenever possible so they designed it all with different generations in mind.

  As Brandon pulled off the Pacific Coast Highway onto the gated driveway, he pressed the button to automatically open the gate. Their house set back off the road about a thousand feet with trees lining the driveway all the way to the circular drive in front of the house for guests to park. The entire driveway was done in beautiful decorative stone pavers. Both sides of the driveway was lush green and tastefully landscaped with tropical trees, shrubs and various flowers to include tulips.

  Their house was built on the side of the cliff. They chose to slope the driveway so you could only see the upper level of the house from the main road to give them privacy. The style of the house is a mix of Spanish and modern architecture. Mom likes some of the Spanish features such as the exterior brick, the arched doorways and garage doors. The inside was a nice mix of the two styles as well.

  As Brandon parked past the main entrance, he couldn’t help but think there were going to be a lot of questions about his Maui trip and during the conversation he somehow wanted to tell them about Mindy and their growing relationship. He just wondered what they’d think of the whole long distance dating thing. Hell, he didn’t like it much either but it was the only option. At least at this point in their relationship.

  He opened the front door for the kids and looked straight through the open concept family room and kitchen that overlooked the ocean. There were sliding glass doors in the back of the house that disappeared into the walls to bring the outdoors in when they chose to. Above those doors there was solid glass along the second level that covered the length of the sliding doors to expand the overall view when you walk in.

  “Daddy, where’s nana and grandpa Logan?” Zoe asked.

  Walking in he looked around the aromatic kitchen where a few pots were simmering on the stove but didn’t see anyone. Brandon walked into the family room, out the open sliding doors to the marble deck then down two steps when he heard voices and laughing coming from the pool area off to the right. His kids ran ahead of him as they recognized the voices.

  “Nana!” Jonah yelled running to her as she turned in her chair when she heard his voice. He snuggled to her as she hugged him.

  “Well look at my handsome young man! I think you’ve grown in the past few weeks.” She kissed his cheek before letting him go.

  “Hi nana.” Zoe smiled at her grandma and reached down to hug her.

  “And how is my sweet girl doing? I lo
ve your hair. You’ve changed the style a bit.” Nana reached up to touch her hair, holding a few pieces out while she admired it with a big smile.

  “Thanks. Mommy took me to get it cut a little after daddy left for Maui. - I’m glad daddy’s back home. I missed him.” Zoe looked at her father with admiration.

  Brandon reached his hand out and rubbed her hair. “I missed you too kid.” He walked next to his daughter to hug his mom. “Hey mom.”

  She stood up wrapping her arms around him and smiling affectionately. “Hello son. I’m glad you made it.”

  Logan walked up from behind him. “Hey Brandon. Nice to see you. I was checking the meat on the grill and thought I heard more voices.”

  Brandon reached out and shook his hand while leaning in and patting his back. “Nice to see you too Logan. Something smells amazing!”

  “Awe, thanks. I’m trying out a new marinade.” Laughing, he continued. “We’ll see how it tastes when it’s done. - Come have a seat.” He motioned to empty chairs in front of him.

  Walking towards the chairs, his sisters yelled from the pool. “Hey Bran!”

  Looking in their direction. “Hello girls. - Where’s the kids?” Brandon sat in the chair next to his mother.

  Amy yelled. “They went in to play video games after they turned into a prune from swimming so long. - You and the kids should’ve come sooner to enjoy the pool with us.”

  “What, so you both could try to drown your brother?” He laughed at them when they giggled and looked at each other before heading to the steps of the pool talking amongst themselves.

  Zoe and Jonah asked if they could go to the game room and play with the other kids. Brandon let them go inside but only after telling both to play nice and take turns. They reassured him that they always do. Brandon tipped his head down slightly shaking it with a smile when they took off towards the house.


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