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Forbidden Love

Page 20

by Freda Ann

  Mindy knew she had her work cut out for her as there wasn’t much furniture throughout the house and just a few smaller pictures on the walls. It was basically a blank canvas but that will work out much better in the long run. That way she doesn’t have to worry about matching styles to what he already had but it also meant a lot more to do in the long run.

  He walked her to the back patio and pool area which completed the tour. She noticed a few chairs and a cheaper table on the patio and two lounge chairs on one side of the pool. The pool was a decent size but not huge. The back was nice and relaxing and well landscaped with some green space off to the right side. While they were there, Mindy picked his brain about what he had in mind for the outdoor space. She took some photos and measurements before they went inside and did the same for each and every room in the house. They sat in the living room talking about styles, coloring and various other details when Stephen showed her some photos from magazines he liked of styles and a few pieces of furniture. Mindy asked if she could walk around some more to get a feel for the flow.

  An hour and a half later Mindy had everything she needed for now and decided to go back to her hotel to get started on the designs. Stephen offered to make them something to eat or they could go out for dinner but she was anxious to get started so she respectfully declined the offer. She wanted to get part of the designs done tonight so she could see if they’re on the same page before she starts the hard part of finding everything from furniture to knick knacks to make it look like their vision.

  The next few days went by so fast. Luckily Stephen was ridiculously happy and excited with Mindy’s designs and couldn’t wait to see the finished product. She’d worked late each night to accomplish as much as possible every day she was there. She priced everything, finished the budget and submitted it to Stephen for approval. He told her if it looks close to her designs then it’s worth the money. She ordered some of the items that took longer to get but still had to put a rush on four of them since they were built out of the country.

  Saturday was finally here and Mindy drove to the airport to pick Faith up after checking on the arrival time. The plane was thirty minutes late so she stopped by the Starbucks near the airport to grab them something to drink. The lot was pretty full so she backed in a parking spot to make it easier to see getting out. Pushing the button to put the top up before shutting the car off, she looked to see if there was a long line before she got out and noticed someone that looked familiar.

  As he held the door for an older couple, he turned just enough for her to get a good look. Oh my God! It was Brandon. She wanted to duck but noticed he walked inside after the couple without looking her way. She was so glad she wasn’t a few minutes earlier. She put her seatbelt back on and decided not to go inside. There’s no way she could face him. Too many raw feelings were still on the surface. She decided to go to the drive through instead where she could avoid running into him so she waited behind three cars before placing their order.

  With Faith in the car she started driving back to the hotel filling her in on the close encounter while getting their drinks. She also told her about Stephen’s house, their vision for it and the items she’s ordered so far. They were excited to do some shopping together tomorrow but for now they were going to drop Faith’s luggage off at the hotel, let her freshen up a little then meet Stephen for dinner at a restaurant he suggested.

  After a happy reunion between Faith and Stephen and a nice dinner with the three of them, they followed Stephen to his house so Faith could see where he lived. Mindy also wanted to show her the designs she had in mind to help with the vision when they go shopping. Faith fell in love with the house and agreed the designs were a perfect fit.

  The next morning the three of them ate breakfast at a neat little restaurant called Hugo’s, then Mindy and Faith drove to the area of Rodeo Drive to mix some business and pleasure. They had so much fun looking at unique furniture and decorative items they came across. Some of it was just too far fetched for the every day house and their tastes. They had lunch and bought a couple things for themselves before continuing the hunt.

  With a trunk full of things they bought for the house, they went back to the hotel a bit tired. Stephen called asking if they wanted to join him for dinner and relax on the patio for a while. Mindy decided to order room service and clear her head at the hotel but suggested Faith spend some time alone with him. She said they needed time together so they could get better acquainted, which is half the purpose of the trip. Stephen insisted on picking her up and bringing her home so she didn’t have to drive in an unfamiliar town after dark.

  He made parmesan and herb baked chicken, wild rice and mixed vegetables for dinner. He had ice cream in the freezer for dessert later. The two of them enjoyed getting to know more about each other and asking a lot of questions about their likes, dislikes and their childhoods before curiosity got the best of Faith.

  Glancing down at her lap before lifting her head and looking at Stephen with a concerned look, Faith had to speak her mind. “I’ve tried not to get in the middle of this but I can’t help but feel Mindy’s pain and wonder what happened. - I mean how could Brandon give up on such an awesome woman like Mindy who has the biggest heart and soul of anyone I know for a deceptive, shallow woman like Tabu? Obviously he changed from the man we met in Maui to the man he is in L.A. - If that’s the case, then maybe they deserve each other then!”

  Looking at Faith totally confused as his eyebrows and lips wrinkled, Stephen finally spoke. “What are you talking about?” He shook his head trying to figure out what she meant. “There’s no way Brandon would give up on Mindy, especially for the likes of Tabu! He told her off over a week ago and forbid her from ever coming to his house or anywhere near him again. His feelings had gotten even deeper for Mindy - until she went back to her ex. That has totally thrown him and cut deep in his heart. - After the way her ex left her, how could she choose him instead of a sincere stand-up guy like Brandon?”

  “What? - But Mindy heard the two of them together on the phone while he was at his father’s house - and then she heard on the entertainment channel that night they heard it from a reliable source that Brandon and Tabu will be going to the Oscars together. - And as for her going back to her ex, I can assure you that will never happen!” She looked furious at Stephen waiting for him to try and justify that.

  “Faith - you both have it all wrong. His dad invited Tabu without Brandon knowing. He was not happy about it. When he was on the phone with Mindy, Tabu pulled her usual devious tricks to make her jealous. - He’s tried calling, texting and e-mailing Mindy but she never responded. Then you told me that Mindy’s ex contacted her again and said he’d do whatever it took to win her back so we both assumed that’s why he hadn't heard from her - that she decided to give him another chance. Why else wouldn’t she try to contact him?”

  Looking more confused, Faith told him the rest. “So how do you explain the e-mail he sent her the next morning? I read it. It said something like ‘I did a lot of thinking on the drive home and realized after spending time with Tabu at dad’s there are still deep feelings between us that I can’t ignore. I’m sorry if it hurts you. I hope you understand.’ It was signed ‘Brandon’ and it came from his e-mail because it was in response to the one she sent him. Then he sent her a follow-up e-mail saying he thinks it’s best if they don’t communicate any more. — As for Chase’s comments to Mindy, it was through an e-mail and he said if he wasn’t content in his current relationship, he’d do what he had to do to get her back. But he’s back with the mother of his child and happy about it.”

  Stephen was completely baffled by her statement. He paced across the room and back wondering how the e-mail from Brandon could’ve happened. He knew Brandon would never send an e-mail like that. He’s falling for Mindy and thought she was falling for him.

  Remembering something, he looked at Faith. “Oh my God! I may know what happened. - As I said, Brandon told her he didn’t want her anywhere
near him again because she walked in his house while he was swimming in the pool. - I wonder if she got to his computer. I need to talk to Brandon about this. But first, are you absolutely sure Mindy is not back with her ex or even thinking about getting back together with him? I don’t want to go to Brandon with this if she has any doubts.”

  “No way Stephen! Even if he came to her begging on hands and knees, she would never go back to him. Especially after falling for Brandon. She really felt like he was the one she was meant to be with. - Could this really be a big misunderstanding on both their parts?” Faith looked at him finally feeling hopeful.

  “Son of a bitch! - That’s the best news! I need to ask you a favor though. Will you please keep this between the two of us for now so I can check with Brandon to see if it was possible for Tabu to go this far with her jealousy? I don’t want either of them hurting any more than they already are and if Tabu sent that e-mail from Brandon’s computer, that’s a game changer.”

  “Of course. - But not too long. Mindy has an internal volcano going on and hearing this may all be nothing but assumptions would really give her hope.”

  “Agreed.” Stephen walked up to Faith giving her a big hug and kiss before he took her back to the hotel.

  Chapter 17

  After stopping by Starbucks to get some much needed coffee, Brandon picked up the kids from their mom and took them home. He promised they could all play in the pool for a while then order pizza for dinner. Each of the kids got to pick one thing they wanted them to do together. Jonah wanted to play video games for an hour and Zoe picked popcorn and a movie. Brandon agreed to both. He wanted tonight to be just the three of them having fun together and that’s exactly the way it turned out.

  Brandon was able to get some much needed sleep. After spending time with his kids, he went to bed happy about how their day went. While making coffee the next morning, he heard a text message come in. Thinking it was Stephen he went and grabbed the phone. It was his dad. Hopefully he was just checking on how the filming was going. Regardless, he knew he better read it because his dad would call him if he didn’t. Reading it, he asked if he’d mind a little company this afternoon. He said he’d grab them some food on the way and they could all have lunch together. Brandon reluctantly agreed knowing the kids would love seeing him.

  With the kids still asleep, he took advantage of the quiet time to get some work done while he drank his coffee. About an hour later, Jonah came downstairs smiling at his dad. The two of them walked from the office to the kitchen to make breakfast together as Zoe walked up behind them wanting to help too. He told them about pop coming over later which made them happy.

  Cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, they all got dressed and went outside to play some basketball. Brandon really liked the fact that Zoe loved playing as much as Jonah did. Three games later they decided to go swimming to cool off so they went to the pool house to change. Brandon went upstairs to change his clothes before grabbing his laptop to bring it to the patio. He wanted to get a little more editing done before his dad showed up and figured it was the perfect time since the kids wanted to play in the pool.

  J.D. showed up just before noon with more food than they could eat. He said he wanted to make sure there was food everyone would like so he brought a little of this and a little of that. The kids ran to him giving him a big hug. He picked up Jonah when he hugged him and told him he thinks he’s grown since he saw him last, which made him laugh.

  The kids talked their grandfather’s ear off while they ate. When they took their plates inside to the sink, J.D. asked his son how filming was going. Brandon told him about a few things that happened and that satisfied his curiosity. The kids came back out to see if they could play video games for a while and then go back in the pool. Brandon told them that was fine.

  As they ran inside to the game room, J.D. told Brandon he was hoping to have some time alone. “I want you to know I’ve realized how wrong I was supporting Tabu in trying to win you back. I knew she planned on playing some cat and mouse game, her words not mine, but I had no idea she’d get as bad as she has. It all sounded harmless when she mentioned it but after everything she’s done, I think it’s best I end any friendship we had. - I’m sorry if I caused you and your new girlfriend any problems. I will butt out of your love life from now on and will trust your judgement and decisions. Please forgive me son.”

  Brandon looked over at his dad and saw the sincerity on his face. “Thank you for being honest with me. It means a lot that you told me everything and agree that she can’t be part of our lives any more. I know she’d just find some way to get to me again through you if she's friends with you. - I accept your apology and I’m glad you decided to finally let me make my own decisions.” Brandon reached over and laid his hand on his dad’s arm. “Thanks dad, it means more than you know.” His dad brought his right hand across and they shook hands as each smiled at the other.

  Brandon still hadn’t told his dad that him and Mindy were no longer together but he just couldn’t face that reality again so soon. It still hurt too much to talk about so he pushed it out of his head and asked his dad when he was going fishing again. He said he’d really like to go with him after he wraps shooting his current movie. He hasn’t been on the boat with him for over a year so that made him happy.

  After dinner, Brandon and the kids watched another movie together before bed. Stephen text to check on him and see what he was up to. When Brandon told him, Stephen said he was thinking about him and hoped they all had fun together. He told him to touch base tomorrow if he got a chance. Brandon got the feeling Stephen wanted to say more but didn’t since he was with the kids. That was fine because after the long week he had, he needed a few days without stress. He knew Mindy was in town and had a feeling that was going to be part of the conversation they had tomorrow.

  “Daddy, wake up. - Daddy, we’re hungry.” Brandon felt a little hand shaking his arm repeatedly until he opened his eyes to acknowledge Jonah.

  “Good morning champ.” He looked at the clock next to his bed. He couldn’t believe he slept until 7:45. “I guess it is getting late, huh?” Brandon rubbed his eyes and sat up on the edge of the bed. “Daddy did some work after you went to bed and I guess it wore me out. Where’s your sister?”

  “She’s in the bathroom. She told me to wake you up.” He pulled on Brandon’s hand as if he had the strength to yank him out of bed but he stood up knowing it would make him happy.

  “OK - OK, let me go to the bathroom and I’ll be right down. You can watch cartoons while you’re waiting.”

  “Cool!” Before Brandon took a step Jonah was running down the hall to the stairs.

  The kids wanted blueberry waffles and yogurt to eat so he told Zoe to grab the yogurt and their juice out of the fridge and he’ll toast the waffles and get the syrup. After sitting plates, silverware, butter and syrup on the island, he made his coffee before the toaster popped up.

  Putting the waffles on their plates he started buttering them when his text went off. He washed his hands then cut up the waffles before telling them to come eat. Unplugging his phone from the charger he carried it over to the coffee pot and poured a cup. He went to the island to sit with the kids while he enjoyed his coffee and looked at his text.

  Stephen’s name was on the screen before he unlocked it. He kind of had a feeling it was him texting. Tapping on his name he started reading it. “Before you get too busy today we really HAVE to talk. Trust me - you’ll want to hear what I found out!”

  Brandon’s eyes wrinkled with curiosity. Stephen doesn’t talk like this so it piqued his interest considerably. Of course his mind started imagining what he could be talking about. Shit! Did Tabu find out Mindy was in town and went after her? No, Stephen would’ve called if it was that bad. And why is his first thought about the woman he can’t have or quit thinking about?

  He knew he better text him back so he did. “Good morning to you too. I’ll be home so come over whenever you want.” He
hit send and almost instantly he got another text.

  “I’m leaving now.” Was all he text.

  Brandon told the kids he was going out on the patio and Stephen would be coming by in a little bit then he went to unlock the front door. He told them to wash their hands when they finished and get dressed before they watched more cartoons. He grabbed another mug and sat it by the coffee pot along with the sugar and cream then went out to the patio. He text Stephen to get his coffee on the way in then meet him on the patio. Brandon had no idea what the heck Stephen has to tell him but it seemed important since he wasted no time leaving.

  * * * * *

  Faith and Mindy ate breakfast at the hotel cafe. Mindy told Stephen yesterday a few things will be delivered today and she wants to be there to make sure they arrived in good shape and that the correct items were sent. He told her he may not be there but to use the key he gave her and make herself at home. Faith was going to hang out with her and help place things throughout the house they purchased yesterday. Stephen told her he wanted to take her out later and she looked forward to it.

  Faith told her about the dinner Stephen made for them and how they talked about growing up and things they like or don’t like. She got a little giddy telling Mindy how they sat out back cuddling and enjoying being with each other. It felt really good and it’s been a while since Faith has felt this content or positive about a relationship. There were so many things about Stephen that intrigued her and she liked that.

  While walking through the house again deciding the exact placement for what they bought, Mindy noticed a photo on the wall in the media room she didn’t see the other day of Stephen and Brandon in formal attire. She wondered if it was from an award ceremony they attended. They both looked handsome, especially Brandon. She missed his gorgeous face and body - and the way he made her feel. She truly felt loved and put on a pedestal when she was with him. Tears started falling down her cheeks when she reached her finger up to touch his face just as Faith walked in to ask her something.


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