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His Mate - Brothers - Christmas Cracker

Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  But she’d got there too late.

  She couldn’t leave the witch alone.

  Alive or dead – she wouldn’t do that.

  This was her fault just as much as it was that stupid Elf’s.

  Lucky heard the sound of heavy feet running in her direction and she rushed on fluttering wings towards the edge of the darkness that had consumed Nessie when the ground had slipped away.

  “Stupid place to put a cliff face.” She grumbled, turning back on the growl from the alpha that came from behind her…

  He could scent his mate in the air.

  She’d been here and recently.

  “Where is my mate?” Shaun growled out.

  He didn’t care for Faeries, and he was more than willing to kill this one if she’d harmed Nessie.

  He took one long step towards the Faerie, and Lucky swallowed hard as she lifted her hand and motioned downwards.

  Shaun’s eyes snapped to the edge of the drop.

  Then he swallowed down hard as his heart froze within his chest and fear gripped him inside.



  “Down here – doesn’t your damn nose work?” Nessie shrieked out and both Lucky and the alpha jumped at the sound of her breathless voice.

  “Oh!” Lucky peered over the edge, and there she was – one witch – barely clinging on by the tips of her fingers. “Hurry!” Lucky shrieked, but Shaun was already closing in on them.

  “Don’t loosen the ground with your big butt!” Nessie shrieked the warning and Shaun paused for thought…

  “She’s right.” Lucky rushed out. “Wait…” She called on her magic and waved her wand… faerie dust floated down in the breeze towards the trapped witch…

  “Light as a feather…” Lucky whispered to the winds and the breeze picked up below Nessie, whipping her up in the air and making her shriek so loudly that Shaun’s ears rung…

  The alpha reached out and snatched her from the air, turning fast on his feet to get them away from the edge, just as the sound of a rumble signalled that another chunk of the cliff edge was falling away…

  Shaun had her body wrapped around his like a vine as he ran on fast feet towards the barn, and he didn’t stop running until he was sure that she was safe…

  “You ok?” Shaun growled with the anger that ran through his veins like blood and the residue of fear that remained within from where he’d thought he’d lost her…

  The sound of a mating howl went up into the night and Shaun didn’t even blink – he was too intent on staring into her eyes – making sure that she was all in one piece.

  “What the hell kind of a howl was that…?” Nessie frowned.

  “That was Caleb.” Shaun’s lips pulled into a grimaced smile. He didn’t give a damn that his brother had mated first.

  His mate was what was important.

  “Rachel bonded…” Nessie’s jaw fell open. “Boy that was fast.” She hissed to the sound of his low, deep, gravelly, chuckle.

  “Thanks for the save.” Nessie breathed out as she pushed away from him a little and he placed her down onto her feet.

  He didn’t want to let her go, not after what had happened. He wanted her right where he could keep her safe, and yet he knew that he couldn’t hold onto something that wasn’t his yet.

  “Thank the Faerie.” Shaun looked around to find nothing but this air and lots of snow. “Although, if she pushed you down there in the first place I’m going to eat her whole!”

  “It wasn’t her and Faeries aren’t supposed to show themselves.” Nessie said. “But, I’m glad she did… that stupid Elf…”

  “Elf, you say?” Lucky blinked back into existence and Nessie practically jumped back into her mate’s arms. “Sorry.” She grinned.

  “He tried to kidnap me…” Nessie informed her to the sound of the alpha’s angry growl.

  ‘I did not such thing!’ Ernod bit out, staying out of sight of the mates.

  “Well, he’s denying it.” Lucky informed her.

  “He can deny it all he likes, tell him to show himself so that I can rip his head off and hand it back to him.” Shaun growled out. His beast was just under the surface. “If my mate said that’s what happened then that’s what happened.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think threatening him after you tell him to show himself is going to work.” Nessie offered.

  “He’s a coward.” Lucky shrugged, knowing that would annoy the Elf more.

  “Am not.” Ernod said blinking into existence in their realm. Shaun growled long and hard. “Gotta go, important business.” And he blinked right back out again.

  “See, coward.” Lucky said with a shrug.

  “Why’d he try to kidnap me?” Nessie asked.

  ‘I did not…’ Ernod raised his nose in the air like he was sniffing for breakfast.

  “The bet. We had one and he was losing.” Lucky smirked at the Elf.

  ‘Losing my backside…’ He folded his arms across his chest and huffed.

  “Bet?” Shaun growled. “He almost killed my mate for a bet?” He snapped his head around in all different directions hoping to catch sight of the man.

  ‘That’s not…’

  “Yes.” Lucky snubbed her nose at Ernod. He clicked his fingers and blinked right back into existence.

  “That’s not how it happened.” Ernod said, and Shaun lowered his chin to his chest and growl long and hard at the man… “Never mind.” He snapped his fingers and blinked away again.

  “I can make it so you see him – all the time.” Lucky said with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

  “Please do.” Shaun growled.

  ‘No, no, no…’ Ernod blinked back into existence once more and Shaun took a step towards him, putting his mate to his back. “No, no, no…” Ernod shook his head and swallowed down hard.

  “I’m going to kill you.” Shaun growled.

  “How about if I say I’m sorry?” Ernod rushed out.

  The elf’s hands went up to his chest in surrender. If he’d had a white flag he would certainly have waved it.

  “Stop bullying him – he’s sorry.” Nessie reasoned.

  “Yes. Very sorry.” Ernod said, and yelped loudly when she zapped him with her magic… “But you said…”

  “I said, stop bullying, I never mentioned magic or zapping your moronic little butt.” Nessie bit out.

  “You also forfeited the bet…” Lucky grinned.

  “Did not.” Ernod snapped.

  “Did too.” Lucky grinned back.

  “You lost fair and…” Ernod dropped his eyes at the same time as his face took on a sour note.

  “Fair and square?” Lucky asked to the sound of a long huff from the Elf.

  “Ok. Fine. Bet cancelled.” Ernod said.

  “Nope. I want your hat and shoes.” Lucky demanded.

  “Not happening, you evil little winged wand witch.” Ernod grumbled back.

  “Maybe you should just take it up with the Council of Elves?” Nessie offered and the Elf’s jaw dropped open – his eyes bulged in his head slightly, and he snapped his gaze towards Lucky.

  “You wouldn’t?” He gasped.

  “If she doesn’t. I might.” Nessie chipped in and that brought Ernod’s scowl back to her.

  “You would.” He nodded.

  “You almost killed me.” Nessie reminded him. “Now hand over your shoes and hat and be on your way.”

  Ernod swallowed hard.

  “Can I keep my shoes?” He tried for puppy dog eyes, but Lucky snorted her contempt for him.

  “No.” Then a serene smile took her lips. “Making new ones will keep you out of mischief for a while.”

  “You bet too!” Ernod grumbled.

  “Yes. But I didn’t push a mortal from a cliff.” Lucky snapped back.

  “It’s a hill.” Ernod grumbled.

  “A really big one.” Lucky hissed.

  “Fine!” He bit out.

  Lifting his leg and reaching for the fir
st shoe – that he threw at Lucky – her hand snapped out and she caught it – then the second – she caught that too – and finally he tore the hat from his head, revealing his balding hairline, and tossed it at Lucky…

  “Very…” She snapped off a chuckle. “Here, keep your head warm.” She tossed him back his hat.

  She liked to win, and she kind of had, but she also knew that she’d used magic too, and was more than responsible for what had happened to Nessie in a roundabout sort of a way.

  Ernod reached up and wrenched the hat downwards with another huff.

  “You’re welcome.” Lucky hissed.

  “Now can I kill him?” Shaun growled out and the Elf gasped and snapped his fingers once more – disappearing from both realms in a heartbeat.



  “He’s hiding. I don’t think he’ll be any more trouble.” Lucky informed them.

  “What was the bet?” Nessie asked.

  “I bet that you’d reject the alpha. I felt you had too little in common and fate must have been wrong.” Lucky said to the sound of the alpha’s low, deep grumbled growl. “Use your words puppy!” She grinned and got a louder growl for her trouble.

  “Never heard of opposites attract?” Shaun growled.

  “Never heard of two wrongs don’t make a right?” She gave him a teasing smile back. “Anyway. I was wrong, and I’m Female enough to admit it.”

  “Wrong?” Shaun stopped growling.

  “Very. I saw the way that she looked at you when you saved her life.”

  “Gratitude?” Nessie said.

  “That too.” Lucky chuckled. “Well, got to be going.”

  “Wait. How did she look at me?” Shaun scowled.

  “You’ll see – just look a little closer and not with your eyes.” Lucky said, before she blinked out of existence.

  “Not with my damn eyes?” Shaun grumbled and Nessie cover her mouth with her hand and chuckled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ll see. And not with your eyes.” Nessie chuckled again as she turned and started off towards the barn…

  “Magic females…” He grumbled, following on after her.

  He wasn’t about to let her out of his damn sight.

  Not now.

  Not ever again.




  “Witch!” Riley shot up to a sitting position at the scent of Nessie in the air.

  He growled long and hard as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and his head throbbed just a little – probably from all the alcohol that he’d consumed… he told himself, but where the hell was he?

  “Bear!” She shot back with the sound of amusement in her voice.

  “Back off, Nessie.” Shaun growled out.

  Locking his fingers around her wrist, he put her behind his back as his beast tried to push forwards and protect her. Bears could be unpredictable at best.

  “Wolf!” Riley growled.

  “Bear!” Shaun growled back, and Nessie had to groan.

  “I guess we introduced ourselves… again!” She chuckled.

  Riley tried to push up to his feet in one go, but for some reason he couldn’t quite hold up his weight on his right leg, and he swayed a little.

  “What did you do to me?” Riley growled long and hard.

  “He hit you with a car. Then bashed your head off the barn doorframe a couple of times…” Nessie said, but the glare that the alpha gave her over his shoulder made her chuckle. “Oh, say it ain’t so?” She teased.

  “You tried to kill me?” Riley swayed on his feet a little more.

  Then the bear shifter held up his fists in front of him. He might not be at full strength and he was still in need of a little healing, but he’d kill the alpha with one leg and one arm tied behind his damn back if he had too.

  Or die trying.

  “You need to sober up.” Nessie bit out.

  “You need to back up.” Shaun growled at his mate.

  “All three of you need to stop shouting!” Dani announced herself as she rushed through the open door and came up short just behind her brother at the sight of the bear shifter.

  Her eyebrows shot up into arches on her forehead and an appreciative smile took her lips as her eyes flashed hello.

  “Who’s that?” She sounded appreciative too.

  “Riley.” Nessie said and Riley twisted his head on his neck as he stared at the witch.

  “How’d you know my name?” Riley narrowed his eyes on her and she rolled hers in her head.

  “You told me.” She groaned back.

  “I did, did I?” He looked suspicious.

  “No, I’m lying. Part of my gift is to read minds… let me guess – you’re hungry.” Nessie offered and Riley’s head snapped back on his neck.

  “How’d you know that?” Riley scowled.

  “Geez,” Dani said, “You’re a bear shifter and you’ve been drinking. I could have told you that and I have no damn magic.” She snorted.

  “Who are you?” Riley asked craning his head on his neck towards Dani. “Have we met?”

  He liked what he saw so far.

  “Nope.” Dani said. “But we have now.” She grinned and Riley started to grin back when Shaun growled a long hard warning at the man.

  “Eyes and paws off my sister.” The alpha sneered. The moment that Riley went to scent the air the alpha growled harder. “No scenting!”

  “A bear’s gotta do what a bear’s gotta do.” Riley chuckled.

  Then hiccupped. He lifted his nose and took in the scents in the air…

  “Oh, damn.” He grumbled a growl…

  “Shaun…?” Dani had scented it too…

  “No, no – that is not happening on my damn watch!” Shaun growled out much to Nessie’s delight.

  “Ha!” Nessie chuckled. “Bear brother in law.” She said pointing a finger at the shifter.

  “What?” Dani spat out, knowing it to be true, but not wanting to hear it said aloud.

  “Mate?” Riley looked at her as if she’d just growl another head.

  “That’s… so… not…” Shaun tossed up a hand and ran it through his hair, scratching his head as his fingers travelled through the strands. “I think I wanna be sick.”

  “You and me both.” Riley growled out, and then he promptly doubled over and hurled his guts up.

  Dani recoiled.

  “O, yuck.” Nessie turned her nose up at the sight and sound.

  “Thanks a lot.” Dani bit out, turned on her heels, and huffed out of there on a fast stomp that took every step.

  “Now see what you did?” Nessie berated the two of them.

  “How was that me?” Shaun growled back in disbelief. “It was drunk as a skunk over there that hurled chunks.”

  “Men.” Nessie huffed and took off on fast feet after Dani.

  “Whoops.” Riley said, yanking his body back straight and then swaying a little.

  “Shut up.” Shaun bit out. “Sleep it off.” He growled out, before he turned and went after his mate and his sister, muttering about females with every step that he took.



  Shaun didn’t get more than a few paces away from the barn when Jeff dropped down in front of him. Shaun growled long and hard as he slammed on the brakes and sucked in all the oxygen that he could.

  “I heard.” Jeff nodded towards the barn.

  “And they say wolves have big damn ears.” Shaun bit out.

  He wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to kill the vampire or just pummel him… a lot.

  “Want me to kill him?” Jeff pretended to whisper.

  “No.” Shaun bit out, getting more annoyed as the seconds ticked by and he was no closer to his mate.

  He side stepped the vampire and carried on walking as Jeff fell in to step beside him.

  “No?” Jeff blew out a sigh. “But it’s not like she’s imprinted herself on him yet.” He gave a helpless kind o
f a shrug and Shaun growled harder.

  “You are annoying me.” Shaun grumbled.

  “Ah, my favourite four words strung together as a sentence. It’s what I live for.” Jeff offered and Shaun snapped a glare at him.

  “Wanna die hearing it?”

  “Not really.” Jeff said in a teasing melodic tone. “But think about it.”

  “Don’t need to.”

  “Longer than that.” Jeff offered and Shaun put on the brakes again. The vampire stopped in his tracks and turned towards the alpha, looking more than expectant.

  “Are you trying to piss me off?” Shaun growled.

  “Usually.” Jeff offered back with the light of amusement in his eyes. Then he held up his hand, his index finger pointing towards the night sky. “But this time, not so much.”

  “Go away.” Shaun bit out.

  “And kill the bear?” Jeff asked looking more than hopeful.

  “Nooooo!” Shaun growled back, turning that hopeful look into disappointment.

  “But he’s a bear shifter. He’s not worthy of our Dani.” Jeff folded his arms across his chest and looked expectantly at the alpha again. As if he was waiting for the man to come to his senses.

  “He’s her mate.” Shaun growled out.

  “Not the point.” Jeff tossed back.

  “Get a life.”

  “Love too.” Jeff grinned. “Bear slayer. My new profession.”

  “Touch one hair on that dumbasses head and I will personally stake you to the nearest wall and set you on fire myself.” Shaun growled.

  “Temper – temper.” Jeff offered – unfazed. “If you feel that strongly about it.” He shrugged.

  “You think?”

  “Try not too – after the first few hundred years I find it’s better to act on instinct, which brings me back to killing the bear.” He spread his hands and grinned…

  Shaun took one swing, but by the time that his fist reached where the vampire’s face should have been, it wasn’t there anymore.

  “Slow ass.” Jeff snorted, tapping the alpha on the shoulder, and Shaun grumbled out curse, after curse, after curse as he dropped his head and groaned.


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