His Mate - Brothers - Christmas Cracker

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His Mate - Brothers - Christmas Cracker Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  “Leave. Now.” Shaun warned him.

  “Or what?”

  “Or Christmas dinner is cancelled for you.” Shaun growled out.

  It had been the only thing that the vampire had shown any interest in when Dani had invited him, and the sound of silence told the alpha that the vampire was paused for thought.

  “I was invited.” Jeff bit out. The alpha was the second one to threaten him with the loss of the Christmas feast. He had to wonder if he was becoming predictable in his old age.

  “And I can uninvited you – you should be used to that.” Shaun turned and smirked at the vampire. He looked as if he was sucking a lemon.

  “That’s… not right.”

  “Neither’s killing Dani’s mate.” Shaun growled back.

  “Fine. Lose Dani to the damn bear pack.” Jeff growled and Shaun snapped his head back on his neck, a smile touching his lips.

  “That’s it, isn’t it?”

  “What’s what Mr Cryptic?”

  “You don’t want to lose Dani.” Shaun crowed and Jeff frowned.

  “And you do?”

  “Yes.” Shaun nodded. “I mean no.” He shook his head.

  “Decision making disorder?”

  “She goes or they stay.” Shaun shrugged. “But she’s always going to be family. You think she’s not going to bring her pups over?”

  “But I can’t protect them on Bear land.” Jeff bit out.

  “Ha!” Shaun snapped out with a big old grin on his face. “You old softie.” He chuckled and Jeff sneered. “And when I say old…”

  “Hey!” The vampire scowled. “I still look better than you… and always will.”

  “Ha!” Shaun turned on his heels and headed for the cabin. “Soft touch!” he shouted back over his shoulder as Jeff tossed him his middle finger. “And no killing the bear.”

  “Accidents do happen.” Jeff grumbled.

  The sound of a bonding howl echoed through the night air and Shaun ground to a halt once more. He rolled his eyes to the sky and breathed out everything that he had in his lungs.

  “Son of a…” He growled.



  “I’m not leaving. I’m never leaving.” Dani huffed out a breath as she collapsed down into the comfy chair in the living room and stared up at the Christmas tree.

  “Weren’t you the only telling me earlier how mates were a good thing?” Nessie reasoned.

  “For you – you’re getting old.” Dani shot back.

  “I’m twenty four!” Nessie balked.

  “Exactly.” Dani nodded. “And just when my brothers find their mates and might just become close to reasonably normal – I’ve got a mate?” She pulled her head back on her neck and folded her arms. “Oh, no. No, no, no!”

  “Let’s hope he likes Christmas.” Shaun muttered from the doorway.

  “Oh, bah humbug. Did Santa not bring you the real life dinosaur that you asked for one year?” Nessie tossed back over her shoulder.

  “Something like that.” Shaun grumbled.

  Nope, but the year that their parents had died Dani had written a letter to Santa to ask for them back. Obviously, she didn’t get her wish, and she’d cried inconsolably the whole damn Christmas holiday.

  He’d felt next to useless, as her brother, as her alpha, and as a man.

  He didn’t hate Santa. He hated that his sister had believed she’d get her wish, and he’d never wanted to be reminded of it again.

  Now they had Christmas.

  Now Dani had a damn mate…

  Now, he had a mate…

  That was kind of ironic.

  “And he’s a big old bear…” Dani grumbled. “I was kind of hoping for… human.”

  “Human!” Shaun growled out. His eyes went wide and he snorted his contempt for that remark.

  “What’s wrong with humans?” Nessie asked, folding her arms, and eyeing him like she couldn’t decide whether to just zap him or not.

  “Female humans are fine as mates…” Shaun tossed up his shoulders.

  “That’s lucky then.” Nessie bit back.

  “But a human male with a she-wolf – that poor sap wouldn’t stand a chance.” Shaun snorted his contempt for the idea. “Especially around her breeding cycle time.” He mumbled and Nessie had to chuckle at that one.

  “Ok, well I’ll give you that point, but it’s null and void anyway. Dani’s mate is a bear.”

  “A bear.” Shaun sighed.

  “Bears are so…” Dani searched for the right word. “Overkill male.” She grumbled.

  “And your brothers aren’t?” It was Nessie’s turn to snort a chuckle.

  “Yes, but they’re easily manipulated.” Dani brightened.

  “Tell me about it.” Shaun growled. His sister had been wrapping them around her little finger since she was small.

  “Where there’s a will there’s a way.” Nessie’s smile was conspiratorial and it made Dani grin.

  “I suppose it would be kind of fun to figure out how…” Dani agreed and then she frowned. “But, it’s like training all over again.” She grumbled.

  “But with sex.” Nessie offered and a deep rumbled growl rolled towards her from her mate. She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, did I mention the S-word?”

  “A man has needs.” Shaun frowned.

  “And you look very needy.” Nessie shot back to the sound of the she-wolf’s hearty sniggers.

  “Well, if I ever get you alone I can show you…”

  “Oh, I know what you want to show me.” Nessie snorted.

  “Is that such a bad thing?” Shaun grinned just as she turned to look at him, and boy did he look sexy!

  All male model, rough and ready… very ready by the looks of the bulge that sat in his jeans and strained the fabric across his hips.

  His eyes held an intensity that she had trouble pulling away from.

  “You two should mate now.” Dani announced and Nessie balked at the she-wolf’s words.

  Her cheeks were already hot, but now she was sure that they were glowing. A rush of adrenaline shot through her system – her heart started to pound, and she didn’t even want to consider what the hell her damn womb was doing.

  Both of her friends had succumbed to the mating pull and their mates charms already, and if it hadn’t of been for the drama of the night – she might very well have been mated already.

  It was inevitable.

  She’d bet a pound to a penny that his wolf was already chaffing at the bit to mate with her. Especially after the whole Elf and nearly dying thing – and from the looks of him, he probably felt the same.

  How could she turn her back on that?

  On him?

  On her friends, and the pack, and being one big family?

  That would be impossible and she knew it.

  “I’ll take that under advisement.” Nessie chuckled.

  It wasn’t as if having sex with him would be a chore or anything. The man was sexier than hell and she’d never felt safer than when he’d pulled her off that cliff edge…

  She just liked working to her own tune.

  It wasn’t like the air in the cabin wasn’t sexually charged already. Everything was leading her down the mating path, and she knew that if she hadn’t of been open to exploring the idea then she never would have come home with him – would have fought tooth and nail against it.

  Oh, she was interested alright, very.

  Every damn time she looked at him her heart thumped her ribs, her pulse raced, and her womb tried to Samba towards him…

  What wasn’t to like?

  Apart from his big growly gruff side… But even that had its appeal – that growling alone was worth its weight in gold.

  Everything about him said ‘I’m your man’ – everything about her said ‘not quite yet.’

  She’d had a few run-ins with the grim reaper since she’d met him – maybe it was that which was unnerving her…?

  Whatever it was, she didn’t yet have
all the answers.




  “Get closer…” Ned growled as he wrapped an arm around Mary and eased her against his hard body.

  “Wow, needy much?” She giggled as she rested against him, safe and warm in his arms.

  “Very.” He nuzzled into her neck and took her scent.

  She smelled divine – like him and her mixed together – like sex – like home – like family – and definitely like forever.

  He liked that. He liked that a lot.

  “You bit me.” She chuckled in disbelief.

  It was just the whole –wolf thing – it still seemed so unreal to her that she was a mate. Even more so that she’d accepted it so readily.

  “I asked first!” He protested as his head shot up and he looked down at her, concern in his eyes.



  “I’m just saying…” Mary chuckled at the slight look of panic upon his face. “And I guess I don’t need to ask if it left a mark.” She teased.

  There was a big old grin that started with a twinkle in his eyes as his gaze flicked from his mark on her shoulder back to her eyes. It pulled his lips wide and he looked very pleased with himself.

  “My mark – my woman – my mate.” Ned even growled a little, just enough to send her pulse racing again.

  “Claimed by the wolf…” She used her best movie trailer voice and he grinned harder.

  “And the man, definitely the man.” He dipped his head and she felt his hot breath against her shoulder – then the gentle touch of his tongue as he traced the wound – there was a definite rush of need that swept through her body, as if she couldn’t get close enough or enough of him…

  “You make me feel.” She pushed as close as she could get.

  “Feel what, baby?” His growl was all wolf, all predatory, and it sounded so damn good to her ears.


  He lifted his head and there were those jet black eyes of his looking back at her. Mr Wolf was definitely in residence in those eyes. He laced his hand with hers and rolled her over onto her back.

  His large frame caged her in.

  His dominant strength, not just in that muscle packed body, but in his whole presence commanded her attention.

  “I feel that too.” His lips came down on hers again and she was instantly lost in him, with him, and it felt so damn good.

  This felt like home.

  He felt like home.

  Boy, did she like that feeling.




  “You think your sister’s going to mate Riley?” Nessie asked as she stood at the kitchen counter and tapped her fingernails against the hard surface, eager for the kettle to be done so that she could enjoy the hot chocolate that she’d not gotten around to having before, when Shaun had made it for her…

  She regretted that. Not missing out on the hot chocolate but going off like that and worrying him – worrying his wolf.

  She didn’t even know what she’d been thinking – if she’d been thinking. It had been stupid.

  Her eyes flicked to him when he moved. He came towards her, not rushed, but not slowly either.

  His eyes were intense – like he had her within his sights and he wasn’t going to let her get away again. She felt the urge to step backwards away from that intensity, and step into it at the very same time.


  Nessie held in place. She wasn’t going anywhere and they both knew it.


  She was his. Like it or not, and she had the feeling that she was going to like it a lot, she was his mate – for now.


  “I don’t want to talk about my sister.” His voice was deeper, darker, and hungrier.

  Something was up with him and she didn’t need three guesses to tell what it was.

  Time was up.

  His patience was up.

  And his cock was most definitely up.

  Shaun’s large hands landed against her hips and she jumped inside her own body. It was as if someone had fired a starter’s pistol right beside her ear…

  He wasn’t the only hungry person in the room. She felt it too.

  He gave one quick yank and brought her body against his. That rush of adrenaline, of excitement that shot through her made her want to growl.

  She guessed that she was spending too much time around shifters. When in Roma and all that.

  “Let’s be honest – You don’t want to talk, full stop.” Nessie’s lips quirked as she tilted her head to the side just a little and regarded him with a sparkle of mischief in her eyes.

  Shaun couldn’t help that deep rumble that went through his chest, but this time, he didn’t think she minded it so much. She wanted to play, and he felt very damn playful.

  He captured her lips like the hunter that he was.

  One strong arm went around her body and she felt him span that large hand against her back – it burned against her skin even through the layers of clothing, but in a damn fine way – heating her blood – filling her with so much need.

  She felt the push of his tongue against the seam of her lips and opened for him… Then that damn, hungry growl became more intense and so did her hunger for his body against hers.

  She practically climbed up those long, muscled legs of his, and wrapped herself around his body like a vine – a needy vine. That need was becoming more and more pronounced inside of her.

  The mating pull.

  Sure it was.

  But the crazy thing was that she didn’t give a damn what it was that was fuelling her desire – she just wanted the fireworks to start…

  Shaun wanted to berate her for what she’d done. Leaving like that – almost dying – had caused his beast to surface hard. He was barely holding it back.

  Sure, he could kind of pass the time of day with her and his sister and Dani’s little mini drama with the bear, but now that they were alone – now that he had her in his sights once again – damn, but he wanted her.

  Her curvy little body, soft and supple, felt good pressed against his. Felt like sin wrapped around his hips, and he took what he needed from her lips, tasting her, claiming that part of her, and gave back everything that he had to give.

  He wasn’t about to hold back now, and he wasn’t about to let her do that either. She could run if she wanted too, but she couldn’t hide from him a moment longer.

  He had her now, and he wasn’t letting go.


  His beast wanted its mate. He needed her.

  He put her backside down on the counter top so that he could free up both of his hands to roam her body, take in her curves. She wasn’t protesting his kiss, his touch, and he wasn’t about to give that up, even if the damn cabin caught fire.

  Hell, he’d take her outside into the snow and keep doing what he was doing – tempting her, mind, body, and soul. He wanted all three of those things on his side, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had them – until he claimed her, because she was wild and willing, just the way he needed her to be.



  Nessie couldn’t think of anything much but him.

  His kiss.

  His Growl.

  His touch.

  The way that hard ridge of his cock was pressed just right against her sex… better if still if neither of them had clothes on, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  They were in the heart of the house for heaven’s sake.

  The kitchen wasn’t exactly the place to be naked, and get down and dirty. Not when there were other people living there too…

  And she wanted to get down and dirty with him.

  She didn’t much care who walked in right then. They were fully clothed and doing what came naturally… but how she wished she was naked and spread out on the damn side for his viewing pleasure…

  For more than that.

  For everything.

bsp; His growl became possessive and she knew, just knew, exactly what he was thinking.

  Excitement shot through her heated body. That wet heat between her legs grew, and she knew that if that scent hadn’t already hit his nose then it would at any moment…

  Shaun broke away from her lips and moved on down to her neck. He needed to take her scent, but what he found in the air as he dipped his head was so much more than that.

  He pulled back and looked at her.

  The hooded eyes, the flushed cheeks, and those lips, swollen from his kisses… his cock twitched hard.

  “You want me.”

  It wasn’t a question it was a statement of fact and they both knew it. There was little point in denying the truth.

  “I want you.” Her eyes flared.

  “As a man or as a mate?”

  “Can’t I have both?” Her lips quirked into a teasing smile.

  “I’m all yours.”

  He didn’t give her any warning, just snatched her up from the side and started to stalk off through the kitchen with her wrapped in his arms.

  “And you’re all Mine.” He growled.

  There was something about that word when he growled it that made her heart race and her head spin.

  It was so final.

  So definite.

  So right.

  “But, what big ears you have…” She teased and the sound of a growl rumbling in his chest made her grin widen.

  “All the better to hear your sighs of pleasure…” He played along.

  “What big teeth you have…”

  “All the better to nip and bite you with.”

  She felt the shiver go through her body at the thought of that one – a good shiver, not even anywhere close to fear. She leant in and whispered against his ear.

  “What a big cock you have…” She moved her hips and rubbed her sex against his like a feline in heat.

  There was the sound of wood on wood that echoed out inside the four walls, and then her world turned sideways as he took her down to the bed beneath him…

  “I intend to show, not tell, you what that’s good for sweetheart.” He growled at the thought of everything that he wanted to do to her, with her, for her, but right then and there – he just wanted to bond with her, claim her as his…


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