His Mate - Brothers - Christmas Cracker

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His Mate - Brothers - Christmas Cracker Page 15

by M. L. Briers


  “I like the hands on approach.” She beamed a wicked smile up at him, and he couldn’t hold himself back a moment longer.

  His lips claimed hers as his hands started to rip, yank, and tear her clothes from her body. Not that she would need them for the next few days at least.

  He intended to learn every inch of her, and he wasn’t letting her out of their bedroom until he’d done just that.

  There was a loud, sorrowful sound that came from somewhere outside the bedroom window, and his head shot up, snapped around on his neck, and he scowled in disbelief…

  “Damn bear’s on the prowl…” He bit out.

  Nessie’s hands palmed his cheeks and she turned his head and brought his eyes back to hers.

  “Unless somebody’s eating somebody – alpha – right now the only place you need to be is right here, and the only person you need to take care of is me.”

  That wicked look that she gave him made him growl harder, deeper, and his scowl turned into a wolfish grin…

  “Mine.” He growled out, against her lips.

  “You bet your furry little ass I am.” She giggled, but that sound was silenced when he claimed her lips again.

  Shaun knew that she was right. The pack could get on and have their little mini dramas without him for now.

  He had a mate to claim and he wasn’t stopping until his seed was inside of her womb.

  What had he been thinking? There she was, naked and lush beneath him, and he was going to leave her there like that to sort out the damn bear?

  Hell no!

  The sight of her ample breasts enticed him, made him dip his head to claim one hard bud in his mouth, and he sucked it in, making her arch her back in offering, and he took his fill.

  The moment that he sensed she needed more his fingers searched and found the wet heat between her legs.

  His tongue followed, tracing down her body, over the gentle swell of her stomach, until he settled between her legs, his shoulders holding her inner thighs wide, and he was more than eager to taste her on his tongue.

  One swipe, one taste of her feminine juices, and he knew that he would never get enough. She tasted divine and she responded to his touch like a wildling.

  He took her up to the edge of reason and didn’t tease – another time and he might just do that, but right then, he thrust her over the other side with his tongue inside of her as she came undone.

  He wanted more, but her mews of protest told him that she needed something else – him – his cock inside of her, and there was no holding him back as he crawled up over her needy body, and settled himself between her gripping inner thighs as she wound them around his hips.

  His arms were down on either side of her body as he rested his weight on his elbows and caged her in.

  His hips were moving, the muscles in his backside convulsed beneath her hands as she palmed a cheek in each hand – and his cock was teasing against her sex when he rubbed it back and forth covering it in her juices…

  “Tell me what you want.” Shaun growled against her lips.

  “You. Everything. Every inch of your cock inside of me – your bite – your claim – bond.”

  She wasn’t about to hold back or play coy now. He was hers and she’d never wanted anything more in her life.

  Nessie felt the pressure of his girth against the opening of her channel. She felt that thick cock slowly push up inside, stretching her inner walls, demanding the muscles give, as he took her body down the rock hard length of his satin covered steel.

  The girth of his cock stretched her around him like a glove and he groaned in pleasure as she sheathed him tightly. Every inch of his thick length claiming her body as his own…

  He wanted to thrust to the hilt, eager to be buried inside of her, balls deep, and yet he wouldn’t risk hurting her – not now – not ever.

  The moment that he gave her everything that he had, he heard her contented sigh. His chest expanded with male pride and his heart expanded to take her inside…




  Shaun’s hips moved against hers. His cock started to build the friction that had her inner walls tightening, had her nails digging into the flesh of his backside, and then he reached for her hands, locked them against the bed beside her head, and moved in earnest.

  Each growl, each sexually charged grunt sent her further towards that edge of reason once more. That friction was building with his speed, and they both knew that she wasn’t going to last much longer…

  “From behind – like your instincts tell you…” She almost begged.

  She wanted him as close to wild as she could get him, and showing him her back, her shoulder was going to send him insane.

  Damn sexy wolf.

  Shaun was reluctant to pull out of her. Now that he had her where he needed her to be, in his arms, on his cock, he wanted to stay that way forever. But her words were just too damn enticing to do anything but her bidding.

  He pulled away and spun her onto her hands and knees on the bed. His hands gripped her hips as he thrust back in to hilt, and he heard the sweetest moan that caught in the back of her throat…

  That sound alone almost unmanned him, and he bit down on his own needs, his own lust.

  He had to taste her blood.

  He needed to bite.

  To bond… but the way her body was responding to his made it so damn hard to keep his mind on not joining her in that orgasm, giving into temptation, and damn was she tempting him.

  She was driving him insane.

  He reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist, hauling her upper body up to his. He locked an arm around her.

  His hips pounded against her backside – his cock devouring her.

  His other hand fisted her hair and dragged her head to one side, exposing the beautiful curve of her neck and shoulder to his gaze.

  His eyes fixed on that soft skin.

  He could almost feel his fangs there.

  Almost taste her blood…


  There wasn’t a hope in hell of holding back his beast as it surged forwards. His mind was all in his cock right then and the wolf had blindsided him as his fangs elongated, ready to bite.

  Her moans. The sound of gasped breaths, and the way that she ground her backside against his pelvis made him want to just give in to the temptation of losing control completely, and let nature take its course…

  But she was ripe for the claiming.

  His mate was a firecracker about to go off right there in his arms – on his cock – and she was more than vocal with her needs.


  Too damn right she was, and the moment that he felt that hard clench of her inner muscles around his cock.

  The moment that her breath caught in heady anticipation of what came next… he was ready to pounce.

  Shaun felt the flutter of her inner walls around his cock for just a heartbeat before they clenched and released hard around him.

  He bit down hard into her flesh, making the pain mix with the pleasure that rolled through her body, and a cry got caught in her throat as her blood flowed over his tongue…

  His beast roared within him as they reached out for her mind and she reached right back again…

  She was his.

  With half a mind on his own desire – he released his fangs and licked over her wound, sealing it as best he could before the fever that was building inside of him turned into a frenzy…

  His beast withdrew, just a little, just enough. But something else was taking over.

  The hard need to place his seed within her womb, complete the bond was firing up inside of him… And that was something else that wouldn’t be denied.

  He pulled out of her and flipped her over onto her back.

  He wanted to see her face, look into her eyes as he took her as his.

  His knees nudged her legs wide, and he leant over her body, thrusting deep to the feel
of the aftermath of her orgasm that was making her channel so damn tight around him that he growled with the sheer pleasure of that hard grip…

  Shaun cursed at the pleasure. She was a drug that he’d be hooked on for the rest of his life, and that life started now.

  Here. In his bed.

  His hands snagged her wrists and he pressed the backs of her hands against the mattress. Trapping her beneath him.

  He couldn’t contain that fever a moment longer. His instincts took over and his hips moved against hers like a wild thing.

  His muscles burned and he pretty much locked them into place...

  Nessie’s eyes were open. Right there, mirrored in her eyes, he saw his own passion, his own pleasure, and he grunted and growled with each wild, deep, hard thrust that took her right back up again…

  The sound of his name on her lips was like a red flag to a bull. He shifted his hips and rubbed his cock against her clit with every thrust – until she tensed beneath him, around him once more…

  She cried out with the intensity of the orgasm that ripped through her body like a tsunami. It devoured her, and caused her inner muscles to suckle around his cock.

  Her body was demanding his seed and he didn’t think to try to hold it back any longer.

  His neck muscles strained as his head went back, and every muscle in his body tensed so damn hard that he thought they would all snap.

  He howled long and hard as he buried his cock to the hilt inside of her – held – and bucked as his seed exploded against her womb. Over and over, until he thought he might go insane.

  The ecstasy of a pleasure that was so intense that he couldn’t think, couldn’t move, and couldn’t even breathe.


  The word pinged around his brain.

  Mine… His beast echoed.

  And she was his.

  His for now.

  His forever.

  His to protect.

  His to love.

  His to cherish.

  His mate.

  His life.

  His… everything.



  Christmas morning had seen the mates reluctantly dragged out of their beds by Dani’s enthusiasm to get things started.

  Preparing for the Christmas dinner had seen all three mates retreat into the kitchen to help the she-wolf prepare the feast. It also saw all three mates gang up and tag team Dani into allowing Riley inside the cabin and out from the cold, where his bear had been prowling while she’d stayed hunkered down inside of the house away from him.

  Poor bear.

  The look on the man’s face had been worth its weight in gold when she’d opened the back door and invited him in. He might have been a bear shifter, but it was a Scooby Doo moment as he nodded enthusiastically and promised wholeheartedly to behave himself as best he could…

  He probably would have agreed to almost anything just to be inside the cabin where she was, and not on the outside looking in.

  Rachel was sure that the tip of his tongue was half hanging out of the side of his mouth while doing it too. His eyes were certainly wandering over the she-wolf’s tiny outfit, and what she wasn’t hiding from the world under too many clothes.

  He’d had to borrow some of Shaun’s clothes, and the alpha had grumbled and growl about lending them, but then he’d given up that farce with a pointed look from his mate.

  This was his sister’s mate.


  He might to damn well remind himself of that once in a while, but it was the truth, and he could no more deny the man his mate – than deny his own.

  Once dressed – he was sitting down at the table with the rest of them – vampire included – for a sumptuous feast.

  “Nothing says Christmas like…?” Dani looked at Ned and the beta frowned. When she raised her eyebrows in expectation – he groaned on the inside.

  He hated when someone put him on the spot like that.

  “Christmas… decorations?” He shrugged.

  He was unsure what it was that she wanted him to say, but from the look on her face he didn’t need telling that she thought he got it wrong.

  “Dinner, you idiot!” Caleb chuckled as he smacked his sibling around the back of his head.

  Ned growled a warning back at him – his frown was now a death glare and aimed solely at his brother.

  “You’re both wrong. It’s Santa.” Shaun announced, puffing out his chest with pride, and grinning from ear to ear.

  “Let’s not mention the reindeer.” Rachel chuckled as she grinned at Nessie and her friend sneered back.

  Shaun sank down in his seat a little. Deflated.

  “I apologised for that. Several times.” Shaun huffed.

  His eyes flicked to his mate and he waited for the dark accusing stare that never came.

  “And until your dying day, Alpha.” Nessie offered, but the sight of her smile, and the way that she’d said his title made him feel a hell of a lot warmer inside.

  He guessed she’d kind of forgiven him for that little snafu – sort of – maybe.

  Just in case he needed to find a replacement for that damn singing toy once he got five minutes alone with the internet.

  He couldn’t quite tell her moods yet, but he was discovering them as they went along, and he’d know them all soon enough. Maybe…

  She was a female and they were like a different species all together. Then add human. Not to mention witch…

  Maybe not.

  “Santa?” Jeff snorted. “A modern day invention…” He shrugged his shoulders and waved a dismissive hand in the air.

  “Family.” Riley piped up.

  Dani snapped her eyes towards him. She titled her head on a small frown and slowly narrowed her eyes in disbelief.

  “Nothing says Christmas like family.” The big bear shifter shrugged his broad shoulders and stared back at her with an intensity that made her quiver inside.

  Dani swallowed down hard as she stared back at her mate.

  The man had hidden depths. She liked that.

  He also looked like sex on a stick, and she liked that even more.

  “Ahhh,” Nessie clapped her hands together. “He’s definitely a keeper!”

  She grinned at Dani as the woman snapped her eyes towards her on a something of a frown – then Nessie turned her attention towards Shaun. With a slight tip of her nose in the air she looked as if she’d won a prize.

  “Told you.” Nessie grinned from ear to ear.

  “Told me what?” Shaun frowned. He must have missed a step somewhere, and he’d been trying to be very, very attentive to her needs while he was learning her ways.

  “The night you ran him over with my car. I asked if we could keep him.” She beamed him a smile and the alpha grumbled.

  “He’s a keeper and what am I?” Shaun asked, looking like his nose had been put out of joint a little.

  “In need of training.” Nessie chuckled back and the sniggers burst out around the table.

  “A work in progress then.” Jeff offered, raising his glass at the alpha and getting a grunt back in return.

  Everyone was supposed to be on their best behaviour – they’d promised Dani. Otherwise the alpha might just have told the vampire where he could shove his glass, and his head.

  “So, do you believe that then?” Dani asked, directing her attention towards Riley as she reached for her wine glass, wrapping her slender fingers around it, and trying to still her heart from hammering inside of her chest and ears like a hammer drill .

  It happened every time that she looked at him, and she’d been looking out her window a lot lately.

  “What would be your answer?” Riley asked, turning the tables, and watched as she slowly raised her shoulders and lowered them again.

  She frowned… and his muscles tightened. He was worried that he’d said the wrong thing. He tended to do that a lot. He definitely didn’t want to do that with her.

  “Family.” She admitted
on a half whisper, before she placed the glass against her lips and sipped her wine.

  Riley grinned. He couldn’t help himself.

  “Well suited.” Mary chuckled, and Dani tossed her a death glare before it softened.

  “A merry Christmas to all and for all a good night. Sleep soundly, sleep happy, and beware…” Jeff grinned, showing just a little fang, and the four male shifters at the table growled. “Vampires bite.”

  “Don’t worry, ladies…” He motioned around the table at the other men. “They can be house trained.” Jeff added before sipping his wine, and then he turned his nose up at it. “Much prefer blood.” He muttered.

  Nessie and Rachel both zapped him at the exact same time.

  He groaned with pain and annoyance all mixed into one.

  “Uncalled for. Witches be nice.” He bit out as the residue magic left his body.

  “Vampire be gone.” Rachel waved a harmless hand towards him.

  “Extremely uncalled for.” Jeff shot back.

  “Nah, let him stay.” Dani’s eyes were smiling.

  “Thank you.” Jeff nodded.

  “Someone needs to load the dishwasher and it’s his turn.” She smirked.

  “And the scary vampire becomes… the maid.” Caleb chuckled.

  “And the mouthy beta gets buried six feet under the ground in an unmarked grave.” Jeff muttered.

  “Don’t worry, these three have to go fix the cottage door tomorrow.” Nessie reminded them and Ned groaned. He’d been planning to stay in bed with his mate all day after being abruptly pulled out of it that morning.

  “It wasn’t me that kicked the door in.” Ned tossed a look at the alpha.

  “I - who.” Jeff corrected.

  “You who what?” Ned frowned.

  “Not I as in me… Oh, never mind.” Jeff dismissed him with a wave of the hand. “Let’s just drink and be merry and…” He gave a small sigh. “Enjoy our new family.”

  “Our?” Mary asked, arching her eyebrows.

  “He’s the maid.” Caleb offered and she chuckled.

  “And the window cleaner.” Ned said.


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