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A Devious Desire

Page 8

by Jacqueline Baird

  'What game?' she demanded coldly.

  'You, my dear Saffron, are one is a long line of supposedly good women my mother parades before me every summer under the guise of a companion, whatever, in a vain attempt to get me married off.' He looted up at her, a cynical smile slashing his hard face. 'You should be flattered; you have done better than most; usually I have than out of my life in days.'

  Saffron slid her hands under her thighs, fighting down the urge to claw his eyes out. The conceited jerk! Me moved to lie on his side, one elbow on the ground, his hand propping his head, so that he could watch her easily, his long body at ease. Even as she hated him she recognised that he was devilishly attractive, all virile mate, but superimposed on his face she saw the image of Eve's coffin. She blinked, blotting oat the picture.

  'My dear mama could put Machiavelli to shame; surely you have realised that by now. Saffron?' he opined lightly, shooting her a questioning glance.

  Despite herself Saffron was intrigued as Ales continued. 'Mindyou, I have to admit she has surpassed herself this time. I got the report on you yesterday is Athens, and you check out perfectly. There's no doubt that Mama's cover stories are certainly improving,' fee drawled with fond amusement.

  Saffron was so furious that she did not trust herself to speak. He actually thought her job with Anna was simply a ploy to spite his interest. He had the nerve to have her investigated, when he operated on the vary edge of the law himself. What an. ego the swine had. . .

  'Last year Mother hired a Greek teacher who couldn't speak more than three sentences, the year before a librarian to catalogue her books, all fifty of them,' he reminisced, a wide smile softening his harsh features, his deep brown eyes laughing up at her, inviting her to share the jofce. 'You are her latest marriage bait, and if I were the marrying kind I might just be tempted,' he suggested with a cynical sensuality that made her shudder.

  Saffron turned her head away and looked around the garden, anywhere but at the man lying at her feet. She remembered how she had almost succumbed to Alex's easy charm, his kiss, his caress. God! What might have happened if she had not finally recognised him? The very idea made her sick to the stomach. She drew in a painful breath and got to her feet, giving Alex's sprawled body a contemptuous glance. 'You flatter yourself, Mr Statis. I would not marry you if you were the last man on earth,' she said thickly. 'Excuse me.'

  In one lithe movement Alex was at her side, his hand on her naked shoulder.

  'Don't touch me!' she cried, knocking his hand away.

  Alex's nostrils flared as he sucked in an angry breath. 'I wasn't aware my touch was so abhorrent to you.'

  'Well, you are now.'

  His eyes narrowed assessingly on her pale face. "There is something different about you.'

  Yes, you evil swine; I know how you make money. She didn't say it but the contempt in her icy green eyes said it for her. 'If Anna confirms what you have just told me I'm leaving. I refuse to provide entertainment for your sort.'

  'My sort?' A hint of steel entered his voice. 'Why do I get the impression you have just insulted me?'

  'Probably because I did.' She was in no mood to bandy words with a man little better than a pimp. 'Get out of my way; I'm leaving.' Alex was standing barely a foot away, blocking her path back to the house.

  'No. You can't leave. I will not have Mama upset. She likes you, and you signed a six-month contrast, and I intend to make sure you fulfil it, or I will sue you for every penny you have, or ever will have.'

  Saffron's head tilted back; her green eyes, flashing fire, clashed with the black implacability of Alex's, and she knew he meant every word. All trace of amusement gone, lie was once more the harsh-faced stranger of her memory. 'Yes, I just bet you would,' she sneered, not bothering to hide her contempt.

  His look was every bit as contemptuous as hers. 'You disappoint me, Saffron; challenging a man to gain his interest is the oldest trick in the book. I almost believed you were innocent of any involvement in Mama's plan. I thought you were above such games.' He lifted his hand and caught hold of her chin. Her hands balled into fists at her sides, but she refused to struggle, even though her heart began to pound as he gave her a searching look. 'But if that's the way you want to play it I'll oblige.'

  'I have no desire to play, and certainly not with you,' she said flatly.

  'But I do, Saffron; you intrigue me.' His voice dropped to a husky growl 'Along with a host of other feelings I fully intend to explore.'

  Before she had a chance to do more than register that he was about to kiss her, his head lowered and his lips claimed hers. Saffron instantly froze. Shocked by the harsh possession of his mouth, she shuddered as his arms enfolded her, and his hand slid to her buttocks, pressing her into his hard thighs. Stunned by the speed of his assault, she almost responded to the fevered urgency of his caress. His hand stroked down her naked thigh, binding her tightly to the hard heat of his body.

  It was ills guttural, 'I want you,' and the realisation of his aroused state that stopped her. How many women had he said the exact same words to? How many had succombed to his persuasive charm? As Eve had with Rick, his partner, only to end up working in a massage parlour. The sickening knowledge of how he had made his money turned the blood to ice in her veins.

  Sensing her lack of response, Alex lifted his head; his dark eyes, black with frustrated desire, searched her pale face. He sucked in a deep, steadying breath and gently put her away from him. His gaze lingered over her scantily clad form and then he glanced down at his suit.

  'You're right, I'm hardly dressed for the part and anyone might interrupt us. When I make love to you for the first time, I want you on your own with no fear of interruptions.' He turned, adding, 'I'll see you later.' with a certainty that incensed Saffron into losing her temper completely.

  'Not if I see you first,' she screeched after him, derision twisting her delicate features. A cheeky wave of his hand indicated that he had heard her, and was not the least fazed by her angry outburst.


  Saffron watched his departure, his lithe walk, the proud set of his head and shoulders. Her eyes drifted briefly around the garden, and she thought of his wealth and eminent respectability, then her glance rested once more on his broad back as he entered the house, and she longed to put a knife in it. . .

  No. He wasn't worth going to prison for. But with the hot sun incapable of warming the ice in her veins Saffron silently vowed that if there was any way to make Alex Statis's life hell she would do it. She owed it to Eve. It was the Alexes of this world who, in the avid pursuit of money, flirted with the law and exploited and demeaned women.

  Saffron's eyes glittered, her small hands clenched into fists. She would have her revenge on Mr Statis supposing it took her a lifetime to find a way. . .

  But she found a way a lot quicker than she could have hoped. . .

  'I owe you an apology, Saffron. ' Alex's dark eyes gleamed golden in the flickering light of the candle in the centre of the table. They were dining in a small, intimate French restaurant, at Alex's insistence.

  Earlier, Saffron had picked Anna up from her bridge party and Alex had been waiting when they returned. Saffron had tactfully withdrawn to her room and left mother and son alone. It had been a mistake! On returning to the living-room an hour later Alex was still in evidence, and in a few moments had hustled Saffron into having dinner with him. Anna had been no support at all as Saffron had tried to turn down the invitation. She was forced to the conclusion that Alex was probably right about his mother's Machiavellian tendencies.

  'An apology—from you?'

  'Surprising, I know, but I had a word with Mama this evening. She told me all about her accident; it was silly of her to keep it from me in the first place. I have no intention of having her live with me; it would be much too confining. I have set her mind at rest on that score and she assures me you are innocent of any plan to trap me.'

  Bully for him, the condescending swine; was she supposed to
be flattered that he was absolving her from any conspiracy? she thought, eyeing him almost clinically He was wearing a conventional black dinner-suit, white silk shirt and dark bow-tie. He wore his clothes with an elegance that few men possessed, and she knew that beneath the outer garments his body was a perfect example of the masculine form; he could put Michelangelo's David to shame. A few weeks ago she would have been intimidated by such raw masculine perfection, but not now. The inside was rotten to the core.

  She glanced at his face. He was smiling complacently.

  'So how about we start again from scratch—' his hand reached out and covered hers where it fey on the table '—and develop this chemistry, or whatever it te between us, to its logical conclusion?*

  'Why not?' she murmured, the germ of an idea so preposterous that she wondered at her own daring taking root in her head, and, deliberately squeezing his hand, she added a husky, 'Yes.'

  His brown eyes flashed with pure masculine triumph. 'Good; let's skip dessert and go to my apartment.' Alex spoke throatily, virtually dragging her to her feet. He flung a bundle of notes on the table and without letting go of her hand steered her out of the restaurant and into his waiting black Jaguar.

  Saffron was seething at his arrogant, high-handed treatment, but she forced herself not to let it show. Alex started the car with a crash of gears. He was inpatient, and desire or lust—it did not matter which—made his usual steady hand shake, she noted cynically. Battling down her hatred for the man, she gritted her teeth and deliberately moved closer to rest her head on his broad shoulder, allowing her hand to fall teasingly on to his hard thigh.

  Alex hardly spoke as he urged her out of the car in the underground car park, and into the lift. As the doors slid dosed he hauled her into his arms. She closed her eyes and fought down her disgust at being held fast against the hard muscles of his body. Her lips parted at the thrusting force of his tongue invading her mouth, and she forced herself not to shove him away as she longed to do, her stomach curling in revulsion. But was it? she wondered, her legs weakening as his hands travelled the length of her body with a hard sureness that made her tremble.

  Luckily the lift stopped and the doors slid open. 'Alex,' she said softly, pushing against the hard wall of his chest. 'We've arrived.'

  "Thank God!' he groaned, lifting his head and looking down at her with black, passion-filled eyes.

  There was only one door in the wide corridor, and Alex slipped the key into the lock with a hand that shook slightly. Then, turning, with a hand in the small of her back, he ushered her inside the apartment.

  Saffron looked around with interest, and was surprised to note that the place had a homely air, not at all what she had expected. Pictures of his relatives and friends vied with what were obviously paintings by the masters. What looked like a Monet had pride of place over a large pine-framed fireplace. Big deep buttoned, hide chairs and a couple of sofas were strategically placed to get the benefit of the fire and view. The curtains were open and the whole of London seemed to be reflected in fee plate-glass windows,

  'I can't believe you're here, Saffron.' Alex's deep voice interrupted her musing, and once more she was caught in his arms. 'You have no idea how much I want you, From the moment you felled me in Rhodes, I've ached to get you in my bed.' His lips showered tiny kisses on her eyes her cheek, the tip of her nose, ail over her faœs and Saffron was. shocked by the gentleness Is his gaze.

  'I told myself it was because I wasted to punish you." His lips moved caressingly down the slender arch of her throat as she tipped her head back, trying to escape his marauding mouth. But it didn't work; her pulse-ratesoared and she was is danger of forgetting why she was here.

  'Punish me?' she murmured. It was Alex who needed punishing and she had to remember that.

  'I know; stupid macho pride. But after Mykonos I realised I wanted you any way I could have you. I didn't even care if you were part of Mama's scheme. Seeing you in this dress again tonight reminded me.' She was wearing her Ralph Lauren, the only formal dress she possessed, and he put his hand on her covered shoulder. 'That night on the Lion Lore I nearly lost it when you walked into the dining-room, you looked so beautiful, but I couldn't do anything about it with all the guests around.'

  He was good—very good! Saffron recognised. The sensual spell he was weaving with tender words and caresses was almost believable. But then he'd, had plenty of practice, she thought grimly, the mood broken by his glib lie. Guests had not stopped Mm sharing his bed with

  Sylvia. She least sharply back from him, but he did not release her.

  'I tried to stay away but the last two weeks without seeing you were hell. I found myself missing your red hair and flashing eyes. I thought of you at the most inopportune times, until today I realised I had to do something about it.'

  His mouth nuzzled her neck and his hands found the zip at side of her dress. She was perilously close to forgetting why she was here, and, gathering every ounce of self-control she possessed, she pushed him harder.

  'Wait, Alex.' She deliberately lowered her voice, a slight tremor to her tone that wasn't all play-acting, unfortunately. 'You said to follow this chemistry to its logical conclusion. But marriage is a big step--are you sure you're ready for it? You have been a bachelor an awfully long time.'

  'Marriage? Who the bloody hell mentioned marriage?' He let go of her and stepped back as if he had been stung, and she had to bite her lip to force back the laughter that bubbled up inside her at the expression of shock and horror on his rugged face.

  'I'm sorry if I misunderstood,' she said softly, acting for all she was worth. 'But I'm afraid that's the only way you'll ever get me.'

  Alex's dark eyes narrowed dangerously. 'If I thought you really meant that I could prove you wrong in five minutes,' he declared hardly. He reached out and ran one long finger delicately from her jaw to her throat over her one naked shoulder and on to the tip of her breast, lightly covered by the soft fabric of her dress. She forced herself to show no response, but her breast hardened to a taut peak beneath his cool manipulation, His dark look turned to one of indolent satisfaction at her body's reaction. 'Make that two minutes,' he amended mockingly.

  'God, what an ego!' she jeered, and, deliberately turning her back on him, she headed for the door.

  Alex moved swiftly; hard hands caught hold of her arms and spun her around to face him. 'Nobody turns their back on me, lady.'

  'Let me go.*

  His dark eyes became cold and assessing on her flushed face. 'Why fight it? You want me. Surely you're not going to pretend you're shy?' he said cynically. 'Massage is a pretty personal profession. Hundreds of men must have felt the gentle caress of your hands, Saffron, and ached for more. Did you demand marriage from ail of them before granting their wish? I think not..

  One dark brow arched sardonically. 'Playing the innocent does not fool me for one second. No woman gets to your age without knowing the game. So don't try and make the stakes too high, or I might just decide the game isn't worth the candle.'

  Saffron despised him at that moment more than she had thought possible. She had worked hard for her career and did not need this immoral, greedy pig sneering at her. She began to struggle, her small hands trying to prise his from her arms, hating the lazy strength with which he held her, but it was no use. . .

  'You have an overrated belief in your charms, Mr Statis,' she spat. He honestly thought she would fall into his arms like a ripe plum; well, he was in for a very rude awakening. 'Let go of me.*

  'You're hardly going to convince me to marry you with the hands-off technique.' His smile was without humour. 'I never buy without sampling first.'

  'That I can believe,' she snorted disgustedly; knowing how low he would stoop to make money, she wouldn't put anything past him.

  'So why the outrage?'

  His gaze slid down the length of her body, lingering on her breast and thigh; she had to force herself not to flinch under his intense scrutiny, and when his eyes fixed on ha- flushe
d and furious face once more, her green eyes spitting hatred, his brows drew together in a thoughtful frown.

  'You've changed since the yacht. On board you were flustered, embarrassed by my attentions maybe, but always receptive. Now—'

  'Now we are virtually alone, and you're much more dangerous. . .' Saffron cut in. If she was going to go through with her plan for revenge, she was going to have to be a lot more careful. She couldn't let Alex suspect for an instant just how much she despised him.

  He gave her a long, speculative look. 'So you're saying you're frightened of me, or is it of yourself?'

  'Maybe a bit of both,' she said lightly. 'You're a fast worker, A—Alex.' She almost choked on his hateful name, but to her amazement he mistook her stammer for feminine emotion.

  'Saffron, you sweet fool, I would never hurt you— quite the reverse. I only want to make love to you.' The last came out on a triumphant groan as his arms moved around her, moulding her body to his while his lips covered here.

  Every instinct she possessed begged her to break free from the demand of his mouth moving over hers, his hard body pressed so close that she could feel the rapid pounding of his heart, the strength of his arms as he lifted and carried her across the room to deposit her gently on the sofa, his great size lowering over her. But she closed her eyes and fought the desire to shove him away and run screaming from the apartment.

  No. She would suffer his kisses and caresses to a point and no further, and eventually, when he was desperate to possess her, she would reiterate her demand for marriage, if she had read his character right he was a man who never accepted defeat, and when she finally had his ring on her finger she would tell him the truth, and take him for every penny she could get. She didn't want it for herself, but there were plenty of charities is the world, and far too many orphanages, and if anyone deserved to pay it was Alex Statis.


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