Morrow's Horizon (The Morrow Women Series Book 1)

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Morrow's Horizon (The Morrow Women Series Book 1) Page 35

by Sierra Kummings

  “That depends. Do we agree on private therapists for each of them?”

  Sara should’ve laughed. That’s what he’d intended based on his smile. Yet his phrasing was impossible to ignore. “Each of them?”

  “Well, yeah. I can’t imagine you’ll only want one. And damn if I don’t like the idea of making several.”

  Sara glanced at Sage and saw the approval in her eyes before Jacob knelt on one knee. “So, Ms. Sara Elizabeth Morrow. Once more for the record. Do you love me?”

  Faced with the man of her dreams, Sara didn’t need Christopher’s voice or even the snarky bitch in her head to tell her what to do. She sunk to her knees beside him. “With everything that I am.”

  “Then prove it. Marry me.”

  Now, that was finally something she could do.

  Without further thought, she said the only words in her heart. “Hell freaking yes!” Her lips pressed to his to seal the promise.

  For the most perfect of moments, it was just the two of them. Their kiss. Their love.

  Then Sage happened.

  “Just remember who got engaged first, bitch.”

  In a tackling hug, her sister launched herself at them, and while laughter rang out in the kitchen, along with cheers from guests who had slipped in to watch, none of it equaled the joy in Sara’s heart.


  Before I get started, please know, if I’ve missed anyone in this list, it is in no way a reflection of how I feel about you or your importance in my life. I’ve put this task off until last because I knew it would be an emotional endeavor, and quite frankly the enormity of the task is more than a little overwhelming. Any oversight to your name is merely that: an oversight due to me not being able to see through my tears of gratitude.

  Now… y’all might want to grab a piece of pie and make yourselves comfortable… this is going to be a long one.

  To our veterans and active service members: Thank you for your service. Our world is a better, safer place because of you.

  To baby girl: Everything has always been and will forever be all for you. You are my heart, my soul, and my motivation to strive for something better. Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of love, and showing me what unending determination looks like. I’ll love you from here until eternity and I’ll carry you in my soul for just as long.

  To my mother: You gave me life and love, but that’s not all you’ve given me. Your faith in me gave me the courage to follow my dreams and provided me with the constant desire to hope for a better life. In your strength through adversity, you taught me what it means to truly rise above, and that other people’s actions don’t define us, only our works and the love that we leave behind can do that. I could only write a love bond between Sara and Kas because I’ve known that love with you.

  To my husband: I’ll be forever grateful for the never-ending supplies of bacon and pie. Without you, and those, this story wouldn’t be the same.

  To my sister: Thank you for supporting me. Your words of encouragement always seemed to come at exactly the right times.

  To my brother-in-law: Thank you for being one of the few people in my life outside of the author world always willing to talk books.

  To all of my beta readers: ShaRenee, Milli, Biggaletta, Karen, PM, Kate, Leslie, Kit, Sheila, Kellee, Paul, Heather, Carolyn, Diane, Melissa, Sasha, Ryan, Amy, and Brandy… this book wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of you. Thank you for having faith in me. Thank you for encouraging me. And most of all, thank you for taking a chance on me and reading this newbie author.

  To the wonderful, talented, and fabulous Rene Folsom: You brought my little story to life and gave my characters a face, and their world a picture, for all to see. Talented doesn’t even begin to describe your work. But more than just my cover artist, website developer, swag designer, and overall greatest bitch alive, you have become my friend. I owe you so much.

  To my best friend, Shannon: Without you, none of this would be happening. Not only have you been a voice of encouragement since I showed you years ago my very first words on paper, you’ve literally been my lifeline through all the storms life has seen fit to direct my way. You’ve held my hand, wiped away my tears, and been a fierce advocate for my daughter and myself. And oh god, but you make me laugh. To say I love you doesn’t even begin to cover the depth of how I feel about you. You are quite simply the greatest best friend anyone could ever ask for.

  To my very own ‘Mama Bea’, Emily: You started out as my friend, filled in for my mother when distance kept her and I apart, acted as my mid-wife, held my hand and my heart, and above all you loved my daughter as if you’d given birth to her yourself. You accepted me at a point in time in my life when I felt like even God had turned his back on me, and you reminded me of who I am, and who He is, and never once judged me for the struggles I went through or the choices I made. Mama Bea isn’t you exactly, I’m not sure I could ever do you true justice, but her strength, her grace with which she handles all of the traumas that life has given to her, her outlook that angels walk the earth and that blessings will find us even in our darkest of hours… that is unequivocally who you have been to me. You are one of my angels. I’ll always feel blessed that I met you, even though it meant I had to suffer a loss like no other to bring me into your life.

  To my editor, Daryl: Thank you. Without you, every word would be followed by an apostrophe or comma.

  To Sarah: Thank you for being you. Thank you for supporting me. And most importantly, thank you for sending me dick pics every time I felt down.

  To Jasmine: Thank you for sharing your incredible wealth of knowledge. You were the first person that reached a hand out to me, and I will be forever grateful.

  To Karen: I met you when I was at my lowest. But I didn’t stay there for long. How could I, with your sweet words, daily check-ins, and constant support? Thank you for being there, thank you for listening, thank you for kicking me in the ass when I needed it.

  To Grant: You brought sanity back into my life when I wasn’t sure I had any hope of having mine return. You listened, you encouraged, and you gave me pep talks when foolishness tried to tear me down. The last month of this process was beyond difficult, but you helped keep me level-headed and focused. Thank you for lending me your ear, your wisdom, and for providing me with pictures and videos of pie whenever my motivation slipped.

  To the indie community at large—authors, bloggers, and readers: Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for welcoming this newbie into your world. And above all, thank you for always being willing to stand up for what’s right. In the short time I’ve been a part of it, I’ve seen you rally around some of your own who’ve lost loved ones, who’ve fallen on hard times, and who have been disenfranchised. You’ve done amazing things and I have no doubt you will continue to do so.

  In our lifetimes, if we’re lucky, we are blessed by the people we meet. Some are a blessing because of the amazing love they give us; some, because the brief seemingly inconsequential moment of them passing through sets us on the course toward our destiny; and some still, because even though they try to defeat us, that very act shows us just exactly how strong we really are. Though the above section is dedicated to the first two groups, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least acknowledge the third. They might have tried to hold me down, but I have risen. Thank you for showing me what I am truly capable of.

  About the Author

  Sierra Kummings is a writer of contemporary erotic romances. Her three loves are her family, writing, and chocolate, though not always in that order. She discovered creative writing in high school, but set her dream aside to pursue a master’s degree in professional counseling. She now puts her degree to good use strengthening characters that have been in her head since her teens. In addition to penning hot romances, she also proudly claims the title of mother to an incredible little girl who inspires her every day.

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