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To Catch a Spirit

Page 12

by Carrie Pulkinen


  “No, Allie. No crap.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know if he wants to see me again.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Well, we talked about it, and it turns out I’m not the only one with commitment issues.”


  “He’s got some stuff going on, so I told him to take a few days to think about it, and to let me know what he decides.”

  “I see.” Tina shoved a french fry in her mouth and stared at Allison as she chewed.

  “I know that look. What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing. I don’t know the situation. I don’t know what the stuff is, but I do know that I wouldn’t have let him go that easily.”

  “I know. But there’s nothing I can do about it now. I already let him go. And it’s probably better this way anyway. I didn’t want to get involved either, remember?”

  “You didn’t want to get involved. But now…”

  She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “I think I’d make an exception for him. If he ever comes back.”

  Tina beamed a smile and sat up straighter in her chair. “Do you mean that, Allie? If he walked through that door right now, you’d go out with him?”

  “I would, Tina. I really would.”

  “Well, good.” She bubbled with excitement. “Because he’s here.”


  “He’s coming over here.”

  She turned in her chair to see Logan striding across the restaurant. His eyes met hers and he grinned his adorable crooked grin. In his hand, he held a single red rose. Her heart sprinted in her chest as he approached their table.

  “Hi, Allison.”

  “Hi.” She held his piercing gaze and took the rose he offered. She’d been anticipating—hoping for—this moment all day, but she didn’t expect it to actually happen. He came back to her, and the look on his face said he was there to stay.

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Hi.”


  “You two really need to work on your conversation skills,” Tina said. “Why don’t you have a seat, Logan?”

  He glanced at Tina as Allison scooted over to let him sit. “Hi, Tina. Thank you.” He slid into the seat, and his knee brushed against hers. Her stomach tightened at the contact. The warmth of his body next to hers. His musky, masculine scent. Simply being near him made her head spin.

  “What are you doing here?” Allison asked.

  “I looked for you at Lucia’s, and she told me where you were. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not.” Heat rose in her body. “I just didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

  He took her hand under the table, lacing their fingers together. “I thought about everything you said. Will you have dinner with me tonight?”

  The butterflies in her stomach turned into a lump in her throat. She bit her bottom lip as she stared at him, unable to answer.

  “Of course she will,” Tina answered for her.

  She nodded, and he grinned. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled up when he smiled had her heart doing back flips. All he had to do was look at her, and she was putty in his hands.

  “Great,” he said. “I’ll…Oh shit. Oh no…I forgot I’m meeting my sister for dinner tonight. She’s only in town today.”

  “That’s okay. We can do it another time; I know you don’t get to see her much.”

  “Come with me. Come meet my sister.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t want to intrude, and she’s not expecting me.”

  “She’d be thrilled to meet you.”

  The heel of Tina’s shoe came down on her foot. “Ow!” She glared at her friend. “Okay. I’ll go. Are you sure though?”

  “I am. Absolutely. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Oh, and the restaurant’s kind of dressy. Nothing like the benefit, but still dressy.”

  “Got it.” She nodded. “I promise not to embarrass you.”

  He put his hand on her cheek. “I wasn’t worried about that. I like you in your jeans and sweaters, but the maître d’ wouldn’t let you in.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Great.” He leaned toward her, hesitating slightly, and brushed his lips to hers.

  She leaned into him, deepening the kiss before her inhibitions kicked in and she remembered she had an audience. Pulling away, she glanced at Tina, who looked like she was going to explode with excitement. “So, I’ll see you tonight?”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” He kissed her on the cheek and rose to his feet. “Bye, Tina.”

  She couldn’t help but admire his tight backside as he left the restaurant. As he walked out the door, she turned to her friend and mouthed the words, “Oh my God.”

  Did that actually happen? She was going on a date with him?

  “Allie! Oh, my God! He wants you to meet his family. That’s serious.”

  She sat up and shook her head. “It’s just his sister.”

  “Still, that’s so exciting. What are you going to wear? It sounds like a perfect event for a little black dress. Do you still have one?”

  “I think so. I’ll have to look.”

  “I should be done showing that house by three, and then I’m coming over. We’ll raid your closet, and if you can’t find anything, we’ll go shopping.”

  She chewed her bottom lip and tried to calm her sprinting heart. “Sounds good. I don’t have any appointments today, so I could sure use the distraction while I wait for seven o’clock.”

  * * *

  Logan called the restaurant to change his reservation from two to three; then he dialed his sister’s number.

  “Hey, Lisa. Are we still on for tonight? Seven-thirty?”

  “Of course we are. You’re not trying to back out on me, are you?”

  “No. I’m bringing someone with me.”

  “Who? Trent? Is he still in love with me?” He could hear the smile on Lisa’s face as she joked.

  “He was seventeen. Are you ever going to let him forget that?”

  “Probably not.”

  “I hate to disappoint you and your ego, but Trent’s not coming.”

  Silence hung between them. “Are you bringing a girl?”

  “Her name’s Allison. I want you to meet her. Do you mind?”

  “Of course I don’t mind, Baby Brother. I’d love to meet your girlfriend!” Excitement bubbled in her voice.

  “Don’t call her that. I haven’t known her very long. Please don’t embarrass me.”

  Lisa laughed. “Would I do that?”

  “Not you, Lisa. Never.”

  “All right. I’ll try to behave myself.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Bye, Logan.”

  He put the phone in his pocket and strummed his fingers on the desk. It would be another five hours before he could pick up Allison, so he needed to keep himself busy. Nausea twisted in his stomach, and his leg bounced under his desk. He’d never taken a girl to meet his family before, and his sister’s enthusiasm scared him.

  Though he always said he didn’t want to get involved, he secretly hoped he could have a family like hers one day. Meeting Allison only fanned the flames of that hope.

  But he shouldn’t get too excited. He still wasn’t sure what to do about his damn vision. Hopefully, Allison could help him. Otherwise, he was setting them both up for a tragic ending.


  By the time Tina got to the apartment, Allison had every dress she owned laying out around her bedroom. Nervous tension twisted in her stomach as she paced about the room looking for the perfect outfit.

  “Jesus, Allie. How many little black dresses do you own?” Tina eyed the clothes strewn about the room and laughed.

  “A few. But most of them are at least five years old. I don’t know if any of them will fit me.” She held a dress up in front of the mirror and stretched it around her hip

  “Oh, please. If anything, you’re skinnier than you were five years ago.”

  “I’m also pushing thirty. I’m too old for miniskirts.”

  “You’re never too old for miniskirts.” Tina picked up a dress and held it out in front of her. “This one is a definite no, unless you want people to think he’s paying you to be his date. Look at the neck line; it’s cut down to your bellybutton. I can’t believe you wore this, you little slut.”

  Allison laughed. “That one’s yours. You lent it to me a year ago, but I never wore it.”

  Tina pursed her lips and studied the dress again. “Oh. Well, I know I’m a slut, so it’s okay. I guess I’ll be taking this back. I’ve got a date with a doctor Friday night.”

  “Really? Anyone I know?”

  “Dr. Ortega.”

  Allison’s eyes widened. “The gynecologist? Your gynecologist?”

  “That’s the one.” Tina grinned.

  “Oh, Tina. That’s just sick. How can you? When he examines your…Eww!”

  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. He knows his way around a woman’s body.”

  “Can we not talk about that?” She crinkled her nose. “I think I’m going to have to find a new doctor.”

  “I’m not.” Tina raised her eyebrows.

  “Gross. So what should I wear? What about this one?” She held up a long-sleeved dress.

  “Sure.” Tina shrugged. “If you’re looking for another four years of celibacy. You have to find the right balance. You need to be sexy without being slutty.”

  “And you think you can help?”

  “Very funny.”

  Allison hung the long-sleeve dress in the closet.

  “I found it,” Tina called from the bedroom. “I found the one.” She held up a short, black dress with spaghetti straps and a matching, beaded shrug. “This is beautiful, and it still has the tags on it.”

  She took the dress from her friend. “I forgot I had this one. I bought it for a party last year, but I didn’t end up going.”

  “I remember that. You were still recovering from your Halloween incident. Oh, yeah. You said you talked to a ghost for someone? When?”

  “Yesterday.” She changed into the dress and told Tina about Gage and contacting Nana's ghost.

  “That’s great. I know you always loved working with D.A.P.S. And Gage is hot too. Is he still single?”

  “As far as I know. I’ll let him know you asked.” She laughed as she put on the shrug.

  “That’s the one. You look perfect. Sexy and sophisticated with a subtle promise that the dress will end up on the floor before the night is over.”

  She looked in the mirror. The dress was simple, solid black, and it hit her two inches above the knee. Fitted through the waist, it accentuated her curvy figure just right. She slipped on a pair of two-inch heels and did a spin for Tina.

  “Logan’s going to have a hard-on before he even gets you in the car. If you make it that far.”


  “You know it’s true.”

  She grinned. “Maybe.” Hopefully.

  She looked forward to going out to dinner and meeting his sister, but the anticipation of getting Logan back in her bedroom had her tingling all over. Her body ached to be wrapped in his embrace. To feel the warmth of his bare skin pressed against hers. To touch him. To taste him. She shivered as her thoughts wandered to the intimate night they spent together in her bed, and she longed for a repeat performance.

  “You’re so lucky, Allie.”

  “I know.”

  “Logan is hot, and he’s loaded. What a combination.” Tina helped her hang up the rest of the rejected dresses.

  “I don’t care about his money.”

  “Not even a little?”

  “Not at all.” And she meant it. She saw firsthand what money could do to people. To decent people. Her dad had been a good man, and he blew his own head off. He left his family alone when they needed him the most. No, Allison definitely was not interested in Logan’s money.

  “That’s probably why he likes you so much. I mean, in addition to your good looks and charming personality, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Hey! Has he mentioned anything about his ghost? Didn’t you see one in his house the other night?”

  “That’s right. I forgot all about that.”

  “Well, you were a little bit distracted, weren’t you?” Tina smiled and lifted her eyebrows.

  “I guess I was. But no, he hasn’t mentioned it. He might not even know it’s there, so I’m not going to bring it up. No need to freak him out if it’s nothing.”

  “True. But what if he wants you to go back to his place? What are you going to do?”

  “I hadn’t thought about that. I guess I’ll just cross that bridge when I get to it. Now that I know she’s a ghost, I think I can block her out.” She changed back into her jeans and sweater and carefully laid the dress out on her bed.

  “Two more hours,” Tina sang.

  Allison sat on her bed and folded her hands in her lap. “Why am I so nervous?”

  “Because you’re going to meet your boyfriend’s family. I’d be nervous too.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just dating.”

  “Logan Mitchell doesn’t date. From what I’ve heard, he’s a one-and-done kind of guy, and this will be what? The third time you’ve gone out with him?”

  “Technically, we didn’t go anywhere last night.”

  “Even better. So this will be the third time you’ve seen him. He’s your boyfriend.”

  Just the thought had Allison’s heart racing, but a nauseated feeling sank deep in her stomach. Could a one-and-done guy ever really settle down? “I’m not sure he even wants a girlfriend.”

  “Give him a reading. Then you can find out his real intentions.”

  She shook her head. “You know I won’t do that without permission.”

  “So get permission.” Tina shrugged. “At least it will put your mind at ease.”

  “I tried. He said something about every romance needing a little mystery.”

  “He has a point.”

  “Do you think he’s hiding something?”

  She grinned. “If he is, it’s probably the fact that he’s falling in love with you.”

  “Be serious.”

  “I am, Allie. The man’s taking you to meet his family. He’s your boyfriend.”

  “Well until he says so himself, he’s not. So don’t say that around him, okay?”

  “Uh-huh. You better get in the shower. You’re running out of time.”

  Allison danced to her dresser. “You’re right.”

  “Pick some sexy lingerie, and don’t forget to shave your legs.”

  “Yes ma’am. Are you going to stay?”

  “I’ll stick around a little longer.”

  Allison took her clothes into the bathroom and shut the door. The hot water from the shower worked wonders on her tense muscles, and she did a short meditation while she was in there. Feeling much calmer and grounded, she put on the dress and opened the door.

  Tina moved to the doorway. “What’s Gage been up to? I haven’t seen him in forever.”

  Allison combed her wet hair and plugged in her blow-dryer. “Why the sudden interest in Gage?”

  “I don’t know.” Tina hopped on the bathroom counter. “I mean, you’re obviously not going to go out with him now, so…”

  “I never knew you liked him. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “He was always asking you out, and I thought you might say 'yes' one day. You always talk about what a great guy he is.”

  “He is a great guy. But he’s just my friend. I’m not attracted to him in that way, so if you want him, he’s all yours.” She dried her hair and turned to her makeup. “What do you think? Simple or dramatic?”

  “Simple. Definitely. It’s more you.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Gage for you?”

��I don’t know. If you start working with D.A.P.S. again, I’ll probably see him around more.”

  She swiped a light brown shadow across her lids and opened her mascara. “Okay. Just let me know. But what about Dr. Ortega? I thought you were dating him.”

  Tina waved off the question. “We’re dating, but it’s nothing serious. I don’t think I could marry a man who looks at vaginas all day.”

  “Me neither.”

  * * *

  Logan cringed as the sound of his dresser drawers opening and closing rattled through the bathroom. Why hadn’t the ghost busters called him yet? This spirit was driving him nuts, and he needed her gone. Hopefully he could spend the night with Allison again, if she invited him. He sure didn’t want to stay here.

  He put on a clean suit and tie and tousled his hair. “Here goes nothing.” He picked up his cell phone off the floor—he knew he put it on the nightstand—and put his keys in his pocket. If he could get out of the house without another incident, he could spend the evening in peace with the most intriguing woman he’d ever met.

  But when he reached the top of the staircase, that same disembodied voice echoed through his mind.


  “Because I want you out of my fucking house!”

  He ran down the stairs and shot out the door, his determined gait carrying him straight to the garage. Fall leaves crunched under his feet as he cut across the yard, and he checked his watch, anxious for the evening to begin.

  It was still too early to pick up Allison, so he took his Mercedes to a full-service car wash to have it detailed. Handing his keys to the attendant, he shuffled toward the lobby. The glass doors whooshed open, and the smell of soap and air fresheners filled his senses. Feelings of anxiousness, irritation, and lust—none of the emotions his own—bombarded him as soon as he stepped through the door. He tried his best to ignore the cacophony of negativity, but the moment he walked into the room, a bleach-blonde with a short skirt and fake boobs cornered him.

  “Hi, Logan! Remember me?” She ran her hands up his chest and locked them behind his neck.

  “Hey, how are you?” He pried her hands off his neck and placed them at her sides. The girl seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t remember her name.

  “What are you doing tonight? Do you want to buy me dinner, and then maybe we can go back to your place?” She licked her lips and flipped her hair to the side.


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