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Safe and Coasting with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Tonya Ramagos

  Assured that the sheriff would take care of Walsh, Mett concentrated on getting to Kimberly, one stroke at a time.

  * * * *

  Kimberly snuggled into the blanket Deputy Drake Palmer had wrapped around her shoulders back on the beach and curled her hands around the cup of coffee Charlie handed her as he returned from her kitchen.

  “Thanks.” She attempted to smile, but winced when her cheek screamed in pain.

  Charlie’s expression tightened, his eyes filling with a mix of indecision and compassion as he sat down next to her on the sofa. “You face is swollen, baby. We should probably put some ice on that.”

  Kimberly glared at him. “Ice? Not a chance. I’m half frozen already.”

  The corner of his lips twitched in a hint of a smile. “I know. That’s why I didn’t bring you an icepack along with the coffee.” He waited a beat, glanced at the front door where Mett stood talking to the sheriff, and then looked back at her. “He’s better at this kind of stuff than I am. What more can I do for you right now, baby? Name it and I’ll do it.”

  She shook her head, her heart breaking at the sadness in his tone. “I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me…much.” She looked at Mett, found him staring back at her, and quickly averted her gaze. “He’s blaming himself for what happened.”

  “He’s going to. Walsh came after you as a way to get to him.”

  “He underestimated Mett’s strength. He threw me overboard thinking he was going to run me over with the boat before Mett could get to me.”

  “He saw John in the water and thought it was Mett. He didn’t realize Mett was so close.”

  “Having a former Navy SEAL as the island sheriff paid off big time today. Walsh would’ve run over Mett and me if John hadn’t gotten to the boat in time to steer it away from us.”

  Charlie moved closer and snaked an arm between her back and the sofa cushion.

  Kimberly closed her eyes, wanting to lean into him, to cuddle against him and absorb his warmth and knowing she shouldn’t. If what had happened with Walsh had changed anything today, it was that it would be easier for her to convince Charlie and Mett to leave now that they knew she was no longer in danger. Leading Charlie to believe they could pick up where they left off last night would only put her right back at square one.

  “It’s over now.” Charlie grazed his thumb lightly over the small of her back. “Walsh is going back to jail where he belongs, hopefully for the rest of his pitiful life. Mett and I will be keeping tabs on him now. If he gets out again, we’ll know about it.”

  Kimberly stared down into her coffee, not saying anything. The simple touch of Charlie’s hand on her back had already started to warm her more than the coffee and blanket combined. Though she knew she needed to let go of that warmth and put some distance between herself and Charlie, she couldn’t bring herself to do it just yet.

  “Why did you leave this morning, baby?”

  Damn it. She’d known that question was coming. She’d even rehearsed how to answer it while she’d been walking on the beach before Walsh had gotten to her and even after when she’d settled on the sofa once she’d given John her statement about everything that had happened. Faced with it now, though, she couldn’t find the words to tell Charlie what she knew she had to.

  John saved her from having to give an immediate response when he waved at her from across the room. “I’m heading out. I’ll be at the sheriff’s department if you need anything.”

  Kimberly managed a small smile that didn’t hurt too bad. “Thanks for everything you did today.”

  The disappointed expression on his face as he walked out the door told her he was beating himself up for not realizing it had been Buster Walsh instead of Mack Snider who had been after her all along. Jeez, she was just making all the men around her happy as a bug in a rug lately, wasn’t she?

  She sighed, took a sip of her coffee, and felt it lodge in her throat when she locked gazes with Mett. “Stop it.” The force behind the two words surprised her. Apparently, it surprised him, too, because he simply blinked at her. “I won’t have you continuing to blame yourself for what happened today.”

  “John won’t let me see him,” Mett said tightly. “He won’t let me get close to him.”

  “Imagine that,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “Could that be because the sheriff knows you’ll kill him if you get the chance?”

  Mett’s hands curled and uncurled in fists at his sides. “Probably.”

  Kimberly shook her head. “He wanted to ruin your life. You kill him and you’ll be playing right into his hands. Taking his place in prison certainly won’t solve anything.”

  Mett raked a hand over his head and pushed a hard breath from his lungs. “Yeah. That’s pretty much what John said, too.”

  “He’s a sheriff, a former SEAL, and a brainiac.” Kimberly smacked her lips. “Boy, no wonder I used to have a crush on him.”

  Charlie slid her a sideways look that nearly made her laugh. “Lucky for us he found Lara instead.”

  Mett stepped between her knees and the coffee table and sat down on the edge. “Is it, sweetheart? Is it lucky for us?”

  “Just so you know,” Charlie whispered, leaning closer. “He’s blaming himself for more than Walsh right now.”

  Kimberly looked at him. “What are you talking about?”

  “You left this morning to get away from us.” Mett’s tone made the words more of a statement than a question. “We didn’t give you what you wanted last night. I didn’t give you what you wanted.”

  Kimberly took a deep breath and let it out slow. “What you did last night was prove to me that you’ve been right all along. The ménage lifestyle isn’t for everyone. I know that and I understand it. I’m not going to rope either of you into a way of life that doesn’t make you happy, too.”

  Charlie reached over, took her coffee cup from her hands, and put it on the table next to Mett. Her hands now free, Mett took them in his and pulled her gently to her feet, standing with her.

  “I felt you leave the bed this morning.” He let go of her hands and put his on her hips. “You thought I was sleeping, but I wasn’t. I’d been awake for a while, just laying there thinking about last night.”

  “About how it wasn’t going to work,” she whispered around the lump forming in her throat.

  He shook his head, his eyes more serious than she’d ever seen them. “No, about how much I love you and how right it felt waking up with you between me and Charlie.”

  Charlie’s hands closed around her outer thighs and Mett sidestepped as Charlie turned them so he could press his back to her front. “He gave me this long, mushy spiel this morning before we came looking for you, something about how you make us complete.”

  Kimberly stared at Mett, unable to believe what they were saying. She might have thought it was all a line if not for the way he was gazing back at her with his heart in his eyes. “You’re serious?”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” He dipped his head, resting his forehead against hers as he continued to hold her gaze. “I love you, Kimberly, and I want to wake up every morning for the rest of my life with you between me and my brother.”

  “Ditto.” Charlie pushed her hair aside with his nose and brushed his lips to the side of her neck. “To all of that. I love you, too, baby.”

  Hope filled Kimberly’s heart, but doubts continued to bounce in her mind. Apparently, they showed in her eyes, too.

  “You still don’t believe us.” Mett angled his face and kissed her so gently it brought tears to her eyes. “Will you let us show you?”

  Us. She didn’t miss the significance of that word. It was the first time Mett had talked about him and Charlie being hers together. Unable to speak through the hope that had filled her heart and overflowed through her system, she simply nodded.

  The smile that unfolded on Mett’s lips just before he kissed her was the sexiest one she’d ever seen on the man’s handsome face. He let go of her s
ides, his hands lifting to peel the blanket from around her, and then reaching for the hem of her sweater. Charlie’s hands had moved between her body and Mett’s, his fingers working the button and zipper of her jeans free.

  They undressed her together, Mett removing her sweater and bra, while Charlie took off her shoes, jeans, and panties. Then she was standing naked between them, the heat of their bodies warming her like no blanket ever could.

  Still kissing her, Mett scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down gently before finally pulling away. She sprang up, sitting on her knees in the center of the bed facing them, and watched in lusty hunger as both men undressed.

  “Christ, I’ve got to be the luckiest woman on the planet.” Her gaze jumped from one man to the other, greedily drinking in their broad shoulders, the hard planes and corded muscles of their chests. Charlie’s was smooth where Mett’s was speckled with dark springy hairs. Both were equally arresting. Their cocks stood at full attention between their powerful legs, jutting out like come-get-me exclamation points that had her licking her lips as her mouth watered and her pussy grew so wet she wondered it didn’t drip.

  “Why is that?”

  She pulled her gaze up to meet Charlie’s and found him grinning at her with one brow cocked. She answered him with an appreciative sigh. “Because you guys are gorgeous.”

  He chuckled as he crawled onto the bed, walking on his knees until he was behind her. His arms came around her, his hands covering her breasts as he nuzzled his face in the side of her neck. “You’re the one that’s gorgeous, baby.”

  Kimberly moaned as he massaged her breasts, his thumbs raking over her nipples until they beaded in a pulsing plea for more. She let her head fall back on his shoulder as he licked and nipped the side of her neck, her eyes closing to slits as the pleasure flowed through her. She saw Mett through those slits as he climbed onto the bed in front of her. He sat back on his heels, his gaze dropping to Charlie’s hands on her breasts, his eyes full of heat and only a hint of jealousy.

  She reached for him, cupping his nape as he came to her and took her mouth in another tender kiss. She wound her other arm behind her, laced her fingers in Charlie’s hair, and felt the bed shift as the men slowly laid her down between them.

  Mett eased back, the tip of his nose brushing hers as a dart of uncertainty shot through his eyes. “Do we get a little room for trial and error? I’ve never made love to a woman while another man is making love to her, too.”

  Kimberly smiled, the pain in her cheek dulled by the emotions filling her mind, body, and heart. “I don’t care how much you fumble as long as you’re both making love to me and enjoying it as much as I am.”

  One of Charlie’s hands released her breast and slid down her side, turning as it pushed between her body and his to palm the cheek of her ass. “There’s only one way I know of for us to do that, baby.” He spread the cheeks of her ass, slipped a finger between them, and grazed the pad of it lightly over her anus.

  She shivered, her muscles tightening involuntarily at the touch.

  “I want to be inside you right here,” Charlie told her, the pad of his finger pressing a little more insistently against the outer rim of her anus.

  “Is that what you want, sweetheart?” Mett skimmed a hand down her thigh, dragged it back up, and then pushed it between her legs. “Do you want both of us inside you at the same time?”

  “Yes.” The word left her on a strangled whisper as Mett hiked her leg onto his forearm and positioned his cock to enter her sodden channel. Behind her, Charlie’s finger rotated on her anus in pressured massages that sent devilish desires zinging from her ass to her cunt.

  “I need lube, baby,” Charlie told her. “I’m not going to take the chance I’ll hurt you.”

  Oh, he’d hurt her anyway and she knew it. She’d had anal sex before, but never with a man that had a dick as long and thick as Charlie’s, and never with an enormous cock like Mett’s in her pussy at the same time.

  “Bedside table drawer behind you.” Charlie’s hands left her and she felt the bed shifted at her back, heard the sound of the drawer open and close, and then felt the heat of his body as he returned.

  She curled her fingers around Mett’s bicep and locked her gaze with his. “Please. I want you inside me now.” She rocked her hips forward as much as the scant space between her body and theirs would allow. Mett didn’t have that trouble. He pushed his cock inside her pussy in a single, slow thrust that drew a soft moan from her throat.

  “Is that better?” His husky question fanned her lips as he held her gaze.

  “Yesss.” The cool contrast of thick gel to the needy flesh of her ass turned her answer into a hiss. Charlie eased a finger inside her, wiggling and working it until the nerve-laden tissue of her ass sucked it deeper inside. A bittersweet pain erupted in her ass, traveling a direct course to her pussy, and igniting a burn that emphasized the pleasure even as it made her whimper for more.

  Mett pulled his hips back, his dick sliding out of her until only the head remained before he slowly pushed all the way in once more. Charlie’s finger mirrored the movement, drawing back and entering her again in tandem with Mett’s cock gliding in and out of her cunt.

  “Charlie, please. Give me more.”

  He obliged her by adding a second finger and then a third to probe her asshole. Delirium threatened as she whipped her head from side to side, fighting to breathe. Her hips rocked forward on Mett’s enormous cock in her pussy, only to pound back on Charlie’s fingers in her ass. Exquisite electric bolts zinged through her, speeding her pulse and taunting the release growing claws as it attempted to find its way out of her body.

  A strangled scream of protest left her throat when Charlie pulled his fingers free of her questing ass without warning and she saw concern move through Mett’s handsome face a nanosecond before Charlie spoke.

  “Not yet, baby.” He shifted behind her, spooning his body against her back. “You can’t come until I’m inside your tight little ass.”

  “Hurry. Please, hurry.” Dear God, she’d never felt so ready to beg for anything in her life. She needed his cock inside her ass, invading and stretching the tender hole while Mett’s cock took control of her pussy.

  Charlie didn’t make her beg anymore. In the next instant, the bulbous head of his cock pushed into her anus, not stopping until it breached the tight ring of muscles and buried in her to the hilt.

  Kimberly froze, feeling as though she might pass out from the sheer bliss of being filled so magnificently. She closed her eyes and allowed every spark, every bolt, and every sensation of ecstasy to consume her as completely as her men claimed her. And they were her men. As she forced her eyes open once more, her gaze slamming into Mett’s, she saw in the depths of his wintergreen eyes that this was what he’d really been right about. The three of them together like this was how they were complete.

  Mett watched her as he started to move, setting a rhythm that was faster than he’d ever made love to her before. Charlie’s cock met that rhythm thrust for thrust in her ass, pumping in and out of her ass and pushing her body forward onto Mett’s cock, driving Mett’s dick stupendously deep inside her pussy.

  She tried to fight the orgasm, not wanting the moment to end. Surrender proved her only option as they made love to her with a ruthlessness that drove her past the brink of spectacular pleasure and to the edge of paradise.

  “Mett. Charlie. I’m going t—” She lost the rest of the words as she exploded in a screaming, blinding release that shook her to her toes.

  “Ah, yeah.” Charlie growled, sounding more animal than man as he plunged into her ass, keeping her orgasm flowing on a riotous ride of pleasure. “Damn, that’s fantastic. I love to hear you scream your pleasure like that.”

  Kimberly didn’t know where she found the strength, but she pushed her ass back on Charlie’s cock, ramming him so deeply inside her she wondered how she didn’t split in two. “Your turn,” she said breathle
ssly, though she quickly discovered she hadn’t needed to say a word. His body tensed, shuttered, and a low roar rumbled from his chest as he spewed his hot semen in her ass.

  Mett found his release at the same moment, grunting and throwing his head back as he shot his wad in her convulsing channel. “Holy shit,” he said, his breaths ragged as he collapsed against her front. He slowly lowered her leg and skimmed his palm up and down her tingling thigh. “That nearly killed me.”

  “That makes two of us,” Charlie echoed. “But what a way to go.”

  Kimberly giggled as she gathered her strength and sat up, turning to face them. They lay on their backs on either side of her, their chests rising and falling in ragged breaths, their eyes filled with emotions that told her she had indeed found her paradise.

  “I love you,” she whispered, flattening a hand on both their chests and dragging it down to their abdomens. “Both of you. I had every intention of coming back to the cottage this morning and calling everything off because, as much as I love the two of you, because I love the two of you so much, I couldn’t stand for either of you to be unhappy just so you could give me what I wanted.”

  “We know.” Charlie sat up and pulled her into his arms, turning her so that she was leaning against his front. “We had every intention of catching you as soon as we found you and showing you just how happy you really make us.”

  Kimberly let out a contended sight. “You definitely did that.”

  Mett sat up and leaned in to kiss her. “Do you believe us now?”

  She wound her arms around his neck and let her head fall to rest on Charlie’s chest. “Yes.”

  “Good, because ménage relationships don’t have to stop there on this island.”

  Her heart stilled as she stared at him. “What are you saying?”


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