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Steps For A Taboo Roadtrip

Page 4

by Nadia Nightside

“Really, ma’am, I’m sorry, but if she’s drinking, I have to see IDs. I can’t serve you otherwise.”

  “Of course you can. You walk on your legs back behind the bar. You grab eight shot glasses—you can count to eight, yes?” she held up eight fingers, thumbs down. “And then you fill them up with that horrid tequila you have. Then, you walk back here. You put them on the table, we drink them and pay you for the privilege. It’s all very straightforward. I don’t like this talk of ‘can’t’s.”

  “It’ know what I mean, ma’am.” The waiter’s pale face was pained now. His eyes kept shifting down to Annette’s cleavage. His hard-on was growing quickly. “I just...there’s laws.”

  “Laws.” Annette rolled her eyes. As if never there had been anything intrinsic in the law to ever give her pause. And why would there be, when every part of the law seemed ready to split for the wealthy and the beautiful? Like wet soil moving before a spade. “I’m the legal parent and guardian of this lovely young lady,” said Annette, “and I’m paying for her drinks. Now, line them up.”

  As she spoke, she slid over the booth next to Nora, pushing her body into her daughter’s. Nora felt pinned, trapped, even though she wasn’t really.

  It was just that Annette felt so incredibly good against her. It was unfair. She was too pretty to resist properly.

  “Ma’am, you can’t be serious.”

  “We can talk all day about how serious I am. You can make me go back to my hotel, grab my papers, and then go out to another bar where they’ll be nicer to me. But then, you won’t get to stare at me all night from the bar like I know you already want to. Or my daughter there. Isn’t she hot? And you won’t watch us get drunk. And you won’t wonder...what might happen if I give them a few free drinks? What might happen if...they get a little sloshy? Will Mommy and Daughter start to make out, in their drunk lusty frenzy? Will they offer to suck some waiter’s cock in their wasted gratitude? Anything at all could happen, couldn’t it?”

  Annette leaned forward, her cleavage showing. Slowly, she took a fifty dollar bill and pushed it into her cleavage.

  “Or,” she smiled brilliantly, “you can take this token of my appreciation. And maybe some more later on in the night if you want. And we just see where the night takes us. What do you think of that?”

  The barkeep now trembled with lust. His fingers slid into Annette’s cleavage and he grabbed the money. Annette’s fingers wrapped tight around Nora’s thigh, lust in control.

  “Good boy.”

  The waiter walked to the bar and returned shortly with their drinks. Annette lined up six in front of Nora, taking two for herself.

  “I don’t require so much. And you really need to loosen up.”

  “Where is Charlie?” asked Nora. “Why isn’t he here? What have you done with him?”

  Annette began to laugh again, sipping slightly at her shot glass. “It’s more like what has he done to me. Fuck, I can’t remember ever feeling the way about anyone or anything the way I feel about him. You were talking about insanity? He’s driven me insane with his cock, I’m pretty sure. And I don’t care in the slightest. You won’t either. Have a drink, there.”

  “I don’t want a drink. I want to know what your game is. Why are you doing this to us? Why are you...” her voice became a heated whisper. “...Why are you fucking my brother?”

  Realization dawned on Douzten’s beautiful face, as if she thought herself stupid for the longest time.

  “Is that what you’re getting your panties all twisted up about? Oh, darling.” She reached across the table and slid her fingers over Nora’s hand. “He’ll fuck you too. You don’t have to worry about that in the slightest. He wants to fuck you. Horribly. It was all I could do to make him not scream your name when he’s filling me up. And god, does he ever fill me up.” She giggled. “I think I’ll be pregnant before this trip is done. You can be too, if you like.”

  The thought was so fiercely arousing, and delivered by such a beautiful vision of a woman, that Nora’s vision went sideways for a moment. Filled by Charlie. Like that. Filled until she was pregnant. Her body could barely stand having that many perfect words inside of her mind. She couldn’t imagine what it might be like to have that much cum in her—her brother’s cum. His hot, alpha, stud seed pouring into her body, loading her up with a special taboo baby made just by him and her.

  “Oh yes, he’s far, far too much of a real man to not take you one way or the other. I thought I could manipulate him, it’s true. I thought I could wrap him around my finger. Have a little fun, like back when I was modeling. Keep it secret, something to keep my busy. God, I got into this life with your stepfather to make everything easy, but I didn’t realize how boring easy was. So...” her eyes glinted sharply. “I went after Charlie. But he...mmm. God, he...”

  She drifted off. Nora took a long sip of the tequila, draining a shot glass. Hot now. Interested.

  “He what?”

  “He made me cum. Harder, faster, more times than I can count. And we’ve only fucked twice now. He...he...” A tear began to slide down Annette’s face. She finished her liquor shot. “I need him, Nora. And he needs you. So I need you to fuck him so I can have him happy.”

  “But I...I were...”

  “Only in it for the money? Trying to take advantage of you two?” She shrugged. “That’s how it started. But god, once I got a proper dose of Charlie’s cock, I learned how properly wrong all of that was.”

  “ what?”

  “What I can I say?” Annette giggled. “I tried that. I really did. But Charlie fucked all those thoughts out of my head. I think this is what I really wanted all along. To just be fucking owned by a man like him. An alpha male. I don’t care about taking advantage anymore. Besides taking advantage of you, I mean...or anyone else he wants me to.”

  Annette’s hand rose up her thigh again, squeezing even tighter now. She crushed her beautiful body against Nora, sighing softly. Nora took another long drink of tequila. She was getting drunk, now. Letting this happen.

  “You see, he works so, so hard to hide his impulses. Threw himself into charity. Tossed away that promising athletic career to devote himself to school activities. Didn’t you ever wonder why?”

  Nora took another long drink and finished another shot glass. Only three shots left now. Her thoughts were fuzzy, her body warm. Annette felt so nice. Her voice was so soft.

  “He said it was because...because he liked to...liked to help...people?”

  “Don’t be stupid. Nobody likes to help people that much. He could have been at a university by now, training in their best camps. Instead he’s here. With you.”

  Slowly, it began to dawn on Nora.

  “He...he’s doing it all for me?”

  “Well, he knew you weren’t that impressed with sports. And that you really seemed to like charity work. So that helped. But he was also afraid of what he would do on the field. If he gave in to that hot, masculine edge he had...that thoroughly combat-driven urge to conquer and destroy. Once he gave into it, even just once, he was certain he’d give in all the way...and then he would conquer you.”

  “And he has given in. Now he’s...he’ made him.”

  “Well,” Annette bit her lip. “It’s more like he made me, at this point. I’m fucking crazy about him. I can’t explain it. His cock is my everything. I think I’m in love with him, isn’t that crazy? I've never been in love with anyone. Not your stepfather, God knows. But Charlie? Ugh.” She squeezed Nora's thigh hard. Their tits touching over the table. “I fucking worship him. He might be God, for all I know. Or care. All I really know is he wants to fuck you, and that means I’ve got to help him fuck you. By any means necessary.”

  Nora gulped and took another shot. Two left, now.

  The thought of Charlie having such absolute control over Annette simply because of the way that he fucked her was mind-meltingly hot. In truth, she had only told Charlie that she didn’t like sports as a way to a
void watching him crush his opponents at his games. If she saw him do that, then she didn’t think she would be able to contain herself for very long. If she had to see him covered in a manly sheen of sweat, the blood of the opposing players on his hands or face, his muscles burning with the exertion to exhibit his massive dominance on the field...

  For fuck’s sake, she was only a woman. How was she supposed to resist that kind of temptation?

  So she said she didn’t want it. And then he ended up being perfect anyway. Her cunt was on fire with these revelations from Annette. It took everything she had not to whimper and curl up into a ball on Annette’s lap, to have her Mommy (and oh fuck wasn’t it hot thinking about her like that) stroke her hair and tell her it would be all right, that Big Bro would take care of her, that her Big Bro Daddy Charlie was going to fuck her mind right.

  Instead, she got up. Her stance wavered. God, she was really drunk already. That tequila went straight to her head.

  “I...I have to go.”

  “Where are you going to run, little one? We know where you’re staying. We have all your money.”

  “Don’t be silly, love. I know what you want.”

  “Shut up. You don’t know anything. You’’re a third-class gold-digging bimbo who couldn’t think her way out of a burning paper bag.”

  Nora walked unsteadily out of the bar. But Annette was right behind her.

  The blonde’s soft hands came up on Nora’s back and then around her neck. At first, Nora thought the gesture was to calm her...but then Annette had herlocket in her hands, unbound from Nora’s neck.

  “Wha—hey!” She lunged at Annette, but the drink had slowed her reflexes. Annette was too fast for her.

  “This was from your old Mommy, wasn’t it? Charlie told me.” She held it up, sniffing. “It’s not that nice, you know. She probably got it at some junk shop, thinking it would be ‘classic.’ As if.”

  Regret and sadness filled Nora. She had thought the same thing herself many times, but tried to quell the thought. “Why...why are you saying that?”

  “Because, darling,” Annette drew Nora in, sliding the locket over their shared cleavage. “You’ve got a new Mommy now. A better one.”

  Nora whimpered. She couldn’t touch the locket without touching Annette’s hot, perfect tits. And so she did...and her touch lingered, loving the feel of the fertile hot blonde on her fingertips.

  Annette walked Nora to the nearby gutter, guiding her hand out with the locket held loosely therein.

  “Let it go, sweetling.”

  “I...I can’t. It’s all I have of her.”

  “And what has she ever done for you, except make you sad? Give it up. Let it go.”

  Annette held Nora tight to her fertile young body. Their female forms so alluring under the lamp light of the street. Annette's fingers pressed hard against Nora's clit now. Fingernails sliding into her juicy pink folds.

  “B-but mother...”

  “Shh, darling. Mommy’s here. Mommy is right here. Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure you feel good all the time. Won’t that be nice?”

  Nora’s breath caught. It would so wrong, so naughty, but so good, too, to have a Mommy who was there with her. Who was young and pretty and encouraging and

  “Mommy could bathe you later. Once we get a nicer hotel. Would you like that? Swathing you together in a warm towel after we’re done. Holding you tight in my lap. And we could bring in Charlie to lick away happily at your pussy. Wouldn’t that be just terrific?”

  “You’re just...j-just saying this because Charlie wants you to.”

  “So what? We should do what he wants. He’s a hunk.”

  “I know he’s your big bro...but he’s been more like a Daddy to you than anyone else, hasn’t he? Don’t you want to help me make your real Daddy happy?”


  The word that set her world on fire. Even more than Mommy or Big Bro, Daddy did...things to her.

  She’d never had a real, loving Daddy. Archibald was always so distant and cold. Charlie was the closest thing she had to one. If...if he wanted her to call her that, then she would. Unreservedly. Her pussy felt soaked with the thought, juices dripping all through Annette's fingers.

  “I think that you want Charlie to be all those things for you. I think you want him to be your big bro. I think you want him to be your lover. I think you want him to be your boyfriend. And I think you want him to be your Daddy. I think you want Charlie to be that all-male for you, everything that has a cock and everyone who can fuck you beyond belief.”

  Nora was sopping wet now. The smell was thick and hot. Her thighs slid together, trying to hide the hot liquid heat of her lust from escaping into Annette’s nose.


  “Please, what? Please stop saying all the things that you’ve always wanted? Please stop telling you that it’s perfectly okay to want what you want? Let me let you in on a secret, Nora darling...” she leaned forward, her lips pressing against Nora’s gentle earlobe. “...everything you want from Charlie, I want too. And so does he.”

  Nora moaned, hips bucking slightly. Wanting so badly to meet Annette’s fingers. They were right there, not far at all. She needed to feel them so badly.

  “I tell you what, sweetheart. Let me lick you, okay? Let me lick that soft, hot little virgin pussy of yours. And if you’re not turned on enough by the time Charlie comes back with drinks for us, then I’ll drop the whole thing. I’ll buy you a taxi and a plane ticket tonight, and you’ll be able to go back to your normal, boring little existence.”

  “And if...if I am that turned on?”

  Annette giggled. “Then he’ll fuck you stupid. And me. Both of us. Because he’s that big of a stud.”

  * * * * *

  When they returned to the room, Charlie was nowhere to be found. Annette didn’t seem to notice or care. She tossed the drunken Nora down on the bed and immediately ripped down the young beauty's tight leather pants. In seconds, Nora had her bare legs wrapped around Annette's beautiful head, pulling her in to her pussy.

  Annette's tongue was perfect. Taking its time, licking Nora slow. Nora's juices were already everywhere by the time they had gotten into the room. Now they slicked up against Annette's lovely face, her virginal arousal evident. Annette licked up and down her clit, sliding the gentle press of her tongue muscles right where Nora needed it most. Keeping her directly at the edge of orgasm. It was so brilliant. Her body wracked with need.

  “Oh god,” she moaned. “Oh god, Annette, please...please keep going...”

  As if Annette had any intention of stopping. Her experienced, sexy tongue continued to work on Nora, raising her arousal still.

  Nora felt only seconds away from cumming finally to her new Mommy's touch. She abandoned herself to the idea. She wanted it. And just as she was so, so close, just as it was a mere few seconds away from sliding into the unstoppable torrent of orgasm, Charlie showed up.

  In the midst of her pleasure, Nora had no idea where he might have been. Outside. In the bathroom, maybe. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was there now.

  There, and naked. His massive muscular form was godlike. Every part of him chiseled and ripped with strength. His abs a veritable eight-pack, like a ladder of lust down to his mammoth cock. His biceps pulsing with strength. Shoulders so broad, his thighs so dense.

  Annette removed herself from Nora's pussy, her cheeks glistening wet with Nora's juices. Somehow, just looking at Charlie's hulking form was almost as good as getting licked by Annette. He was so perfect—and Nora knew she was going to finally have him inside of her.

  Smiling, Annette moved up to Charlie, pulling him on the bed.

  “Get him hard, Nora. Here, I’ll show you how.”

  Taking Charlie’s cock in her hands, Annette slid her luscious mouth around the big meat, moaning blissfully as she took it in her body.

  “Gosh,” said Nora. “She’s just...just sucking you

  “Mmmhmm,” moaned Annette. Slowly, she slid off. “Now, you try.”

  Nora approached the cock somewhat uneasily.

  “Go on, sis,” said Charlie. “You’ll like it. I promise.”

  He took her by the back of the head and began to guide her in. Inch by inch, Nora approached the cock with her tongue out. The first taste she got was that of Annette’s saliva—it tasted like the bittersweet tequila she had at the bar mixed with Nora's own hot pussy juices. It was...tangy. Sweet. Yummy, even. Curious, Nora tried more, trying to lick it up. Her mouth moved up and down the long shaft, wanting to taste more and more of her Mommy’s taste. Softly, she began to moan with each new taste. After a minute of licking and kissing like this, she noticed that Charlie had become hard.

  The cock stood before her totally erect. Totally proud. Long and thick, glorious throbbing veins on its side. It was so beautiful. Had she been licking that? How lucky was she?

  Had she been scared of that?

  How stupid could she have been? How could anything so incredibly masculine and perfect be bad?

  “Now, take him into your mouth.”

  Slowly, Nora obeyed Annette’s order. But she wasn’t slow because of hesitation anymore. No, she was slow because she wanted to luxuriate in this feeling. She wanted to be taken completely over by the sensation of feeling her big brother alpha male’s cock sliding slowly through her thick, warm lips for the first time. Her virgin mouth and his experienced, forbidden cock meeting. Her cunt pulsed with hot pleasure, practically singing at the perfection of thisentrance.

  On the back of her head now, Annette’s hand guided her back and forth. Charlie’s hands were up behind his head, flexing as he pumped slowly into his sister’s mouth. He filled her mouth and then her throat, pushing in deep. Nora gagged slightly, but Annette calmed her body, gently massaging and relaxing her throat. Each new inch a struggle, but a pleasurable one.

  Once far enough, Annette moved Nora backward, letting Charlie's cock gently slide outward, until just the tip was inside. Wrapped tight by Nora's hot lips. And then, Annette pushed Nora back in, guiding her daughter's head on Charlie's hot, taboo dick. They continued like this for several minutes, Nora getting her first real taste of what it was to be a proper good little girl for her big brother.


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