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Bridging the Gap

Page 8

by Annmarie McKenna

Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman—with toys.

  On His Knees

  © 2009 Beth Williamson

  Private Lives, Book 1

  Renny Johnson has no idea why her ex-husband broke into her house in the middle of the night. She plans to find out—right after he wakes up from a close encounter with his own baseball bat. As long as she’s got him tied up, she might as well make him answer every unanswered question about their divorce.

  Nicholas sneaked into the house, hoping to retrieve his precious autographed bat without having to face Renny’s wrath. He didn’t expect her to knock him out with it. Then again, who can blame her? He left her to take a walk on the wild side, to search for that missing something he thought he couldn’t find in his marriage.

  Now that he’s completely at her mercy, he’s about to find out how merciless—and how incredibly sexy—his ex can be. The night becomes a wild roller coaster ride of amazing sex, dominance and submission, and maybe the beginning of a brand new chapter in their lives.

  Unless the flames burn out of control…

  Warning: This title contains a dominant woman, a sexy submissive man, and lots of nekkid, smokin’ hot sex.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for On His Knees:

  A surge of excitement danced across Nicholas’s skin. Renny was different…stronger, firmer, more in control. The very things he hadn’t even recognized he needed until he visited Nirvana. Now he knew he was a sub by nature. A sub in need of a Dom, and he hoped like hell Renny was open to the idea. He wouldn’t give her too much detail up front, just enough to have a taste of what could be between them.

  She picked up the scissors and, to his utter surprise, started cutting his clothes off. Now that was something he’d never expected. The cold steel of the scissors slowly slid up his overheated skin, and he shuddered with longing. Who knew his mousy ex-wife would end up being the woman he wanted so badly his teeth ached? His heart had known all along, had refused to give up on her. Perhaps it wasn’t too late.

  “What are you doing?”

  Renny glanced at him. “Making you naked.”

  “Why don’t you just take my clothes off instead of cutting them off?” His breath caught on the last word when the scissors flicked one nipple.

  She stopped immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” He was in danger of blowing another load in his pants though.

  She pulled the remnants of his shirt off, then leaned down and bit his hardened nipples. “Mmm, much better.”

  Nicholas let out a shaky breath, hoping like hell this wasn’t just punishment. He wanted so much more, craved more, needed more.

  Shifting down his body, Renny let her breasts press into his thigh. He couldn’t stop the moan from escaping. He swore he heard her chuckle.

  The scissors started again on his pants and he didn’t stop her. Didn’t say a damn word or even move. Instead he lay there, getting harder by the minute.

  Snip, snip, snip.

  Working her way up his pant leg, Renny nibbled and scraped her teeth on the exposed skin. It was the weirdest yet most sensual experience of his life. By the time she’d shredded his pants, he shook with need. Her eyebrows shot up when she discovered he’d gone commando.

  “No panties, Nicky?” she mocked him.

  A slow flush crept up his cheeks. “It’s more comfortable.”

  She stared at his erection and licked her lips. “I like it.” As she settled her wet cunt against his cock, he hissed along with her. After a moment of the skin-against-skin sizzle, she placed her hands against his chest and stared into his eyes. “Tell me about the club. Don’t make me tie you up again.”

  One eyebrow rose. “Maybe later.”

  A flash of surprise preceded a vixenish grin. “Is that something you learned at Nirvana?”


  She leaned closer and her newly cropped hair brushed his jaw. “What else did you learn?”

  “May I touch you?”

  She blinked then nodded. “You may.”

  He reached up to cup her ample breasts, the nipples diamond-hard against his hands. His mouth longed to pleasure them, but one step at a time. One small step at a time, even if it killed him.

  “That feels good,” she breathed. “Pinch them.”

  His heart skipped a beat at the command. God, to hear the love of his life speaking in that tone of voice was a dream come true. Nicholas parted the folds of the bathrobe and placed his hands on her heated skin. He couldn’t stop the shiver that traveled straight down his arms to his balls. Rolling the nipples between his fingers, he gently thrust his hips upward, pressing hardness into softness, cock to pussy.

  She caught his rhythm and pushed down against him. When he flicked one nipple with his nails, she slapped his hand.

  “No. Naughty boy.” She waggled her finger at him.

  He was surprised, yet pleased she reacted as she did. Renny certainly showed signs of being a natural dominant.

  “May I lick them?”

  “No, you may not.”

  A test. Definitely a test. He continued pinching and teasing her, never stopping or changing his position. Renny was catching on. Thank God.

  “I’m not sure I quite understand what’s happening, but it damn sure feels good,” she said huskily.

  Nicholas smiled. “You’re taking control. Do you like it?”

  She pushed her breasts against his hands and looked down into his eyes. “The question is, do you?”

  A million questions flew through his mind, followed by one answer.


  Renny felt like she was in a different dimension, one where she and Nicholas had never separated, never gone to bed without kissing each other good night, and never ended their relationship with a whimper.

  Surges of pure Grade-A arousal raced through her, making every hair on her body stand at attention. Her heart thumped hard and fast, making her a bit lightheaded. This wasn’t the languid arousal that affected her when she used her new sex toys. It was more like turning music on really loud and shocking body and brain into action at once.

  Her arousal grew strong and heavy, unlike anything she’d ever experienced. It had to do with the way Nicholas was giving her control, letting her tell him what to do. She felt powerful, sexy and incredibly feminine. At the same time, she felt out of control because she didn’t know what to do. She followed her instincts and his gentle prodding.

  As it was, she was on the verge of an orgasm from simply having him touch her breasts.

  “What’s next…Mistress?”

  The name skipped across her skin like a caress. Mistress.

  “Why did you call me that?” She sat back, forcing herself to pull her breasts from his amazing hands.

  He stared hard at her ripe nipples before meeting her gaze. “I wanted to. Do you think you can be a Mistress?”

  “What does it mean to be a Mistress?” She sure liked the sound of power. It turned her on like she couldn’t believe. Curiosity, arousal and downright naughtiness swirled around inside her.

  His hands twitched on her legs, as if he couldn’t sit still, as if he wanted to put them back on her breasts but didn’t want to without permission.

  “It means you tell me what to do, what to feel, how to pleasure you. And I obey.”


  “You do what I tell you to do?”


  “You do nothing without me telling you to do it?”


  “I am Mistress.”

  “I am yours.”

  A shiver worked its way down her body to land squarely in her pussy, which throbbed and clenched with excitement. She’d never known the very thought of having a man be at her command would engender the most intense feelings of longing she’d ever had.

  “Good. Then you may touch my breasts again and this time, use your mouth.”

  The eagerness in his eyes almost undid her. He pulled the robe off her shoulders, a soft caress of silk
on her overheated body. Fingertips lightly traced a path down her arms to circle her nipples. She held her breath until she grew lightheaded. When his fingers finally reached the sensitive tips, she moaned.

  “Does that feel good, Mistress?”

  “Mmmmm, yes.” She leaned forward, eager for the next step.

  He didn’t disappoint her. The first touch of his hot tongue felt like fire on her skin. Then there was a storm of wicked laving, followed by sucking that echoed through her body. Sweet, wet pleasure. She wanted more though. Much more.

  Vampire: (noun) Bloodsucker, murderer, bedpost-notcher, God’s gift to women, fiend.

  Tooth and Claw

  © 2009 Annmarie McKenna

  Seth Gramble is a prince among his people. Half vampire, half jaguar, he is one of a rare few who can shift into an animal form. Both his halves have found their mate in a female detective determined to lump all vampires in with the rogue who killed her former lover. He’s given her six months to see him differently. He’s done waiting.

  Paxton Tenor wants nothing to do with a blood-sucking fiend, no matter how much he makes her body sing. Nothing good can come of a vampire. A case she’s working on partners her with Seth, and she’s forced to reconsider her hatred. He doesn’t seem at all like the rogue who sucked the life from her boyfriend in cold blood.

  When Seth’s kitty comes out to play, Paxton realizes she’s been stupid to deny herself this man. And when he puts his life on the line to protect hers? All bets are off.

  Warning: Let’s be realistic here people; there’s sex. Who doesn’t want to be coerced into bed by a sexy, God’s-gift-to-women vampire? And when they can be undressed and on you before you can blink—hello. Even if said vampire faints at the sight of his own blood…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Tooth and Claw:

  Paxton dropped her head to Seth’s shoulder. How long had they been in here? Five minutes? Ten? Would Gutiérrez come looking for them? Shit. He would find them half naked and her with a vamp’s cock riding snuggly in her nicely satiated pussy.

  She so should have done this sooner. Why oh why had she listened to her brain and done her best to stay away from Seth? Her next thought? Why on Earth had she done this?

  Seth snorted in her ear.

  “Okay, dammit, if what we’ve done just enabled you to talk in my head or…or, read my mind, or whatever, you better just stop right now.”

  “It’s not necessarily sex that makes me able to talk in your head. I just can with certain people. Those open to it. Others are closed up tight. Sex can help open those doorways, though. Frees the mind somehow.”

  His tongue lapped at her earlobe. She mewled. Mewled! Like a freakin’ cat getting her head scratched.


  “Oh, for God’s sake.” She reared back and smacked her new lover upside the head. Her new lover! A freaking vampire lover. Oh, she had sunk low.

  This made him laugh harder. “I am sorry, Princess. You are an open book right now, broadcasting everything. This is so new to you, it will be impossible for me to keep out for a short time. It gets easier.”

  Something nagged at her, and she thought about what he said for several heartbeats.

  “So if sex is one way to open the doors…how is it that you and Cap can talk? Please God, don’t tell me you’re bi or something, cuz if you’re doing the captain—”

  He put a hand over her mouth, effectively shutting her up.

  “I am not doing your boss, nor am I bi. I told you. Some people are naturally receptive. Quinn happens to be one of them. It’s not something he tells anyone, we just sort of happened across it one day and we use it to our advantage. That’s all.” He grinned and lifted her, which allowed his penis to slip free from her body.

  She bit her lip and swore not to protest at the movement, at the sadness of not being filled by him anymore. She was not sad, dang it.

  Seth set her on her feet and steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. The cool air of the cage against her skin made her shiver as she looked for her clothes.

  “We have to get out of here. Jesus, I am so gonna get talked about,” she muttered, thinking about her partner and all the other detectives razzing her. As if that were worse than giving herself to a vampire. Hello, notch on the bedpost.

  “No one will know,” he said in all seriousness.

  “Oh yeah?” Her panties were still stuck in the waist of her pants and she pulled both garments on while Seth zipped his luscious—yes, she admitted to herself, the man was hung nicely—cock back away. She almost said goodbye to the damn thing and watched it longingly as it disappeared behind the denim.


  “Are you going to wipe their memories or something?” She reached for the edges of her bra to reconnect them only to have her hands swiped away. Seth did the job, lingering a tad and brushing his thumbs over her still very-sensitive nipples.

  “You are beautiful,” he murmured.

  Paxton swallowed at the heat she saw in his eyes and suddenly hated her job. All she wanted to do was take Seth home and make love to him all night long.

  Oh God, she didn’t. She didn’t want that.

  Did she?

  He smiled again.

  “All right, you bastard, you have to stop that.”

  “I am sorry.” He wrapped his hand around her nape and nuzzled the side of her neck with his nose. She swore he inhaled her.

  “Mmm…” he hummed against her throat.

  “Oh Jesus. You must have taken too much blood because there is no way I should be enjoying this.”

  “Are you weak?”

  “N-no. Not yet.” She angled her head for him. “Are you going to bite me again? Cuz then I’m thinking I might like to get a little weak.”

  “I won’t let you faint, Princess.”

  She stepped back out of his reach, yanking the silk shirt together to cover her breasts. Wasn’t she just a fountain of contradictions? One minute she hated the man, the next she was ready to graciously offer herself as a snack. Fucking vampire mojo making her do things she didn’t want.

  “Why do you keep calling me that?” she grumbled, doing her best to get back on level ground.

  Seth sighed, which only served to fill her with dread. She wasn’t going to like what he had to say, she knew it.

  When she finished buttoning the shirt, he took one of her hands in both of his and kissed each fingertip. “I promised we’d talk about it. But here”—he glanced around the dim cage—“is not the place for it. Besides, we’re late and Luke will be waiting for us. I’m sure you know how impatient he can be.” He grinned once more and Paxton was astonished to see his wicked incisors shrink into regular teeth.

  “Fine. Later.” She whipped around, not wanting him to see how he affected her. Not that he couldn’t pick her brain and discover all of her dirty little secrets if he wanted to, apparently. “You still need a vest.”

  She shivered at the strange snarl at the back of her neck.

  “For you, I will wear one.”

  “Christ, you idiot.” She slapped his chest. “You’re going to get me demoted from detective to beat cop if you don’t wear the damn thing. Granted, we’re going into a woman’s house to see the damage done to her underwear drawer, not staking out Al Capone. Do I think you’ll get shot by anything other than a possible errant mothball? No, but too fucking bad cause it’s policy. P-O-L-I-C-Y. Take the fucking thing and shut up or I’ll shoot you myself.” She was steaming. Her face had to be an angry red, based on the heat she felt there. His defiance was pissing her off.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


sp; Young Adult




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