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The Substitute Wife

Page 22

by CiCi Cordelia

  “Stop wiggling, wife,” he admonished in her ear, then bit the tempting lobe. “You’re getting me all fired up.”

  She shivered deliciously. “Behave yourself, Harrison. And you’re holding me far too close. People will talk.” When she squirmed harder, he groaned under his breath. “They’re probably staring at us too,” she fretted.

  A fast perusal of the room netted him a few grins and a wink or two, but not a single look of disapproval. He bent to her and kissed her blushing cheek. “They all envy me.” To distract her, he nodded toward the edge of the dance floor. “Look there. Ben and Cat are dancing, and Frank’s about fit to be tied.”

  She glanced in that direction, and blanched at the dark fury evident on Frank’s face. “Oh, Lord. You don’t think they’ll come to blows over Cat, do you?”

  “I think our Cat knows exactly what she’s doing. And I think my brother probably deserves it.” Harrison snuggled her closer as they passed a proud Ben swinging Cat in his arms. Seeing the ample space she maintained between their bodies, he doubted Frank had anything to worry about.

  As one waltz blended into another, the sound of lively conversation and boisterous miners rose above the smoke from candles and kerosene lamps. The awful events of a few days ago dissipated into nothing as Harrison scooped Addie into his arms and made a circle hug with Retta, dancing with both his ladies, uncaring who saw him steal a kiss or two from his wife.

  ~ ~ ~

  Harrison tucked the blanket around Addie, as Retta kissed her forehead. It’d been a long evening for everyone, with plenty of food and fun, and socializing with the townsfolk. His wife and daughter were fast becoming favorites among everyone, with their sunny smiles and generous hearts.

  Frank had voiced some concerns about the budding friendship between Retta and Cat, worried the more sophisticated barmaid would be a bad influence on his wife. Harrison thought his brother had Cat Purdue all wrong, but telling him so proved pointless. There was more to the woman’s story than met the eye. If Frank crawled off his high horse and opened his eyes, he might just figure that out.

  Retta turned to him and held out her hand. “Ready for bed?”

  Soft and feminine, her eyes shone with contented happiness. He felt like the luckiest bastard alive.

  His gaze swept over her, enjoying the pretty picture she made.

  The rich fabric of her gown formed gently to her lush curves, and he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her all night. It seemed like forever since he’d held her, kissed that perfect mouth, and buried himself deep inside her body.

  His fingers felt along his trouser pocket for the item he’d been carrying around all evening. Jack Jaworski, the smithy, had pressed it into his hand earlier at the dance, with a knowing wink that Harrison couldn’t take offense to.

  Maybe the timing was off and he should have had this done months ago. Then again, this moment might be just right.

  Stepping to her side, Harrison took her left hand. “Close your eyes.”

  She regarded him suspiciously. “What are you up to, Mister Carter?”

  He gave her fingers a squeeze. “Indulge me.”

  “All right.” As her lashes swept down, he reached into his pocket and drew out the shiny circlet. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed her ring finger, then slid the band home, where it belonged.

  Her eyes opened wide and she glanced down at her hand. “Oh, Harrison. Is this my—”

  “Wedding ring. I think it’s about time, don’t you?” He traced the pretty little bauble, a single, perfect ruby set in etched silver.

  “It’s beautiful. It’s—oh.” She raised teary eyes to his and cupped his cheek, the ring sparkling as she stroked his jaw. “It’s one of my mother’s rubies, isn’t it?”

  Emotion clogged his throat, but he managed a nod. “I know you consider your mama’s jewels part of Jenny’s dowry. But one of them needs to stay with you.”

  Retta flung herself into his arms. “You wonderful man.”

  He pressed her head to his shoulder as she clung, kissing her hair, unable to speak for the emotion clogging his throat.

  For long moments they held each other close, until with a final squeeze Harrison stepped back. “Let’s go to bed.”

  This past week had been rough for everyone, and there was no missing the lingering shadows under her eyes. She was still recovering from the ordeal.

  Slow and easy, jackass.

  Arm in arm, they walked to the bedroom.

  Harrison pulled off his boots and unbuttoned his shirt while Retta sat before her mirrored vanity and pulled out the jeweled pins holding her hair, then brushed the long tresses until they fell like sunshine silk down the back of her gown.

  She faced him with a smile, and his heart clutched. There was no denying he loved his wife. And his daughter. With everything in him, and he’d spend the rest of his life making them happy and keeping them safe.

  Thank you, Jenny, for sending them to me.

  Retta presented her back. “Unfasten me, please.”

  His fingers actually trembled as they fought with the row of hooks. Never had so few felt like so many. At last the heavy silk loosened, the dress falling to the floor. She turned, a thin chemise and pantalets her only covering. Her hands went to the tie holding the fragile linen together, and Harrison pushed them aside.

  “Let me.” Losing himself in her glorious blue eyes, he pulled at the ribbon, then slid his thumbs under the dainty straps and eased them off her creamy shoulders. A few more buttons and one stubborn hook later, the garment hit the floor along with her pantalets . . . and she stood, bared before him.

  He almost swallowed his tongue when she murmured wickedly, “My turn.”

  The cotton drawers he wore against his skin scraped like sandpaper over his engorged cock. Jaw locked and tense, he forced his hands to remain at his sides as she worked at freeing him from his restrictive garments.

  Finally, naked as well, Harrison urged her toward the bed and followed her under the sheets.

  Turning onto her side, she snuggled up to him, her body soft and warm. She palmed his face with one hand, tilting his head toward her. A tender smile curved her lips. “I love you.”

  He stilled, his world realigning with those three small words.

  Life was like a winding trail, and no one knew where they might end up. He’d had hopes and dreams with a girl named Jenny, a future that never came to pass. Instead, she’d sent him Retta. A substitute wife that turned out to be the biggest prize of all.

  A lifetime with Retta flashed across his mind. His beautiful bride. His sweeter-than-candy Addie.

  A wagon full of more children, God willing.

  His chest bursting at his good fortune, he rolled over to tug her beneath him. Framing her face between his hands, he stared into her misty blue eyes.

  “And I love you, Retta.” He dropped a tender kiss onto her smiling mouth. “You and Addie are my world.” He nuzzled her ear. “You’re everything I didn’t know I was missing.” His hand trailed to her breast, swirling his thumb around the tight peak, loving the sound of her throaty moan. “I’ll spend the rest of my life cherishing you.”

  His mouth moved to her other breast as she threaded her fingers into his hair and arched into his touch. “Loving you.” He suckled hard, and she quivered and cried out his name.

  Lowering his hand further, Harrison reached between her legs and found her wet. He flicked her bud, causing her hips to jerk as another moan burst from her lips. Her legs fell open in invitation and he slipped two fingers inside.

  “I want to spend the rest of my days making love to you, honey.”

  “Yes, Harrison, yes,” she cried, lifting her hips so his fingers could slide deeper.

  Bringing his mouth back to hers, he nibbled her lower lip, befo
re probing inside to tangle her tongue with his.

  His adorable wife made love the same way she lived life. Holding nothing back from him, her kisses grew passionate and wild, frenetic, as if each moment on this earth could be their last.

  He loved it.

  He loved her.

  Swallowing her moans, Harrison curled his hand around the back of one knee, raising it up and out, opening her completely.

  “I’ll never hurt you, nor make you unhappy.” As he made the vow, he positioned his cock at her soft center, and stared into her passion dazed eyes. “Today, I take you, Retta Carter, as my love. My life. From this day forward, forever.”

  Harrison sheathed himself to the root in her moist heat. Her needy moan felt like a stroke to his cock, already throbbing with the urge to empty everything he had into her.

  She clung to him, tilting her hips to meet his slow, steady thrusts.

  “Today,” she said breathlessly, “I take you, Harrison Carter.” Another moan as he quickened his pace. “My love. My life. Oh God, yes . . .”

  Harrison palmed her hips to lift her higher so he could delve deeper still. Her silken flesh clutched at him, and he groaned at the exquisite torture. Reining in his lust, he held back long enough for Retta to catch up with him.

  “From this day forward,” she promised, arching up as her body stiffened with her impending release. The snug muscles of her core rippled along his cock.

  With a groan, he lowered his head and laved her breasts with his tongue as his own release bore down on him. Their bodies damp with sweat, they moved together, passions rising, breaths panting, hearts beating as one.

  As the first vibrations of her release gripped him tightly, Harrison threw back his head as he exploded, filling her with his seed.

  Legs coiled around his hips, Retta managed to gasp out, “Forever,” before she convulsed beneath him.


  One Year Later

  Sitting across from Retta, Harrison held the note from her Aunt Millie. Swallowing against burning emotion for the lovely girl he remembered, and once thought to marry, he met Retta’s watery gaze. “I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “Aunt Millie said she went peacefully.” Tears she could no longer hold back rolled down Retta’s cheeks. “She died months ago, Harrison. It took all this time for my aunt’s letter to reach us.” A sob hitched in her chest. “All she ever wanted was for us to be happy.”

  Harrison took a seat next to his wife on the sofa and pulled her into his arms as she wept at the loss of her sister. Holding her close, he murmured words of love and comfort, until she finally calmed.

  “At least Jenny received our letters. Aunt Millie said she was happy we found love in our marriage. And Jenny wouldn’t want us to grieve.” She gave a hiccup, wiping the dampness from her face.

  Desperate to touch her and offer comfort, Harrison rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “We’ll celebrate her life, Retta. She’ll never be forgotten.”

  “Aunt Millie’s all alone now.”

  Addie came running into the room. “Mama, Jenny’s up.”

  Retta’s face broke into a real smile this time, and Harrison’s heart warmed. Their daughter, born three months earlier, looked a lot like her namesake, with her warm-brown hair and blue eyes. “I think your sister would be pleased that we’re using the dowry she sent with you for the girls’ education.”

  Retta swiped the last tears from her face with both hands. “I’m sure she would be.”

  Addie threw herself onto Harrison’s lap. “Papa, Jenny can sleep with me now?”

  He stood, lifting his daughter with him. “Let’s head into Little Creede and see if Silas can order us a bed.”

  Addie clapped her hands in excitement. “I want a bwother, too.”

  Harrison kissed her forehead. “Soon, Addie girl.”

  Leaning in to their daughter’s other side, Retta nuzzled her silky cheek. “How does seven months sound, my angel?”

  Harrison’s eyes widened and his heart pounded hard as he glanced at his wife. “Are you sure?”

  She smiled up at him, her eyes overflowing with love. “Yes. Mostly sure.”

  A grin split his face, and he lifted Addie high in the air. She squealed with delight. Bringing her back down to his chest, he hugged her. “What do you think? How about we send for Aunt Millie to help your mama?”

  Addie nodded vigorously, giggling as he bussed her neck with a noisy kiss before setting her back onto her feet. Smiling, he watched her run over and plop down next to Noodle in front of the fireplace, coaxing the skittish Doppy into her lap.

  Looking back at Retta, he caught her dabbing at her eyes. At his arched brow, she said, “I just— Have I told you today how much I adore you?”

  She had in fact, just that morning after he’d loved her silly before breakfast. But he never tired of hearing it, or telling her what a lucky man he was to have her and their daughters.

  Their baby took that moment to squawk at being ignored.

  Harrison reached for his wife’s hand. “Someone’s hungry.”

  Retta’s tinkling laughter filled their home. “Someone’s always hungry in this house.” She pulled him toward their bedroom to collect Jenny from her cradle.

  Settling onto the bed, Retta lowered her bodice so their baby girl could have breakfast. Caught by the sight, for a moment Harrison lost track of what she was saying, then her words hit him, and his gaze shot back up to her. Her eyes danced with amusement.

  “Come again?” he asked, not sure he’d heard her right.

  “I said, it’s official. Cat is the new owner of the Lucky Lady Saloon, and she’s turning it into an eatery.”

  “Hmm.” He mulled it over as he sat beside her and their nursing child. Cat had been keeping the place running over the past year, since Morgan’s arrest, by offering meals along with the liquor. Shutting down all prostitution within the establishment, the women had the choice of staying on as cooks or waitresses, or moving on. Most stayed.

  There’d been some grumbling from the men in town, who had to ride over to Silver Cache for their needs, but surprisingly not a word of complaint from Frank. His brother had concentrated on the mines, which were running smoothly and making them both rich.

  Rich enough to send back east for their mother and sister, arriving as soon as Vivian received her teaching certificate and Mother finalized the sale of their house back in Bolster. Harrison figured in less than six months, he’d be holding his beloved womenfolk in his arms at last . . . and introducing them to the new loves of his life. He couldn’t wait.

  Cupping the side of Jenny’s downy head as she suckled, he mused, “The cabin is almost finished. Would have been sooner, if not for this pretty little scrap demanding to make an entrance a month early.” He stroked Jenny’s rosy cheek, earning him a grunt as she waved a tiny fist.

  “Do you think your mother and sister will take kindly to living in the wilds of Colorado?” Retta moved the babe to her other breast, wincing as she latched on. “I swear, this child was born with teeth.” She relaxed against the pillows, her free hand smoothing over Harrison’s thigh. “I have bedding to bring over. Dishes, too. I just hope they like everything. They’ve always enjoyed the advantages of town.”

  “They’ll do fine. My mother is from sturdy stock. Frank takes after her.” He winked at the confused look on her face. “Lucinda Carter is a lovely woman, but strong and tall. She’ll dote on you two seconds after she meets you.”

  “I feel as if I already know her. She’s written me such wonderful letters.” Retta expertly burped Jenny, then snuggled her close as the babe yawned and dozed. “And Vivian’s notes are a delight to read. I predict your sister and I will become great friends.”

  “Vivian is a shy one. Always been a bookworm and a dreamer. But if an
yone can draw her out, you can.” He pressed a kiss on her temple as she rested her head against his shoulder.

  Seconds stretched into minutes as they watched baby Jenny sleeping in the crook of Retta’s body. Addie darted into the room, barefoot and bouncy, quieting instantly when Harrison held a finger to his lips and nodded toward her slumbering sister. Smiling widely, Addie clambered onto the bed and snuggled into his lap, as Noodle chased Doppy, then his own tail, finally stretching out on the rug for a nap. The cat hissed and dashed under the highboy.

  Arms full of the ones he loved and a slumbering pup at his feet, Harrison sighed contentedly. Soon, the rest of his family would join him and Frank. The future unfolded before him, bright and bountiful.

  Can’t ask for anything more.

  THANK YOU for reading THE SUBSTITUTE WIFE, Book One of Brides of Little Creede. We hope you enjoyed Harrison’s and Retta’s story.

  The series continues with Frank Carter and Catherine ‘Cat’ Purdue, in Book Two, THE DANCE HALL WIFE, scheduled for release October 2018:

  CAT . . .

  Cat Purdue has come a long way from the days when her father used her as partial payment for a gambling debt to a ruthless man. Reacquiring the saloon Father had lost, and turning it into a successful restaurant, is only the beginning of her drive for success.

  FRANK . . .

  Unable to reconcile the new, sophisticated Catherine Purdue from the saloon girl he once dallied with and foolishly spurned, Frank Carter finds himself blocking his growing attraction with sharp words and sarcasm. But when the Carters’ old nemesis escapes prison and comes back to Little Creede for vengeance, Frank’s only thought is to protect Cat, as well as his family.


  Determined to lead separate lives yet bound together by danger and their growing desire, Frank and Cat will leave their mark in the new state of Colorado.



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