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Her Master Demands (Dark BDSM Erotica)

Page 6

by Dan Bruce

“Well... Well no – I do want that part of it. Of course I want you to sleep with me.”

  “Sleep with you! I don’t think so! But I will fuck you!” said Adam dismissively, apparently un-phased by this gruesome prospect. “And the other thing you insisted on was that I set things up so that Emily Johnson would get down on her knees, grovel before you and kiss your ass. Was that not the case?”

  “No!” snapped Tessa getting increasingly flustered. “Well, yes – the first part – the grovelling. But as for the ass kissing - it was only a figure of speech, for crying out loud! I didn’t mean it literally.”

  “Really!” exclaimed the Master, looking totally flummoxed. “You mean you’re settling for this – figurative ass kissing instead of the real thing. God! How disappointing – especially as I went to so much effort to get Blondie here into the state of mind that she’d actually do the deed. And there was me thinking you really hated her, and wanted to see how far she would sink.”

  “I do hate the bitch!” snapped Tessa.

  “Then make her do this! Make her suffer the greatest indignity possible – make her stick her tongue up the asshole of her worst enemy.”

  Tessa looked doubtful. Adam coaxed her with a gentle stroke of her flushed cheek as he pressed the matter further. “Think about it, Tessa. You wouldn’t have to get naked or anything – not completely. Just lift up your skirt and drop your knickers to flash her your asshole then order her to stick her tongue all the way up. She’ll hate it – but she’ll do it. And you’ll always have that on her – Emily Johnson licked out your ass. It would be the most galling experience of her life. You could round it all off by farting in her face. It will haunt her forever – the awfulness coming back every time she sees you... Isn’t that right, Blondie?”

  “Yes, Master,” Emily croaked, her mind reeling at the horror of what she would be forced to do.

  “Well... when you put it like that,” said Tessa, still not sounding totally convinced.

  “No half measures, Tessa. I mean, I’d hate to be disappointed here, and then find that you get disappointed later on – if you get what I mean. It should be proper measures all the way – celebrate through till dawn rather than finish it here with a quickie against the wall.”

  Emily was far from happy listening to this, but she had to admit the man was good – once in sales, clinching a deal would be a piece of cake for him. She could see Tessa weighing it up – and the promise of a whole night getting fucked by Adam Wolf was clearly a huge attraction, and humiliating her enemy to such an extent was pretty appealing as well. Why Her Master was pressing for this, Emily had no idea – to prove his power over her could be the only reason, as surely he didn’t want to spend a whole night with Tessa delivering part two of the bargain they’d struck – a quick knee trembler here in the washroom would be a much more preferable option. For Emily as well – she didn’t like the idea of Her Master fucking Tessa – it somehow cheapened him – promise or no promise. It was almost as abhorrent as what Emily would have to do. Almost – but not quite! Emily prayed that for once Her Master wouldn’t get his way.

  No such luck!

  “Okay,” said Tessa, succumbing to the man like everyone did. “Get the little stuck up madam to stick her tongue up my ass. Then I want fucked good and proper by a big hard prick, so you’d better not have been bragging, Adam, when you mentioned the size!”

  Chapter 11

  It had been a day of endless surprises, and now Emily Johnson was experiencing another one: the taste of an asshole wasn’t anywhere near as foul as she might have expected!

  She pulled away at the first taste – a nervous little flick over the purple pucker, her tongue trailing obediently, but shying at the end. Then she tried again, determined to persevere - wanting to obey, wanting to please. Pushing away her instinctive revulsion, Emily circled the skin delicately with the tip. Then finding the taste wasn’t totally abhorrent, she ventured further and tongued the anal flesh again, this time with more purpose, lingering as she traced the starfish arm ridges to finally prod at the yielding ring.

  “That’s it, Blondie,” Her Master coaxed. “Don’t disappoint me. Get your tongue in there.”

  And that’s what Emily did – she obeyed him, as she knew at that moment she would do in all things. Like a Samurai warrior, she would fall on her sword if Her Master so desired, for that was the extent of the hold the man possessed. Dutifully, she pressed on the ring which obligingly relaxed, allowing her access to the chute.

  It was a truly electrifying moment. Once again Her Master had performed the trick and turned the depths of depravity into an ecstasy of submission. Revulsion tried to scream and shout its indignation, but Emily would hear nothing of it. She buried her face in the warmth of the crack, thrust with her tongue and made an oral attack. She felt some nausea; there was an involuntary retch; the pungent smell, the acrid taste, all conspired against her, but Emily won through. She found sweetness in the bowels mingling with the bitterness. The rectal flesh was so silky to the tongue. After the initial shock and revulsion had waned, she found that pleasure Her Master always inspired.

  “Well done, Blondie! But enough’s enough – the point has been proved, and I’m really not into having my ass rimmed. But whilst you’re down there, give my balls a good licking, and of course my cock. As you can see, it’s got hard again – so no doubt I’ll be using it quite soon to fuck you some more. But I’m not ready yet – so in the meantime, you work on me.”

  Emily looked up to Her Master, grinning with delight. Lying on his back with his legs curled up and parted, the man really did make for the most awesome sight: the handsome face with those dark manly features; the bulky chest and flat ripped stomach, all covered in a fine mat of shiny black hair. Even Her Master’s ass was a wonder to behold: the fleshy buns so full and round; the lightly fur ringed pucker now glistening with Emily’s saliva. And of course there was his cock, and the pair of big potent balls – equipment that had serviced Emily so well over the past few hours: fucking her wildly, the Master hungry with need to fire off his seed; then fucking her again within minutes of spurting, taking his time before blowing another load, delivering so wonderfully against his promise to rut with her for hours on end.

  They were now lying on Adam’s bed in his rather modest flat – a place that would undoubtedly be upgraded in the near future, once those scarily large commission cheques started rolling in. They had come here after Emily’s Master had sorted Tessa out – another surprise – a whopper in fact. Emily could scarcely believe what had happened. Yet it had occurred - the scene so clear in her mind – a memory Emily would treasure for the rest of her life...

  “Okay,” said Tessa, succumbing to the man like everyone did. “Get the little stuck up madam to stick her tongue up my ass. Then I want fucked good and proper by a big hard prick, so you’d better not have been bragging, Adam, when you mentioned the size!”

  After Tessa had made this bold declaration, rather shyly for someone who hoped to spend most of the night with a heck of a big cock pounding away at her pussy, the evil witch had turned away, put her hands under her skirt and pulled down her knickers that were as big as a tent. Encouraged by the man she expected to be doing that pounding, Tessa had then hitched up her skirt to reveal the big fat ass which Emily was expected to kiss and lick as the initial part of Tessa’s pay off. The spectacle was completed when Tessa had bent over - spreading her legs to part her buttocks and reveal the full extent of the task Emily was being set.

  Ordered to her knees directly behind - Emily had no choice but to take in Tessa’s ass at close quarters. More generous souls would have been less severe in their appraisal, but Emily was hardly the kindly sort when it came to her mortal enemy. The buttocks were huge and decidedly flabby, not taut and plump like her peachy pair.

  Emily had felt sick. The sight of Tessa’s butt was nauseating. The very idea that she would have to lick it was turning her stomach. And not just lick it – get her tongue right in there and r
eam out Tessa Clifford’s rancid guts! It was cruel – the worst thing Her Master had ever done. Everything else had a balancing edge – a high to offset the low. But not with this! How could there possibly be an upside to this humiliation? How could Emily possibly find a crumb of comfort in the taste of Tessa’s putrid bowels?

  “Tell her what you want, Tessa!” Adam had insisted, laughing at the fun which Emily didn’t find amusing.

  “I want her to lick it!” Tessa had said rather meekly.

  “No! Tell HER! Not ME!” shouted Adam, his voice so commanding. “This is your prize! The bribe you demanded. So tell her! This is what you asked for in return for your help – so let’s hear you claim it!”

  “Lick my ass,” Tessa had squeaked not very convincingly.

  “Pathetic!” mocked the Master. “Surely you’re not as pathetic as she is! Come on, Tessa! That’s not how an assertive woman behaves. Demand! Demand of her now and demand of me later! Or when it comes to part two, will you ask me nicely to take you, and not object when all I do is prod your pussy slit with my knob – too shy to demand that I stick it all the way in then fuck you senseless with eight hard inches of cock?”

  That did the trick. Tessa had looked round and snarled at Emily, grabbing hold of her flabby butt cheeks to spread them wider as she hissed out the commands. “Lick my asshole, you nasty little bitch! Get your tongue up there and get it up deep!”

  “That’s more like it, Tessa,” Adam had enthused. “And why should she do this?”

  “Because she’s a pathetic little bitch - that’s why. Because I’m smarter than her and I’ve set this up.”

  “No Tessa, that’s where you’re wrong,” Adam had said. “Tell her why you’ll do this, Emily.”


  Up until that point it had been the worst imaginable nightmare: the grovelling before Tessa; the sight of her ugly ass; the horror of what Her Master had commanded. Emily had feared she might fail, because she knew she would try, no matter how revolting the act would prove. There was no way on earth she could defy Her Master. If this was what he wanted, then Emily would do her best to meet his demands.

  But he had called her ‘Emily’ which had set her mind racing! Was that a slip of the tongue? No! Everything Emily had witnessed and heard about this man had been the work of a Master strategist, who did everything on purpose. He’d left the scarf on when he could have shamed her with the collar – that a clear calculated move. And using Emily’s proper name had unquestionably been deliberate.

  Then the words had come back. They were never difficult to recall – she could remember almost everything Her Master said to her, and she had remembered this verbatim...

  “Oh – well you must call me Adam if I’m calling you Emily. And are you working late tonight... Emily?”

  Using her wits, Emily had carefully answered.

  “I’m doing it because you are asking me to... Adam.”

  “Of course you are... and I’m sorry that I blackmailed you into it. But you can stop now, Emily – I think the game is up for Ms. Clifford.”

  Tessa Clifford had been struck mute and apparently paralysed, for she just held her position, gawping as Emily moved out of the way, just as Her Master had pulled out a camera and took three rapid snaps of Tessa’s unattractive butt along with her horrified face. Finally Tessa’s brain had clicked into gear and she managed to get herself in a more dignified state, pulling up her knickers and dropping her skirt.

  “What’s going on? I thought we had a deal?” she had cried in confusion.

  “We did,” Emily’s Master had replied calmly. “You said you wanted Emily to get down on her knees and kiss your fat ass – well she’s done that – in a figurative sense at least, which is what you always intended. And with the recording I’ve just made of your disgusting confession, backed up by these incriminating photographs – I’d say I’ve delivered my own part of the bargain – for you are now... WELL AND TRULY FUCKED!!!”

  “No! No! It’s a trick,” Tessa had hollered, her eyes bulging in panic. “I’ll say you lured me down here. You wouldn’t risk it anyway. You’d lose your job as well if this comes out, so you wouldn’t dare.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” Adam had laughed. “That’s where you’re wrong Tessa. I’m planning to go and see Willy Ross tomorrow and make a full confession. I’m going to tell him how I wanted a job in sales – a job that you agreed I had the personal qualities for, but you were reluctant to put me forward for. The story will go that you demanded sexual favours, which I refused to give – let’s face it Tessa – who would believe I’d agree to stick my cock into a fat ugly mess like you! I’m surprised that even you fell for that! Then as an alternative bribe, and to prove that I could manipulate at the highest levels, you asked for this: that I seduce Emily Johnson, whom I was more than happy to fuck, and then blackmail her into debasing herself in a manner of your choice, or else I’d spill the beans on her infidelity to her husband. Of course I couldn’t see it through – hence the sting in the tail at the end.”

  Adam had paused for a moment to let it all sink in. Emily had gawped at him: at that poker player face, no idea if Her Master was bluffing or not. But Tessa was buying it, her face was a picture of abject horror - for she was the one who had raised the stakes, gambled so much and now stood to lose.

  “And what will be the outcome?” Adam had added, hammering it home to the woman he had tricked. “Well, with the recording as evidence – you’d definitely lose your job – perhaps worse! Who knows what dim view the police might take? Whereas me – I think Willy would be even keener to have me in his team having performed so well in this sordid little affair. And as for Blondie here – who’s smarter than she looks and knows all about appearances: she would be seen as the victim of your evil jealousy and would be secure in her job for as long as she wants it.”


  The slap had been immediate, Adam knocking Tessa to the floor with the violence of the blow.

  “YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!” hollered Adam as he towered threateningly over the prostrate woman. “NEVER! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR YOU DESPICABLE PIECE OF SHIT?”

  “Yes,” Tessa had whimpered, stunned and hurt, dazed and confused by this sudden turn of events. Then as the full horror struck harder than the slap she just taken, she broke down in a fit of hysterical tears. “Please, don’t do it!” she had begged through the sobbing. “I can be of use to you. I can help your career. Please! Please! Don’t do it, Adam!”


  “I mean...” Tessa gulped, knowing her defeat was total and complete. “I mean... Master! Master! Please Master – keep this a secret and I’ll do whatever you want.”

  A grin had spread over Adam Wolf’s face, having reached this happy conclusion. He threw Emily a cunning conspirator’s wink – and it was then that Her Master had really demanded.

  Recalling the ecstasy of that moment, Emily set about Her Master’s balls. The look on Tessa’s face – to see her lying there disgraced – the woman beaten and humiliated, and Emily herself suddenly raised. Feeling deeply grateful and hideously aroused, Emily tackled her task with renewed relish: worshiping the balls; worshiping the cock.

  Tessa Clifford was now another puppet on a string, to be played in Adam Wolf’s masterful game. Promises had been exacted that would advance his career – the woman was in Adam’s pocket, terrified of exposure. And Emily had benefited as well. There had been grovelling at her feet, begging forgiveness, and promises never to be disparaging again. They would never be friends, but Emily now had an indirect hold on the woman... and a Cafe Latte to be brought to her desk every morning, delivered by Tessa in person – a daily penance that Emily’s Master had demanded.

  ‘That will get noticed,’ Emily smugly thought. ‘God, how I worship this man – and to think I first thought him an uncouth bastard.’

  “I sense your mind has drifted for a moment!” shouted the Master. “Remember Blondie – I have a nastier side as well. If
you fail me in the slightest, don’t think for one second that I won’t flay that ass of yours until you’re screaming out for mercy.”

  “Sorry Master!”

  “Yes, you will be. But anyway, you can stop now... Come and sit on my cock. I want it inside you again. I’ll have another hour of fucking then perhaps I’ll send you home.”

  Electing not to dwell on how she would explain to Les why she had stayed out so late, Emily did as she was bid and mounted Her Master, hunkering over his beautiful erection then impaling her pussy on its mass of flesh. She sank down slowly, groaning in delight, washing her eyes with Her Master’s muscular hairy torso.

  “Does that feel good, Blondie?” asked Adam once Emily had taken it all.

  “Oh yes, Master. Nothing feels better than having your cock inside me.”

  “Not even seeing the expression on Tessa’s face when I finally sprung the trap?”

  “No... But that did come close... But... Sorry, it’s not for me to ask.”

  Strong hands came forward and cupped Emily’s buttocks. She was slowly raised then lowered back down, Emily purring all the while in delight. She would never tire of having that cock inside her.

  “Humph!” groaned the Master, enjoying his slave inside and out. “Perhaps I might keep you here for more than another hour. No half measures – celebrate till dawn. That’s what I said, and as you know – I’m a man of my word. Such a shame for Tessa that it wasn’t her I intended to celebrate with.”

  “Indeed Master,” said Emily, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “But you want to know, don’t you... You want to know why I didn’t tell you beforehand and bring you in on the plan.”

  “I did wonder,” said Emily as she pulsed with her vaginal muscles, massaging the hard shaft inside her. “I could have messed things up.”

  “No way, Blondie,” replied the Master, giving Emily a few thrusts. “I know you – you’re mine – body and soul. Six whole weeks I’ve been playing you, so I know how you tick. And don’t think I haven’t had fun in the process. But I couldn’t tell you what was happening. Tessa Clifford is a slime-ball, but she’s not a complete idiot. She needed to believe that it was for real. And for that reason you needed to believe it was for real – which in a way it was.”


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