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Dark Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 5

Page 18

by Anitra Lynn McLeod

  “No, my friend, I will not save her, nor will I let Errion do so, even though from the massive bulge in his trousers he would very much like to.” Lorren yanked his cock out of Errion’s mouth.

  Before Errion could berate him for long, Lorren stuffed the gag back in then proceeded to remove Errion’s pants. The slippery fabric slid effortlessly down the smooth texture of the oddly designed chair.

  “You see, I’m going to be far too busy doing to Errion what he tried to do to her today.” As Lorren pushed Errion’s legs up, the design of the chair became clear. The wide top and elongated arms were actually cups to hold someone’s legs while making room for a second person at the base. Once Lorren had him secure, he had unfettered access to Errion’s cock and bottom. Lorren could even adjust the height of the chair for his comfort, which he did while teasing his fingers along Errion’s straining cock.

  In a blinding flash, Gabriyel realized Lorren had concocted all of this to reprimand Farjika and Errion for betraying him. They had violated his trust, so he designed the most cunning of punishments. As Gabriyel stood there, absorbing this knowledge, he glanced at Farjika. She was so lost in her agony she mumbled incoherently. Her head had rolled back as she clung weakly to the straps supporting her back. If something didn’t happen soon, he feared for her sanity.

  “Why am I being punished?” As far as Gabriyel knew, he’d done nothing to Lorren at all.

  Lorren measured him for a very long time, his golden gaze entirely unreadable. Gabriyel considered himself an expert at reading people, especially their intentions and motives, but Lorren was impossible to interpret. Stone cold and utterly indifferent, Lorren offered no twitch, no flutter, not even a telltale sign of anything other than what he wished Gabriyel to see.

  “Because you lied to me.” Before Gabriyel could deny the accusation, Lorren continued. “I asked if you wanted to fuck her, and you said no, when the fact is you do want to. And very, very badly, I might add.” He smiled. “So I’m going to make you.”

  Trapped, Gabriyel stood undecided between Farjika’s beautiful legs, with the scent of her musk pervading his senses and her guttural moans tearing him apart.

  “Fuck her or not, I no longer care.” Lorren turned his full attention onto Errion. “And you, you wanted me to release the beast I’d finally banished.” Softly, so softly Gabriyel almost couldn’t hear him, Lorren said, “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.”

  With those words, Gabriyel realized he had only himself to blame. All his thoughts of Farjika during tribute had manifested his dream in this cruel way. He’d longed to be with her, but sweetly, lovingly, and the gods had heard his prayers. But for perverting the ritual of tribute, they’d chosen to punish him by giving him exactly what he’d always wanted, but in the opposite way of what he craved. Rather than a romantic interlude of tender seduction, he was compelled to fuck her in an open room within the attention of two other men.

  Farjika lifted her head. Her eyes were glazed, her features beset with misery. “Please, Gabriyel. I cannot bear this any longer. My body feels on fire. My mind spins with a thousand lustful scenarios that only make my cravings worse.” Tears trembled against her lids then fell down her cheeks. “If you abandon me, I think I will die.”

  “Be strong my lady.” Gabriyel took a deep breath. “It will pass.”

  “No, it won’t,” Lorren called. “She hangs there in torment until you free her. Again, my friend, everything seeks a balance.”

  Head hung in shame, Gabriyel stepped forward. “Please do not look at me, my lady. I could not bear it.” He didn’t know if she closed her eyes or not because he was too troubled to look up. Gingerly, he pressed his cock against her. Her moan compelled his. She was silken astle, so slick and perfect he thought he had died and gone to Jarasine. But no, the gods would not let him into their home. They would cast him to the nothingness where he would drift forever seeking a mortal body for his worthless soul. Rubbing his cock along the slick lips of her sex tormented her, but he couldn’t plunge in without readying himself for her. Even experienced yondies had a difficult time with his girth. He tried to coat his shaft with her slick juice, but each slide only caused her to thrash as she begged him to fill her.

  “Please, Gabriyel, please.” Her voice was weak now, almost a breathy whisper, as if all her strength had drained away. “I’ll do anything.”

  Unable to bear her distress another moment, he rolled his hips, centered his cock to her core and pressed forward. Her lips parted around his head, snug and slick, welcoming him onward. Each bit he went deeper tightened her around him, causing him simultaneous pleasure and sorrow.

  “Thank you,” she whispered between gasps. “Thank you.”

  He tried to close his ears to her thanking him for debauching her, but her relief was so great she couldn’t seem to stop. He thoroughly understood why when he felt the energy that Lorren had spoken of. The deeper he went, the more the power flowed into him. Each jolt went directly to that beast within, urging him to come forth, to be what he was, to embrace what he was. Clinging to the last bit of his honor, Gabriyel refused. He would do as he said; he would claim her gently. Unlike the two perverted boys, he was a man, and if he had to do this, he would claim her at his own pace and in his own way. Because he knew, deep down, after this, their relationship was ruined. The dreams he’d had of spending a lifetime with her were silly, but they were his, and there was always a possibility that they could come true. Faint, but possible. Now, he wouldn’t even have a sliver of hope. This reality destroyed his fleeting dream.

  Looking up, he caught her gaze; her lovely eyes were open to him, wide with gratitude but deep with further yearning. Her lips parted on a sigh as he moved farther within. Her hands no longer gripped the ropes with such force her fingertips went pale. Against his will, his gaze roamed over her body, admiring the way her neck looked so long and delicate within the crimson collar; the way her nipples stood firm trapped between twin lengths of rope; the way the muscles in her torso flexed as she let him slide inside her magnificent form.

  His gradual descent into her depths suddenly halted. So wrapped up in trying to avoid feeling how wickedly good she felt around his shaft, it took him a long time to realize he was wedged into her. With her hanging free, there was no leverage. With his arms tied behind his back, he could not hold her.

  Behind him, he heard Lorren tormenting Errion, their grunts and groans exacerbating his problem. With every bit of strength he possessed, he tried to hold back his lust. Gabriyel would do what she needed, he would balance the energy they had built in her, but he wouldn’t climax. No matter what, he would not defile her in such a way. Still, he knew, to finish what he’d started he had to get deeper. He had to bury his shaft within her to equalize the energy. Carefully, he flicked his hips, hoping to bounce her down his length. She rolled her hips in an effort to help, and even tried to wrap her calves around his body to pull him deeper, but everything they tried failed.

  “He’s too damn big to fit inside her.”

  Lorren was still giving Errion information, but Gabriyel didn’t turn to look. From the sounds of slapping flesh, he knew what Lorren was doing to him, and from the rhythm, he was doing it none too gently.

  Gabriyel considered their dilemma and then realized he’d already figured out the solution. “Forgive me, my lady, there is no other way.” Leaning forward, he bit down on the collar around her neck as he thrust. Every muscle in his body strained to hold her still while he rocked his hips. This close, he smelled her perfume and the delicate shampoo she used on her hair. The skin of her neck felt soft against his nose as he pressed his head down, desperate to finish before he lost control.

  Carefully curving his body over hers, he managed to hold her as he worked his cock deeper. Each minute bit of her enfolding flesh pushed him closer to madness. His breath emerged from between his gritted teeth with the sound of a snarling animal.

  Farjika encouraged him with soft words and the circli
ng of her hips, but her helpfulness just made keeping control that much more difficult. As he took the energy from her, it filled his beast, and in turn, the beast grew stronger, and his demands became more aggressive. The needs of the beast tried to override Gabriyel’s sense of self, his sense of honor, and his determination to protect the woman below him.

  With one mighty contraction of his muscles, he managed to bury his cock to the hilt. His balls slapped against her bottom as she arched up into him with a scream of satisfaction. That was almost his undoing. Her cry of relief, her bellow of deliverance, the clear lessening of her torment was so enthralling he felt the bare grip he had on his control slip further from his grasp.

  Oh, gods, he’d never known anything so intense as the feel of her. His balls felt huge as they swung, tapping her bottom, her tight walls clamped so hard around his shaft he was certain he would never be able to remove himself from her depths. There was only one word to describe what she felt like around him and below him, and that word was perfection.

  Letting go of the collar, he met her eyes. Power flowed between them, equalizing, balancing, and then he recognized the last trap Lorren had waiting for him. Neither one of them would be free until they both climaxed.

  Farjika seemed to realize this as well. “Gabriyel, I’m so sorry. I honestly didn’t know this would happen.”

  “My lady.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers. Quietly, he asked, “Are you safe?”

  He felt her head shake very softly in a negative manner.

  His heart sank but then fury flared. “You’ve been fooling around with barsitas without taking precautions?”

  Glaring up at him, she sniped, “It was the last thing on my mind.”

  “Do you realize what—” He cut himself off. Of course, she realized now what her foolishness could mean. If she weren’t so young and inexperienced, she would have taken precautions. His heart stopped, then pounded. If he impregnated her, then being put to the stone would be the least of his worries. Gabriyel couldn’t imagine what her father would do to him, but a relatively quick death wouldn’t be it.

  “Please don’t be angry with me.” Her weary eyes met his. “I know this is all my fault. I don’t even know how everything got so far out of control.” Fresh tears tracked down her cheeks. “I just wanted to have fun.”

  “You just wanted to have fun?” For half the night, an insurmountable conflict had consumed him, racking him with guilt all because she just wanted to have a little entertainment on a faraway world. She’d ruined his life for the purposes of amusing herself. He’d always thought her an intelligent and thoughtful young woman, but her selfishness infuriated him so strongly he shook. Anger added to the energy that filled the beast, tipping the scales, changing the balance within.

  Giving her one good thrust that wiped the tears from her eyes, Gabriyel asked, “Are you having fun, Farjika?” Rocking his hips in a series of jerks that slammed the tip of his cock against her cervix, he asked her again, and again, until she cried out.

  Relenting, he buried his face against her neck. He wanted to laugh, to cry, to scream and rail at the sky, but he did none of those things. Gabriyel took a moment to compose himself and then he did what he had to do.

  Lifting up, peering into her eyes, he swore, “I’m going to do exactly what Lorren told me to do. I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to pound my prick into you so hard you will never, ever forget this moment.”

  Farjika caught her breath as her eyes went wide, both actions that pleased him greatly. He was finished protecting her. He wanted her to suffer the consequences of her imprudence because but for her stupidity, he would not be here now.

  “I will have my pleasure because whether or not I fill your belly with my child, I will die for what I am about to do.” Lowering his mouth to her collar, he finished, “So I might as well enjoy myself.”

  Pushing the collar aside with his chin, he exposed her neck and bit her.

  Startled, she inadvertently clamped around his cock like a fist. “Gabriyel, please, I’m sorry.”

  Taking a cue from Lorren, Gabriyel asked, “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No.” She didn’t hesitate.

  Rising above her, peering down into her face, he asked what he knew he shouldn’t. Asking her was only asking for trouble. He couldn’t help himself. He had to know. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes.” Her gaze hit him with almost physical intensity.

  Her surrender mollified the beast, allowing part of him, the man who cared so deeply about her, to reemerge. Rubbing his nose against hers, he whispered, “I’ve heard you at night, crying in your sleep, moaning out with need.”

  A delicate flush washed her cheeks. “To hear me, you would have had to be right next to my door. My closed door,” she finished pointedly.

  “It’s my job to protect you,” he defended, but the truth was, he often couldn’t sleep because of his sensual dreams about her. Rather than chronically masturbate, he prowled the hallways of the ship until his erection abated. “I patrolled the ship to ensure your safety.”

  “Of course. I am likely to be attacked in my barred bedroom while my ship is in deep space.”

  He met her gaze with a lifted brow. “I’m dedicated.”

  Carefully, she lowered one arm from the sling that pressed against her back. She cupped his face, drawing him near. “I know.” She kissed him. Her lips were soft, sweet, echoing the same longing he felt.

  “My lady, I—”

  She cut him off with another kiss. “Like you said, there is nothing we can do, so we might as well enjoy ourselves.”

  When she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, she gave him enough leverage to thrust against her, not that he needed much movement to increase his passion. Swirling energy passed between them, driven by currents beyond the physical manifestations of their bodies. Rocking, learning now how to use the ropes that held her to his advantage, Gabriyel watched her face as they neared the crest together.

  “I’m so close.” Her breath caught as she clung to him, rocking against him, using his pubic bone and the rough of his hair to stimulate her clit.

  “Don’t look away.” At first, he hadn’t wanted her to look at him, but now he did. He wanted to feel, for at least once in his life, a passionate connection to her. He had to take this now, because he didn’t think there would be a second time.

  “Never, my—Gabriyel.”

  “What were you about to call me?”

  “My hero.” She darted her gaze away as if ashamed of the silly romantic notion.

  “Look at me.” When she did, he smiled. “I’m honored to be your hero as you are my lady.” He put a full possessive spin on claiming her as his. She was his lady. After this, he knew he would never be satisfied with another woman. “You are my lady.”

  “And you are my hero.”

  He might only have her for now, but he was willing to take it. Consumed by her, feeling the power surge through his body as it tensed every muscle he possessed, Gabriyel kept his gaze locked with hers.

  Lightly biting her lower lip, she met his intensity with her own. Her pupils expanded, almost covering her irises. Each time she breathed out, he breathed in, taking her breath then feeding it back to her. Higher he went until he was so far above the mundane world he left not only humanity behind, but also the very gods themselves.

  From the tips of his toes, he felt the energy reach critical mass. Collecting as the force traveled along the top of his skin, the flow gathered, growing in strength until everything rushed out of his body and into hers.

  Violently he thrust forward, coming in such a vicious surge, he screamed. Over and again his body trembled, trying to get deeper into her, to plant his seed as firmly within her grasping heat as he possibly could.

  At the same time she clamped around him, her energy spiraling around her body, into his, back again.

  Never had he felt an orgasm so intense. Tears flowed as he continued to pump and pump
until his body could move no more. Below him, Farjika went limp.

  Blinking, he focused his gaze to her then whispered, “I love you, my lady.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gabriyel’s heartfelt confession wrenched Lorren out of his fugue. The evening had started as a casual indulgence in Fentaru, something he and Errion hardly practiced together anymore, and then suddenly everything went horribly wrong. His fury over Errion’s betrayal had catapulted him into the dark place. Finally snapping the chain, his beast had emerged from isolation ready to punish the world.

  Discovering that Errion had imprisoned the captain of her guard should have helped him stop what was rapidly spiraling out of control, but instead, he’d listened to what Errion wanted to do, then claimed the encounter as his own. Such a rush of lust had possessed him at the thought of forcing Gabriyel to mount the woman he was sworn to protect, Lorren had almost climaxed on the spot. Compelling Errion to hear the encounter but not witness it had been a perfect punishment for his disloyalty. Everything had been stunningly faultless. Everyone had gotten exactly what he or she needed, even if it would take awhile for each of them to see that. Lorren was immensely satisfied with himself for what he’d accomplished. Except now for Gabriyel’s admission of love: that was one element Lorren hadn’t expected. By the way he’d been so tormented over penetrating Farjika, Lorren was certain Gabriyel was confessing nothing but the truth.

  “My lady?”

  The frantic note of worry in Gabriyel’s voice pulled Lorren’s attention. Even Errion, slumped against the chair, fully satisfied after some of the roughest sex they’d ever had, lifted up, worry lowering his brow. Releasing Errion from his restraints, Lorren fastened his trousers as he strode over to where Farjika dangled limply from the ceiling.


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