Dark Empress: The Onic Empire, Book 5
Page 20
Errion climbed across his hips, settling himself before wrapping both his slick fists around Gabriyel’s prick. This elicited such a moan of pleasure mixed with pain, Errion’s own cock wept in sympathy.
Regardless of the steady pace Errion set, Gabriyel increased the rhythm, his drive to find climax a vision to behold. His entire body was nothing but muscle, and when he moved, the muscles danced below his glistening skin. Against his bottom, Gabriyel’s massive thighs were solid as twin columns, digging unflinchingly into Errion’s rather tender flesh. Lorren had been brutal and vicious tonight, his demands right at the edge of what Errion could take. Just thinking of the way Lorren had slammed into him as he was bound in the chair made him shiver. Gabriyel’s muscular body brought everything back.
As if Gabriyel could feel Errion’s memories, he winced and then thrust up, hard and fast, his lips twisting as Lorren’s had, his body riding hard toward the finish.
Mesmerized, Errion found himself automatically leaning over, longing to taste his cock, but he managed to catch himself at the last moment and pull back. His Fentaru master had been very clear about sharing bodily fluids during tentulo. His job was to release the rest of the energy to stabilize Gabriyel. Once he accomplished that, Errion would send him and Farjika back to her skip and bid them a relieved farewell. He had no desire to entangle himself with either of them any further than he already had. Besides, he would get exactly what he wanted, which was Lorren all to himself.
Bouncing him with his steady thrusts, Gabriyel came in a gush that Errion felt clear through to his shoulders. He’d joked earlier about the agony of ecstasy, but this was so much closer to the truth of that statement. Gabriyel’s face contorted into a snarling mask as he threw back his head and screamed. Errion had to struggle to hold steady and point Gabriyel’s prick straight up so his release landed on his belly.
“Praise be to Raylor.”
Once Gabriyel settled back into the bed, his body rested for now, Errion climbed off him and carefully cleaned him. Disposing of the rag by tossing it beyond the confines of the prison cell, he washed his hands, settled in the chair across from the bed and continued his silent vigil.
When his Fentaru master had explained what he and Lorren must do to correct their mistake, Errion had the grand idea of using the maid and butler to assuage the passions of Farjika and Gabriyel. Robots would be perfect, because no matter how many bodily fluids they consumed, they wouldn’t become enamored of Gabriyel or Farjika. Unfortunately, she’d nixed the idea.
“It’s energy we’re dealing with here. Energy is what your robots run on. You slap a surge of pure power into them, what do you think will happen?”
Errion didn’t have to think—he knew. They’d blow a fuse and shut down. She explained that a human body was different, able to handle incredible amounts of energy without damage. In Farjika’s case, she’d absorbed the influx without harm, but she couldn’t retain all that swirling power forever. It had to seek an outlet. If they didn’t willingly provide one, she would find release on her own, with potentially devastating consequences. Gabriyel had taken a good portion of power from her, but in doing so, he’d put himself at risk. Lorren and Errion had to set this right, especially when the whole mess was their fault.
Therefore, Errion sat, his cock hard against his trousers as he waited for the next cycle. Briefly, he wondered how Lorren faired with Farjika. He hoped the thickheaded fool had actually listened to him and taken heed of the potential dangers. Right now, Farjika and Gabriyel were unstable, but that didn’t mean they were defenseless. Anyone who mistakenly got close enough to smell them would be driven to taste them. If they tasted them, they would be compelled to mate with them. If they did that, then forever after they would do anything to protect them. Unlike the binding characteristics of love, this would be a compulsion, an indisputable instinct that nothing could override.
Errion refused to become Gabriyel’s slave.
Time and again Errion rose and offered Gabriyel a release. Never had he seen such insatiability. Each time he thought this climax would be the last, but each time, Gabriyel hardened again. Errion had jacked him so many times the muscles in his arms burned. The palms and fingers of his hands were wrinkled from the constant moisture of the lube. His own prick begged for attention, and Errion debated what to do. If he were quick about things, he could pleasure himself before Gabriyel’s next cycle.
Turning away from Gabriyel, Errion lowered his trousers and took his own tormented cock in hand. He almost laughed at how small he felt in comparison, especially when his lovers had always praised his size. Errion knew better than to compare himself to another man in the dick department, especially a man built like Gabriyel, as he would always come out on the short end, but still, he would like to know what it was like to have a cock that big.
Unbidden into his mind popped an image of Farjika dangling from the ceiling. He had outdone himself with her presentation. A flurry of disappointment consumed him that he hadn’t been able to fill her, or at least watch Gabriyel do so. Picturing him mounting her in his mind was as close as he was ever going to get, and he did, watching the muscles in Gabriyel’s butt flex hard each time he worked that amazing prick of his into her snug little sex.
His orgasm was so close, hovering right at the edge of release. Errion tightened his fist, trying to finish quickly, but his body refused. Behind him, he heard Gabriyel thrashing against the bed and thought he had a bit more time. Closing his eyes, he redoubled his efforts, his fist flying along his length with incredible speed.
Errion realized his mistake when he felt massive arms enfold his. Gabriyel murmured something in his ear, but Errion didn’t understand him. Sighing, Gabriyel translated, “I asked why you were in such a hurry.”
Gabriyel’s hand covered Errion’s, and he slowed his pace considerably.
“Slowly, my friend. This way you can last a long, long time.”
His voice was hypnotizing. Whispered against his ear with the rich heat of his breath, his words relaxed him, so much so that Errion let go of his cock and clung to the prison bars instead.
“After all you’ve done for me, let me return the favor.”
Gabriyel’s hand was huge but gentle, and clearly he’d found the lube Errion had been using. His palm was slick, gliding up his shaft and cupping the head. He had a trick, where he would twist as he covered the head, just a little flick of his wrist, but the sensation was amazing. If not for the bars holding him up, Errion would have fallen to his knees.
“You’ve given me so much, Errion, I have to find a way to thank you.”
If he would just keep doing what he was doing, that would be thanks enough, but Errion couldn’t get the words out of his mouth. He wanted to get away, to stop this, but he felt immobilized. When Errion did find the strength to step back from the bars, determined to turn away, Gabriyel stepped into him, pressing him against cold metal.
“I don’t want you to go.”
Holding him captive with the strength of one arm, Gabriyel fumbled with his trousers, sliding them farther down his hips, exposing his bottom.
“No!” The one word wrenched out of his throat and echoed down the hall. His ass was sore from Lorren, and after handling Gabriyel repeatedly, he knew he could not take him there.
In mimic of what he’d done earlier, Gabriyel shushed him. “I’m not going to hurt you.” His hand cupped his buttocks as if testing the weight and strength of his ass. “I heard what Lorren did to you.”
Slumping with relief, Errion clung to the bars, his mind racing for a solution. His Fentaru master told him not to turn his back on Gabriyel for a moment, and he had because he couldn’t control his lust. Ironically, an inability to control his passions was the exact same problem that had gotten all of them into this mess in the first place.
Thinking quickly, he considered a way to get Gabriyel to return to the bed so he could bring him swiftly to climax.
“From your angle, you can’t see how furiously his m
ind is working.”
Out of the shadows, Farjika stepped. Proudly nude she walked right up to the bars where Gabriyel had him pinned. Her hard nipples were twin peaks that swayed seductively with each step. Her eyes gleamed in the subtle light. Her skin looked almost luminous, shining as if someone had sprinkled her with glitter. Once she was near, her scent assaulted him. There was no other word for the way her essence wrapped around his mind and penis and squeezed possessively.
“He is a man consumed by his thoughts, it seems.” Gabriyel gave his cock one good, long, slow stroke from base to tip. Errion inadvertently jerked forward when he did the little wrist-flicking twist.
Farjika pressed against the opposite side of the bars. “I wonder if he regrets what he’s done?”
She was looking right at him but asking the question of Gabriyel. And then he realized that they could just as easily converse in their native tongue, leaving him out of their discussion entirely. There had to be a reason why they allowed him to listen in. Judging by the predatory expression on Farjika’s face, the reason probably wasn’t out of kindness.
“I think he regrets what it has cost him so far.” Gabriyel continued his leisurely strokes. Pressing his mouth right to Errion’s ear, he whispered, “But I don’t think he understands that his payment isn’t nearly finished.”
Before Errion knew what he was about, Gabriyel grabbed his chin, forcing his face up and between the bars. Farjika dipped her fingers to her sex and then smeared the juice over his lips, forcing her taste upon him. As soon as her essence touched his tongue, he was lost. An overwhelming urge to mate possessed him. If he could not have her, he would die trying.
“Open the cage, Errion.”
He couldn’t get the key out of his trousers fast enough. In his haste, he yanked his pants up, plunged his hand to his pocket, but fumbled the key to the floor. He bent and scooped it up with trembling fingers. Unlocking the door, he yanked Farjika in and plastered his mouth against hers. He thought Gabriyel would react badly to him mauling his woman, but he didn’t. In fact, he was the one who pushed Errion down on his knees so that he could worship at her feet.
“I want to watch you please her.”
Hungrily he ate at her, loving the slick heat of her sex, reveling in the taste of not one but the two men who had known her this night, men whose taste he knew well. Errion had to be the third and final man, or his soul would perish in torment.
“I know, Errion, I know.” With a hand to his chin, she lifted him to his feet and then maneuvered him toward the bed. “Lie back, and we can all find our pleasure.”
As if in a dream, Errion did what she said. A very small part tried to rebel, but she had him wrapped around her finger. The only way he would ever find peace was to thrust his cock into her.
“I need you to fill all that emptiness in me.” Gently she caressed his chest as she straddled his hips. “I need you, Errion.” She was so eager she didn’t even bother to remove his trousers; she just pushed the two flaps out of the way, centered him to her dripping core and plunged down.
Her head went back with a howl of satisfaction that drowned out his cry of shock. Energy flowed into him, through his cock, pushing against each cell. Once a cell was full to bursting, the power moved on and filled the next, and the next, until every cell in his body vibrated. Errion sobbed gently, unable to decide if he cried in pleasure, pain, or that frightful combination of both. He called out to whatever god might hear, but his pleas went unheeded by the divine. Only Gabriyel was there to soothe him.
“I know, my friend, I know.” Gabriyel leaned down so that together they were looking up at Farjika. “Watch her, Errion. Watch how much pleasure you’re giving to her.”
Above him, Farjika danced, rolling her hips around in a circle that swiveled his cock within. She was tight and hot, clamping around him firmly, clinging to him with selfish strength. Her walls undulated, milking him, forcing him to rise up to meet her insatiable hunger.
“You can’t decide if it feels good or hurts.” Gabriyel twisted one of Errion’s nipples then the other, zinging bolts of rapture down to his swelling cock. “Let the hurt fade and you’ll discover how good she feels.”
Errion was lost in overwhelming sensations. His body felt afire with a need for release. If this was even a modicum of what he’d forced Farjika to endure, he was terribly sorry. Listening to Gabriyel didn’t help him relax. Errion knew he wouldn’t find peace until he’d climaxed within her, filling her needs, binding himself to her forever.
What should have terrified him didn’t. He wanted to be her slave. Gladly he would do her bidding. She would bestow her body to him if he was good and did as she wished. Her punishment would be swift but deserved. Errion wanted to be a perfect servant to every need Farjika might have. If he were an excellent slave, he would learn to anticipate her needs.
“You’ve been so good, Errion.” Farjika leaned forward, her nipples brushing against his, a spark of electricity shooting across his flesh where she touched. “Such a good man to give me what I need.” She began rocking in earnest, holding her face just above his. “Kiss me, Errion.”
He lifted his lips to hers and gasped as another surge of power ripped directly into his brain. Her tongue caressed his lips, then slipped inside his mouth. Rich, her taste catapulted him to another level of torment.
“Come for me, Errion.”
He climaxed so hard and fast he felt his body try to fold in half as all he had within burst forth in an effort to fill her.
Lifting her hands over her head, Farjika took his offering into her body, her smile of satisfaction changing her face from merely beautiful to something divine. Farjika transformed. No longer was she a woman destined to be an empress. Lorren’s initial comment about her rang in Errion’s ears: Farjika was a goddess.
Chapter Twenty-One
Farjika stayed atop Errion, enjoying the respite from the pounding energy. Her body was still deliciously filled with power, but a manageable amount that didn’t burn as it surged about, seeking release. What remained was expressed as strength; she felt strong, as if she could grasp the metal bars in her hands and bend them with minimal effort. If she longed for anything, she had but to ask; her men would rush to provide for her needs.
Kneeling beside the bed, Gabriyel met her gaze, his eyes bright and alive, ready to do whatever she requested of him. She leaned over Errion’s supine form and kissed Gabriyel.
“My hero,” she whispered in Diolan against his mouth.
His smile tingled her right down to her toes when he answered. “My lady.”
Her gaze spied his still-hard cock. She tsked lightly. “Whatever will we do?”
Gabriyel’s gaze slid sideways toward Errion, as if subtly directing her attention. She grinned and asked, “Is he any good?”
“He could give lessons to a dran’greth.”
Her brows climbed. “He is better than a man trained to please other men?”
Gabriyel nodded once, quickly, his longing apparent.
“This I must see.” Gingerly she climbed off Errion, her sex still sucking at his prick as if determined to milk another climax from him. She sighed, as she believed that such would always be the case now. Never would the urge fully leave her. She would always hunger for one of her three men.
Errion tried to follow her up, but a shake of her head compelled him to lie back. “I want you to satisfy Gabriyel for my pleasure.”
Darting a glance to Gabriyel’s pulsing cock, Errion licked his lips, clearly willing to display his talent for her perusal.
As she settled herself in the chair across from the bed, she hid a sudden smile. She’d been so terrified of becoming her mother. She’d been so ashamed that her mother needed the love of two men to be happy. Turned out she was even worse.
Or was she?
What did it matter what she needed? Who would dare to cast judgment on her, and even if someone did, so what? Did it really matter what anyone other than those closest to her thought of her
? When she became ruler of Diola, the populace’s opinion of her would matter, to a degree, but they would not look down on her for having multiple consorts.
In fact, most people in the empire considered her mother a paragon of virtue in that once she’d claimed her consorts, her eye never wandered. Prior to her bonding, her mother’s lust was legendary; Bithia had sampled a wide and deep range of men in the Diolan Empire. Once she’d found her bondmates, she’d never turned from them. Drahka and Viltori had been by Bithia’s side for more than twenty seasons. Not once had either of them looked beyond her mother.
And truly, the tales of her namesake, Farjika the Dark, always praised her beauty, for surely an ugly woman would not be able to attract the devotion of so many men. She would have had the might to force them to her bed but not the allure to keep them there willingly. Her consorts had shared her bed and fought by her side; men compelled by force didn’t willingly die to protect their ruler. Farjika the Dark was strong enough and alluring enough to maintain the lust and fidelity of every man she claimed.
Farjika considered what had happened and how she’d claimed all three of her men. Was it fair that they had no choice? Given a choice, would they stay by her side? She knew Gabriyel would. His confession of love was genuine. In the back of her mind, she’d always suspected that he was attracted to her; she had no idea his obsession ran so deep. Her question was regarding Lorren and Errion. She’d forced them to her by an innate understanding of the transformation taking place within her body.
Although, to be fair, she was just as bound as all three of them. Farjika could no more walk away from Errion than she could leave Lorren behind. Ah, Lorren. A wicked little smile darted across her face. He’d been most angry that she’d locked him in his bedroom. She would have let him come with her, but she didn’t trust him in the rawness of his bond. She feared he wouldn’t help her ensnare Errion. Lorren seemed to be unbelievably possessive.