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Heartbreak Hotel (Dark Friends-to-Lovers)

Page 24

by Kenya Wright

  “River had a thing? I don’t remember him loving anything more than that guitar he always walked around with. He always had that damn thing in the ocean, swimming with it. I couldn’t believe the water never destroyed it. Didn’t he used to sleep with his guitar too?”

  “Yeah, but Mom made him lay it in the hallway anytime he went to the bathroom or sat at the dinner table. Even she had her limits with his obsession. But, he did have this one situation with a girl named Phoenix.”

  “Spill it.”

  “She was a high school beauty queen. Brett...uh...was being Brett and paid this Phoenix to take River’s virginity. And then River pretty much followed her around the Keys like a love sick puppy for the rest of the year, singing songs and freaking her out.”

  “Excuse me? Brett did what?”

  He shrugged. “It’s Brett.”

  “A beauty queen named Phoenix.” I laughed. “It could’ve been her. She’s definetly gorgeous. Cuban and Bahamian. Long, wavy hair and hazel eyes.”

  “Yeah.” He widened his eyes. “That definetly sounds like her. What are the odds?”

  “This might be a sign.”

  “A sign for what?”

  “She owns Soul Tribe, and she told me that she had a Reiki healer that can restore the most damaged souls. This might be a sign that it’ll work.”

  He groaned again.

  “It’ll be fun, baby.”

  “It better be.” Hawk chuckled to himself. “Anyway, Brett wanted me to do some research on the place anyway.”

  “Do I want to know about this research?”


  Chapter 18


  The next day, I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around wildly, unsure of where I was, and then relief flooded my heart as Yaz lay next to me, warm and sleeping.

  Last night, my reoccurring nightmare had haunted me—the cage made of bones, Lisa cackling outside of it, the cold freezing me, the pain from her cutting my skin. The women crying blood as severed testicles dangled behind them.

  Shaking, I rose and slipped out of bed, happy that Yaz didn’t have to console me. It wasn’t fair to depend on her so much. I wasn’t used to it. Lisa had never been the warm type. I guessed that was another red flag. Or maybe Yaz was just one of a kind.

  What are we doing?

  Before leaving my bedroom, I glanced over my shoulder at her. She was breathtaking curled up under my silk sheets. Those red dreadlocks were sprawled all over her pillow. Part of me wanted to rush over and make love to her. The other part of me was scared I’d break her.

  Would this toxicity rub off on her? Would it seep into her pores and poison all the beautiful things about my Cherry Bomb?

  I went to the window. The sun had barely risen over the ocean, but the birds were out. White herons hovered and hunted over the sand while clear blue waves crashed into each other. It was the same view that I saw everyday since I’d been back on the Keys.

  But for some reason, today, it all appeared more breathtaking. More enchanting and new. That should’ve calmed me, but instead, anxiety coursed through my veins, tightening every muscle. My body drummed with unease and switched on high alert.

  As I walked to my brother’s room, I kept checking over my shoulder, waiting for someone to jump out of the shadows.

  What’s up with me?

  I knocked on Brett’s door. A woman’s voice sounded from the other side. Knowing my brother, there were probably two females in there. Since coming down, he’d decided that one woman at a time wasn’t enough. Now, he expected both arms to be full of gorgeous bodies when he stepped out.

  If Mom had been here, she would’ve gone ballistic over his audacity. Still, women swarmed around him, following his rules.

  Wake up, Brett.

  I knocked again.

  Brett asked from the other side, “Who is it?”


  “Give me a minute.”

  It actually took him five minutes and then he opened the door. I peeked in and encountered three women passed out on his bed and another sleeping on the floor.

  He yawned, stretching his arms in the air. “What’s up?”

  “Four chicks?”

  “It’s a fivesome.”

  “That has to be a record.”

  “Not really.” He rubbed his eyes. “And that’s because I don’t even remember it. I’m hoping I can convince them to do it again.”

  “Slow down.”

  “I know. I know. I don’t want to catch the Key Disease.” He cracked his neck on the right and then left. “What’s going on? Why are are you up so early?”

  “I wanted to tell you to stop.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Stop what?”

  “All of your behind the back manuerving.”

  He frowned. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I know you paid Nadia to sleep with Yaz’s ex.”

  “Oh. That.” He shrugged. “You’re welcome.”

  “No, it’s not your welcome. Don’t do that shit again.”

  He grimaced. “Fine.”

  “I’m serious.”

  He raised his hands. “Okay.”

  I couldn’t help it and smiled. “But yeah, thank you for doing that.”


  I frowned.

  “Well, I won’t do it anymore.”

  “And you have to stop everything else.”

  “Everything like what? I’m innocent.”

  “I know that you faked the letters too.”

  “Fuck. Olessia told you?”

  “Her name is Olivia and no, she didn’t tell me. I figured it out.”

  “So, what does this mean?”

  “Nothing. I know why you did it. You want me to get off the accomplice angle. I promised Yaz I would drop it and I’m telling you I’ll leave it alone too.”

  Brett let out a long breath. “Fuck, Hawk. You’re serious?”


  He grabbed me into a bear hug. “You’re welcome.”

  I pushed him off me. “No, man. Don’t do that shit. I’m crazy. That’s shit crazy. Together, it would’ve had me doing even more crazy shit.”

  “But, it worked out.”

  “Look. I almost thought you might’ve been helping Lisa.”


  “I got paranoid. That shit fucked with my mind.” I tapped my head. “I’m me, but I’m not. Do you understand?”

  Brett stepped back and leaned against the wall.

  “You don’t have to be careful all the time, but doing creepy shit around me will put me on a dark path.”

  “It wasn’t that creepy.”

  “Don’t do it again.”

  He nodded. “I won’t. I’m just glad that it all worked it.”

  “It’s working out.”

  “It worked out. Yaz and you are together.”

  “Yaz and I...” I sighed and looked over my shoulder. “I don’t know. I’m falling for her.”

  “Then, what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t like falling anymore. I don’t think I’ll make it when I hit the ground.”

  “Then, don’t hit the ground.”

  “I’ll try.” I rubbed my face with both hands and headed back to my room. “And you stop being a fucking love bird. Get some rest and make sure you wear condoms.”

  He laughed behind me. “Yes, Father.”

  Hours later, Yaz woke up to me bringing her breakfast. Vera had called in sick, but I’d heard gun shots behind her and her munching on popcorn. It was some TV show. Knowing that she had a new addiction to binge watching netflix shows, I didn’t push the lie. Who was I to question Vera if she needed a day of rest? She’d raised me and was practically a second mother. However, I laughed, told her to feel better, and whipped up some eggs and toast for Yaz and me.

  While Mom was big on art, Dad loved being in the kitchen. Even though we never had to cook for ourselves, he made sure all his boys knew their way arou
nd pots and pans. Every Sunday, he taught us a new meal. By our teens, Dad expected us to grill or cook on the weekends.

  “How do you like it?” I’d asked her.

  Munching on the food, she had handed me back her empty plate. Yaz damn near had sucked up all the food in one bite, which told me I’d made my father proud.

  The whole time, she went on about this Soul Tribe place and I listened because her voice was like a beautiful song. Just watching those lips move made me hard.

  In the afternoon, she came up with the brilliant idea to go to Soul Tribe, and I’d agreed with a hard cock because I was willing to do anything to get her naked and back in my bed.

  This shit is getting crazy.

  But unease rattled against my chest. I’d gone to a few therapists before and had never been this nervous. Granted, they’d never worked. They’d all wasted my time.

  But when it came to Soul Tribe, there was something about this place that put me on edge. Maybe because of the use of the word soul.

  After the murders, death was a sore topic. I tried not to think about it too much. Was God a dead end of black silence? Or was the afterlife a new door? A new life? A new experience?

  I got even more agitated as we walked hand-in-hand to my car and drove to the place.

  It won’t work. What will she do when this fails? How long will she stay?

  For the first time in the past few years, hope for something more ran in my heart. Yaz had done that. Each day, I woke up seeking an adventure. The days had become brighter. They were still gray with clouds, but at least they had more sun. Not enough to tan, but enough to appreciate the lack of rain and lightning.

  The whole time, she rode in a bright mood, excited about the place like it would hold all of my answers. Skepticism sat in my gut. I’d gone through too much. There was no way I would be fine, no matter what yoga pose they showed me how to do.

  Why am I doing this?

  We arrived there fast. I parked right in the front. Anxiety rose in my veins. Thank God, Yaz wore these lovely blue yoga pants that formed around her fat ass. With those on and that sunshine swarming around her, I would’ve probably followed her into hell.

  I can’t believe she talked me into this.

  I drank the place in and was filled with even more dread. Soul Tribe was huge and had been done in a hacienda style. A huge mural decorated the front, showing two women and a man sitting in a lotus position with their eyes closed. The sign above them read, “Soul Tribe: a holistic center for physical well-being and spiritual balance.”

  We went to the entrance and I stopped Yaz as she tried to open the door.

  She snorted. “Really? I can’t open my own doors?”

  “Yes. Really. You don’t open doors when you’re with me.”

  “I’m more than capable.”

  “I don’t care. My mother would kill me if she ever heard that I didn’t get the door for you.”

  “You always were a mommy’s boy.”

  “No, that’s Stone. Even though he’s followed River on tour and is probably sleeping with hundreds of groupies, he still calls Mom everynight.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “River said he also sleeps with a framed picture of Mom next to his bed. He’s carried this damn thing around with him on the tour.”

  “Stone was always a little weirdo.” She giggled as we walked inside.

  Upon entering, I had to admit that a sense of calm washed over me. The place was done in earthy tones. Soul tribe had an eco-friendly design with lots of lush vegetation and natural wood. Smooth stones lined the counters. Wind chimes dangled around the doorway. On the right, a café boasted a large menu with healthy cuisine made up of lots of hearty vegetables and things that I couldn’t pronouce, and rarely tried.

  A light-skinned black woman walked up to us, barefoot and wearing a brown top and white yoga pants. Her curly brown hair hung past her shoulders. Her eyes were green. “Hello, how can I help you?”

  Yaz smiled. “We’ve come to heal.”

  “Something like that.” I chuckled to myself. Yaz elbowed me.

  “Well, this is the right place.” The woman held out her hand. “My name is Willow.”

  We shook her hand. The aroma of marijuana drifted from her skin.



  “Welcome.” Willow spread out her hands as if showing off the whole place. “There’s so much offered at Soul Tribe. We feature yoga, tennis courts, dance classes, a walking path to the beach for self-reflection, wine tastings, and even an on-site nutrition expert.”

  “Wow,” Yaz whispered.

  “Would you like it if I showed you around?” Willow gestured behind her. “And then afterwards, we can figure out what service would be best for you.”

  I’d rather you show us a private room where I can bend Yaz over.

  “I’m down,” Yaz said. “Hawk?”

  “Let’s go.”

  Willow led us down a long hallway. We stopped in front of a massive room where a small group of men and women engaged in yoga. One of the walls was all glass, displaying an excellent ocean-view platform. And this class was pretty advanced. The men and women stood upside down with their hands on the floor as they balanced their bodies in the air, their feet pointing up to the ceiling.

  Willow led us away. “We hold all types of yoga classes, from hatha to bikram, kripalu to kundalini.”

  I had no idea what the differences of those yoga classes were. I just knew I wouldn’t be upside down with my feet in the air.

  “I’m sure you saw the café in front. It’s farm-to-table. We have an organic farm on the site full of fresh flowers and veggies.”

  Yaz grinned from ear to ear. From that expression, I knew she’d be spending a lot of time there.

  Willow gestured to another room with a tiny pond plunged into the center of the floor. A back entrance to another hallway stood behind the pond. Lit candles sat on tiny tables. “This is our spa where we use local materials, treatments, and techniques. That hallway leads to the massage areas and spaces for facials as well as mani/pedis.”

  “I have to check that out.” Yaz clapped her hand. “It’s been a minute since I’ve spoiled myself.”

  “Then, let’s make sure you get something today,” I said.

  “No.” Yaz shook her head. “This is all about you. But don’t worry, I’ll be back here tommorow. They’ll probably have to drag me out of here.”

  “No way.” Willow took us further down the hallway. “We would love your energy.”

  And her money.

  There was a large door that took us to a huge courtyard full of roses and Buddha statues.

  Willow pointed. “This is our meditation garden. On Sunday nights, we have yoga and stargazing.”

  “Oh cool.” Yaz smiled.

  Bored out of my mind, I frowned. “Yeah, cool.”

  Willow caught the sarcasm and grinned. “Let’s head this way. We have an on-site shaman that handles all of the fire and drum ceremonies, illumination, divination, and of course, soul retrieval.”

  “Of course, soul retrieval. You can’t forget that.” I tried to stop laughing, but it came out anyway.

  Yaz elbowed me again, but thankfully she had a smile on her face.

  We passed other rooms that Willow referred to as sacred spaces. The color palette of the Keys must’ve inspired the decor of those rooms. There, the walls and soft carpet included lots of calming ocean blues and sandy whites. The glass doors and large windows gave the rooms a bright and airy feel.

  “We also offer detoxification and relaxation services.”

  “Detox sounds good,” Yaz said. “What about Reiki healing?”

  “Oh.” Willow’s face brightened as she touched her chest. “I’m one of the healers.” She stopped and turned to us. “I’m assuming that Mr. Hawk would like the Reiki services?”

  “Yes.” Yaz nodded. “How did you know?”

  “There’s lots of...” Willow made circles
with her hands in front of me. “There’s lots happening with him.”

  “Energy?” I stirred uncomfortably.

  “Basically.” She looked over her shoulder, turned back to me, and whispered, “You’re blocked and need lots of chakra repair. Did you go through a traumatic event? If you’re not comfortable, you don’t have to answer.”

  “I’m fine and yeah, I went through something.”

  Willow tapped her feet. “I would love to help you out. You must be going through so much pain everyday.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Willow didn’t look convinced. “We could start now.”

  I turned to Yaz.

  She shrugged with a smile. “It might be a good thing.”

  Or it might make everything worse. Then, you would know that there was no fixing me.

  That truth gave me the anxiety. With other women, I didn’t care if they came or left. With Yaz, I couldn’t take her leaving. It would ruin me more than Lisa had, and that was saying a lot.

  What am I doing? What are we doing?

  “I don’t want you to worry.” Willow disrupted my thoughts. “A Reiki session is done in a quiet place.” She gestured to the small room next to her. “Some practitioners use music. I like silence. It helps us both focus.”

  I pictured all types of crazy things. She’d just discussed soul retrieval and shamans. What the hell would Reiki involve—dragons spitting fire into my ass?

  I cleared my throat. “What is this Reiki stuff about? What are we doing?”

  “You would be fully clothed and lying on my treatment table,” Willow said.

  “Good. I’m a fan of him being fully clothed during this,” Yaz blurted it out and then blushed. “I mean, nevermind.”

  “Don’t worry.” Willow smiled. “I understand.”

  Understand what?

  Willow turned back to me. “There will be moments of touch, but it will be light and non-invasive. I’ll gently place my hands on a series of locations on the head and front and back of your torso. Nothing intimate. There won’t even be pressure from my hands.”

  “And then what happens?” I asked.

  “The experience is different for everyone. Some feel refreshed. Others fall asleep. Some people have headaches and feel exhausted.”

  “Why?” I asked.


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