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Lust on the Line

Page 15

by Noel Amos

  Will leapt away from her as if stung, his cheeks flushing beet-red.

  Karen swung the club. Ping! The ball flew like an arrow up into the sky and then plunged into the woods to the left of the fairway. From 150 yards away they could hear the sound of it clattering through the branches.

  'Ooh! That was fun,' cried Karen. 'Can I have another go?' Will stared in the direction the ball had flown, somewhat bemused.

  'That was actually quite a good shot,' he said. 'It's a pity you hooked it a wee bit.'

  Karen resumed her stance, Will produced another ball and Karen deposited it in almost exactly the same spot.

  'Oh dear,' she said. 'Let me try again. I promise I'll get it straight this time.'

  But she didn't. The hit was clean and the ball soared high into the blue only to land even further into the stand of trees.

  'I'm awfully sorry, Will,' Karen said even as he was rummaging in his bag to find another ball. 'I'm obviously programmed to hit it offline.'

  'I don't understand it,' he replied. 'You've got a great swing and you smack it clean as a whistle. You ought to have proper coaching.'

  'Well, maybe you can give me some. But not today. I'll go and hunt for your balls.'

  'We'll all go,' he said. 'It won't take long.'

  'Don't be bloody daft,' said Adele, catching on. 'It could take ages. Why don't you finish your round? We'll follow you.'

  In the woods they didn't waste any time on golf balls. Adele pushed Karen onto a bank of grass and plunged her tongue down her throat as she manipulated the fastening of her shorts.

  'I swear you're the most impatient lover I've ever had,' said Karen.

  'I can't help it,' whispered Adele, slipping Karen's panties off her feet and spreading her thighs to gaze with longing on the strip of coal-black curls and the glistening labia beneath. She dipped her head and slithered her tongue into the pouting pink groove, separating the soft petals and licking the juices which welled up from within.

  Karen hadn't realised she was so turned on. She never thought about women in the abstract, never eyed them in the street or lusted after them on screen. But Adele had an effect on her, there was no doubt about that. In the weeks since their first tryst they had met regularly. At first there had been the pretence that their get-togethers were out of simple friendship - and they did spend time exchanging confidences and gossiping. But the talk was sandwiched between bouts of lovemaking that were as intense in their way as any Karen had ever had.

  By now Adele had one arm wrapped around Karen's waist, the fingers of her other hand buried to the knuckle in her lover's wet cunt. Seized by a spasm of desire, Karen pressed Adele's face into her crotch with both hands and rubbed her clit along the bridge of the girl's nose. It was glorious. Karen used her girlfriend's face and hand shamelessly, rubbing herself to orgasm in the knowledge that her taking was giving them both intense pleasure.

  Karen came with a long-drawn-out hiss of breath as her body convulsed and her limbs quivered. When she relaxed her grip on Adele's hair, the girl remained where she was, inhaling the musk of Karen's spent excitement and planting little kisses on the soft skin of her thighs.

  Eventually Adele said, 'What are we going to do about Will?'

  'Show him the time of his life. Unless you've changed your mind.'

  'No, I haven't. But I'm worried. Suppose it all goes wrong?' Karen pulled Adele up from her squatting position and hugged her.

  'Then he'll blame me and you'll be in the clear. It's worth the risk. If you're going to live with this guy for the rest of your life he's got to know what you're really like.'

  Adele was not mollified. 'It's just that he's so straight down the line. Did you see how he jumped when you pushed your bum into him?'

  'That's guilt. He doesn't know how to handle the fact that he wants to fuck me. Just like you.'

  Adele buried her face in Karen's hair and moaned as the older woman slipped her hand up under her dress and began to explore her treasures.

  'My, Adele, your knickers are flooded. Stand up and let me take them off.'

  The girl did as she was told, holding her skirt to her waist as Karen pulled the sopping garment down her long thighs. She made Adele wait like that, the sun slanting through the trees onto her pale loins and the wispy brown curls on her prominent pussy mound. Her bush was beaded with sex dew and moisture glistened in rolling droplets on her thighs. Karen licked along one leg, travelling up from the knee to capture the little tears of arousal on her tongue.

  'Oh, Karen,' sighed the girl as Karen's mouth approached the apex of its journey and then moved to the other thigh to begin all over again. 'You make me feel so sexy. I can't get enough of you. I could come just like this.'

  'Why don't you then'?' said Karen and closed her lips over the girl's open-mouthed vagina.

  The birds in the trees took wing as Adele's shout of release rang through the wood. As ever, it seemed, Karen did not have to do much. The intensity of the girl's own desire was such that the first touch of Karen's mouth on her overheated sex took her tumbling over the cliff of ecstasy.

  As Adele came, her knees buckled and she clung to Karen for support. The pair of them toppled off the bank and rolled down the slope into a heap of dry bracken.

  'Ouch,' muttered Karen, coming to rest on something hard in the small of her back. She pulled the object from beneath her.

  'What's that?' said Adele and smiled when she saw the small white article in Karen's hand.

  'At least that's one of Will's balls we've found,' said Karen, 'and we know where to look for the other two, don't we, Adele?'

  Chapter 26

  'So why are we here, Lucian? Aren't you going to treat me to one of your swanky publisher's lunches?'

  'Not today, Tania. This, I promise you, will be far more memorable. Have a sandwich.'

  'OK then.' She leant companionably against him on the bench and looked around the small park. 'I suppose this is prettier than some smoky old restaurant.'

  Lucian squeezed Tania's hand. She was the most even-tempered woman he'd ever had; sulks and wild mood swings were not part of her nature. Perhaps he should confine himself to Antipodean women in future - cheerful can-do girls like Tania who shrugged off disappointment and got on with life. Then he could forswear the neurotic English beauties who gave him overdrafts and heartache in equal measure. Like Caroline. Who was the reason the pair of them were sitting on a park bench, sharing a tuna-and-cucumber-on-brown when they could be savouring langoustines a la Luigi at Grimaldi's.

  'Did you bring your camera?' he asked.

  'It's in my sack. I thought it was a pretty funny thing to be asked to bring to lunch.'

  Lucian wiped crumbs from his mouth and swigged from a can of Coke. He passed it to Tania.

  'This is a working lunch. We're going to try and shoot a cover photo for Caroline's book.'

  Tania's face registered surprise but she said nothing as Lucian continued. 'It's Caro's idea and Miranda Lynch thinks it might work. It'll be a good publicity shot anyway.'

  'Why involve me?'

  'Because somehow Caro knows you're a photographer.'

  'I told her about it that night you were late. But I thought she hated my guts.'

  'She hates mine too. But that's what her book's about. The more she hates, the more she gets turned on. Come on, we're meeting her over there in the rose garden.'


  'Because that's where you're going to take her photo.'

  'Strewth.' Tania stood and hoisted her rucksack onto one shoulder. 'I still don't understand, Lucian.'

  'You will when I tell you her book is called Naked in the Roses.'

  A Central London park at lunchtime on a sunny day is not the most discreet spot for a nude photo session. Even though the entrance to the rose garden was tucked away on the far side of the pond, there were many who had made their way there to enjoy its relative seclusion.

  'Is she really going to flash her butt here?' said Tania.

's not,' said Lucian, 'but Contessa Marietta Strepponi is. She's the central character in Caroline's book.'

  'Oh right.' She flashed him a knowing grin. 'And every week you and the Contessa act out her new scenes.'

  'Er, yes. I'm her brutish tormentor, Bruno.'

  'And what about me?'

  'You feature in the new stuff she sent me. I should have warned you, I know.'

  'Don't apologise till you get the bill for the photographs. Just tell me how I fit into Miss Weirdo's book.'

  'Bruno takes her to a public garden and makes her walk naked through a bed of roses. A blonde female photographer records the event.'

  'And that's me?'

  'Actually she's referred to as Bruno's Australian bed-slut. He uses her to humiliate Marietta.'

  'Really? Does Caroline like girls then?'

  'Tania, I haven't got a clue what Caroline likes any more. Marietta, on the other hand, is game for almost anything. Here she comes now.'

  Through the wrought-iron gates of the park walked a slim blonde figure in a white shift that fell to mid-thigh. Caroline. Behind her in the summer breeze trailed a green scarf as light as air and on her feet were open-toed sandals. Apart from that, as was evident from the sway of her breasts and the dark shadowing at her crotch, she wore nothing. She made no signal to Lucian and Tania but drifted towards them past a group of open-mouthed office-workers picnicking on the grass.

  'You're late, Marietta,' snapped Lucian as Caroline came up to them. 'Apologise to Tania.'

  Her milky blue eyes flashed with anger. 'What's one of your whores doing here?'

  'She's here because it amuses me,' said Lucian, 'and to take photographs of your pretty pink arse. Now say you're sorry.'

  Caroline glared at Tania. 'I'm sorry I'm late,' she said icily and turned to Lucian. 'Satisfied? Now let's get on with it.'

  She wheeled around and marched off, the cheeks of her bottom quivering beneath the thin slip. Lucian knew that her script called for those self-same shuddering globes to be well attended to before the afternoon was over and his cock was already salivating in his pants at the thought. He noted with satisfaction that Tania had her camera at the ready and was following close behind Caroline's thinly clad form.

  The garden was artful rather than formal. The roses themselves, of many varieties and hues, were arranged in banks of colour blending into the surrounding shrubs and a small copse of trees. As Caroline walked towards a bed of old-fashioned scarlet tea-roses, she slipped the straps of her dress from her shoulders and stepped out of it, leaving it behind her on the grass. Tania's camera began to click as the nude woman stepped into the flowers.

  Lucian glanced over his shoulder. They had turned behind some large bushes which now concealed their activities from the picnickers. He had no doubt, however, that they would soon be an object of curiosity.

  'Ah!' Caroline's cry was of pain as she moved her body through the roses' thorny embrace. Tania's camera was clicking fast, capturing the white flesh against the rich ruby of the petals. In the heart of the undergrowth the bushes grew wild and tall, framing Caroline's face, her blonde hair tousled, her eyes wide and unseeing. Rose blooms were crushed against the swollen orbs of her breasts and small flower-buds pressed against the lily-white bowl of her belly.

  'Great,' cried Tania in enthusiasm, evidently excited by what she could see through her lens.

  'Tell her what to do,' muttered Lucian. 'Bully her around, that's what she likes.'

  Tania lifted her face from the camera and gave him a quizzical look. Nevertheless, she began to bark out orders that Caroline instantly obeyed.

  'Hey - squeeze your tits. That's right. And play with your nipples, make them stick up. Quick! Now, with your other hand, open your legs. Show me what you've got, slut!'

  Lucian was amazed to see his cool and contemptuous former fiancee splay her thighs wide and plunge two fingers deep into the well of her vagina, openly masturbating for the camera. Her cheeks were pink and a pre-orgasmic blush suffused her naked throat and bosom. Crushed rose petals stained her fair skin and blood wept from the thorn pricks that punctured her flesh.

  'Bloody hell!' whispered a hoarse voice from behind Lucian. It was a be-suited office-worker, another in tie and shirtsleeves by his side. 'What the fuck is she playing at?'

  Lucian had prepared an explanation for this eventuality, namely that they were taking photographs for a book cover and the proceedings were entirely legitimate but private so bog off please - to be delivered in a suitably snotty voice of authority. So he couldn't account for what he actually said.

  'She's escaped from the Hospital for Nymphomaniacs up the road.'

  'Who are you then? A doctor?'

  'That's right. Now leave us alone, please. This is a delicate matter.'

  'Why's that bird taking photos? You sure you're not from some mucky magazine?'

  Lucian snorted in exasperation. 'Look, this patient is sexually disturbed and it is important we have visual record of how her condition manifests itself. Will you please go away?'

  'No fear,' said the other man, 'I've never seen a dolly wank herself off in a flowerbed before. You'd pay a fortune to see this in Soho.'

  'How long's the show going on for?' said the first man. 'Have I got time to nip back and fetch everyone else?'

  'Oh, oh sweet Jesus!' Caroline was moaning, her fingers working rhythmically between her legs.

  'For God's sake, doctor,' said Tania, 'this patient needs proper relief. Since these men are here, perhaps they'd like to help out.'

  You dirty little minx, thought Lucian, excited by the prospect.

  Caroline had shivered through one orgasm already and was obviously primed for more. He had no doubt she'd do anything he said.

  The two men were devouring the nude woman with their eyes. Lucian said in confidential tones, 'Look, there's no time to waste. She needs satisfying right now or she'll lose her grip on her sanity. If you'd care to slip out of your clothes...'

  Maybe it was the unreal situation or the thought of all those thorns but they hesitated. Lucian said, 'She was in the Cocksuckers' Ward. Consider it like giving blood.'

  That did it. In a flash they were on her, trampling on the roses as they pulled at their clothes.

  'You brutes,' cried Caroline even as she flung her arms around the first man's neck and his large square hands closed on her breasts.

  'You must satisfy them, Marietta,' called Lucian. 'Drain them dry of their desires or it will be the worse for you.'

  But Lucian's threats were unnecessary. Caroline or Marietta or whoever she was at that moment had every intention of fully gratifying her new admirers. She was on her hands and knees between them and their cocks were in the open air. In a flash, one tool was spearing down her throat, the other plugging the back-thrust vestibule of her hungry vagina.

  'Good God,' muttered Tania, leaning against Lucian and rubbing her bottom into his bursting crotch, 'I've never seen anything like this before.'

  The man behind Caroline was shafting her steadily, trying hard to make it last. His thick red cock was visible on the out-stroke, glistening with sex juice, and his testicles swung with each thrust. His hands were on the cheeks of Caroline's bottom, holding the plump moons apart so he could study the deep groove of her arse crack and the sight of his member ploughing her furrow.

  At her other end, office-worker number two was already approaching his short strokes - except that it was Caroline who was doing the stroking. One arm was fastened around his waist for support and her free hand was wrapped around the base of his penis, pulling the skin back and forth as she jacked him towards his crisis. Her head dipped and bobbed while she guzzled his long blue-veined cock. As she sucked and wanked, her hanging breasts swung neglected beneath her. Lucian fought the urge to step forward and join in.

  'I told you this would be memorable,' he whispered into Tania's ear.

  'You did,' she replied. 'And it's going to be truly unforgettable in a moment. There's a park-keeper and a p
oliceman heading this way.'

  Chapter 27

  It was too late for lunch by the time the golfing party had finished their business on the course. At Karen's suggestion they returned to her room and ordered sandwiches.

  'We'll make up for it at dinner,' she said as a room-service waiter arranged plates. 'And don't tell me you can't stay. It's my treat and I insist.'

  So that settled that. Will beamed at her in gratitude as she produced a beer for him from the mini-bar. He reached for another rare-beef sandwich.

  Adele was unbuttoning her dress. 'Do you mind if I have a shower, Karen? I feel all icky after scrambling through the undergrowth.'

  Which left Karen and Will. Karen poured him another beer and sat opposite him. They didn't speak. Will ate like a starving man and Karen swung her bare brown legs directly in his line of sight. Will stopped munching and sipped his beer. Karen sighed contentedly. There was complete silence apart from the sound of hissing water.

  'Will!' Adele was calling from the bathroom.

  He raised his eyes from Karen's thighs with a guilty start.

  'Come and scrub my back!' Adele shouted.

  'Er...' he muttered, rising to his feet.

  'Go ahead. She needs you,' said Karen.

  She gave them five minutes. She and Adele had decided that would be time enough.

  The happy couple were both naked in the shower stall when she burst into the room.

  'Don't mind me,' Karen said, pulling down her shorts and sitting on the toilet seat. She peed noisily. 'Sorry but I couldn't wait.'

  Will was staring at her open-mouthed over his shoulder. Karen enjoyed the sight of his big naked body: the thick columns of his legs, the white apple-cheeks of his bum and the broad brown slab of his back glistening beneath the rain of spray. Adele's body was obscured by his bulk but her face peeped around his body, a secret grin upon her face.


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