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Kingdom of Mirrors and Roses

Page 18

by A. W. Cross

  Bernice moved first, once out in a clearing ahead she gave us the go.

  I jumped behind Cloe who didn’t stop, she kept moving toward a pad landing and there she engaged the lever and we were in the air with Bernice in tow. I looked around at the damage.

  And that’s when I spotted them. General Jensen and Dominic de Pierre.

  They were in the heat of battle while the mechanical robots continued infringing on the fort.

  “Cloe!” I hollered pointing down to the men.

  Cloe looked over to Bernice who was visibly torn.

  “We can’t leave him. If you two are correct and he is a fire elemental, then Dominic will siphon his powers and that will be worse for all of us.”

  Bernice made a sharp turn without saying a word. She found a small clearing in the trees as we followed. Just far enough to keep the machines away from view.

  We jumped off and congregated.

  “Dominic is not stupid.” She said. “He knows the three of us are together and he has a good idea that we are all elementals. But he also knows we won’t hurt him. So, we have to move in on him together, at least long enough to create a diversion for the general. He’ll have a plan. And if I know my husband and the marquis, they can’t be too far behind.”

  We moved on the battling duo. General Jensen was physically stronger, but it was obvious that his leg hindered him.

  On the ground in the distance I saw a gun. Quickly, I moved to grab it, to keep it away from Dominic.

  My moving caught the general’s attention, which in turn had him landing back first hard on the ground.

  Bernice and Cloe moved in closer to Dominic.

  “You don’t have to do this Sir Dominic.” Bernice said.

  Reverse psychology? I thought to myself, figuring that was way beyond use on Dominic.

  “You!” He said with a slithering tongue. “You’ve become the bain of my existence, always inserting yourself where you don’t belong.”

  “Yes!” She challenged him. “Because you are up to no good, that is why. You don’t see your own potential without your horrific powers to harm another. You are capable of much good. But your choices speak of a lazy entitled Don Juan who has no interest in making a name for himself and would rather ride on the curtails of the success from those who came before him.”

  “Before me? Success?” He spat. “My family. My ancestors. The so coveted and respected de Pierre’s, they were all monsters.”

  Bernice didn’t rebuke, instead she attempted to move in closer on him. Her hands up front so he knew she didn’t have anything.

  In the meantime, General Jensen was staring at me with a sense of fear which I didn’t understand.

  “Don’t take another step toward me, woman!” Dominic demanded, removing a strapped blade from inside his boot. “The general and all of you will give me your powers whether you like it or not. And there is nothing anyone will be able to do about it.”

  “What do you want it for? You already have everything you can possibly dream of!” Cloe cried out. “When is enough, enough?”

  “Oh, the pretty Marquesa. Look at you! Wasting away at life, married to a man who is to busy to notice the treasure he has at home. You stupid girl. You could’ve had it all with me.”

  His words threw me for a loop. Hadn’t Cloe told me it was his sister he was after? I thought as I stood still, not knowing exactly what to do next. Until I caught Bernice signaling me to move toward the outer perimeter.

  “You are the epitome of delusional. One minute you are enamoring my sister, and the next proposing marriage to me? In what warped world do you live in? And my husband and I are very happy. I don’t need to prove anything to you. You egotistical maniac.”

  Just then, Brody made a quick move and turned Dominic on his back, gaining the upper hand. They struggled when suddenly, Dominic plunged the blade into General Brody Jensen’s chest.

  “No!” I shouted running to the general’s aid.

  “Lily, no!” I heard Bernice shout.

  I latched onto the general, feeling the warm blood cover his shirt.

  The tears rolled down my face as anger found its way to the forefront of my mind.

  Brody tried desperately to grab me, to hold me back, but there was no reasoning with me.

  I looked down at Dominic with his smug expression and unleashed everything I had in me.

  The earth rumbled. Bernice and Cloe ran to help the general away from Dominic and me.

  The pain deep in the pit of my entire being was greater than anything I could ever understand, and yet, somewhere in the distance, I heard Cloe’s faint voice, “Don’t do it, Lily. Please, don’t do it.”

  My elemental powers were a part of me. I extended my arms upwards and released them thrashing through the air.

  The roots of the trees surfaced, caging Dominic within as he released a crazed laugh.

  I pulled at the air around me, and vines appeared, creeping through the roots, carefully wrapping around Dominic who for the first time showed signs of fear.

  The ground rumbled again, and the dirt fully covered over what was Dominic.

  Then it all went quiet and I turned to the others, who were on the ground trying to contain Brody’s bleeding, while watching what was happening.

  “Is he going to be all right?” I asked as I got closer.

  “Yes, I think so. But you, Lily…” Cloe was cutoff with the sounds of clanking and crashing in the background.

  “Don’t move.” A voice echoed through the woods.

  “The Marquis.” Cloe said through tearful eyes. “They’re here.”

  Another hovercraft broke through the branches, with my father, Samuel, and a very handsome Castellan man who I knew had to be the marquis.

  “Lily!” My father hollered as he almost tripped over himself while exiting the craft. “Are you all right?”

  I caught Bernice looking to Samuel with a mournful expression. Cloe’s husband rushed to her side as they discussed the general’s condition. Even then, I could see the love they had for each other.

  My fathers’ arms were wrapped firmly around me.

  “There are mechanical robots trying to destroy the fortress.” I said, my voice quivering.

  “The Marquis has it under control now. Everyone is safe now.”

  “No! Everyone is not safe.” I lashed out. “The General, father. He’s injured.”

  He turned to Brody and rushed to his side. “Oh, General Jensen. My apologies. I didn’t even notice…”

  “I’m all right. Just need to get cleaned up and some stitches. I’m pretty sure he didn’t hit anything important, like my heart.” He said making eye contact with me.

  Samuel rushed to my side and whispered into my ear, “My dear, how are you feeling?”

  I shook my head, rocking back and forth. “Am I going to die?”

  He didn’t say a word.

  “I didn’t wish him dead. I only asked that they take him away and keep us safe.”

  He furrorwed his brow, “Where exactly is he?”

  I motioned in the direction of the pile of fresh unearth soil.

  Samuel moved slowly in its direction, carefully studying the heap in the ground and stopped.

  “Lily, come see this.”

  My heart protested but my mind took over. Slowly I got up and joined the general.

  A pair of enraged eyes were staring back at us. Dominic was alive and breathing. The vines had covered his mouth, so he wasn’t able to speak.

  Overcome by a huge sense of relief I embraced Samuel, “Thank goodness.”

  “I’m very impressed, Lily. You did quite well.”

  The Marquis stood, “Let us get the General onto the hovercraft and to the lodge. We have enough medical supplies there to take care of this wound. Then we can start assessing the damage and what to do with Sir Dominic.”


  “You look absolutely breathtaking!” Madame Batiste said as she twirled me around. “I suspect this is a much mo
re comfortable fit for you?”

  I stared back at my reflection, taking in the amazing custom creation.

  The ruffled calf length pants gave the illusion of a skirt. One of the workers had said they looked like bloomers during the concept phase, so the Madame added more fabric to the ruffles.

  The fitted long sleeved silk blouse with the handtied bow was perfect, pulled through the fitted leather vest.

  My favorite were the long leather heel boots, in a gorgeous wine color which matched the vest.

  “How about we allow those gorgeous waves to stay free? We can add just a hint of rouge to your cheeks and lips.”

  “Thank you.” I said to the young girl. “And thank you, again, Madame Batiste. I love it and I think it’s perfect for the event announcing my father as one of the newest inventors to join the Albercadian government.” I reached over to give her a hug.

  When I arrived at the governments heavily guarded facilities, the guards escorted me into a large conference room with windows looking out onto the city center, where the oblivious people below had no idea what was about to happen.; my father joining the ranks of military division within the government, as a scientist.

  The truth was, my unassuming father, was more than a mere tinker, he was innovative beyond anything any of us would've thought.

  The Horologium? It was a tiny snippet into what he'd actually created. A time machine. It was no on wonder the government was keen on bringing him into the fold as soon as the general learned of his creation. They weren't fooled by the Horologium. They knew there was more where that had come from.

  "Miss Lilly." Dear Samuel LaBaron said to me as he entered the room. He did a quick survey as he approached me at the flank. "This is going to be a truly groundbreaking partnership. I believe with the facilities and technology now available to Drew, there will be no stopping his creativity."

  I pondered on the remarks. Deep down inside I knew Samuel wasn't wrong. And I was glad he was representing my father. The details of a contract where something he'd rather not fuss over, and while I was capable of combing through one, there was still a lot of languages I didn't understand.

  "Thank you, again, Mr. LaBaron for being here for us, especially my father."

  He leaned in closer, "I will always be here for you, my dear. It is my duty to protect the order."

  My head whipped in his direction. I was about to ask what exactly he meant when the doors flung open and in arrived an entourage of men with my father and the general, who was dressed in full military uniform, different from his formal one.

  "Well hello! What an exciting day to officially announce our partnership with Andrew Anderson." A jolly older man said as he found his way to us. "You, my precious girl, must be Miss Lily. We've heard all about your uncanny ability to duplicate all of your father's creations. If you are willing, we'd like to extend a job offer to you as well."

  I looked at my father who was ecstatic and the general was smiling. Mr. LaBaron, however, stood stoically, not a hint of reaction on his body.

  "My, I don't know what to say. Thank you, but I'll have to sleep on it."

  The man laughed again, "Smart choice. No need to rush into this. Anyway, shall we get started?" He asked, and we all nodded. "Let the press in!" He said joyfully as he walked to the front of the room where a small podium bearing the Albercadia flag stood in the background.

  The room swelled within seconds as men and a couple of women stormed in, taking the best seats they could. Rumor had got out about a time machine, and with the Horologium's reveal at the expo, people knew it had to be true.

  A few of the officers moved into position, assumingly to protect those of the government and remove any nuisance immediately.

  Samuel, the general, my father, and two other officials stood to the side of the Albercadian Defense Secretary who'd taken the podium. The happy man looked onto the crowd, then us and proceeded to open his announcement.

  The words flowed out of his mouth like lyrics to a well-rehearsed ballad, but when he opened up the floor for questions, the media blew up. Reporters talking over each other, nothing I could make out, until the officers calmed the room down, selecting one for the first official question.

  "Is it true that you are hiding Sir Dominic de Pierre because he was about to reveal to the world, a power like none other?"

  The room grew silent and my heart pounded against my chest.

  "We have Sir Dominic in custody because he made a treasonous move on our government and on a foreign diplomat and ally to our nation. “The Defense Secretary said.

  A woman stood, in her dark brown eye-catching fitted skirt suit. "Mr. Secretary, our people want to know about the mechanical army." I tried desperately to remain composed, but my breathing only grew more rapid.

  "Mechanical army? All rumors, madame." He said tilting his head ever so slightly. "Please be assured that all matters with Sir Dominic are properly resolved. He'll be tried in the courts as soon as he undergoes a more extensive psychological evaluation. He suffered a few blows while we were taking him down, and I'm afraid he hasn't been the same, since."

  Lies! I thought to myself. They are going to make Dominic appear crazy. But why? Why not just come out and discuss the mechanical robots?

  "Next and final question, please. A tall creepy man with a hat pulled down just low enough to hide his eyes stood toward the back. "When will we discuss the magical order that operates an underground movement?"

  His words were cold and clipped and the entire room turned in his direction, wondering just what it was he was talking about.

  My knees wanted to give, but Samuel moved in closer, helping me stay up.

  The Secretary stood taller, clearing his throat as he looked directly in the man's direction.

  "Sir, if you have proof of such entities, I personally invite you to bring these forth."

  He didn't flinch, but from the shadows of his hat, I could see a distinctive evil grin smeared across his face.

  Who is he? I wondered, knowing he already knew too much.

  There was a long pause as the men stared each other down. The top hat man simply nodded and waved his hand so the Secretary could proceed.

  "Very well," the Secretary said, no longer as enthusiastic as he'd been. "This concludes our announcement. We thank everyone for joining us."

  He moved quickly through a door immediately behind the podium, which I hadn't noticed and we all trailed him. And again, we moved into another room, this one seemed overtly secure.

  "Find him and detain him." He hollered at two of the officers.

  They immediately disappeared.

  "Who was he?" He said growing red with frustration.

  "I believe, Sir, that he might be a siphon." General Brody Jensen offered.

  "We need to find out who this man is and where he came from. I thought we knew everything there was to know about our people!"

  The general nodded and quickly exited the room.

  The Secretary knew, and he'd referred to our people as if he too... I gasped. He too was an elemental.

  One of the ranking officers whispered into my father's ear, and my father giddily replied, "Of course! My dear, I leave you with Mr. LaBaron. It seems I'm going to start on my next project straight away."

  He was completely oblivious. Good. I thought.

  Once he was out of the room the Secretary turned to me. "Yes, it is what you are thinking. There are a few of us here. We purposely have been rounding our kind up and housing them within the fold of the government and more specifically the military to keep them safe."

  "That explains it. Thank you. But what does that man stand to gain by outing us? It seems counterintuitive."

  He pushed his stubby finger through his balding head, "I don't know. But we'll find out, I assure you. In the meantime, consider the offer I've extended to you." He said and looked away. "I have some pressing business. If you need anything, please let General Jensen know."

  Mr. LaBaron and I were left alon

  "What an unusual day this has worked out to be. I feel as though this mystery man has appeared to make matters worse for us." He nodded. "Let us go now. The Marquis and Marquesa del Castillo have agreed to your father and you being the tenants of the house of which the Marquesa spoke to you of. Bernice has spent all morning having the place tidied up, and the kitchen freshly stocked."

  "Oh! Wonderful. It'll be nice to have a space of our own, finally. The Floating Terrace is nice, but it doesn't cease being a hotel."

  "You must be relieved now that the Horologium is out of there? Your father told me about your need to guard it. I don't blame you."

  I nodded, as we walked out of the building.

  The sky was white and the air crisp. I could practically smell the impending snow.


  My favorite time of year had always been Christmas. Everything snowcapped, and the festive mood in everyone's hearts.

  Albercadia was magical, with the entire city dressed to the nines in deep reds and gold. Even the steam engines were topped off with pretty bows as they maneuvered the snow-laden streets.

  "What an exciting time to be alive." My father said looking through the frost edged windows of the transport taking us out to the LaBarons country estate. "Beautiful. Everything is absolutely breathtaking."

  I agreed. But at the back of my mind, I continued worrying about the stranger who'd appeared over a month ago at the press conference. They hadn't found him yet. There were no signs. It was as if the earth had swallowed him.

  Everyone pretended to be all right, but I had a sense that they were just as worried as I was.

  We arrived at the gorgeous estate which did not disappoint. Bernice had said Christmas was her favorite time of year. And she wasn't lying.

  "WOW! The LaBarons have created a winter wonderland. Look at these grounds." I said as the footman helped me down from the carriage.

  The doors swung opened and out came Bernice accompanied by Cloe, the Marquis, and Samuel. "Thank heavens you are finally here! We can officially kick off our Christmas festivities. Come in, get out of the cold. I've got fires going in all of the rooms and the kitchen has whipped up some nice Wassail." She giggled. "It may or may not be spiked."


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