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Kingdom of Mirrors and Roses

Page 64

by A. W. Cross

  Dread sunk in on Claire when she heard her name. Her parents patted her back, and her mother pulled her into a hug.

  “I knew it. I knew it,” her mother cheered with tears in her eyes.

  Between the loud cheers, Claire heard an upset shriek.

  “No!” Deborah screamed. “That stupid peasant can’t be the prince’s new fiancée! Not her. Choose someone else to go to the Diamond Palace.”

  The Regent ordered, “Deborah, behave yourself.”

  Claire stood frozen in place, ignoring everything around her.

  She had been chosen. Just like her mother had hoped and Claire had feared. Meeting the prince was almost a sure death sentence in the making. Plus, she would be giving up her freedom to be with a cursed man. She nearly fainted.

  A pair of guards quickly took her by the arm and escorted her to see the Regent. The nobleman said something, but Claire was too shocked to hear or understand what he was saying. Moments later, the same guards led her to a chariot where a servant handed her the bag her parents had packed with a few personal things and clothes.

  “Where are my parents?” she asked the servant.

  “They aren’t allowed to say goodbye to you. Just enter the chariot and make yourself comfortable.”

  Gulping, Claire looked around as if she was searching for her parents. The servant held the door open, and the guards shoved her inside as if suspecting that she might want to escape.

  “Keep yourself warm,” the servant instructed, giving her a long fur coat. “It’s a long and cold trip to the palace.”

  The door closed when she sat on the bench, and her back hit the upholstery.

  As she was driven away, she glimpsed through the window at the cold and dark night. Wiping away tears and covering herself with the fur coat, the motion of the chariot lulled her to sleep.


  Claire woke up and peeked out of the carriage. It was dawn, and she could see the chariot was entering the palace grounds. The entrance was both beautiful and haunting with a large white gate. Not far off stood the magnificent palace with tall towers and icy-looking walls. Claire knew the palace was made of crystal forged by the ancient dragons who roamed the world and protected the humans against all evil. Still, she couldn’t help but think that from afar, the walls seemed made of snow.

  The closer she got to the palace, the faster her heart beat. The horses pulled the carriage through the grounds covered in ice, making her believe they were floating above the clouds. How could such a sterile place look so beautiful? She had no idea. Still, she was eager to climb the stairs that led to the palace and discover what those walls hid behind them.

  The chariot stopped, and Claire put on the fur coat to protect herself from the cold outside.

  The Diamond Palace was even more radiant up close. Claire’s breath was taken away as she exited and walked up the stairs to the entry.

  The massive door opened, and she was shuffled in by a gray-haired butler with a long beard. “Welcome, milady. Please follow me to your living quarters. Don’t dally by the door.”

  “Of course,” Claire’s voice shook as she followed the butler.

  The furniture and decorations looked extravagant. A few paintings and murals were inviting, but most showed endless lands of snow and ice. Everything around her was white, silver, or light blue. There was no fire burning to warm the palace or velvet drapes coloring the walls and windows like in the Regent’s house. The glass statues seemed eerily human. Her footsteps echoed inside the high ceiling divisions where crystal chandeliers illuminated everything with a silvery glow.

  The butler guided her up the stairs with one hand behind his back and his chin up. His stride was steady, and Claire had to keep up without stopping to look around.

  They followed a corridor of closed white doors contrasting with the marble walls that were also white with dark veins.

  The butler stopped in front of a double beige door with an arch. “Here’s your room. Stay inside until the fairies arrive,” the butler instructed and opened the door.

  Nodding, Claire stepped inside the room. The door closed behind her and startled her. Spinning around, she found herself alone.

  There was no warmth or friendliness reception from the butler. With the number of girls who arrived and left before her, maybe he had decided there was no point to be friendly. The thought only filled the young lady with more dread about being stuck there.

  “I need to relax and think about the positive things,” Claire told herself. “I am in a beautiful palace ... a little creepy and drafty, but it’s a palace. I might get to be queen if the prince chooses me. This room is just—oh my— this is my room now. So huge!”

  Claire walked around, feeling as if she was living in a new house instead of a bedroom. It was three times the size of her family’s hut and had beautiful furniture to stare at. There were also two other doors on her right side. Rushing there, she found the first door led to a powder room. Opening the second door, she stepped inside a bathroom. Claire squealed, realizing it was her private bathroom with a huge bathtub. The chance to experience a taste of luxury finally sunk in. She flopped on the large fancy bed with a fluffy silver comforter and tried to rein in her rampaging thoughts. It smelled nice inside her bedroom, and it felt warm. She sat up and removed her coat. Then she suddenly remembered there was a large window, and she couldn’t wait to see the view from her bedroom.

  Walking to the silver curtains, she prepared herself to open them and take in the view. A chittering of voices suddenly hit her ear. The bedroom door opened, and she turned around, startled.

  Her shock only increased when she saw three small, winged creatures flying her way. Blinking rapidly to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating, she quickly realized they had to be the fairies mentioned by the butler.

  “Greetings,” they said with identical smiles.

  Claire couldn’t help but open her mouth in awe by how beautiful and tiny the fairies were.

  The pink-haired one flew closer to Claire’s face. “Welcome to the Diamond Palace, beautiful lady. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Claire,” she said, relieved that they seemed friendly. Each shone a different bright color with delicate, intricate wings.

  “I am Ming,” the sparkling pink fairy said.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Ming,” Claire said.

  “These are my sisters, Kara and Tasha.”

  Claire waved with a shy smile. “Hi.”

  Tasha flew to her side and circled around. “You are pretty.”

  Claire felt dizzy. “Thank you.”

  Kara flew in front of her face. “Are you scared of being here? A few are scared, others just want to know when they can meet the prince. Which one are you?”

  “The first one, I guess.”

  Kara and Tasha giggled and flew around in circles.

  “Stop with the questions,” Ming ordered with her tiny hands on her waist. Her dress looked as if made of a large pink leaf and stitched with silver thread. Her words made Kara and Tasha stop, and they landed on Claire’s shoulders.

  “At least she’s not afraid of us,” Tasha said from one side of Claire’s shoulder to Kara on the other shoulder.

  “She has pretty hair,” Kara said.

  “You and your fixation with hair,” Tasha grumbled.

  Ming flew closer. “We are here to set up your things and measure you for new clothes, Lady Claire.”

  “Just Claire, Ming.” Claire looked around. “Do you take care of the entire palace?”

  “Yes,” Ming replied.

  Tasha pushed Claire’s hair away from her neck and sat on her shoulder. “We cook, clean, and take care of all the maidens that are sent here.”

  “Our master is picky with what he eats and who he talks to. We are here to make you presentable. We noticed that you didn’t bring a lot of clothes,” Kara added.

  Claire felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

  “It’s good since we normally throw away all that the
humans bring,” Ming said. “Making new clothes distracts us.”

  Claire hugged her chest. “You can’t throw this away. It was my mother who made it.”

  Ming flew around her as if she was judging the dress. “You can keep it if you’re attached to it. But we are still making new clothes for you.”

  Tasha flew away. “Raise your arms, we are going to take your measurements.”

  Claire looked at Kara, who yawned. Seconds later, she left her shoulder, and Claire was able to raise her arms in the air.

  While the fairies measured and gushed about the beautiful dresses they were going to make, Claire listened to them while taking in the fact that she was in the presence of real fairies.

  Once the measurements were done, she watched as the fairies put away Claire’s few belongings with care and curiosity as they listened to Claire talk about her mother and father. They seemed friendly, which led her to believe that the palace might be a lovely place to live after all.

  Deborah groaned as the trunk shook with her inside. Imagine the Regent’s daughter reduced to hiding in a chest. But her father manipulated things so that trashy girl would meet the prince instead of her. Deborah was meant to be queen, and the prince would realize that soon.

  When the chariot finally stopped, she sighed in relief. Her body ached in places she never knew existed. Deborah heard the peasant exit. Peeking out, she watched Claire walk up the steps and enter the palace. After everything became quiet again, she slipped out and hid behind frozen bushes in the garden. It was freezing up here, even wearing her best coat. Once Deborah ended the curse, things would be better for everyone in the kingdom. Spring and summer would finally return forever, and they would be prosperous again.

  After waiting several minutes, the Regent’s daughter decided it was safe to enter. She opened the door and walked into the very lap of luxury. All the decorations and furniture were in the best styles. A bit lifeless, but nothing a feminine touch could not fix. Exquisite paintings, crystal chandeliers on the magnificent, high ceilings, silver paneling, everything was perfect. She doubted that Claire would understand the high-class palace she had just entered. After all, she was raised in a barn and sold trinkets at the market.

  Hearing voices, Deborah hid behind a hanging silvery tapestry. Getting discovered now would make all her efforts for naught. To her surprise, small creatures flew by, lighting the way. She wondered if they might be fairies but had only heard stories and never seen any up close. Deborah could not let them see her and get thrown out. They were beautiful to look at, though. Perhaps when the prince picked her, she would be able to order them around and make them her friends.

  Deborah took a deep breath and exited her hiding place once they were gone. She needed to find the prince so he would see she was the one that should have been chosen. There was no way a man of his status wanted some wayward peasant as his future queen. Her father just might get in trouble for picking that unrefined girl, and it would serve him right. Her father had tried to take away what was rightfully hers and marry her off to a lesser noble.

  I’ll never forgive him, and when I become queen, he will be lucky to keep his head.

  Walking around, the young lady ended up climbing several staircases in search of the prince. She looked through many doors and down winding corridors. She was determined to keep looking until she found him. Her destiny awaited, and no one was going to steal her future.

  I’m going to be the queen of this kingdom. He’ll fall in love as soon as he sees me.


  Hours later, a knock on the door caught Claire’s attention. Standing there was the butler and the three fairies.

  The man’s face seemed slightly less cold as he looked her over. “Prince William is ready to see you now, milady. Please, follow me.”

  Claire followed silently while the fairies flew behind her and giggled. She fought the urge to turn around and ask them why they seemed so cheerful. Her legs were trembling as she walked down the corridor to meet the prince. She had imagined what the prince would look like many times—handsome, ugly, scarred, foreboding. There were few clues to be sure, but stories from the girls who returned ranged from handsome but stoic to frightening and dreadful to look at. Entering the throne room, she finally saw the man whose heart she was meant to melt to save the kingdom.

  Prince William stared into the void from his elaborate throne. He was over six feet tall, pale as snow with wide blue eyes and short blond hair bordering on white. He was as frightening as he was handsome. The curse was definitely upon him since—if the rumors were to be believed—his heart was made of ice and nothing could move him.

  Claire couldn’t stop looking at him. He was beautiful, like a perfect carved male statue. Plump, pale lips, high cheekbones, an oval face, and almond-shaped eyes. Her body quivered with the sight of him.

  “Your Majesty, your guest is here to meet you,” the butler announced with a bow.

  The prince turned his head to look at Claire.

  She curtsied and lowered her eyes to the floor. Her chest felt heavy with his cold demeanor. She clasped her hands and dared to look back at him. His detached gaze received her, only to look away and stare into the void.

  Claire gulped, unsure of what to do. “Your Highness, my name is Claire James and ... I was sent to ... keep you company for the next six months.”

  She narrowed her eyes and looked around the room, waiting for him to acknowledge her existence.

  Ming’s voice reached her ears. “It seems he’s in a foul mood today.”

  Claire looked to her right and registered the moment Ming flew straight to the prince and stopped in front of his face. “Don’t you have anything to say to your guest?”

  Turning his head, the prince focused his attention on Claire, and a cold shiver ran down her spine. “Do I frighten you?”


  “Don’t I look like a monster to you?”

  “No,” Claire voiced louder.


  Claire frowned with his accusation. She had no idea why he would think she was lying. He didn’t look like a monster. He looked—

  “I know what people say about me in my kingdom,” he said, breaking her train of thought. “You should fear me.”

  Her jaw clenched. “Even if I fear you, I have no other choice but to be here.”

  His eyes narrowed slightly as if she had imagined it.

  Ming flew back and landed on Claire’s shoulder. “He’s nicer after you get to know him.”

  “I doubt it,” Claire mumbled. “Suddenly, the butler seems friendlier than him.”

  Ming giggled.

  “Silence.” The prince spoke without raising his voice as if it was beneath him to shout when he could simply look at someone and chill them to the bones. “I’ve called you here to set some ground rules.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t care what dream they sold you in the capital, but I have no interest in getting to know you. We aren’t going to be friends. Especially not lovers.”

  Claire raised her hand. “Can I speak?” He waved his hand in a gesture that she assumed to grant her permission. “It seems that my presence here is unwelcoming to you.”

  “It seems that you are smarter than you look.”

  Squinting her eyes, she forgot she was in the presence of royalty. “You seem to believe that sarcasm is a form of insult. You don’t know me, yet you’re judging me. Do I look like a noble lady to you? Perhaps because your fairies are really good at making even someone like me presentable to meet you. Still, the clothes I wear aren’t what I am. I’m not defined by them. I would rather be home with my parents than here if you have to know.”

  “Yet you came,” he accused.

  She balled her hands. “Do you think I had any other choice? They didn’t even let me say goodbye to my parents.”

  The prince looked from Claire to the fairies behind her. “Is this true? Is the Regent forcing the women to come here?”

nbsp; “I have no idea, my prince,” Ming replied, lowering her head. “They never complained before.”

  He looked back at Claire. “I’ll talk about this with the Regent when he writes.” He waved his hand back and forth. “You can leave. I don’t want anyone here against their will.”

  Claire’s heart fluttered with hope. “Are you serious?”

  “She’s already here.” Ming flew to his side. “The people might take revenge on her if you send her back a few hours after she arrived.”

  Claire stepped back with Ming’s words. The pink fairy was right, people wouldn’t understand if she was sent back. They would believe she did something wrong and that it would be her fault if the winter didn’t subdue that year. “I was chosen to be here. I might not be happy about it, but I’ll try to make you happy and keep you company until it is my time to leave.”

  The prince focused on her as if he was seeing her for the first time. “Make me happy? Do you believe you can do that just by fluttering your eyelids at me and smiling?”

  “I would be presumptuous if I thought that,” Claire replied. “I’ve worked all my life, and I’m not trained in the art of being shallow and flirting with men to secure myself a good marriage.”

  His eyes on her made the blood freeze inside her veins. “If you are here against your will, what I’m about to tell you won’t be hard to follow.”

  Claire raised her chin. “I’m listening.”

  He smirked, and the smile looked strange in his almost blue lips. “You don’t please me, and I have no wish for mindless conversation and seduction games. You stay away from me, and I’ll stay away from you. Let’s spare ourselves the deception of failure. Agreed?”

  Claire clenched her teeth. Her pride felt wounded by his bluntness, but she knew better than to dwell on it. “Let’s get things straight.” She paused to make sure that she got his attention. “I don’t dream of being a queen. Especially not your queen. But the fact is that your kingdom is freezing while you are here in your fancy palace unaware of the struggles of your people. That is why I’m going to stay and try to bring a bit of happiness to your life. I’m not planning to seduce you by batting my eyelashes at you while pouting.” She folded her arms. “We need good weather, so your subjects don’t freeze to death. The least you can do is welcome me into your home and treat me like a friend.”


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