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Four under the Mistletoe: A MFMM Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 2)

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by Tia Siren

  I’d never understand him. I loved sex just as much as he did, probably more, but I’d never screw over my best friend over a guy. Well, if I had a female best friend, that was.

  Truth be told, I didn’t have many female friends. Christopher was my BFF, and I hung out with a few girlfriends from college, but I wasn’t close to any women at work and my sisters were all back home in Iowa.

  The girls at work considered me to be the KPS slut, and though they were pleasant to my face, I knew they talked about me incessantly behind my back.

  I knew what they said.

  I knew the names they called me.

  But fuck them. I was the one driving a new Audi convertible, living in a million-dollar condo, and pulling down two hundred grand a year.

  I’d worked my ass off to get to where I was, and I didn’t have it all because of Christopher Kinsey. He’d been very generous to me, but I was no kept woman. I was not Christopher’s whore, no matter what they said.

  I could walk my resume over to Google or Amazon and double my salary, but I would never do that. I would never leave Christopher, no matter what shitty things he might do.

  Okay, deep breaths, Mandy, deep breaths.

  Anyway, when Christopher called, it wasn’t a surprise. I knew he’d be calling. That was why I didn’t make any plans for Christmas Eve. I knew Christopher would need me, and I would always be there for him. Always.

  CHAPTER 11: Mandy

  December 24… Present day… Last night…

  The limo picked me at my condo precisely at nine to take me to Christopher’s house in Willow Glen. It was a historic estate with a six-bedroom, six-bath Victorian house he had restored to the tune of ten million dollars.

  The realtor and contractor had told him he was spending too much on a house that was barely worth half that, but ten million bucks was pocket change to Christopher. He’d probably lost that much down the cushions of his couch.

  As instructed, I had dressed accordingly. Other than a pair of six-inch stilettos and a gold chain around my left ankle, I was completely nude beneath the skintight black minidress I’d chosen to wear.

  The cool night air played with my nipples. As I climbed into the back of the limo, my mind flashed back to the night Christopher and I met. I remembered staring in horror at his old van as my nipples pushed against the thin fabric of my T-shirt. I remembered being so wet that my panties were soaking through to my jeans. I remembered tugging off my T-shirt and lying down on the sleeping bag and pillows.

  Christopher said magic happened inside the van. I regretted ever doubting him.

  It was usually a huge waste of time getting dressed before going over to Christopher’s, because he would have me out of my clothes within five seconds of walking through his front door.

  When we were alone at his house we never wore clothes.

  He said they just got in the way of the inevitable.

  I remembered one time when Christopher answered the door completely naked with his big cock dangling halfway down to his knees. I’d thought the poor Domino’s delivery guy was going to have a heart attack.

  He recovered nicely when Christopher gave him a hundred-dollar tip. That was my Christopher. Selfish in some ways, but so giving in others.

  I wondered which Christopher was waiting for me tonight.

  * * *

  The ride to Christopher’s house didn’t take long because the roads were deserted. It was after nine o’clock on Christmas Eve, after all.

  Most normal people were huddled around the dinner table with their families by now, eating turkey and drinking eggnog, wondering what Santa would leave for them under the tree.

  They would go caroling around the neighborhoods or go to midnight mass.

  The kids would go to bed hoping they’d been good enough girls and boys all year to warrant getting everything they’d asked for.

  Moms and dads would be up most of the night putting together bicycles and Barbie Dream Houses and wiring up video games and loading up iPads.

  The kids would be out of bed at sunrise, bounding down the stairs to see what Santa had brought them.

  They’d rip the paper to shreds and throw the bows in the air and scream in delight when it was something they’d asked Santa for rather than socks and underwear.

  I remembered those Christmases at home with my family.

  They were wonderful times that I’d always cherish.

  Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have that kind of life.

  A nice little house in the suburbs, a faithful husband, a couple of kids, maybe a dog and a cat, a fenced-in backyard with a pool and a swing set.

  Then reality set in and I got back to real life.

  There was nothing normal about my life, at least when you compared my life to the lives of most people on the planet.

  Their idea of normal was not my idea of normal.

  And that was just fine with me.

  CHAPTER 12: Christopher

  December 24… Present day… Last night…

  I was tracking the limo carrying Mandy on my iPhone. I watched with uncharacteristically giddy anticipation as the little red triangle turned onto my street and pulled around the circular drive. I made sure everything was ready inside, and then I went to the front door and flung it open.

  Mandy was already out of the car and walking toward me. The limo driver was standing at the car, watching her ass sway as she walked my way. When he saw me at the door, he gave me a thumbs-up and got back into the car to drive away.

  “Merry Christmas!’ I bellowed, standing in the doorway in nothing but a red velvet Santa hat on my head and a long white Santa beard around my waist to cover my cock and balls. I held out my hands and smiled. “Hello, little girl! Will you be my ho, ho, ho?”

  “Oh my god, you’re insane!” Mandy squealed with delight. The little black dress she was wearing zipped up the front. Even though she was only halfway up the walk, still in full view of the neighbors, she tugged down the zipper and pulled open the dress so I could see that she was naked underneath.

  Her beautiful, milky boobs bounced as she trotted toward me. “Here’s your little ho, ho, ho, Santa!”

  She fell into my arms and pressed her naked flesh to mine. My cock immediately began to rise, sticking out of the Santa beard like a snake rising from the grass to sniff the air for prey.

  When Mandy felt my cock pressing into her cunt, she spread her legs to straddle it.

  “Santa, is that a reindeer in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

  “You have no idea how happy I am to see you,” I said, nuzzling my lips to her neck. I reached around to cup her ass cheeks and pressed her against me. “Have you been a good little girl this year?”

  “You tell me,” she said, wiggling her pussy against the head of my cock. I could feel her hot juices already flowing.

  “I think you’ve been exceptionally good this year,” I said. “That’s why I have an exceptionally good gift for you, my dear.”

  She reached around to grab my bare ass and pull me into her. My cock slid between her legs. She slid her pussy back and forth down the top of the shaft, soaking me with her juices.

  “What did you bring me, Santa?” she asked.

  “Something you’ve always wanted,” I said. “Something you’ve dreamed about your entire life.”

  She stopped grinding against me and looked me in the eye. She had a suspicious smile on her face. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Christopher, what did you get me?”

  I smiled and brought my hands up to her cheeks.

  I pressed my mouth to hers, and then I put my lips to her ear and said, “Santa brought you twins.”

  She gave me a dumbfounded look as I took her hand and led her through the front door. Terry and Tony Wolf were standing at the foot of the grand staircase, waiting patiently for us.

  Terry was holding a silver platter of Mandy’s favorite hors d’oeuvres, and Tony was holding a silver platter containing four tall flu
tes of Mandy’s favorite champagne.

  The twins were naked except for the green velvet elf hats they wore on their heads and the tiny red ribbons they’d tied around their cocks. Attached to the ribbons were little silver bells and sprigs of mistletoe.

  When Mandy came through the door, the twins said in unison, “Merry Christmas, little girl!”

  The twins wiggled their hips, making the little silver bells attached to their cocks jingle.

  I looked at Mandy’s face. Her eyes were open wide and her luscious lips were parted slightly to allow her tongue to stick through. Her nipples were hard as rocks. She pushed the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

  We both knew that she was about to have the best Christmas Eve of her life.

  CHAPTER 13: Mandy

  December 24… Present day… Last night…

  The moment Christopher said, “Santa brought you twins,” I felt my heart skip a beat, because I knew exactly who was waiting for me on the other side of the door.

  I knew the Wolf boys were in town. In fact, I’d made plans to spend time wedged between them after the holidays, when Christopher would have found something else to occupy his time.

  When I saw Tony and Terry standing there as naked as the day they were born with little jingle bells and sprigs of mistletoe hanging from their twin cocks, I knew it was going to be a night to remember.

  I’d had sex with the twins before, separately and in a threesome. But I had never been with three men at once. It had always been a fantasy of mine, and now Christopher was making it come true. He was giving me the best Christmas gift of my life.

  “Is all that for me, boys?” I asked playfully, nodding at the silver trays they held in front of them. I moved in close and cupped my hands under their balls and gave them a gentle bounce. The jingle bells tinkled.

  “Merry Christmas, Mandy,” Christopher said, moving to stand behind me with his hands on my hips. I could feel the tip of his cock sliding up my back at the top of my ass. “Eat, drink, and then we make merry.”

  I took a flute of champagne from one tray and a cracker covered in caviar from the other, and then I turned to face Christopher. The look on his face was one I’d never seen before. He’d always claimed to be this self-centered prick, which most of the time he was, but at that moment his expression wasn’t one of taking, but one of selfless giving. There was love in his eyes, our version of love anyway. At that moment, he just wanted to make me happy.

  He must have looked like the poor man in the old story who sold his prized pocket watch to buy his wife a beautiful comb for her hair. But she had sold her hair to buy him a chain for his prized watch.

  Theirs was a relationship of love and ultimate sacrifice.

  That was the kind of love I’d never had.

  I had never looked at our relationship that way, given that we were probably two of the most selfish people on the planet, but here we were, Christopher and I, giving each other our most prized possessions on Christmas Eve.

  I was giving Christopher my time and attention, and he was giving me the sexual pleasure he knew I craved.

  At that moment, I realized that my happiness was even more important to Christopher than his own.

  I’d never loved him more.

  CHAPTER 14: Christopher

  December 24… Present day… Last night…

  The twins and I tossed aside our Christmas hats and I removed the white beard that was covering my crotch while Mandy watched with delight.

  “You look good with a beard,” she said, pursing her lips. “And I’m thinking those jingle bells might come in handy later.”

  She had the champagne glass at her lips. Her tongue darted across the rim.

  “Maybe we can do a little naked caroling around the neighborhood,” she said. “Does anybody know the words to Jingle Balls? Or Rudolph the big-dicked reindeer?”

  “The neighbors would love that,” I said, picking up a glass of champagne and holding it up for a toast. The twins set the trays aside and picked up their champagne glasses.

  “To good friends, great sex, and a very merry Christmas,” I said, holding up my glass. “May your days be merry and bright and your cocks be long and hard.”

  “And your pussy be tight!” Mandy said with a devilish grin.

  “To hard cocks and tight pussies!” the twins said in unison.

  I smiled. “Cheers!”

  “Cheers!” they all echoed.

  I drained my champagne glass and then nodded to the bottle of champagne that was chilling on ice in a silver ice bucket atop the bar.

  “Wolves, will you do me a favor?” I asked, holding up my glass. “Would you take that bottle of champagne and those hors d’oeuvres up to the master bedroom while I have a quick word with Miss Merry Christmas?”

  “Can do, Santa,” Tony said with a smile. He turned to Mandy and gave her a bow. “Your presents will be upstairs, my lady.”

  “What he said,” Terry said, rolling his eyes. He picked up the ice bucket and trotted up the stairs behind his brother. Little bells jingled all the way up the stairs.

  “This is quite a surprise,” Mandy said, moving in close. She put her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. She pulled back for a moment to look me in the eye, and then she rested her forehead to mine. “You’re really too good to me, you know.”

  “Do you have any idea how hard you are to shop for?” I asked with a smile. “And to find a matched set of anything these days is damn near impossible.”

  She smiled and kissed me again. She stroked the back of my neck with her long fingernails. “I love you with all my heart, Santa,” she said with a reserved sigh. “Come on, let’s go open gifts.”

  She pulled away and trotted up the stairs without waiting for a reply, probably because she never expected me to say “I love you” back.

  I’d never said those words to anyone, at least not in the “I’m in love with you” sort of way. I’d never been in love with anyone.

  Nor would I ever allow myself to fall in love, because when it ended, as it most always did, the pain would be too great bare.

  I loved my parents, but their deaths had broken my heart.

  I knew that one day Mandy would find the right man and leave me all alone, just like my parents had.

  I’d be ready when the time came.

  I braced myself for the possibility every day.

  I was Christopher Kinsey, the narcistic, self-centered, arrogant asshole.

  My heart would never break again.

  I simply would not allow it.

  CHAPTER 15: Christopher

  December 24… Present day… Last night…

  When I came into the master bedroom, the twins were standing at the foot of the bed with their hands behind their backs. They stood as straight as nutcrackers, waiting like patient little elves for the party to begin. They glanced at me and smiled. It seemed that I had given them the perfect Christmas gift as well.

  I had hastily decorated the bedroom with Louie Louie’s in mind. I’d haphazardly tossed tinsel about the room and strung garland from the ceiling above the bed. Dangling from the garland was a hundred sprigs of mistletoe.

  Mandy was lounging on my king-sized bed with a glass of champagne in one hand and a chocolate truffle in the other. Her milky globes slowly rose and fell with her breath. Her nipples were hard, longing to be sucked. The curly little tip of the triangle of red pubic hair above her clit was already glistening with her juice.

  She was propped up on pillows, and for a moment I pictured her as she was the first night we’d had sex in the back of my old van. Young, beautiful, willing, so eager to learn and so willing to please.

  At the time, she was just going to be a quick fuck before I headed back to my friend’s pad to crash. I never would have guessed that ten years later we’d be here in the bedroom of my mansion with the Wolf boys, about to pump out every ounce of bodily fluids the four of us could muster.

  I came to stand betwe
en the twins with my hands behind my back. I glanced down. All our cocks were stiff and ready. I was pleased to see that I had them both by a good inch or two. I know, it was my competitive nature. Sue me.

  “Santa’s helpers are here,” I said with a nod. “Your wishes are our commands.”

  “Ah, so I get to tell the three of you what to do to me and you have to do it,” she said, smiling at us from over the champagne glass. “What if I tell you to do something to one another?”

  “Then that would be weird,” Tony said, scrunching his nose.

  “Yeah, just weird,” Terry echoed.

  “Relax, my little heterosexual elves,” she said with a smile. “I’d never ask you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with.”

  I just smiled. I knew she was toying with us, though if she commanded me to do something to one of the twins and they were willing, I just might give it a try if it made her happy.

  “Why don’t you let the twins go first,” I said, putting a hand to their backs. “You don’t get to enjoy them all that often.”

  “How very gracious of you, Santa,” she said playfully. She popped the truffle into her mouth and washed it down with the champagne. Then she tossed the empty glass to me.

  “You,” she said, pointing a finger at Tony. She spread her legs wide with her knees up. Her pink pussy was dripping with her juices. They ran down her taint and into her asshole like a tiny stream from a most-amazing well. She dipped a finger inside herself for a moment and then lubed her clit until it glistened.

  She crooked the finger at Tony and said, “Lick it.”

  Tony didn’t have to be told twice. He immediately got to his hands and knees and crawled onto the bed until his face was at her pussy.


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