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Four under the Mistletoe: A MFMM Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 2)

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by Tia Siren

  It was now or never.

  “Okay, boys,” I said with a sigh. “Break time is over.”

  I was in the middle of the bed with my back to the headboard. Terry was lying on my right and Tony was lying on my left. Christopher was lying across the foot of the bed.

  I reached down, took Tony’s cock in my left hand and Terry’s cock in my right, and started tugging them gently. They grew immediately hard in my hands. I took Christopher’s cock between my feet and rubbed it around. It quickly grew to full length as I squished it between my toes. I made a mental note to see if I could make him come someday using just my feet. There was no doubt in my mind that I could.

  “What’s next?” Christopher asked. We gazed into each other’s eyes and he smiled. “Just tell us what you want and we’ll make it so.”

  I took a deep breath and said, “I want all three of you inside me at once.”

  I said it and then waited for them to respond. I had no idea how this all worked, but I was pretty sure one of them, or all of them, did.

  The twins grinned as I continued stroking their cocks. Christopher smiled and said, “I think we can make that work.”

  “How?” I asked sheepishly, biting my bottom lip. My nipples sprang to life. They did not go unnoticed by the twins, who began massaging my breasts and tweaking my nipples between their fingers.

  “Mouth, pussy, asshole,” Terry said with a shrug, like he was reading off a menu card. “Biggest guy should be in the mouth since the pussy and asshole will be tight.”

  “How do you know this?” Christopher asked with an amused frown.

  “Everybody knows that,” Tony said. “Jesus, Chris, come out from under your rock some time.”

  They all laughed, but I was a nervous wreck. I’d had cocks in my mouth, pussy, and ass before, but never in all three holes at once.

  It was usually one in my mouth and one in my pussy or ass. This foursome shit was all new to me.

  All I knew was that my pussy was juicing like a freakin’ river just at the thought of it. There was no way I was going to back out now.

  “Okay,” I said to Terry. “Let’s do it.”

  * * *

  I had no idea of the logistics required to fuck three guys at once.

  Terry lay on his back with his knees crooked at the foot of the bed and his feet on the floor. After a little tug and suck foreplay, we were all ready to give it a try. I straddled Terry’s hips and lowered my pussy onto his stiff cock. It felt amazing going in, and I couldn’t resist moving my hips back and forth a bit to get the juices flowing.

  “Okay, Christopher, get on the bed,” Tony directed. He was standing behind me, lubing his cock up with K-Y so it would slide easily in and out of my ass.

  Christopher climbed onto the bed. He piled up a few pillows and got on his knees atop them so his cock would be level with my lips. He stroked himself to keep hard, not that he needed the help. Christopher’s cock had a mind of its own. It was immediately hard, and he could hold back his orgasm as well as any porn star.

  I was already panting as my pussy slid up and down on Terry’s cock. He said, “Okay, you’re going to lean forward and suck Christopher’s cock, and when you’re ready, Tony is going to slide into your ass.”

  “Okay,” I said with a sigh. I braced my palms on the bed and leaned forward until my mouth was even with Christopher’s cock. Christopher moved forward enough so that when I opened my lips, his cock would slide in.

  “Okay,” Tony said. I felt his fingers probing my asshole as he lubed me with the K-Y. I felt the head of his cock pressing against my anus for a second, and then he slid into me a bit. Then, in one quick thrust, he put his hands on my hips and slid his cock fully into my asshole.

  I grunted and gritted my teeth as Tony’s cock filled my ass, along with his brother’s cock in my pussy.

  “Go slow,” Tony said with a sigh.

  It took a moment for all of us to get into a rhythm, but soon we were moving as one. As I slid my pussy back and forth down the length of Terry’s cock, Tony slid his cock in and out of my asshole. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a moment my body adjusted to the wonderful invaders and the pleasure took over. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

  As Tony and Terry kept one end entertained, I clenched my lips around Christopher’s cock and let him mouth-fuck me. He slid in the head so I could tongue the underside, and then he slid in the shaft, all the way in. He seemed to understand how difficult it was for me to keep all three things going at once.

  Soon, we were all grunting and sweating and the smell of sex filled the room. Tony’s fingers dug into my hips and he said, “I’m coming…”

  As if on cue, his twin said, “I’m coming…”

  I was coming, too, and I could barely concentrate. Christopher knew I was having a hard time holding it together. He pulled his cock from my mouth and said, “Mandy, look.”

  When I opened my eyes, I saw Christopher leaning back on the pillows with a smile on his face. He was pumping his cock, shooting milky white ropes into the air and covering his hand and stomach. It was an amazing sight to see.

  Terry, Tony, and I all came at the same moment. I had never had an orgasm like it in my life. My entire body shook and the breath rushed from my lungs.

  My mouth hung open as Tony filled my ass with his hot cum and Terry filled my cunt.

  The next few minutes were a blur.

  The three of us collapsed in a pile on the bed as Christopher went off to fetch wet towels.

  When Christopher came back into the room, I was lying between the twins, completely drunk, happy, and exhausted.

  I looked up at Christopher and smiled. I mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  He mouthed back, “You’re welcome.”

  That was the last thing I remembered until I woke up with the sun coming through the bedroom window.

  CHAPTER 23: Mandy

  Christmas morning… Present day…

  I took a good, long, hot shower and washed my hair three times. Having a foursome had been an amazing experience, but holy cow, I’d ended up covered in cum and goo and champagne and sweat and caviar and chocolate and God knows what else.

  I had stuff oozing out of practically every hole in my body. It hadn’t bother me when it was happening, but now that it had dried and it was the morning after, it was really, really gross.

  The massive shower stall, which could easily accommodate six people, had six shower heads along the walls, a rain head in the ceiling, and a handheld sprayer with a bunch of settings mounted on the wall.

  I took the sprayer off the holder and lay back on the built-in tile bench, spreading my legs wide so I could clean myself off and out well.

  I soaped up my pussy, rinsed it off with the pulsating jets, and then soaped it up again. I slid my soapy fingers inside myself and swished them around. The hot jets felt amazing on my clit and pussy. Ordinarily I would have made myself come, but I was sore and exhausted. I needed to give myself a break. I slid out my fingers and rinsed myself off. Then I shut off the water and stood wringing out my hair.

  I pushed open the shower door and was about to pluck a towel off the rack when I saw Christopher sitting on the toilet with his elbows resting on his knees and a sleepy look on his face.

  The sound of his piss hitting the toilet bowl filled the room. I waited until he was finished to speak. For some reason, Christopher couldn’t talk while he was peeing. He said he wasn’t that coordinated.

  “Well, good morning,” I said with a smile. I took the towel and began drying my hair with it. “Did you want in the shower?”

  He shook his head slowly. “No. Not yet.”

  I dried myself off and hung the wet towel on the rack. Christopher didn’t get off the toilet, though now he was just sitting rather than pissing.

  I stood in front of the wall of mirrors above the long vanity and leaned to the sides to brush the tangles out of my hair. I watched Christopher in the mirror. He see
med out of sorts. I mean, he was not a morning person, but usually he’d have me bent over the sink by now, giving it to me from behind while he brushed his teeth. I frowned at his reflection.

  I stopped combing my hair and straightened up to look at him. “Christopher, are you all right?”

  He had laced his fingers together and was staring at his hands. There was definitely something wrong. And whatever it was, it was scaring the shit out of me.

  I dropped the comb on the vanity and moved to kneel in front of him. I put my hands on his knees and leaned down to look him in the eye. “Christopher, look at me.”

  His eyes came up slowly.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hungover? Do you need to throw up?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then what?” I asked, squeezing his knees. “Christopher, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong with you?”

  His eyes welled with tears.

  He looked at me sadly and said, “I think I might be in love.”

  CHAPTER 24: Christopher

  Mandy stared at me for a full minute without saying a word. I wiped the tears from my eyes and rubbed a finger under my nose.

  “Did you hear me?” I asked.

  Her eyes roved over my face. She had a look of shock on her own. She muttered, “Yes.”

  I blinked at her. “So?”

  Mandy pushed herself off my knees and went to the closet. She came out wearing one of my bathrobes. She stood in front of the mirror and picked up the comb again. She started combing her hair with a vengeance, as if it had done something to piss her off.

  I said, “Mandy?”

  “Who is she?”


  Mandy threw the comb in the sink and whirled around to face me. She crossed her arms over her chest and gritted her teeth at me. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” she said, tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe you would give me the gift you gave me last night and then spring this on me this morning.”

  I pushed myself off the toilet. I felt a little silly sitting there and talking to her about being in love. I said, “Wait, Mandy, you have it all wrong.”

  “Oh my god!” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “That’s why you did it! You set up a foursome last night with the twins knowing that you were going to spring this on me this morning!”

  “Huh?” My head was starting to pound and I could taste vomit at the back of my throat. Maybe she was right. Maybe I did need to throw up.

  “You son of a bitch!” Mandy screamed. She picked up a bottle of lotion from the counter and threw it at me. It crashed into the wall behind me, missing my head by an inch.

  She wailed at me. “So what is this? Are you passing me on to the twins now that you’ve found your true love? How fucking dare you? You can’t just pass me around like a goddamn two-bit whore at a frat party! Damn you, Christopher Kinsey! Is that all I am to you? Just a piece of ass you share with your buddies and pass off when you’re done with me?”

  I smiled at her and held up my hands. “Mandy, can I speak?”

  “No. You’ve said enough. Fuck you!” she yelled, looking around for something else to throw. Before she could find something, I quickly moved to wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a bear hug.

  She threw her head backward, trying to head-butt me in the nose, but I leaned my head to the side to get out of her range. My nose was still sore from getting socked by McKenzie. I didn’t need Mandy adding insult to injury.

  “Let me go, you fucking asshole,” she yelled, squirming to get out of my grip. Her wet hair was beating me to death and hanging over her face. She kicked and screamed, but I held on tight.

  “Mandy, stop it!” I lifted her off the floor and gave her a good a shake.

  “Fuck you! You stop, you fucking lowlife piece of shit!”

  This time I screamed her name and shook her harder. It seemed to jar her out of her fit of rage.

  She looked at my reflection in the mirror.

  Her nostrils flared like a bull about to charge.

  She gritted her teeth as if preparing to rip my throat out with them.

  I put my lips close to her ear and smiled.

  “Mandy, the person I’m in love with is you.”

  CHAPTER 25: Mandy

  I kicked and squirmed and screamed and tried to head-butt him in the nose, but Christopher refused to put me down.

  Then he said something crazy, something so completely off the wall that I didn’t understand it at first. I stopped squirming and gawked at his reflection in the mirror.

  I asked, “What did you say?”

  Christopher blew out a tired breath and said, “I said, the person I’m in love with is you.”

  I blinked at him for a moment.

  I heard the words, but again, it was as if I couldn’t comprehend their true meaning.

  I said, “It is? I mean, you are? I am?” I couldn’t believe my ears, and for a second I thought he was fucking with me. It was all just a horrible Christmas morning prank that he would live to regret.

  “Can I put you down now without getting killed?” he asked. I slowly nodded my head and he lowered my feet to the heated tile floor. I turned around to face him. He took a step back, as if he was afraid I was going to launch another attack. He reached for the wet towel I’d hung on the rack and wrapped it around his waist.

  “Can we talk calmly now?” he asked.

  I shoved my hands into the robe’s deep pockets and gave him a nod. I was honestly too dumbfounded to speak.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about us,” Christopher said quietly. “I’m not sure when it happened or why it happened or how it happened, but I’ve developed strong feelings for you. Feelings that go beyond our normal friendship. Feelings that I can’t deny any longer.”

  “Feelings as in love,” I said, holding my breath, fearful of the answer. “Feelings as in you love me? As in you are in love with me?”

  He gave me a slow nod.

  “And you don’t know when these feelings hit or why they hit or anything,” I said, biting my lip.

  “No. I mean, not specifically. They just developed over time, I guess.”

  “And you don’t know if these feelings are real or just feelings that you think are real.”

  He frowned at me. “I know they’re real.”

  “How can you know they’re real, Christopher?” I scoffed. “You’ve never been in love before, so what makes you think these feelings are real? Maybe it’s just jealousy. Or maybe it’s because McKenzie knocked something loose when she punched you in the nose.” I paused to stare into his beautiful blue eyes. “How can you know they’re real, Christopher? How can you know?”

  “Because they’re feelings I’ve never felt before,” he said, tears in his eyes. “I’ll admit that at first I thought I was just jealous, but then I realized that there was no reason for me to be jealous. We have an amazing relationship. You’re always there for me. You always put me first. And I’m the same way with you. I have no reason to be jealous about anything.”

  “That much is true,” I said with a smile. “But still, I mean, what do you expect from me now?”

  Christopher pondered the question for a minute and then took a step toward me. “I want us to be a couple,” he said, saying the words I never thought I’d hear. “I mean, if you want to.”

  “A couple, like a real couple. Monogamous? Faithful? Exclusive? Seriously, that’s what you want?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “Does this have anything to do with Patrick and McKenzie? Or the fact that I made a date with the twins that didn’t involve you?”

  His answer surprised me.

  “Yes, a little maybe. I mean the McKenzie and Patrick part,” he said. “When McKenzie punched me in the nose and went to find Patrick, it was like I had this strange epiphany. I thought to myself, holy shit, she loves him so much that she doesn’t want to ever be with another man.”

  “That’s the way most people are,” I said. My hands were st
ill in the pockets of the robe. I could feel sweat covering my palms.

  “That’s the way we could be,” Christopher said, looking deeply into my eyes. “We could be that way, Mandy, you and I. We could be…if you want to be.”

  “Are you asking me if I’m in love with you?” I asked.

  Christopher’s eyes scanned my face, as if he was trying to read my mind.

  It must have occurred to him that he had no clue how I felt about him, because I hadn’t said the words back to him.

  It was because I didn’t know what to say.

  Did I want to be in a monogamous relationship?

  Did I want to be in a monogamous relationship with him?

  Was I ready to follow my heart instead of my strong desires? Could I do both?

  Most importantly, did I love Christopher in that way?

  CHAPTER 26: Christopher

  I was rambling on about being in love with Mandy when it occurred to me that I had no idea how she felt. I knew that she loved me—she told me that all the time—but was she in love with me? I didn’t have a clue how deeply her feelings ran. And I was suddenly afraid of finding out.

  “Maybe I’m moving too fast,” I said, taking a step back, patting the air with my hands. “Shit. Fuck. Okay, let’s just do a rewind. You know, maybe I’m just drunk or talking out of my head or—”

  “Christopher, stop.”

  Mandy’s soft voice made the breath catch in my throat. She moved in close and put her hands on my chest. Her palms were as hot as branding irons on my skin.

  “I’ve always loved you, you fucking idiot,” she said with a smile. Her eyes filled with tears. She put her fingertips to my cheeks. “Since the moment you kissed me in the back of that old van in the parking lot at Louie Louie’s. I’ve always known that we would be together forever in some shape, form, or fashion. Honestly, until this minute, I never thought it would be as a couple.”

  “So, you love me, too?” I asked with a sigh of relief. “You’re in love with me, too?”

  “I am,” she said. “I always have been.”


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