Book Read Free

Sweet Hearts

Page 13

by Melissa Brayden

  Lisa’s eyebrow rose as she let that bit of information sink in.

  “I don’t like kitschy couples. I like genuinely romantic displays. I like seeing my friend’s authentic happiness. And while I’m confessing, it’s probably worth mentioning that I’m also very much enjoying the company of a dashingly handsome maid of ill repute.”

  “Bold, I like it.”


  “Uh”—Lisa shifted in her seat—“sure, but where were we before the DJ so rudely interrupted our dance by encouraging everyone else to bust a move?”

  Nice deflection. What Lisa lacked in willingness for introspection she made up for in social acumen. “I think we were talking about my return to New York tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes, sadly, that.” Lisa didn’t seem as sad as she had earlier, her frown clearly staged for effect. “But I was thinking, if you only have one night in Buffalo, it should be a good one.”

  Marty couldn’t help but smile despite her suspicions as to what Lisa was suggesting. “I’m having a lovely trip. The wedding was beautiful, and the reception has been perfect.”

  “Well there’s that,” Lisa said, straightening her shoulders a bit either out of pride or an oncoming challenge, “but the clock is ticking, and who knows when you’ll be back again, so what if you and I just forgo all the awkward getting-to-know-each-other stuff and get right to the good parts.”

  “The good parts? Are you suggesting something befitting your formal title or the one you’ve bestowed on yourself?”

  “I like the way you think, but what if we don’t think quite so much?”

  “Why do I feel like this is all an elaborate come-on?”

  “What? From me?” Lisa feigned hurt. “But, no, it can work both ways. Neither one of us banks on any forgone conclusion, not about tomorrow, not even about later tonight.”

  “No end goal for either of us?”

  “None,” Lisa said, then crossed her heart with her index finger. “What if we just say, I like you. You seem to like me. For tonight we don’t worry about your travel schedule or your job.”

  “Or the fact that your best friend just married one of my clients?”

  “Sure, because that’s your job. And your job is in the city, tomorrow. Tonight you’re a friend of the bride, remember?”

  “So you’re suggesting we just be fully present in this moment?”

  “Yes, carpe the noche.”

  “Authentically accept the now?”

  “YOLO, Marty.”

  How could she argue with that? Raising her wineglass to clink the side of Lisa’s beer bottle, she nodded in agreement. “YOLO, Lisa.”


  Holy shit, that YOLO thing actually worked. Or maybe Marty really liked her. Probably, though, it was the YOLO thing. Either way she suddenly had a date to the wedding she’d been obsessing over for a year. No more time to freak over things like flower arrangements or bar stock. No time, either, to worry about the new reality of having married best friends and roommates. She’d been granted a stay of execution for a few more hours, and she got to spend that time with a beautiful woman. Oh, and did she mention no strings attached? Because that was a pretty real thing in this scenario too. Life coaching credentials set aside, as they had been, she couldn’t conceive a better scenario if she tried. And honestly, she had tried pretty hard in the past with much less fulfilling results.

  Now Marty swayed in her arms to the crooning of Sara Bareilles, and for the first time in her life she felt thankful for Joey and Elaine’s affinity for emotive women singers. Maybe this was what she’d been missing about the genre all along. Songs like this made women like Marty snuggle closer. Well, it made Marty snuggle closer. She wasn’t in a position to make generalizations because she’d never met a woman quite like her before. She wasn’t just smart and attentive, she was also damn funny. And fun too. She’d refused to let Lisa leave the floor during the chicken dance, then refused to hide her laughter when she finally relented and joined in.

  “What are you thinking about?” Marty asked.

  “How you forced me to do the chicken dance, then mocked me for it.”

  “I didn’t mock you so much as I expressed my pure enjoyment at your rendition.”

  She briefly considered calling that out as life coach mumbo jumbo, but she didn’t want to go there. Not tonight. “Fair enough. But if the DJ plays the Macarena, the tables will be turned.”

  “Because you won’t do that one?”

  “No, because I’m awesome. You’ll stand in awe of my hip cross into booty shake.”

  “Wow, I’ve never ached to hear ‘Hey, Macarena’ pulse through a set of speakers the way I do right now.” Marty played along. Another thing to like about her. She didn’t have to overanalyze things. She could run with a tangent just as fast and far as Lisa could.

  “How do you feel about the Electric Slide?” Lisa asked.

  “Of me doing it, or watching you do it?”


  “I’m a big fan.”

  “Really? I would’ve never picked you as a line dance kinda gal.”

  “It’s part of my mystery and intrigue,” Marty said in a low, sultry voice before adding lightly, “Also, the whole growing up in the South in the ’80s thing.”

  “Ah, the South, the ’80s, such vague concepts to me.”

  “Right, because you were an embryo in the ’80s. Way to point out that I’m a much older woman.”

  “A cougar, even.”

  Marty laughed. “Do my big teeth and claws frighten you?”

  “No, I’m into danger.”

  “I like that. What you just did there,” Marty said.

  “Admitting my attraction to cougars?”

  “Well that too, but I meant you didn’t feel the need to jump into an elaborate excuse for our age difference. You just owned it and moved on.”

  “Moving on is one of my finest skills.”

  Marty’s forehead furrowed.

  Lisa’s heart beat a little faster at the sight of those worry lines. Had she said something wrong? She hadn’t meant to imply no strings had to mean no feelings. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”


  “The crack about moving on. It made you frown. I didn’t mean to imply I go through women easily or often. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

  Marty’s smile returned, big and brilliant until it crinkled the corners of her eyes. “And I’m sorry if I gave you the impression you upset me. I wasn’t put off by the idea of you being an easy-come, easy-go sort of person. I simply didn’t believe you.”

  “Oh, well, there’s that. Good,” Lisa said, then let the comments sink in. “Except you may have just called me a liar.”

  “Not at all. I just meant that while you do seem to be able to let little things like my cougar status go with grace and humor, you’ve had the same best friend since you were a child. That doesn’t speak to someone who lets go easily.”

  Lisa’s chest tightened to the extent she wasn’t sure she could speak, even if she’d known what to say. Maybe she should’ve listened a little better to the warning from Joey. But here was Marty, all soft and warm and smelling like bubble bath. What were a few observations compared to all that? And she still hadn’t had a single urge to sign up for life coaching, so as far as she was concerned, she was winning on the night. Besides, what had Joey actually said? Something about being completely broken in only an hour?

  She lifted Marty’s hand in order to look at the watch on her own wrist.

  “Have somewhere to be?”

  “Not at all. Just checking to confirm I’ve been hanging out with you for nearly two hours now.”

  “And have you reached your limit?”

  Lisa gently pushed Marty out and gave her a little twirl before pulling her back in again. “Nope, and that best friend of mine might not know me as well as I know her.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because we’re two hours in, and I’m
just getting warmed up.”


  “Want another glass of wine?” Lisa asked as she and Marty exited the dance floor after several upbeat dances.

  “You don’t have to get me drunk to keep me on your arm tonight,” Marty said. Lisa’s earlier noting of the time had been a surprise. Hours had eased by like minutes, and the conversation had yet to lag. Staying present was much easier when the present was filled with such enjoyable company. She had to work not to feel like Cinderella at the ball with the clock inching ever closer to midnight.

  She couldn’t stop time, and she wouldn’t waste her energy trying to change something beyond her control, but she also wouldn’t deny that she wanted more of this here and now with Lisa.

  “So, no on the wine?”

  “Actually, yes on the wine, since we’re living in the moment.”

  “Okay.” Lisa smiled in the unguarded way that made Marty’s stomach flutter. “Come with me this time, though.”

  Lisa took her hand to lead her toward the bar. The move was casual, confident, and not all that different than the contact they’d shared while dancing, but away from the music, the touch felt softer, more personal, and more public as they wound around tables and chairs filled with Lisa’s friends and acquaintances. The crowd had been cut more than half as the night wore on, leaving mostly the young or exuberant to the reverie. The line at the bar was shorter now too, with only one man ahead of them.

  He turned and almost collided with Lisa as he collected his ginger ale.

  “Hey there, Mr. Bruce, the tux is dry-clean only,” she said with a laugh.

  “That’s why I’m not wearing one,” he said, then gestured to Lisa’s jacket with his glass. “But yours looks good on you.”

  “It helps with the ladies—speaking of which, meet Ms. Marty Maine. She’s a friend of Elaine’s.” Lisa turned to face her. “Marty, this is Joey’s dad, Mr. Bruce Lang.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Marty.”

  He extended his hand, and she felt a twinge of regret at having to break contact with Lisa to accept it.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, sir.”

  “Oh, don’t call me sir. I already feel old enough tonight. It’s not every day your only child gets married.” He said it gruffly, but his chest puffed out, and his eyes shone with pride.

  “You must’ve done a wonderful job raising her to have led her to this moment.”

  “Between her good nature and her mother’s guidance, I didn’t do much more than enjoy the ride.”

  Lisa clasped a hand on his shoulder. “We all wish she could’ve been here tonight.”

  He nodded stiffly. “She is. In her own way.”

  Lisa’s half smile mirrored his. “I thought so too, when I was tying her bow tie today. Could’ve sworn I felt a little nudge or two.”

  Marty felt a little twist in her heart, both at the topic and the unspoken emotion behind it. These two had obviously gone through an ordeal together, one they still carried with them. Lisa did nothing to make light of their loss.

  “Well I’m glad she had one of us to guide her,” he said. “I still don’t know how to tie one of those things. I don’t think I’ve worn one since my own wedding day.”

  “You’re classically handsome, though, so you can get away with it.” Lisa brightened. “People like me need to work a little harder.”

  He chuckled and shook his head, then focused on Marty. “Don’t believe a word this one says. She’s full of you know what, and slicker too.”

  Marty laughed. “You’re the second person to say so tonight. And with comments like her last one, I’m starting to see why.”

  “What?” Lisa pretended to be offended. “It’s the truth. In normal clothes I’m quite homely, though I have to admit, now that Joey’s officially off the market, I hope my stock will rise.”

  Bruce looked from Lisa to Marty and back again. “I’m not as good at recognizing these things as I used to be, but I think your stock is doing just fine tonight.”

  Lisa grinned, “What did I tell you about tuxes, Mr. Bruce?”

  He shook his head, but the sadness had once again faded from his smile. “Get out of here. Go have fun, and don’t get this nice young lady into trouble.”

  “Yes, sir,” Lisa said.

  “It was very nice to meet you,” Marty added.

  “I hope to see more of you, Ms. Maine,” he said before wandering off.

  “I’d like that too,” Marty murmured, surprised at the strength of the sentiment. She often met people she liked, but the sincerity of what had passed between Lisa and Bruce opened a part of herself reserved for deeper introspection than she generally engaged during social situations. “He seems very nice.”

  “One of the best men I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing,” Lisa said.

  “And you were close with Joey’s mom too?”

  “Sometimes they were more like parents to me than my own parents,” Lisa said matter-of-factly, shifting her attention toward the bar. The move was subtle and could easily be explained away, but Marty saw clearly the conversation was closed, and she respected that. Still, her respect for Lisa’s boundaries didn’t stop her from wondering what lay behind them.


  Lisa dropped into a nearby chair, then lifted her glass and took a deep breath, inhaling the robust, aromatic fruit flavors of the wine. She hadn’t intended to get too deep with Mr. Bruce in front of Marty, but the memory of Joey’s mom had never been far from the surface while planning this wedding. Her absence was felt particularly hard at the service that afternoon, but only to the select few that had really known her. Marty was outside that circle, and right now that was a good thing. Marty had no past and no future. Marty belonged only to tonight, and Lisa wanted to keep her there.

  She took a swig of the wine, not nearly as gracefully as Marty, who sipped hers. She hadn’t pushed for more information or tried to force conversation, yet another item to add on the already long list of things to like about her. “Tell me something about you no one else knows, not even Elaine.”

  Marty turned her head to the side and pursed her lips. Lisa worried she might be overanalyzing the request, but after only a few seconds her smile returned, and she said, “And this information stays with you?”

  “To the grave.”

  “I sing in the shower.”

  “That’s not so bad.”

  “I sing Disney songs.”

  “Well now, that’s a little more surprising.” Lisa smiled in spite of her earlier introspection. “What are we talking about here? Beauty and the Beast? Lion King?”

  “Yes, and yes, and so much more, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Aristocats.”

  “Wow, you’re a connoisseur.”

  “You know wine, I know singing cats and mice,” Marty said with mock seriousness.

  “But you know wine too, so you’re a renaissance woman. I am duly impressed.”

  “You shouldn’t be. I may know all the words, but that doesn’t mean I can carry the tune.”

  “Hence the shower singing.”


  “I’d still love to hear your rendition of ‘Someday My Prince Will Come.’”

  “That would probably require you to be in the shower with me.”

  “Um…” Lisa’s face felt awfully warm all of a sudden. “Well, I think that could possibly—”

  “Hey, you two,” Joey interrupted.

  Lisa and Marty both jumped. Joey and Elaine were standing right behind them.

  “Wow. That didn’t make you look guilty at all,” Joey said, glancing from them to Elaine.

  “This is the part where they judge us in their heads and communicate that shared judgment via telepathy,” Lisa explained.

  “Never,” Marty replied. “They’re just happy two of their friends found such wonderful company that they didn’t even notice their approach.”

  “I don’t buy it for a second.”

  “I choose to put my faith in our friends’ generous

  “That’s why you’re Elaine’s friend and colleague, and I’m the maid of ill repute.”

  Marty laughed heartily in that unrestrained way Lisa had come to crave over the last few hours.

  Elaine and Joey exchanged another look, this one clearly filled with more amusement.

  “See, they’ve done it again,” Lisa pointed out.

  “I take it this happens often?”

  “Every day.”

  “Do we need to be here for this conversation?” Joey finally asked.

  “Not really,” Marty said, causing Lisa to laugh before she added, “but we’d love to have you join us anyway.”

  “I’m sorry we haven’t had more time to talk.” Elaine sat down next to Marty. “I feel like I haven’t had a second to breathe today, much less visit.”

  “Of course not, it’s your wedding day. We’ll have plenty of time to talk when the dust settles.”

  “Still, I’m sorry you came all the way to Buffalo and I neglected you.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ve not felt the slightest bit neglected.”

  “I’ve been very attentive,” Lisa offered.

  “Yeah, I noticed,” Joey said, looking mystified.

  Marty seemed to catch the look as well but gracefully brushed it off. “Do we win the odd couple of the wedding award?”

  “No, not at all,” Elaine said quickly, laying her hand on her wife’s shoulder. “Joey and I are clearly that.”

  “Only odd in that it seems unusual today to find two people so perfectly matched.”

  Lisa lifted her wineglass, marveling at Marty’s ability to say such perfect things.

  “I see why Elaine finds you so soothing to talk to,” Joey said. “Can’t imagine what you’ve said to keep Lisa so entranced all evening, though.”

  Lisa snorted. “Who said she was the one doing the entrancing?”

  “It’s the truth,” Marty said seriously. “I’ve been positively hypnotized. She just had me revealing deep, dark secrets when you walked up.”

  “Oh?” Joey asked.

  “Yes, but I’ll never reveal them, not even when tortured.” Lisa crossed her heart, then gestured toward Elaine and Marty. “Confidentiality, that’s a thing for you people, right?”


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