Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5) Page 6

by Leah, Shannyn

  Abby made a disgusted face. “Is this how it feels to be on the other side of this conversation?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Abby took her hand back and replaced the empty area with her mug. “Never mind,” she said with a shake of her head. “Just drink your coffee. Fast. You are going to need an entire pot before we go back to the table.”

  Cece settled back with her coffee.

  She was drunk. She almost laughed at the thought. She was definitely drunk.

  D. R. U. N. K. Drunk, drunk, drunk.

  Her eyes found Avery again and this time he was watching her. The alcohol multiplied the excitement that gave her.

  Ems. Ems. Ems.

  The name put a damper on her hunger for him. Abby was right, she should talk to him. He’d been all for having a discussion this morning about the house party. Cece’s fear of facing reality before a meeting, that already had her legs wobbling like a newborn deer, had been responsible for diverting the topic. If the truth was he still loved Ems, it was better Cece know now. Avery said he hadn’t slept with her to further his career...she wasn’t convinced she believed him, but the admission had made her a little less worried. Pretending she didn’t feel anything for Avery and secretly crushing on him hadn’t been working the last two months. She needed to figure out where they stood so she could move on either way.

  You know why they call it a crush...because it’s one-sided and Avery’s hammer is crushing your heart into bedrock.

  Cece had to know the truth. That was it, no more sneaking around, trying to steal unnoticed looks. It had been so easy at all the photo shoots, when she hid behind the crowds and cameras and could just stare at him...

  Her lips curved up. It was decided, she was going to talk to him...tonight.

  Abby pulled her cell phone out of her pocket. “Hey Kate, what’s up?” she asked, covering the phone with her hands to hear better.

  Kate was one of the oldest sisters of the first set of twins in the McAdams family. Following was the middle child, Sydney, then Avery and Abby. Twins. Who had two sets of twins in their family?

  “Peyton’s in the hospital? Why? Is she okay? Are the babies okay?” Abby’s tone raised an octave and worry danced across her face pulling her cat eyes down to match the frown on her lips.

  Babies, as in twins. Another set of twins. Were these McAdams part rabbit?

  “I’m coming now.” Abby was sliding out of the booth. She moved the phone from her mouth to talk to Cece. “You stay here for a minute while I go talk to the guys.” She turned to leave, and then turned back. “Cece you should talk to Avery about where the two of you stand...but not tonight. Don’t do it tonight.”

  Cece watched Abby weave her way through the tables to the guys, her two guys...if only Avery was her guy. She would walk right over there and claim stake on his amazing lips.

  She heard what Abby told her, not tonight.

  Fine. Okay. I got it.

  As a smirk found her lips she could think of a lot better things to do with Avery that had nothing to do with talking.

  Chapter Seven

  “I’M COMING WITH you,” Avery said, after Abby relayed Kate’s message about Peyton in the hospital regarding the twins. He stood up from the table. Nobody knew anything. It could be serious. Peyton or the twins could be in trouble and Abby was talking like he was staying in Oakston.

  Abby grabbed his arm. “No, you can’t. You leave at six tomorrow morning. This is important to your career.”

  What time was it anyway? Could he get to Willow Valley and if it wasn’t an emergency and Peyton was alright get back to Oakston before six? Did it matter?

  “I will drive back.” He hardly recognized the solid, protective, no-nonsense tone that was masking his worry. This was his sister and she was in the hospital. He’d missed so much the last year because of his selfishness, he didn’t want to miss anymore. He wouldn’t miss anymore.

  Abby stepped in his path. “Avery, you stay. If it is serious when I get there, I will call you. Okay? If it’s not serious, you need to be on that bus.”

  Avery didn’t like it. But he didn’t really have a choice. “Call me either way.”

  “I promise.” Abby kissed his cheek. “And can you make sure Cece gets home okay? She’s had a little more alcohol then she can handle.”

  Riley was standing beside Abby with worry on his face for their family and a protective hand on the small of her back. “Is she drunk?” Riley’s eyes scanned the room and Avery followed, finding Cece sitting in a booth across the room alone, drinking coffee.

  “A little. But Avery can take her home. Right Avery?” Abby asked.

  Avery nodded. “Yes. Of course.”

  Riley turned to him, digging out Cece’s keys. “The last time she was drunk was in high school.” Riley grinned. “She’s an emotional, kind of a whiny cry-baby drunk,” he informed. “A little like you.” Riley slapped Avery’s shoulder, a wide smile across his face, before disappearing to get his car.

  Avery turned to Abby. “I’m not an emotional drunk.”

  Abby grinned. “I haven’t seen you drunk that often, but last time you were obnoxious to start, but then you did turn into a little whiny cry-baby.” Abby winced. “Sorry brother. The truth hurts.” She hit his other shoulder, and then pulled him into a hug. “I will text you when I get there.”


  “And Avery?” she whispered in his ear.


  Abby pulled away, her forehead doing that little furrowing, squishy thing when she had something on her mind and wasn’t sure whether to share or not. The occasions was rare and far between.

  “Spit it out,” he said.

  “Whatever is going on between you and Cece, you better get it sorted out. Clarified.” Abby glanced over her shoulder at Cece. “Not tonight. Trust me. Not tonight.”

  What had Cece said about them? What was there to say?

  When Abby was out of sight, Avery’s eyes fell back to Cece. She was watching him. When their eyes met, a big smile crossed her face. Even with the distance between them he could see how the motion lit up the features of her beautiful face. Her eyes sparkled brighter and grew wide like large, round marbles.

  Yeah, she was drunk.

  Avery made his way across the room and stopped in front of Cece’s table. Up close, her eyes were glazed and relaxed, sending friendly vibes to him. He would have taken the time to enjoy them more if Peyton wasn’t in the hospital and he was in the dark about the situation. Plus, according to Abby, Cece was drunk.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked, deciding since it was almost midnight and whether he had to drive to Willow Valley or meet at the bus at six, he needed a little pillow time. A little. Avery’s body was used to sleeping on barely anything. Most musicians were.

  Cece nodded. Avery held his hand out for her. A polite gesture and she surprised him when she didn’t raise her eyebrows or narrow her eyes, ready to retort objection. Instead she slipped her warm fingers into his hand, and then scooted to the edge of the seat on her knees and stopped in front of him, still holding his hand. Their bodies were only inches away from touching and their height now matched. The desire pulsed through her eyes and seared right into his soul.

  “Let’s go back to your place.” Her fingers were starting trouble on the front of his vest. Her fingertips were like feet climbing a ladder up his shirt, while her palms followed, firmly pressing against him. It was a spicy kind of trouble that sent a shot of desire through him. Even with his sister in the back of his head telling him they needed to define their relationship first. Hadn’t that been what he’d tried to do this morning in the car?

  It took him longer than he liked to catch her hand. She had already undone a button at his collar and was slipping her tiny fingers underneath the material and up his collarbone.

  Why are you drunk and asking me this? Doing this? We can’t do anything when you are drunk.

  He pulled her
hands away from his skin missing her warmth immediately.

  Cece didn’t take the hint and leaned in, pressing her body against his. He was unable to ignore the fact only a skin tight dress separated her body from his. He stiffened, and she melted against him, even with him holding her hands on either side of them. She had laced her sneaky fingers into his and was gripping them tighter. Her face pressed against the side of his, silky and soft.

  Cece smelled even more delicious than this morning, and it invited him into a fog of Cece. His eyes fell closed taking her in.

  “I can’t stop thinking about the games room...” Neither could he. “I was a very, very naughty girl...I’ve never done those things with a man before and I want a replay...with you Avery. You make me so hot. I’m ready right now...”

  Holy shit!

  He could feel her full, round breasts pressing against his chest, as her bedroom voice was inviting him to another round in the games room. She pressed her leg in between his and rubbed.

  Holy shit was right.

  Avery suppressed a groan.

  Riley was way off on his definition of this woman’s behavior while under the influence. Avery labeled her seductive mistress, not whiny baby. His dreams of her hadn’t come even close to what he felt at the moment and they hadn’t even kissed yet.

  Cece burped in his ear then, reminding him of her current condition: drunk.

  He cursed out loud.

  If she was sober she certainly wouldn’t be putting this offer out and if she was sober he would have picked her up and carried her somewhere private at the offer.

  Cece laughed and pulled away with a stumble backwards. He had to steady her with a hand catching her waist. “Excuse me,” she giggled, like burping was on comedy hour.

  Avery wasn’t amused. He was angry she was drunk, angry he hadn’t been able to pull away from her touch when he knew she was drunk...and confused why she’d gotten drunk the night before their drive to the festival? That didn’t seem like Cece at all. Neither did inviting him to ravish her. Suddenly, he was regretting his decision to skip the band drinks. It would have been much less drama...maybe.

  “I’m driving you home. Let’s go.” He sounded gruff. He couldn’t help it when she was teasing him, seducing him, inviting him and there was no way in hell he was able to fall into any of her traps in her condition. His body would rather take her to the games room. Hell, he had been dreaming about it every night his eyes closed...but not like this.

  Cece pouted all the way to her car. After she buckled up, he drove to the edge of the parking lot and asked, “Where do you live?” He knew it was on the upper end somewhere, but not the exact address.

  Cece’s body had collapsed against the seat and she rolled her head toward him with that stubborn look on her face. “I’m not telling,” she said.

  Avery took a deep breath and his hands tightened around the same wheel hers had only this morning.


  “I don’t want to go home. It’s empty there and lonely. I’ve been there alone for years.” There was the emotion Riley was referring to. Every word came out slow and laced with sadness. She ended with another pout of her full bottom lip.

  If he could just drop her off at her house, go to Riley’s, hit the sack and wait for an update on Peyton that would be easy. Taking her with him sounded like teasing, testing, and torture. Her challenging look didn’t waver, she wasn’t giving an address.

  With no other alternative, Avery turned towards Riley’s house. He wasn’t very happy about it, but at the same time, he felt sorry that Cece’s home was rooted in sadness and loneliness. Avery could relate avoiding home. A lot of his childhood he wasn’t sure what was waiting at home. Kate and Peyton had made their dad’s house a home before they left for school. But afterwards, when it was just two fifteen year olds, Abby and Avery, left in the house with their drinking father, every day had been full of worry and days and night were lonely. Luckily Avery had his twin to get through those years before Kent decided to boot the addiction to the curb. He’d also had his guitar and love for writing lyrics.

  Inside Riley’s house, the encased windows along the back wall came to life overlooking the gorgeous city that was still lit even at the late hour. Avery had been living here for almost two months and evenings were his favorite time. He could be considered a night owl like his sister, but he’d never been one to go out on the town. He would rather sit at home and let the music flow out of him at late hours.

  Avery paused, allowing the darkness to shake away some of his building frustrations...frustrations about Cece.

  He didn’t know what to think about her. Was she only physically attracted to him or was there more between them? He felt more but was he alone? He only wondered because of Abby’s warning to clarify their status. He’d thought they had cleared it up this morning in the car. He’d gone through his day accepting his feelings were one sided. But, what had Cece said to Abby to bring up the warning? It was all too confusing and a useless banter when she was drunk, when no questions could possibly be answered tonight.

  Avery reached for the hallway light when Cece caught him off guard. She had appeared exhausted climbing the few stairs into the house, her feet dragging her tired body. He’d hoped she’d lie down on the couch and they could catch some separate rooms. That seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind, when she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled herself up against his whole body and kissed him.

  He was about to object...he really was. His first instinct was to put distance between them and fast, but he’d been thinking about these lips for months and now they were prying his mouth open and her warm tongue was searching out his tongue.

  What was one kiss?

  He kissed her back.

  His hands wanted to roam over her hot body under the thin material of the sexy dress she was wearing and pull her body firmly against his. He didn’t. He simply enjoyed her lips and when those sneaky little fingers of hers reached for his belt buckle, he caught them and broke the contact.

  She pouted at him. He loved the way her bottom lip pouted, it was adorable.

  “Cece, let me make something clear right now. I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”

  Her eyes narrowed in on him with anger as she took a deep, long, and exaggerated breath through her flaring nostrils.

  “Don’t think I don’t want to, because I do. But not when you’ve had this much to drink. If we make love again it’s going to be when you are stone-cold sober and you want to.”

  She scrunched her face. “If?”

  How could she even catch that little wording in her condition?

  Avery’s phone rang and Kate’s name flashed across the screen. He held his hand up to Cece and took the call turning away from her.

  “Kate, how is she?”

  “Hey, Avery. She had some bleeding and cramping. They’ve been here for hours and rushed Peyton right in for tests.” Hours? They’d called Abby less than an hour ago. “So far everything seems fine. Her and the babies are good.”

  “Thank God.” He breathed a sigh of relief.

  “She’s on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. No more working for her. Her trip to Oakston today has drawn a defined line until after the babies are born. Colt was freaking out when we got here. Dad and Elaine are here and Elaine is still trying to calm him down, but you know his past...” Avery knew what the papers said about Colt’s first daughter’s birth years back and that she didn’t make it. Abby had filled him on the rest: Colt’s guilt about the baby’s death and then finding out she wasn’t his. Avery couldn’t even imagine that pain and understood why Colt was extra careful and double worried with Peyton. “They are keeping her at the hospital for the night.”

  “Abby’s on her way,” Avery said.

  “I know. I just talked to her and they’re going to come down anyway.”

  Too bad. He would much rather have had Riley and Abby come back and referee Cece. He touched his lips still tingli
ng from her.

  “Okay. Thanks for calling Kate. I was so worried and I hate that I can’t be there...”

  “We know Avery. But, you were here for Dad when everyone else gave up on him. You deserve to go and live your dream. Go live your dream. This is your chance and your song is already at the top of the charts. We are so proud.”

  “I’ve missed so much and now with you and Peyton home and the twins on the way...” He sucked in a breath of air. “...I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it.”

  “Go pick up your guitar, sit outside under the stars and listen to your soul. Call me back if you believe it’s not worth it.”

  His guitar. He grinned. If he picked his guitar up, he would get lost in his own world and Kate knew it.

  “Thanks Kate.”

  “Anytime baby brother. I will phone you if anything changes otherwise you get on that bus tomorrow and you rock the AHJ.”

  “We are a new band Kate, not everyone is going to know us.”

  “Bull. You have a number one hit. If they don’t know you, then you make sure when you get on that stage that they never forget you.”

  He laughed. “Rock the house,” he said.

  “Rock it like you’ve never done before.”

  Why was Cece popping into his head?

  “Alright,” Avery said.

  “I love you, Avery.”

  “Love you too. Tell Peyton I’m thinking about her. I love her. I miss her. I wish I was there.”

  “I will and we are all thinking of you at the festival. You deserve it so have fun and give them all you got.”

  He chuckled. Kate had practically raised him after his mom died when he was seven and his dad dipped directly in the bottle to ease his pain...which turned into years.

  Avery hung up feeling better. His sister had the motherly touch he needed. When Avery turned to deal with Cece...she was gone.

  He cursed, sliding his phone in his pocket and scanning the dark house. He was hoping to find her collapsed on the living room sofa, fast asleep. Not his luck. The door under the stairs in the kitchen was wide open with light pouring out.


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