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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

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by Leah, Shannyn

  The day she cut her ties from Rusty had been the hardest and best day of her life. She never wanted to feel the days, months that led up her their break up. Never again.

  Avery’s not like him...but he’s still your client.

  Her head snickered every horrible, embarrassing sentence that had come out of her mouth, as her feet scampered as quickly and quietly as she could down the stairs in a glass was too much. Her brother had been so full of himself back in the day, wanting luxury to boast to his clients.

  Cece had never fallen into that category. Even when her uncle passed away and left them his estate, which they’d sold off not wanting anything to do with a man who never had a kind word to say to either of them, Cece had moved into a penthouse. It was in the high-end part of town and a luxury penthouse, but it was smaller than Riley’s first floor alone. It if were up to Cece, she would move to the country and plant a garden, then fill a little barn with animals. In that same thought, she’d once envisioned a husband and children...Rusty had long ago sprinkled that dream away like dust onto the lake, getting caught up in the waves and sinking to the bottom.

  Forget the farm. Forget Rusty. You have to devise a plan to set boundaries between you and Avery. ASAP.

  Later she would develop a plan that would be practical for the both of them. At a better time, when she wasn’t still in yesterday’s clothes, sneaking around doing the walk of shame.

  Cece halted suddenly in the foyer, recalling the kiss. It was so good. Then the pool table flashed in her head and she cringed. Then the tumble to the floor and she felt like she could literally melt away from embarrassment. What a basket case she had acted like.

  Oh why did she remember? Why couldn’t she wake up like the hung over band members she’d managed who couldn’t remember a single detail of the night before? Why not? Why not her!

  Cece spotted one of her four-inch heels by the door and the other one...she looked left, and then right...nothing. The games room.

  Ugh. How could one room posses the most thrilling, sensual, wonderfully experiential day of her life and also the most mortifying one? Talk about mixed emotions. She didn’t want to go in there.

  Biting her lower lip, wondering if her lipstick had smeared, or was there even any left on her at all, with the same creeping manner, she tiptoed through the kitchen. When she reached the doorway under the stairs and her hand touched the knob to the games room door, she heard a brewing dripping sound. Her eyes fell on the coffee maker to her right.

  Avery was awake. Unless Riley was home.

  Riley was an early riser ever since his return home. Riley. She didn’t know which was worse...running into Avery whom she’d yelled, cried, kissed and tried to seduce all in one evening or Riley, who would note her wearing the same clothes, messy hair and in a hung over state. They were both bad. She needed to get out without running into either.

  Cece slipped into the games room and ignored her brother’s stare from the posters lining the had she ever had sex with Avery in this room when right now it felt like Riley’s eyes were judging her every move? Because when Avery touched her she was lost in him.

  Avery’s definition of sex and lovemaking played in her head, while she searched the room, trying to ignore the visions of Avery touching her, kissing her, making sweet love to her everywhere her eyes fell. The pleasure in her stomach knowing which category he’d listed their interaction in, making love, only made it more difficult to accept she had to tell him they could only have a strictly professional relationship. Avery was kind of a romantic, deep man...he’s a songwriter, she reminded herself. It was his passion to write romantic, deep, heart-heating words. Another reason to hurry the hell out of here.

  Her plan would involve keeping Avery so busy this week that he didn’t have a moment to even look at Cece. The list began in her head: increase the signings, throw them into the crowd to mingle, put them in the merchandise tent. All of the above times ten!

  The black shoe was nowhere.

  Are you kidding me right now? Screw it. I don’t need it.

  But she needed her keys. Where were her keys?

  She knew where they weren’ the games room, kitchen or foyer. After searching each, she came to conclusion, Avery must have them.

  Defeated, exhausted, sore and losing the panicking spark, she poured herself a coffee and took it outside. The patio wrapped around the underground kidney bean-shaped pool, overlooking the city as it began to wake up with the morning.

  She was going to have to face Avery eventually anyway...and Abby. The warming coffee quenching her dry throat couldn’t ease the words she’d spoken to Abby. They’d been forthright, blunt...but honest. She supposed if anything came out of this drunken night, it was the fact she’d been honest with Abby and now hopefully they could genuinely move forward from the destruction Cece had inflicted two months ago. Now, of course, Abby knew Cece’s feelings for Avery and Avery knew Cece’s feelings for him and she knew Avery’s feelings for was a bubble of happiness that Cece was about to take a needle to.

  Cece wondered why she’d spent the last months miserable and avoiding Avery, assuming he’d used her and was in love with Ems, only to decide after discovering none of it true, that they couldn’t be together anyway.

  She didn’t have an answer. The back door opened and Avery scuffed his bare feet to her side.

  Please be wearing a shirt. Please be wearing a shirt!

  “Cinnamon bun?” She glanced at the plate he offered and it looked delicious, taking note that a shirt covered his chest. When her stomach turned over in protest, she shook her head. She wished her stomach would target the butterflies from fluttering around at his presence.

  “Let’s switch this out...” He took the coffee from her hands replacing it with a glass of tea explaining it would help with the hangover.

  Cece wanted her coffee back, but didn’t dare reach for it. “Thanks,” she said, instead and sipped the warm, nutmeg and honey flavored tea. For the solution to a hangover so horrible, the tea was delicious. If only he had a magic tea to swallow away her feelings for him. That would make life so much easier...and so much more lonely.

  Avery sat down across from her, on a metal lounger, with his feet grounded on the patio tiles. Cece watched him, behind the rim of her glass, set the plate and coffee on a table. He leaned his elbows on his knees, with his hands clasped out in front of him and his eyes found hers.

  He looked good. He was showered, shaved, and dressed in a clean short-sleeved plaid shirt with another vest...a black matte one that matched his board shorts. He didn’t look hung over either, which meant his recollection of the night would be clearer than hers.

  Cece could feel the embarrassment creeping to her cheeks.

  “How did you sleep?” Avery asked.

  He was wide awake. The sun wasn’t up yet but the backyard lights caught the flecks of gold in his dark eyes.

  “Good.” I don’t remember waking up once until my body decided to humiliate me with memories of you.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  Cece smiled. “That depends what you’re referring to.” Physically or emotionally.

  “Ahh, so the memory of last night doesn’t evade you this morning.”

  I wish. She shook her head. “Unfortunately not. How is Peyton?” They needed to talk about anything, except the details of last night. Not when she looked like...road kill.

  Avery smiled, rubbing his hands together and relief danced across his face. “Good. They should be sending her home today, but she’s on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.” He clapped his hands together and a low chuckle rumbled from him. “Not sure how she’s going to manage that until her due date in October. She’s not a sitter. She’s a go-getter.”

  “I’m glad she’s okay.”

  “Thanks. Me too. Riley and Abby stayed the night, which means Abby won’t be coming with us today. I haven’t heard from them yet, but I’m sure they will text

  Cece had wondered if Avery would dive into the events of the night before. She was relieved to discover he remained the perfect gentleman and silently let her drink her tea. Tea he had made to help her feel better. Sweet gentleman.

  When she finished the very last drop, she found her legs had enough of sitting around and were ready to take her home, shower, change and prep for the trip.

  “Do you have my car keys?”

  “I do.” He fished them out of his pocket and reached them to her. Their fingers grazed as she took them and her eyes locked on their touching hands. His touch was fire to her skin.

  She pulled away. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Gentleman.

  “I should go.”

  He stood with her, and his whole outfit came into view on his solid body. “You look nice today.” She said it before her brain had a moment to register it.

  He grinned at her and her stomach flipped with desire to kiss those lips. “Are you trying to seduce me again?” he asked.

  Cece flushed. “No. I...”

  He touched her arm and it flared the same fire as her hand. “I’m teasing you. I’m sorry. It’s probably way to soon...”

  It was way too late! “Avery, I am sorry about last night.” I’m embarrassed, mortified, want to hibernate until we both have Alzheimer’s and can’t remember any of yesterday.

  “We probably should have talked sooner,” he said, like he was reading her thoughts. Did he understand that there was no chance of a relationship between them while she was his manager?

  “I agree.” And now it’s too late. She needed to clear it up with him, now. “We can’t sleep together again, or have any kind of relationship besides manager and client.” It hurt to say the words. It hurt to wonder what it would be like to give into their feelings. “You are well aware now, that Rusty and I dated...” Worst mistake of my life. “It didn’t end well. So I have a rule that I don’t get involved with the bands I manage.”

  “That’s fair.”

  “...And I don’t sleep with potential clients. If I had known Riley was going to stick us together, I wouldn’t have...”

  “I know.”

  Cece sighed, relieved he was taking it so well and making it easy for her. To be honest, he was so good with words, she feared that if he argued and made plausible points, she would forget her rule and dive full body into the Avery world.

  “Can I ask you a question?” he asked.

  Please don’t ask anything about last night.

  She nodded.

  “Why did you sign on to manage my band if you knew there would never be a chance for us?”

  I thought you were in love with Ems. I thought you used me. “What choice did I have after the way I treated your sister? I couldn’t say no to Riley after that. I owed him.”

  Avery nodded. “That’s too bad,” he finally said.

  Cece agreed.

  Avery walked Cece to the front door. “Friends.” He held out his hand.

  “Artists manager and client,” she corrected, sliding into the warm solitude.

  Avery bent down and kissed her cheek. Her body stilled as her breath caught in her throat. He smelled more delicious than he looked. His cheek lingered by her side and he whispered, “I want to clear up the reasons why I slept with you, while you are sober and it’s unmistakable. It had nothing to do with Emily Gordon. Nothing. There’s something about you that draws me in a way I’ve never felt with another woman. It was you Cece Boyd...” His hand caressed her arm and she swallowed hard. “...only you that I made love to and if you hadn’t been drunk last night I would have done it again.” Avery stepped back. “See you in an hour,” he said casually like he hadn’t just unlocked the door to her heart. How the hell did he get that key she had locked up tight in a guarded vault!

  It was me. It was me! hour?

  Chapter Nine

  ONE HOUR LATER, Cece was parked behind the label, pulling her jam-packed suitcases with new, modern clothes out of the trunk of her car.

  When she arrived home, not even sixty minutes earlier, she was thankful to be a planning kind of girl. Her suitcases were packed and waiting for her, ready to go. Even more thankful was the vision of her newly purchased white skinnies lying across her bed beside the coral, rounded-neckline chiffon tank top and matching white blazer...she couldn’t help it, she loved her jackets. It wasn’t thirty plus degrees outside, so she could get away with wearing a light jacket.

  Her morning had gone by smoothly, and when she grabbed the floral scarf on the way out the door, wrapping it around her neck to finish off the look, she felt...hip. Forget sexy...although her new wedge heels were very cute.

  A music festival. She couldn’t help how excited that made her. Not just any music festival, the AHJ to boot...with a new band...and last minute. She was amazing. She was absolutely amazing and the tingling of accomplishment overrode her usual tension at only being on time. She wasn’t late, but on time was not something she was accustomed to either. Allowing time before departure for a quick reassessment of situations, being fully prepared and on top of every angle was her style.

  But today...she breathed in the cool September morning and sighed out another accomplished, successful move on her part. She felt good, relaxed...normal.

  “Here let me get that for you.”

  Cece’s suitcases were lifted and out of her hands in a swift motion as Avery fell in line with her slow-paced step. Slow-paced step? She was a quick-paced step kind of woman with a quick-paced mind.

  Right now, as their hands came into contact and sent tingles of awareness, her quick mind notified her that successful accomplishment had nothing to do with how easily she accepted her tardiness. It was because Avery confessed he wanted to sleep with her...that he wanted to do it again.

  He wanted to do it again!

  That brought a whole new round of giddiness she had no control over.

  And...he knows you want to do it again. We are a pair of ridiculously horny people.

  She felt a bit of a buzz coming on again. This time it wasn’t the result of alcohol but She almost laughed at her thoughts. Of course, she dared not to do so with Avery so close beside her.

  The question popped back into her mind, why was she on time? If she had been early, at least she could have come to terms with why she was feeling giddy...giddy...and at least then she could have had a moment to herself to snap the hell out of it.

  Alright. You are the manager. Here she went with her mental prep talk again. Snap out of it. Go over there and behave like the manager...not a love-struck teenager ready to pounce.

  Alright...alright I can do this.

  But first she had to get rid of Avery’s matching giddiness, which he was displaying across his beautiful, happy, gorgeous face for everyone to see.

  Why was he so giddy anyway? It wasn’t like they had sex, but it wasn’t like she hadn’t tried either. Why are you so giddy? Oh for crying out loud!

  “Avery,” she started, in a serious tone. She surprisingly pushed aside her giddiness for a brief moment. Keep it up. Good job. Was this encouraging thing going to go on all bloody week? She wasn’t a woman who needed to encourage herself. She was confident and knew exactly what she needed to do. Right now, what she needed and wanted to do were so far in the opposite directions it was water to fire and she was on fire for Avery McAdams...and it was roaring.

  “Cece.” Avery didn’t say her name with the same serious tone. His heated, almost even bedroom tone, lit the fire burning in the pit of her stomach like the sprinkling of gasoline to a flame.

  Did I really pause long enough to allow him to talk? Spit it out get it out there and make it clear. As crystal damn clear as the ocean because we don’t have time for games.

  “I just want to clarify.”

  Because one of us has to be strong and after you admitted you slept with me for any other reason other than Ems, I feel my strength slipping away
every time I’m near you...Rapidly down an avalanche to be buried forever.

  Cece cleared her throat and thoughts away.

  “We have an artists manager slash client relationship. That’s it. Nothing more.”

  “Aren’t we a little more?”

  The more is me envisioning you naked right now and wanting to tear your clothes off for a more personal look!

  She was getting sucked down the avalanche herself. She was a professional. Be a professional.

  Avery continued before she had the chance to speak, which was probably good. She felt her seriousness being devoured. “We are also the siblings of dating siblings.”

  What? That was not what she had expected him to say. No, that’s good. If that’s all he’s referring too.

  Why did the avalanche stopping suddenly not feel nearly as exciting as when it was plowing down the hill?

  “Not this weekend,” she said, without looking at him as she focused on them nearing the coach bus. “This weekend: manager, client.”

  “Manager. Client,” he repeated like he was debating whether he liked it or not.

  Too bad. That’s how it was.

  “Okay, Manager, you’re late.”

  Cece looked at him then, shocked. She really shouldn’t have looked his way. He smiled, a crooked grin, at her that started that avalanche all over again. She wished it was the middle of winter instead of this pathetic cool day lacking the chill-down of his heated stare.

  “We might have to talk about your tardiness...”

  Oh my gosh. He was adorable. I think most people would consider it charming and if so, he was good at it.

  Avery winked at her, as they arrived at the bus. He handed her bags off, greeting everyone with handshakes and half hugs. Avery was the guy that everyone liked. Everyone. It was incredible how he could meet someone and within minutes they were laughing like the best of friends.


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