Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5)

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Lakeshore Lyrics: The McAdams Sisters (By The Lake Series Book 5) Page 12

by Leah, Shannyn

  As Drew, Sean and Ems walked ahead, debating whether to take the subway or train cart, Avery slipped his hand around Cece’s. Her first instinct was to pull away, but he gripped it tightly and sent her a look.

  “This could be a mistake,” Cece told him.

  “You worry too much.” He didn’t worry enough.

  “Everyone’s going to know,” she said, glancing down at their hands, but again, not pulling away.

  “I think everyone does know.”

  So did she. Did Riley know? Wouldn’t have he mentioned if he thought something was going on between her and Avery? Abby knew, that was for sure. Did she tell Riley?

  Cece stopped walking and Avery moved in front of her blocking the others. She glanced around him. They were still walking, still debating and not even paying attention to them.

  Cece decided to come clean about listening to his conversation with Ems before they went any further into exploring their feelings. Deciding they’d had too many secrets between them, too many truths untold, and too many feelings harboured.

  “I overheard you and Ems this morning at the front of the bus. I didn’t mean to listen. At first, when I heard the two of you I tried to not interrupt. Then...well...” She was so embarrassed to admit it. “...I couldn’t walk away and I listened. To the entire conversation. I’m sorry.” It sounded so much worse coming out of her mouth, then it had playing out in her head. He was going to hate her. She sounded like a crazy, jealous stalker.

  Her hands were still in his and he gently squeezed them. “Then you heard Ems make it clear we were never in love.”


  “And you believe that?”

  “Avery, I didn’t need to hear her say it. I believed you after that kiss. I spent the whole ride to the AHJ thinking about that kiss and trying to figure out what to do next.”

  “So you’re convinced I’m not in love with Ems?”


  He smiled. “Good.”

  That was it? Cece was confused.

  “Aren’t you mad? I just admitted I was eavesdropping on a private conversation with your ex-girlfriend and we are not even dating−”

  “Yet,” he supplied.

  Cece shook her head. “I sound like a crazy woman. How do you know I’m not?”

  “I guess I don’t.” He slanted her a look. “Are you?”


  “I didn’t know how to convince you that what I feel for you is different than what I felt for Ems. Just like Ems said: I never loved her. I never thought about her like I think about you. I’m glad that you came to the conclusion on your own about my past, but if you needed to hear her say it, even if you don’t think you do, I’m glad you did. Now we can focus on us.”

  “I’m your manager.”

  “Is that the angle you’re going to use to try and keep us apart?” he asked.

  “I was going to try.”

  He leaned close to her and her heart sped up. “It’s a wasted battle.”

  Everything seemed like a wasted battle when she was fighting Avery. Wasn’t that a sign to stop?

  “Are you sure you want to do this? This is your career Avery. Down the road, I don’t want you to blame me if our relationship has negative results with your career.” It’s not only a career. There’s more Cece, but you are avoiding it. Now wasn’t the time or place. She couldn’t bear that truth here on the side of the road.

  He bent closer. How was that even possible? When he spoke, his breath touched her lips like the gentle breeze around them. “Cece, I can’t stop thinking about you. My feelings for you are deeper than my career. But if you’re worried about my career, I have faith in whatever you decide is best for the long as it doesn’t include keeping us apart.”

  Avery really liked her.

  “But today let’s not worry about any of that. You are only Cece Boyd, a drop-dead, land-a-man-on-his-ass, sexy, city woman.” Her lips curved up. “And I am Avery McAdams, little small town country boy, who has a fear of jay walking.” Avery let go of her hands. “Today we are friends.”

  Cece chuckled, and sent him a look. “Jay walking?”

  He shrugged. “I like stop lights.”

  “O-kay. That’s a little strange.”

  “I’m just saying, these guys...” He pointed his thumb behind them without turning his eyes away from her. “Are always crossing where they’re not supposed to. It would be great to have someone to hold hands with.”

  “Friends,” she said and sent him a crooked smile, then added, “Let’s go jay walk together.”

  Cece left her career with her iPad and let Avery take her hand and guide her back to the group.

  Chapter Thirteen

  THEY SPENT THE day sightseeing at all the local hot spots, like the tourists they were.

  For the first time in weeks, everyone was relaxed. Without the worry of cameras, people to please, or always being on their best behavior, they were able to joke, laugh and act a little silly. However, just like back in Oakston, more people were beginning to recognize the Inch Away members and today they’d been stopped for numerous autographs and doubt people’s alertness was increased due the festival in town. Technically, they were still on a level of best behavior, but it was for an entirely different crowd. It was for their fans and it felt fantastic.

  Avery stared across the city, from the railing of the tower they’d stopped at. They were one hundred plus floors up and the autumn trees stood peppered between sky scrapers and city streets giving an incredible view. He wished Cece was here to see it.

  Cece went back to the festival hours ago. Although Avery had wanted to climb into the cab with her, the gang wasn’t having it...neither was Cece. But she had let him kiss her. He’d aimed for her cheek, being the gentleman he’d been told he was, and she’d surprised him by turning her head and at the same time grabbing the back of his head. Their lips met, sending Avery into Cece mode, igniting his strong desire for her.

  He fought the urge to put his fingers through her hair. He commanded his tongue not to pry her mouth open and feel the warmth he craved. When he tried to pull away after the light caress, avoiding discomfort on Cece’s behalf by ogling one another in public, she took him for a second round of surprise. Her fingers dug into the back of his scalp, just as he’d wanted to do to her. The act kept him in place while her mouth pried his open and she slipped her warm tongue inside, swiping his teeth, his tongue, the roof of his mouth, anywhere and everywhere in a slow, seductive manner. After that kiss, if he hadn’t initially reached his head through the window leaving the door separating them, he would have climbed in the back seat with her and settled right on top. Despite the gang behind him watching? Maybe not. Maybe...really he hadn’t even thought about them when she welcomed him into her mouth, but he was sure she had.

  Cece kissing him in front of them was a huge step. Since the day they met and their attraction flared, they’d been hiding from everyone. The week before the night in the games room, they’d snuck around behind Abby and Riley’s backs. Those two had enough going on and Cece and Avery weren’t exactly sure what had been happening between them to involve their siblings.

  It turned out to be a wonderful week of dining out just the two of them, spending evenings at that bar, hanging at the beach, but they’d been hiding and unsure.

  Today was different. Today had been incredible. When they’d taken the double-decker bus tour that morning, Cece hadn’t tensed when their legs touched and she’d initiated hand holding that had lasted all day. It had come naturally without even thinking about it to just grab each other’s hand in and out of cabs or simply walking down the street. During lunch at the park, her laughter was like sunshine and her smile a rainbow without the reservation of a storm on the way.

  Avery wanted more days with Cece like today and, from the kiss she gave him, he now knew she was on board with his feelings and took it as a sign she was ready to move forward. Being at the AHJ, performing and now, final
ly after months, heading in the same direction as Cece, he couldn’t remember a time when he was happier in his whole life. For the first time he felt like everything he ever wanted was falling into place.

  Drew came up beside him, reminding Avery that he still had his friend to sort out.

  Drew mimicked his position: arms leaning on the railing, hunched over with his hands clasped in front of him. Avery’s first instinct was to tell Drew how happy he as, but then he remembered Drew’s betrayal. It didn’t hurt so much today and he had Ems to thank for that. As much as Avery hadn’t wanted to talk to her, or even listen to her, she made good points that changed his perspective of the situation...a little bit.

  “Hey,” Drew said.

  “Hey,” Avery said back, followed by a long stretch of silence between them.

  This was the first time, since the night Drew and Ems had confessed their relationship that Avery didn’t walk away when Drew approached him. Avery hadn’t given them a chance to explain then, nor since. Avery was an easy going guy, but he wasn’t a pushover. He hadn’t wanted to hear a single thing about how Ems and Drew had discovered their feelings, how long they’d been sneaking around his back, nothing. At the time the confession had made him sick, now as he looked back he saw the signs.

  “I’m sorry about your jaw,” Drew said, surprising Avery with an apology, which he gave sparingly.

  “I hit you first. So I guess we’re even.” They were far from even, but Avery realized he was finished fighting with Drew about Ems. He was finished feeling sorry for himself too and was ready to move past this part of their lives.

  They all had to head back soon to the AHJ and get ready for the patio party. They’d eaten supper in a restaurant in the tower and as soon as Sean and Ems were finished buying souvenirs they would grab a cab back.

  “Not really,” Drew said. “I didn’t know you were serious about Cece. I mean I should have known, maybe I did know a bit. Either way, I shouldn’t have said those things about her, and I’m sorry.”

  Two apologies in one conversation. Avery knew where this was heading. Down the road to another apology for him and Ems. This time Avery was ready to listen, accept it and move on. His feet weren’t eager this time to walk away in a stampede of resentment. He was ready.

  Cece said they had to hash it out. Ems said they had to hash it out. Avery agreed that in order for Inch Away to make it, they had to hash it out.

  “I would never purposely go after someone you were with...”

  Avery couldn’t help but send a questioning look at him after clearly snatching Ems away.

  “I know,” Drew said in a humiliated tone. “But me and Ems, we never slept together when you guys were together, I swear. Hell, I didn’t even want to feel what I felt for her and I tried to ignore it. I did. I didn’t want to date or have a girlfriend, but there is just something about Ems that I couldn’t matter how much I tried.” He sighed. “I certainly didn’t ever want to hurt you, Avery.” Drew paused, looking across the city, as though the busy streets were giving him the energy to continue. “I love Ems,” he finally said and the resentment that had consumed Avery didn’t poke into his feelings. “It took me a long time to realize it and by that time, you were involved and man, I just feel terrible. You’re my friend. My best friend...and I miss you. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

  There was apology number three.

  Avery turned to Drew. “It hurt man. I mean you are my best friend and at the time, that was my girl.” Drew’s face flushed with regret. “But, I didn’t love her the way you do. So in the end, it’s best you two are together.” The words weren’t that easy to say, but they were needed.

  “Are we good?” Drew asked.

  Avery nodded.

  Let it go and move on...with Cece.

  Avery understood exactly what Drew was talking Was Avery in love with Cece? Already? So soon?

  Drew pulled Avery into a strong embrace that went on much longer than necessary. Avery smiled and patted his friend’s back, but his thoughts were still on Cece...

  I’m in love with Cece Boyd.

  Chapter Fourteen

  INCH AWAY WAS a hit at the patio. The bar was full to the max with a lineup of people waiting down the street for their chance to get in, mingle with the band, and win tickets to the AHJ. The radio hosts were airing live, and as per usual, the Inch Away members were rocking the place with their charm.

  Jones and Ron stayed at their sides the entire night, keeping everyone in line, alongside Tracker’s security. There hadn’t been any serious incidents, a few drunken guys got a little rowdy and were escorted out, but all-in-all it had been a fun night.

  Cece stayed behind the stage most of the night, but when she couldn’t stand another second of not seeing Avery, she made her way to the bar and watched the band socialize. Mostly she watched Avery. She could hardly tear her eyes away from his genuine smile. She loved that he smiled at everyone equally and that his smile was sincere. Cece knew when the night ended she wouldn’t have to listen to a file of occurrences about what went with Rusty.

  That was the last time Cece was comparing Avery to Rusty. The absolute very last time. The two men had nothing in common, including how Cece felt about each of them. Comparing them was a waste of a thought and insulting to Avery. Cece put her trust in Avery and wasn’t afraid of what their future might hold. That wasn’t entirely true. The truth was, she wasn’t afraid of Avery or their future, she was afraid about the present and when the truth came out, her fear was that he wouldn’t want a future with her. How could they have a future when she was broken past repair?

  You’re rushing it. You don’t even know what he is thinking about you, about a relationship, or about a future. Slow down. There’s plenty of time to talk after the AHJ when you’re back in Oakston. Enjoy tonight, like you enjoyed today.

  There was one other smile of Avery’s that could flip Cece from work mode to wanting to strip down naked and kiss his lips...and his abs. It was the one he reserved just for her. All night long he would scope the room and find her. It didn’t matter where she was, what darkness or curtain was hiding her or if a light was glaring in his eyes, when he decided it was his moment to find her, his eyes didn’t stop until they landed on her. When she wasn’t behind the curtain and on the floor, she would enjoy watch him search the room like a pirate’s map, aware of what was to follow. Each time he found her, his lips would curve into a sensual, teasing smile, but it was his eyes that made her swallow hard. Those dark gems burned into her soul with a mixture of hot and ready desire and lust that turned her blood to lava. Each time she wondered if he might abandon his post on stage and sweep her from her seat and ravish her with his craving lips. Each time he didn’t, she was thankful...sort of. The manager in her was thankful, but the woman in her wanted to cross the room and pull him into her embrace.

  They were presently getting ready to give away another set of AHJ tickets, escalating the already wild crowd with anticipation as they crammed tightly around the stage.

  Cece sat at the bar, sipping a virgin cosmopolitan−there was no way she was putting a drop of alcohol in her mouth after her last drunken show. The recollection of how out-of-control she’d ended up still disappointed her, but at the same time it was the wedge they’d needed to finally discuss their true feelings, which turned out to be wonderful, like the day she spent with Avery.

  Today had been a good day. It had been a great day! She’d always wondered what skipping a day of school would feel like and after how audacious she felt today skipping work, she was glad she’d never chanced it when she was young. She would have been with Riley every time he skipped, however it wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun as it was with Avery.

  Avery was amazing. Cece hadn’t known that a man could be so amazing to a woman. She’d watched her uncle take advantage of women, use them, leave them and all without an ounce of care. Until Abby, Riley had been a womanizer too. He’d treated women well, but
not even close to the way Avery had treated Cece. And Rusty...he’d been selfish and not once had he made an effort on Cece’s behalf. The only man Cece could remember treating a woman with respect, love and honor was her father. But as the years passed and she was exposed to the men around her, she’d wondered if that love was a child’s version. She’d started to consider that type of love, admiration, and respect might not even exist, until today.

  Avery had touched the small of her back as they passed through doorways or through crowds. He was thoughtful and fully aware of her presence everywhere they went from the smallest things like holding the door open for her, or buying her a bottle of water without asking, to putting his arm around her shoulder, and then slowly stroking the flesh of her arm sending her a hot grin if she glanced at him. The day wasn’t just about him or working her with the sole intention of ending up in bed together...the thought was wonderful, but impossible with the was about them, as one, united and connected beyond a friendship or lust. It was lo−

  Cece’s face scrunched up as she cut the words short in her head. She was glad to be facing the bar for a refill and not the crowd.

  What was that? Love? Really? Already? How had that word even made it in her vocabulary? It was too soon. This wasn’t some love-at-first-sight fairy tale...even if it felt like a dream come true. How cliché. was exactly how she felt. Did Avery feel the same way? Of course not. He couldn’t. Could he?

  Cece had thought she loved Rusty, but she could see now that she hadn’t ever loved or been in love with him, because her feelings for Avery surpassed even her deepest memory of the strongest “love” she’d felt for Rusty.

  Love. Was she in love with him?

  The question played in her head for the rest of the night bashing heads with the truth she didn’t want to tell him but, but knew he deserved honesty.


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