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Lady Knight

Page 14

by Marisa Chenery

  “Nay.” Ariel glared at him.

  “You will. Remember, you are the mother of my son. You have to think of him first before yourself. It is bad enough you walk around wearing men’s clothing, wielding a sword as a man, but you will not flaunt your lover around Colwyn.”

  Ariel went completely still, and her face showed no emotion. When she spoke, she talked in a quiet, level voice. “Is that what you truly think of me? As for Ranulf being my lover, he is not. Not that it is any of your business, anyway. I might be the mother of your son, but I am not your wife. For your information, Ranulf is not ashamed of what I was forced to become. If anything, he likes that I am a knight. He has asked me to be his wife on a number of occasions. I have given it a lot of thought lately. So I will let you be the first to know. I will accept his offer.” She walked away.

  * * * *

  Feeling as if everything right in his life had now gone completely wrong, Broc walked into the main hall. It was deserted, except for his father-in-law. Theodoric sat before the hearth, drinking. The man had done nothing, except drink the days away since he had arrived at Elmstead. He immensely disliked the man.

  At the sound of Broc’s footsteps, Theodoric looked up. “Ah, there you are. My lovely daughter was looking for you.”

  Exactly what he needed—a confrontation with his wife. “Was she? I was at the practice field.” Needing a drink himself, Broc headed to the table where a jug of mead and goblets sat.

  Theodoric did not seem to notice Broc’s foul mood and kept talking. “Watching Swein’s son again? He is good with a sword. I remember seeing him cross swords with the other warriors of the fryd. I have never seen one so young handle a sword with such ease. I can understand why you trained him to be a knight.”

  Broc responded blandly, trying to show his lack of interest in the subject. “Aye, Wulf is talented.”

  “That he is. Oh, by the way, Alwen is waiting for you in your chamber.”

  Broc downed the mead in one gulp and then headed to the chambers at the back of the hall. Just what he needed. He wondered what the hell Alwen wanted now.

  At first, Broc thought the chamber empty. Then he happened to glance at the bed. Alwen was stretched out in the middle of it with the covers tucked around her chest. Her arms lay on top, bare. He glanced at one of the chairs in the room and noticed her gown had been neatly draped across it.

  Broc had not touched Alwen since the night they wed. He did not remember it since he had drunk too much mead. In the morning, the bloody sheets were evidence enough to show he had done his duty. Now that he knew about Ariel, he had no urge to take his wife again. Even her beautiful face could not make his body stir to life.

  Alwen smiled an invitation at him. Broc stared back. She was his wife, and by rights, he could take her anytime he wanted. After his conversation with Ariel, he decided to use what was his.

  Broc went to the bed, slipped off his cloak, and unbuckled his sword belt. Alwen flung her arms wide, catching him close as he stretched his full length atop her. Before his lips met hers, he closed his eyes. If he had to look at her face, he would not be able to go through with it.

  Her lips were warm and soft. At first, Alwen followed Broc’s lead, letting him possess her mouth, but soon she responded with passion. He pulled the sheet away from her chest and then fondled one of her breasts. She arched her back and pushed herself closer as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. He released it, then skimmed his hand down her body until he reached the spot between her thighs.

  A moan escaped Alwen as he moved his thumb, rubbing against her clit. He slipped a finger inside her. What he found caused him to rip his mouth from her lips and jump off the bed.

  Alwen reached for him, trying to bring him back down. “What is wrong?”

  He rubbed his hand across his mouth. “How can this be? How can you still be a virgin?”

  Alwen sighed. “Is that what is bothering you? Well, that can be easily rectified. Come back to bed.”

  Broc stepped away. “Wait a moment. The morning after we wed, the sheets were stained with blood and I lay beside you naked.”

  Alwen cleared her throat. “Very well. You were so far gone in drink you passed out soon after you came to me. I was not going to let everyone see you had not made me your wife. I took off your clothes and cut my arm to stain the sheets.”

  A small cut could be seen on the inside of Alwen’s forearm, a mark that proved what she had said was true. His anger flared over her duplicity. Then all she had said hit him hard. It felt as if a great weight had been lifted from him.

  He picked up Alwen’s gown and flung it at her. “Get dressed. I have decided you do not interest me as you did before.” He grabbed his cloak and sword before he left a confused Alwen.

  * * * *

  Ranulf watched Ariel fling off her armor with more force than was necessary to relieve her of it. Obviously, she was not in the best of moods. Whatever had happened between her and Broc must not have been to her liking.

  Ariel took the tankard of ale he held and drank it. Ranulf accepted it back, now empty, and laughed. “You just had to ask and I would have happily poured you a drink.”

  Ariel chuckled. “Sorry. Broc is a pompous ass. He actually had the gall to tell me who I could associate with.”

  “Ah, let me guess. He does not want me around you. Right?”

  “Aye, but I put him in his place.”

  “Just exactly how did you manage that feat?”

  Ariel took Ranulf’s hand and pulled so he stood before her. “I told him you had asked me to be your wife.”

  Ranulf sucked in his breath. “And?”

  “I told him I probably would accept your offer.”

  Ranulf pulled her close and bent his head so he could rest his forehead against hers. “Why the sudden change of heart? You said you were not ready to have another man in your life.”

  She sighed deeply. “I know. Maybe I hoped in the back of my mind Broc would still be mine one day, but that has all changed. He has a wife. He has no need of me. Besides, he is not happy with what I have become. He would prefer me to don gowns and do nothing more strenuous than lift a needle.”

  After kissing her forehead, Ranulf pulled her head down so it lay against his chest. “The bastard. He told you that? How could he, especially when it was he who brought about all the changes in your life?”

  Ariel gave Ranulf a little squeeze. “Do not let him upset you so. I will let him be a part of Colwyn’s life, but that is all he will have. I want to start a new life, with you.”

  “You know how happy that makes me. I just think you still need some more time. You are not ready yet, but I will not let you get away that easily. Tomorrow, you and I will sit down with your father and sign betrothal contracts. Then, when you are truly ready, we will wed.”

  * * * *

  He walked for what had seemed like hours. Finally pulling himself together, Broc found himself standing behind the hall where Ariel and her father lived. It was inevitable. She had been the one and only constant thought on his mind. Seeing her chamber still held light, he headed around to the front. It was time to make a decision before it was too late.

  The main part of the hall was cloaked in darkness. The only light came from the banked fire in the hearth. It was just enough for Broc to quietly walk across the room. At the closed chamber door, he paused, not sure what he was about to do was the right choice.

  Without knocking, Broc plunged into the room before his courage left him. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. Ariel was stretched out on top of her bed in a deep sleep. The tunic and trews she usually wore had been taken off for the night. In their place a chemise clung to her curves. The light, white material only came to the tops of her knees, exposing a great deal of her legs. With her chest unbound, he had a view of the tops of her breasts. The sight of her lying there, free to be herself, almost undid him.

  As quietly as he could, Broc stepped to the bed. He stood over her, unable to s
top staring. She was a vision of what could have been his.

  Taking the opportunity given to him, Broc sat on the edge of the bed next to Ariel’s sleeping form. He had to touch her, hold her. It was an urge too strong to put aside. With hands that shook, he reached out and gently stroked her face. She slept on without waking. Growing bolder, he cupped her cheek, only to have her snuggle her face deeper into his hand. He couldn’t turn away. He crawled into the bed beside her.

  * * * *

  She was having a dream, and a very erotic dream at that. Since Broc’s return Ariel had been having them on a regular basis, but this one felt so real. Almost as if he actually touched her body, doing delicious things to it. Not wanting it to stop, she let the sensations that engulfed her have free reign.

  An ache started between her legs along with heat and wetness that pooled in her core. Broc’s dream hands played her body so knowingly. Ariel needed the sweet release only he could give her.

  A moan that came somewhere deep inside her body, escaped Ariel’s lips, bringing her fully awake. Shocked, she realized she was not having a dream, after all. Broc lay stretched out on the bed beside her. His fingers were still devastating her body with infinite finesse.

  Seeing Ariel was fully aware of him, Broc moved so he was partially lying atop her. He was fully aroused. The long, hard length of him pressed against her side. This was not right. No matter how much she had dreamed of this, wanted this, it had to stop.

  Ariel fought the sensations that took her over and tried to speak. She found she could not even manage the smallest of sounds. Broc bent his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth. All the fight drained out of her. Through her chemise, he used his tongue to lave and suckle her until she ached for him.

  Broc tugged on the ribbon at the neckline of her chemise and untied it, then pulled down, causing it to slip to her waist. He once more bent his head, only to stop before he reached her breast.

  She followed his line of sight. He saw the ring. The one he had given her. She still wore it on a gold chain around her neck. She had not been able to bring herself to take it off.

  Broc smiled. He growled with pleasure, swooped down, and took her exposed nipple deep inside his mouth. Unable to control herself any longer, Ariel laced her fingers into his hair, holding him to her. She arched her back, offering more of herself.

  He released her breast before he claimed her mouth. His kissed her demandingly. He swept his tongue along her bottom lip, and Ariel opened to allow him access. There would be no going back for both of them. She needed him just this one time more than anything.

  His lips left hers. Ariel opened her eyes. Broc intently stared at her. His gold eyes darkened with passion. Without taking his gaze from her, he reached down and pulled her chemise up her body, then threw it to the floor.

  Ariel fought the urge to cover her breasts with her hands. This was the first time she had ever been unclothed before a man. Broc slipped from the bed. With her attention focused on his movements, he stripped off his clothes until he stood gloriously naked before her.

  Ariel gasped. He was beautiful. There was no other way she could describe him. The thick slab of muscle that made up his chest was covered in curly, dark blond hair that arrowed down past his navel. His arms were heavily muscled as were his legs, and covered with the same curly hair. What caught her attention was what he had between his legs.

  His cock was fully aroused. All Ariel could think was how large he appeared. She could not believe her body had easily accommodated him the first time theirs had joined. She could not seem to take her gaze from that part of him.

  Broc climbed back onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. He once more swept her away on a wave of passion. He moved to stretch his full length on top of her. His legs came to rest between hers. The feel of his weight on her was glorious. She clutched his back and tried to pull him closer.

  He devoured her with his mouth. He trailed his fingers across her ribs as he shifted so he lay on his side next to her. He moved his hand lower until he reached her hot, slick channel. He groaned. Ariel was wet. His cock jumped in response. He rubbed a finger against her clit, which pushed her arousal higher. She moaned his name. He slipped one finger, then two, inside her, sliding them in and out. His tongue mirrored the movement of his hand.

  He drove her wild. Ariel needed more of him. Even though his skilled fingers were devastating her, they were no longer enough. She needed his body inside her. Whimpering with need, she pulled at Broc’s back, urging him to take her.

  Broc spread Ariel’s legs with his thigh, then entered her slowly. Inch by inch, he pushed his hard cock into her body until he was buried to the hilt. He kissed her tenderly, making her feel completely loved.

  He moved inside her, pulling out until he was almost at the point of leaving her body, then slowly entered her again. Ariel arched her hips, matching his strokes.

  Pleasure built to greater heights with each thrust of Broc’s body. Keeping his movements steady, he drifted his hand down between their bodies until he reached her clit—the center of her pleasure. He rubbed the little nubbin of skin back and forth. It was enough to send Ariel plunging into an intense climax. As her body clamped around his shaft, she moaned her pleasure into his mouth. He thrust powerfully a few more times. He stiffened, then he filled her with his seed. He collapsed on top of her.

  Ariel let her eyes drift shut as little spasms of pleasure still gripped her. She tightly held Broc. She felt loved and cherished.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Broc rolled onto his side and then pulled Ariel up against him. Her eyes were closed, but he knew she did not sleep. He quietly studied her face. She was lovely. After what they had done, he loved her even more, if that was possible. He would never be able to give her up now. She had become a necessity, like the air he breathed. She stirred, her sky-blue eyes fluttered open, and she gazed at him.

  He smiled warmly. “Hello.”

  The blood drained from Ariel’s face until it appeared quite white. “My god, what have I done?” She tried to sit up, but he pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her to him.

  “Shh. You have done nothing wrong.”

  Ariel fought his hold and managed to slip out of his arms to sit up. “Nothing wrong? I have done it again. I do not know what it is, but whenever I am around you, I lose my senses. I vowed I would never give myself to you again.”

  Broc could not keep the smile off his face. “Well, you did. I, for one, do not regret it.”

  “Of course you would not, but what if we made another child?”

  “If we made another one, I will be happy for it.”

  “You would be glad to have another child born illegitimate?”

  Broc shook his head. “Nay, I never said that.”

  Ariel looked at him with a confused expression. “It will be. If you have forgotten, you are married to Alwen.”

  “Not after I go to London and meet with William.”

  “You are making less sense with each word you say. How exactly is that going to be of any help?”

  Broc reached for her and stroked Ariel’s cheek. “I learned something about Alwen today. It seems she is still a virgin.”

  “How can that be? Everyone knows the bedsheet had blood on it the next day.”

  “On our wedding night I drank myself into a stupor. To put it bluntly, I could not perform my husbandly duty. I passed out.”

  “Then explain how the sheets had blood on them,”

  Broc chuckled. “Alwen decided to hide the fact she remained untouched. While I slept, she cut her arm and divested me of my clothes. In the morning, I assumed I had truly made her my wife. I had no memory of that night.”

  “You just found this out today?” Ariel had started to piece together the information.

  “Aye. I know what you are thinking. I could not bring myself to touch her. She was not you.”

  Ariel brought Broc’s head down and thoroughly kissed him. She was
the first to break contact. “All the nights I lay in my lonely bed, picturing you making love to Alwen, and she was a virgin. What will you do in London?”

  Already feeling the absence of her lips, Broc pulled himself back under control. He could understand Ariel’s need to have all her questions answered. “I am going to ask William to give his support in having my marriage to Alwen annulled. I do not love her. I never did. I want to be free of her.”

  “So, where does that leave us? I need to know.”

  Broc smiled and kissed the tip of Ariel’s nose. “That depends entirely on you, my lady. When we last spoke, you said you were going to wed Ranulf. If I obtain an annulment, will you wed me instead?”

  Ariel nodded. “Aye, my lord, I will become your wife. I will talk to Ranulf. I hope he understands my decision.”

  With a whoop, Broc hugged her close. “I will leave for London in the morning.”

  Ariel managed to pull back far enough to look intently at Broc. “I will be your wife, but I will not change what I am. I am a knight. Just because you take me to wife does not mean I will go back to wearing gowns and sit sewing the whole day through. If you cannot accept that, then I suggest you do not go to London.”

  Broc’s smile disappeared as he turned serious. “I would never ask you to change.” Ariel opened her mouth to speak. He pressed a finger across her lips to silence her. “I know what I said this afternoon. I only said it to hurt you. Every time I see you with Ranulf I go a little crazy. I love you just the way you are. I would be proud to have a wife who is a knight. One who fought with the fryd and was one of Harold’s house carls. We could protect Elmstead together.”

  Ariel smiled. “Well, then I will be your wife. Godspeed on your trip to London, my lord.”

  * * * *

  The moon was full with not a cloud to cover its bright face. The thousands of stars that hung in the heavens glittered like diamonds. Alwen noticed none of those things.


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