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Lady Knight

Page 25

by Marisa Chenery

  With a jerk, she opened them. She could have only slept for a few seconds, but surprisingly she found Broc in front of her. The baby still nursed.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Broc smiled. “You said I could speak with you today.”

  “I am feeding the baby.”

  “I can see that.”

  Knowing Broc was being deliberately obtuse, trying to get a rise out of her, Ariel took a deep breath. “I want you to leave. You can come back when I have finished.”

  “I think not. I have never seen a woman nurse her child before.”

  There was no point in arguing with him, for it would only upset the baby. “Stay if you want. She is almost finished, anyway.” Which was true. The baby’s sucking came in fits and spurts. Sleep would claim her soon.

  “Did you have a chance to think about the name I suggested?” He stared at the sight of his daughter nursing. The baby’s little hand lay on Ariel’s breast.

  “Aye, I did. Brianna is fine with me. I had no other name chosen.”

  “Then Brianna it is.”

  The silence stretched between them. Broc grabbed the chair opposite from Ariel and moved it so he sat a few inches from her knees. He leaned forward and quietly watched Brianna.

  With her belly full, Brianna released Ariel’s nipple and dozed off. Ariel pulled her tunic closed before she propped her daughter into a sitting position and gently patted her back.

  “Can I try?”

  Finding no real reason to deny him, Ariel nodded. She placed the baby on Broc’s knee and set one of his hands onto Brianna’s chest so her chin rested on it. The other she settled on the small back.

  Brianna looked so tiny held in Broc’s large hands. As if he were almost afraid he would hurt her, he lightly patted her back. Ariel quietly laughed, which caused him to look at her.

  “What is so funny?”

  “You are. What do you think you will accomplish with that tapping?”

  “I am burping her.”

  “Well, you had better put some strength behind those taps or you will never move the gas.”

  Broc looked decidedly uneasy. “I do not want to hurt her.”

  “You will not. Here, I will show you.”

  Ariel wrapped her fingers around Broc’s wrist and then moved his hand on and off Brianna’s back. After she figured he had the hang of it, she let him continue while she still held his wrist. A couple of good pats and a loud belch escaped the baby’s lips. At his shocked look, Ariel laughed.

  Joining in on the laughter, Broc stared at Ariel. One moment he laughed and the next the laughter fell away from his face. Flames of passion flickered in his gold eyes. She released his wrist. If things had been different, she would have responded in kind. The rejection she had received from him in the past held her back. Feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze, she went to take Brianna.

  “Give her to me. I will put her in her cradle. She will sleep until her next feeding.”

  After relinquishing the baby, Broc followed Ariel to the cradle. Once Brianna as all tucked in, he grabbed Ariel around the waist. He turned her and pulled her against him.

  “Now we can have our talk.”

  Ariel shoved against his chest, hoping he would release her. He did not. “Let me go and I will speak with you.”

  Broc appeared to think over her request, then shook his head. “Nay, this way you cannot walk away.”

  Not having the energy to fight with him right now, Ariel made no other overtures for her release. “Very well, speak.”

  “I know my behavior toward you has been unacceptable, but I hope you can overlook it. I wish for us to start over, make a fresh start.”

  Ariel stiffened. He could not be serious. After months of being treated as low as the mud on his boots, he wanted her to forget what had happened. It could not be done. The wounds were still too fresh.

  “How can you expect me to let the past go so easily? You are asking me to do something I find impossible.”

  Broc pushed on. “Why not? I am willing to forget what passed between you and Geoffrey. It goes against the grain, but I will push it from my mind.”

  The audacity of the man knew no bounds. He really needed to be knocked down a notch or two. Ariel would happily oblige by giving Broc the sharp edge of her tongue, but first she could no longer stand the close contact. She threw all her weight behind her and shoved him with both hands on his chest. Caught off guard, he lost his balance and landed on his rump with a thud. If she had not been so angry, she would have found the sight of him rubbing his abused backside amusing, but not that day.

  “How generous of you to forgive me for something that never even happened. You can take your fresh start and go to hell.”

  Standing, Broc intently looked at her. “What do you mean it never happened? You slept with Geoffrey.”

  “Aye, but not in that way. You have never given me a chance to explain. The first night he wanted sex, but when I stayed unresponsive, he let me be. After that, I just slept in the bed next to him. He wanted to protect me from his men. If they assumed we were having sex, I would be safe from their advances.”

  Broc paled slightly. “It looks as if I have to apologize to Geoffrey as well as to you. I am sorry. I just do not want to lose you.”

  “You already have. How can I trust you again after this? If I accept you back, what are the chances of you turning on me once more? The one time I needed your understanding and support you withheld it.”

  Broc sadly looked at her. “I would give anything to go back to that first day and change how I handled the situation. The right thing to do was for me to ignore the pain I felt and be there for you. Yours had to have been the greater.”

  Sadly, Ariel shook her head. “You cannot go back. The hurt has been done, and I find myself unable to forget the pain you caused me. For the sake of my heart, I must keep you out.”

  “What about the children?”

  “You know how I feel about that. They are as much yours as they are mine. I will not keep them from you. We might not have a relationship, but I would like us to share our children.”

  “I will take whatever you can give me.” After pressing a kiss to Ariel’s forehead, Broc left the hall.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  A month passed, and Lady Mary and Lord Eustance decided it was time for them to return to their home in Normandy. Even though Broc’s older brother was capable of filling in during Lord Eustance’s absence, they agreed they had been gone too long.

  The day of their leave-taking was a sad one. Tears were not held back as Lady Mary and Ariel hugged each other goodbye. Sensing something was going on that involved his grandparents, Colwyn wrapped his arms and legs around Lord Eustance’s leg and refused to let go. Broc’s father took a moment to play with his grandson one last time as he walked around the yard, asking where Colwyn could be. That made Colwyn squeal with delight.

  Once their departure could not be delayed any longer, Broc pried Colwyn’s arms from around his father’s leg and then swung him onto his shoulders. Deciding sitting there was just as fun, Colwyn grabbed a handful of Broc’s hair and commenced to hit him on the head. Broc winced with each blow his small son gave him as he bade his parents a fond farewell. The St. Ceneris made sure they received promises of a visit to their home in Normandy from Broc and Ariel before mounting their horses. Lady Mary even managed to convince Swein to visit as well.

  A few days later, Lisette and Geoffrey made preparations for their departure. This farewell was a trifle more reserved. Since the birth of Brianna, Broc had grudgingly attempted to get along with Geoffrey. Surprisingly, they found a lot to like about each other.

  There was a definite chill to the air, and everyone was wrapped in heavy cloaks. As they spoke, their breaths puffed out in clouds. Soon no one would want to be traveling for any long distances.

  Lisette kissed Ariel and Broc, then went to stand next to her husband. “I expect you both to come see us at Kilsmere, say
in about seven months from now. That should be approximately when our first child will be born. I would really like you, Ariel, to be with me when my time comes.”

  Smiling, Ariel hugged Lisette. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Broc shake Geoffrey’s hand. “I am so happy for you, Lisette. I promise to come to Kilsmere, but be prepared where I go, husband and children follow.”

  “We have plenty of room, as well you know. You are all welcome to come.”

  Geoffrey assisted his wife onto her horse, and once more came to stand before Ariel and Broc. He seemed undecided about something. After taking a quick look at Broc, he swooped down and gave her a kiss. Just as fast, he stepped away and then mounted his steed.

  As they headed through the village, Ariel could not shake the feeling that she was being left alone with Broc. Her blood pumped at a faster pace, but she forced herself under control before she could get out of hand.

  “Is what you said to Lisette true?”

  Startled, Ariel jumped at the sound of Broc’s voice. He stood close behind her. Her body quickly responded to his nearness, making her heart race. “What…what I said?”

  His breath gently stirred her hair with each word he spoke. “Aye. Where you go, you would take me along.”

  Ariel found it hard to think clearly with him so very close. “O-Of course,” she stammered. “You are my husband. We might not share intimacies, but we still can be friends.”

  “Really?” Broc stepped even closer. Ariel felt the heat from his body radiating into her back. “I hope we can be very close friends.”

  With her emotions running high, Ariel sought a way to discreetly step away. Before she had the chance to even try, a baby’s indignant wail could be heard coming from the hall.

  Broc chuckled. “It sounds as if our daughter is hungry. She does have a way of demanding your attention.”

  Already heading in that direction, Ariel cringed at the sound of Brianna’s crying. “That she does. It helps to have a good set of lungs as well. I had better rescue my father from her before she renders him unable to hear.”

  Swein paced the floor with his granddaughter in his arms. As he walked, he bounced her, trying to settle her. Brianna was having none of it and continued to cry all the louder. Ariel had to give her father credit, though, he was giving it his all, even going as far as to offer the squalling infant his finger to suck on. His attempts were met with no success.

  Ariel relieved him of her upset daughter and then went to sit in the chair next to the hearth. In passing, she noticed Colwyn on the floor with his small hands covering his ears, trying to block out the sound of his sister’s cries. She hastily unfastened her tunic and then offered her breast to Brianna. The baby clamped down on her nipple and greedily sucked. The hall fell blessedly silent.

  Not having a howling child in his arms to contend with any longer, Swein visibly relaxed. “I am glad you were not too far away. I would hate to see what would have happened if you did not come back quickly. It seems as if your daughter has a slight temper.”

  The thought of her father trying to appease Brianna for any length of time when her belly was empty made Ariel laugh. At the sound, her daughter opened her eyes and paused in her sucking. Ariel patted her back, and Brianna continued nursing.

  “If you call Brianna’s temper slight, Father, I would hate to see what she would be like when it is full blown.”

  Joining in the conversation, Broc said, “We will give her a sword once she is grown. Brianna is sure to be stiff competition for Colwyn.”

  Swein and Ariel exchanged glances, then looked at Broc. He appeared to be quite serious. She had to ask just to make sure. “Is that what you want, Broc? You would not be bothered if our daughter chose to take up the sword?”

  “How could I be? Her mother is a knight, by my own hand, I might add. It is in her blood. In fact, I will encourage her to take up the sword. I want her to be able to defend herself.”

  Knocked speechless by her husband’s intentions, Ariel could only stare at him. Oblivious to her shocked expression, Broc sat on the floor with his son for some play time.

  * * * *

  A week later, Ranulf and Lily returned to Elmstead. They made much of Brianna. With Lily wed, Ariel had not expected her to continue in her duties, but Lily would hear none of it. She said until she had a child of her own to take care of she would lend assistance to Ariel.

  The baby was settled into a daily routine, allowing Ariel to find more time for herself. Lily watched the children when Ariel wanted time to practice with her sword. Ranulf happily partnered her once more. He said while he had been in London he had hardly picked up his and needed to get back into shape. There were times when he would decide to stay with Lily and play with the children, then Broc would step in and cross swords with her, which pleased her.

  Memories of the days spent training for her knighthood were fondly remembered. It was during those times that Broc had been the closest to her. Those days she missed, and was thrilled to be able to once more test herself against her husband.

  Today, she decided to forgo her usual practice. The day was warm for that time of year and the sun shone brightly. Thinking to take advantage of such good weather, Ariel headed to the meadow. She had not been there since her return from Kilsmere. Suffering under Broc’s treatment, she had not wanted any reminders of what could have been.

  Sounds of nature washed over her. Birds sang in the trees, and a gentle breeze pulled at her hair. The meadow was still her favorite place to go when she needed some time alone.

  Her steps led her where they might until Ariel found herself heading in the direction of the pond. Like the meadow, it remained the same in an ever-changing world. Today she noticed a change had taken place. A hut stood near the water’s edge. A few trees had been removed to accommodate the structure, making its presence seem isolated in a sea of trees. It gave the feeling of privacy.

  Ariel skirted the pond and went to the hut. It had been built using the same design the villagers used, but much larger. Curious as to what other changes might have been done to the inside, she grabbed the door handle and pushed it open.

  That was where the similarities to the villagers’ huts ended. Instead of just hard-packed dirt, fresh rushes covered every inch of the floor. The walls had been whitewashed. A small table, along with two chairs, sat in the middle of the room close to a fire pit. What drew her attention the most was the large bed in the far corner.

  It was covered in beautifully-made sheets, sun bleached to a perfect white. A thick pile of rich furs was spread atop the mattress. The overall appearance was of a lovers’ retreat from the outside world.

  Only one person could have arranged for that hut to be built on that particular spot. It had to have been Broc. No other knew what had taken place there. She had not even told her father what had happened at the pond. Then, almost as if he had sensed her thoughts, Broc appeared at her side.

  “Was this your doing?”

  “Aye.” Broc went to the fire pit and placed some of the wood he carried inside it. “Do you like it?”

  “It is lovely.”

  Broc struck a flint, and a spark turned into a small flame that licked greedily at the wood.

  With the fire well established, Broc stood. His eyes held an intensity that made Ariel aware of her woman’s body, especially when he moved his gaze up and down her body. She felt drawn to him.

  “I am glad you approve. Consider it a marriage present.”

  “How…why?” Ariel did not understand why he would do this when their marriage was not a close one.

  Broc smiled, making her heart beat erratically. “As to how, I had some of the villagers build it while I stayed in London looking for you. My mother graciously furnished the inside. The bed was her doing. As to why, it is really quite simple. This place holds great meaning to me. Here is where I met and claimed my one true mate. Here is where I found the only woman I could ever give my heart to.”

  A rush of desire so keen
it made any kind of thought near impossible rushed through Ariel. Her whole being focused on the man who stood before her. Losing herself in a set of blazing gold eyes, the outside world fell away, leaving only the two of them in their own realm of existence.

  Broc pulled Ariel hard against his body. “I need you, Ariel. More than I have needed anything in my whole life. Do not reject me. I have suffered enough for my past actions. Give me some peace.” He bent his head toward her. His lips hovered a breath away from her mouth. “Let me.”

  Ariel could no more deny him then stop her heart from beating. For in denying Broc, she would be denying herself the pleasure only he could give. She sighed in acceptance, closed the short distance between their lips, and wound her arms around his neck. Groaning, he pulled her even closer. Her breasts flattened against his hard chest.

  The joining of their lips was fierce, holding none of the gentleness as it had in previous meetings. Neither of them had the patience for such wooing. Their hunger had been too long denied and shoved aside. Once unleashed, their passion ran rampant. Broc lifted Ariel off her feet and walked to the bed in two long strides. After laying her on the soft mattress, he followed her down.


  Swords dropped to the floor with a thud as they hit the rushes. Clothes were flung in every which way in their haste to be free of them. Broc knew he was going too fast, especially since this would be Ariel’s first time since giving birth. He hated himself for it, but he could not wait any longer. Too many nights he had been haunted with dreams of her, with her held in his arms exactly like this.

  Now that she lay beside him in all her naked glory, he skimmed his gaze over every inch of her. For a woman who had recently given birth, her body was virtually unchanged. The only indication of her motherhood was a slightly rounded stomach and a faint brown line running from her navel to the curling hair that shielded her sex.

  Broc claimed her lips once more until she wriggled impatiently under him. Wanting more, he nibbled her throat and down to her breasts. They were full and heavy with milk. Watching her for any sign of resistance, he suckled one. She closed her eyes and pulled him closer.


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