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Faster: 100 Ways to Improve your Digital Life

Page 20

by Fadia, Ankit

Bump and the Bump logo are registered trademarks of Bump Technologies Inc., used with permission.

  For example, imagine a situation where I have taken some holiday photos with my mobile phone, and want to Bump them to my friend John Doe. For that to happen, both John and I need to start the Bump app on our phones. Once Bump is launched, I have to select all the photos I want to share with John.

  Now, while holding our mobile phones in our hands in the normal position, John and I have to do a gentle fist bump. Immediately, the Bump app kicks in and displays a notification on the screens of both the mobile phones that the other person is trying to establish a connection. For the selected photos to be exchanged between the two phones, both John and I need to press the Connect button.

  Bump and the Bump logo are registered trademarks of Bump Technologies Inc., used with permission.

  Bump and the Bump logo are registered trademarks of Bump Technologies Inc., used with permission.

  Within a few seconds, the selected photos will be transferred from my phone to John’s phone via Bump. Similarly, it is also possible to use Bump to exchange business cards with someone else by simply doing a gentle fist bump with them.

  Once you are back from a long holiday, you can use Bump to even transfer photos from your phone to your laptop. Start your browser and connect to Open Bump on your mobile phone and select the photos you wish to bump to your laptop. Connect your phone to your laptop by pressing the spacebar key with your mobile phone. A connection notification will now be displayed on both your mobile phone and your browser screens. Press the Connect button on your mobile phone to transfer the selected photos.

  Soon enough, the selected photos will be magically transferred from your mobile phone to your desktop and displayed in your browser. No need for wires or anything! Bump will allow you to either save the photos on your computer or instantly share them with your friends.


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  First published in Portfolio by Penguin Books India 2013

  Copyright © Ankit Fadia 2013

  Design by Tara Upadhyay

  Cover illustration by Leandro Castelao

  This book contains proprietary material and all rights in the book (including in any screenshots, illustrations included in the work) are reserved with the authors and/or creators of such content.

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  ISBN: 978-0-143-41970-9

  This digital edition published in 2013.

  e-ISBN: 978-8-184-75951-8




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